Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1716: Chaos point

Seeing the golden sergeant in front of them showing them the usefulness of their identity cards, Ye Tian was taken aback. This was somewhat similar to the Skynet they had built in the Zhenwu Temple, but this chaotic network can spread across the entire wilderness and is much stronger than their Skynet. Up.


"Lord of the universe, like you who have just been promoted, don't understand anything. It's best to learn more about the Chaos Network, or you will die miserably if you leave the Chaos Universe without permission." Sergeant Gold put away his identity card and glanced at it. Ye Tian and Wang Feng said with a glance.


   Ye Tian and Wang Feng are not angry, after all, this golden sergeant is pretty good and can remind them.


   Next, the Golden Sergeant took them to complete the identification card, mainly to register the identification information. Of course, they don't care if the identity information is true or not.


   However, Ye Tian and Wang Feng did not use false names.


   Because of the huge wilderness, there are too many creatures.


   Ye Tian and Wang Feng alone don’t know that there are hundreds of billions of people. Could it be that the people of the Ancient Protoss and the Ancient Demons still check one by one? Wouldn't it be exhausting?


"Okay, with your identity card, you can move freely in our Zhanwu Universe. However, I want to remind you that it is best to find a job quickly, or you will be expelled from the Martial Universe." Sergeant Golden finished. He took people away.


   Ye Tian wondered: "What does he mean? Don't we find a job here, the people from Zhanwu Universe will expel us?"


Wang Feng is currently checking information through the Chaos Network. He opened his eyes when he heard the words and said: "I know what he means. I just looked at it. It takes a chaos point to stay in this Zhanwu Universe for an era. If we If you haven't earned Chaos Points, they will expel us when an era expires."


   "Chaos point?" Ye Tian quickly checked his ID card and logged into the Chaos Network through the ID card. He saw an interface with his own information and account balance.


   At this time, Ye Tian's account balance is 0 Chaos Point.


   Wang Feng’s account balance is the same.


   Obviously, they have just registered their identity information, and there is not a single point of chaos.


   "An era...It seems we have to find something to do." After a while, Ye Tian opened his eyes and said.


   Wang Feng nodded and said, "First, let's get some chaos points. Now our strength is too weak. If we go out, we may be caught by chaos pirates and sold as slaves."


   Through the Chaos Network, Wang Feng already knows some information.


  The living environment in the wilderness is very dangerous, especially in the boundless chaos outside the Chaos Universe. There are many chaotic pirates. They specialize in looting some loose repairs without a background of influence, looting their belongings, and then selling them as slaves.


  There is no human rights in the waste world, and no one will give you justice.


   It is good luck to be sold as a slave. Those with bad luck may be killed or even refined to improve their cultivation level. In short, it is very miserable.


   Of course, if you have a strong background, then some Chaos Pirates will not dare to provoke you.


  Like the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Demon, and the Nine Heavens, people from these forces walk outside, and the pirates of Chaos are evasive.




   At this time, Ye Tian and Wang Feng both found a place on the side of the road, and carefully checked the Chaos Network.


   Soon after, they opened their eyes.


   "Go to the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce to exchange some Chaos Points!"


   The two said almost in unison, and then smiled at each other.


   Just now, they have all explored how to obtain Chaos Points. One is to find a job, and the other is to sell their treasures to the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce in exchange for Chaos Points.


   Looking for a job is to find a job in the Zhanwu Universe. Patrolling guards like the Golden Sergeant is actually a job. Chaos points will be issued on time in each era.


   Of course, other forces stationed in the branch of the Zhanwu Universe also have information on recruiting personnel.


   However, if your strength is too low and you don't have any powerful refining tools or alchemy methods, you will get very few Chaos Points through your work.


   Moreover, work also delays training time.


   Therefore, Ye Tian and Wang Feng considered for a while, they should first earn Chaos Points by selling treasures.


   "I still have some collections for so many years, most of which are treasures used by the supreme. Now I don't need it anymore. I just sold it and replaced it with Chaos Point." Wang Feng said.


   "Me too!" Ye Tian also said.


   Right now, the two searched the map of Zhanwu Universe on the Chaos Network and found the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce.


   The Kyushu Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the wilderness, and it is also the chamber of commerce with the best reputation. It almost monopolizes more than 60% of the transactions in the entire wilderness, and is a behemoth second only to the four major forces.


   Some people even said that if it were not for the Three Realms behind the Heavenly God Temple, the Demon God Temple, and the back of the Nine Heavens, the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce could be on an equal footing with them.


  Furthermore, the water behind the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce is also very deep. This Chamber of Commerce is made up of many power alliances, and there are even large forces from the chaotic world. Its background is so strong that no one in the wilderness dares to provoke.


   Ye Tian and Wang Feng also fancy each other's good reputation. After all, they are newcomers and they are easily deceived.


   The Kyushu Chamber of Commerce is indeed a powerful chamber of commerce. Their branch in the Zhanwu Universe covers a large area. Among them, there are many practitioners coming and going, and they are all densely packed with people.


   However, the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce implements fully automated services, so it is very efficient.


For example, if Ye Tian and Wang Feng wanted to exchange Chaos Points, they directly found the counter for the exchange of Chaos Points, then took out the treasures to be exchanged, and put them in the inspection array on the counter. The information about the treasures came out immediately, and also The exchange price is attached.


   At this time, Wang Feng took out a supreme artifact and went in.


   The formation method flashed, and an information screen appeared in front of Ye Tian and Wang Feng.


   "Supreme High quality, worth 1 Chaos Point."


   Seeing this confidence, Ye Tian and Wang Feng were speechless.


   A superior supreme artifact, placed in the original universe, will definitely drive countless people crazy, even the pinnacle supreme will use weapons of this level, it is only worth a chaos point.


  Wang Feng looked at the exchange staff on the opposite side and asked: "Senior, the first-class supreme artifact is worth a chaotic point? Can't it be mistaken?"


The exchange staff on the opposite side came from the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. The service was very good. He was not angry when he heard Wang Feng’s doubts, but said with a smile on his face: "Little brother, you have just been promoted to the Lord of the Universe? Our Kyushu Chamber of Commerce exchange service is the whole The best and most accurate one in the wild world, how could something go wrong? If something goes wrong, we will return it ten thousand times."


  Wang Feng is right to think about it, how could such a huge chamber of commerce deceive him a little Tier 1 universe master.


   Now, Wang Feng exchanged this supreme artifact, and his account balance finally changed from 0 to 1. ) Download the free reader!!

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