Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1725: Shady

In the Chaos Network, Ye Tian is searching for information about the Six Star Sea Pirate Group.


From the Chaos Network, Ye Tian learned that the pirate group is also hierarchical, with one star being the lowest and ten stars being the highest. The level of the pirate group depends on the group leader. What level is the leader of the universe, then the pirate group is What level.


  And the so-called six-star pirate group, its leader is the master of the sixth-order universe.


"Tier six? It shouldn't be that simple!" Ye Tian fell into deep thought when he saw this. If the opponent is only the master of the sixth-order universe, then Yanhuo, who has reached the master of the seventh-order universe, can easily defeat him, and it will not. The loss is great.


   Even, as far as Ye Tian knows, there are more than a dozen Tier 6 universe masters in the Flame Mercenary Group, and these alone can easily destroy this six-star pirate group.


   "Forget it, then act by chance!" After a while, Ye Tian shook his head, he really couldn't figure out why.


   Yanhuo Mercenary Group did not tell them any information about the six-star pirate group, so they could not inquire on Chaos Network.


   He can only wait with peace of mind, waiting for the battle to come.


   Ye Tian discovered these pirate groups, the highest is only ten stars, no more than ten stars. This shows that in the pirate group, there is no overlord of the universe.


  It’s right to think about it, the overlord of the universe is powerful and can dominate one side. Whether it is to create a power or join a certain power, you can get what you want, so why bother to be a pirate? Isn't that an insult to your reputation?


   Even if it is a ten-star pirate group, its number is very small.


  Moreover, the heads of these ten-star pirate groups are all incognito characters, because when they are promoted to the overlord of the universe, they will inevitably get rid of their pirate identity and walk the wasteland again with another identity.


   After all, at the level of the overlord of the universe, he cares about his reputation, how can he bear the bad reputation of pirates.


   "It's really a group of despicable and shameless people!" Ye Tian saw this with a sneer and mockery on his face.


   By being a pirate to rob passers-by, accumulate training resources, and wait until he is promoted to the overlord of the universe, and then change his identity to re-behave, this is really shameless.


   However, many people in the Chaos Pirate industry will be willing to do it at that time. After all, robbery is the fastest way to accumulate training resources. Of course, it is also a very dangerous profession. It will provoke some people who can't provoke it at any time, and will be called by some mercenary groups.


   "Huh? Who is this?"


   Suddenly, Ye Tian received a call request from someone he didn't know.


   Generally speaking, in the chaotic network, because the chaotic network can simulate anything, they can communicate face-to-face, but rarely talk alone.


   Besides, Ye Tian didn't recognize this strange name either.


   After thinking about it for a moment, Ye Tian was still connected. After all, through the Chaos Network, the other party could not do anything unfavorable to him.


   "Brother is called Ye Tian, ​​isn't it? You are now following the Yanhuo Mercenary Corps to participate in the mercenary assessment, right." As soon as the connection was made, a cold voice came.


   Ye Tian said indifferently: "What's the matter if I get my information so clear? Let's just say it!"


  He was thinking in his heart, could it be that the ancient demons and ancient gods found him?


"Hehe, nothing else, just want to make friends with Brother Ye." The man smiled slightly, and then whispered: "Brother Ye, do you want to pass the mercenary assessment safely? You want to know about Yanhuo mercenary Mission information for the group?"


   Ye Tian suddenly understood what this man did. He sneered and said lightly: "What price do I have to pay? How can I believe that what you are saying is true?"


   "Hehe, Brother Ye has been worrying too much. The most important thing in our business is the word ‘credibility’. And I will swear by the Chaos Avenue that if there is any deception, I will not be able to make progress in my life.


This person smiled and continued: "As for the price, we are also fair. As long as you pay 100 Chaos Points, we will tell you the information about the mission of the Flame Mercenary Group. If you are willing to pay a thousand Chaos Points, Then we guarantee that you will safely pass this mercenary assessment."


   Ye Tian sneered after hearing the words: "I believe you really know the mission information of the Flame Mercenary Group, but under the eyes of the Flame Mercenary Group, how do you safely protect me from successfully passing this assessment?"


"We are not protecting you, we just know the management of some Yanhuo Mercenary Corps, and they can arrange for you to go to some safe place to perform tasks. Generally speaking, your chances of surviving will reach 90%. Nine, unless you have bad luck." The man laughed.


   Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said: "First send the information about the mission of the Flame Mercenary Group." After that, Ye Tian transferred a hundred chaotic points.


   With this transfer, Ye Tian only had 100 chaotic points left.


   And the other party also talked about credibility. After receiving Ye Tian's transfer, he immediately sent some information.


   Ye Tian looked closely, his face suddenly became gloomy.


  Where is the six-star pirate group, it is clearly the seven-star pirate group.


   Knowing from the confidence sent by that person just now, the leader of this six-star pirate group has been promoted to the realm of the seventh-order universe, so the opponent's pirate group has also been upgraded to seven-star.


   In other words, this time they were dealing with a Seven-Star Pirate Group, an existence equivalent to the Flame Mercenary Group.


   In this way, even if the Yanhuo Mercenary Group has a better chance of winning, it will definitely be a hard fight. By then, they will have a very high mortality rate as cannon fodder.


   "No wonder Yan Huo is so kind and wants to divide our spoils. It turns out that he wants to give full play to our role and work for them." Ye Tian's face was gloomy.


And the person just now can know this information, and even arrange for them to pass the assessment'safely'. This person or the forces behind him ~ must have something with the mercenary union and the flame mercenary group. contact.


   There are too many shady scenes here.


   Ye Tian couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. Fortunately, he has a demon lair, otherwise he would die this time.


   Of course, even if there is a den of devil, Ye Tian dare not care.


   Well, he learned this information in advance, and he was somewhat prepared by then.


   "By the way, that person can contact me, as well as other people participating in the assessment!" Ye Tian thought secretly.


   In the following days, Ye Tian often went out to deal with those newcomers who also participated in the assessment. Sure enough, he found some people's faces were gloomy and worried, and some people were confident and smiling.


   The former is probably the price of paying a hundred chaos points, knowing that this mission is very dangerous.


   The latter should be the price of paying a thousand chaos points, and this mission can be passed safely. ) Download the free reader!!

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