Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1757: Level 4

"Oh my God, what did I see? That is the third level of "Indestructible Jade Body"?"


   "This is only a few dozen epochs, this kid has actually trained the third level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", how is this possible?"


"I remember that Ouyang Wuhui from Shengdao Academy took more than 100 epochs to train into the third level of "Indestructible Tribulation", right? The same is true for Dongfang Xiongtian of Extinction Academy. Is this kid in "Indestructible Tribulation" Are the talents in "Body" higher than them?"




   There was a tumult in the square.


   Some students who hadn't put Ye Tian in their eyes before, were looking at Ye Tian seriously at this moment, and did not dare to laugh at all in their eyes.


   Because they know very well that Ye Tian, ​​who has such a terrifying talent, will definitely be the big brother of the Miedao Academy in the future.


   "Desolation is in the sky, sure enough, I guess it is right, this is Ye Tian." Among the crowd, Dongfang Daoji's face was excited, and it was also a little weird.


   In just a few tens of epochs, he has practiced the third-level "Indestructible Robbery", which is also ranked in the top ten in the history of the Dahuang Wuyuan.


   may even be the number one, anyway, Dongfang Daoji doesn't remember it clearly.


   The history of Dahuang Wuyuan is too long.


   "Damn, this guy actually trained into the third level of "Indestructible Calamity"!" On the square, Qiu Yangxu's eyes were gloomy and his face was extremely ugly.


He did not expect that Ye Tian would practice the third level of "Indestructible Calamity Body", so it was too late to display the fourth level of "Empirical Magic Book", so he was torn the three illusory worlds by Ye Tian's sword in one fell swoop, and broke free. Out of the illusion.


   The incomparable blade even left a blood stain on his cheek.


   This is a shame to Qiu Yangxu.


   You know, in Dahuang Wuyuan, it is the greatest shame that the old students are defeated by the new students.


  Because the exercises of the Fourth Avenue Institute are very difficult to practice, generally speaking, the strength of the old students who have been practicing for a long time is definitely better than that of the new students who have been practicing for a short time.


   "You should have practiced the fourth level of "The Empty Magic Book", come on!" After Ye Tian tore through the three illusory worlds, he looked at Qiu Yangxu sharply, and the sword pointed at the other side, and said coldly.


   This is arrogant provocation.


   Qiu Yangxu's face was exposed with blue veins, and his eyes were fierce, and he roared: "Boy, you are too arrogant. Do you really think that the third level of "Indestructible Calamity" is invincible in the world?"


  While speaking, Qiu Yangxu displayed the fourth layer of "The Treasure of Empty Fantasy". In an instant, the four imaginary worlds were superimposed on each other, like four big mountains, and they were suppressing Ye Tian.


   "The Treasure of Empty Fantasy" is very mysterious, every imaginary world is very real, and the four imaginary worlds are superimposed together, it is like a real world.


In these illusory big worlds, countless powerful people at the pinnacle of the fourth-order universe rush to Ye Tian like a tide, almost more than Ye Tian’s creation of heavenly demons. At first glance, they are densely packed, not at all. Know how many enemies there are.


   After all, it takes time to create a heavenly devil's lair, but in the illusory world, Qiu Yangxu can make as many enemies as he wants to make as long as his heart is moved.


   You can say these enemies are fictitious, because they pose no threat to people outside the illusory world, but if you are trapped in the illusory world, these enemies are all real.


   This is also the terrifying aspect of "The Treasure of Empty Magic". With this trick, the disciples of the Magical Academy can be fearless whether they are facing the crowded tactics or the group attack tactics.


  In the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, everyone knows that if you want to defeat the disciples of the Illusion Academy, you must first defeat their illusory world.


   "Boy, go to hell, I don't believe you can practice the fourth level of "Indestructible Calamity" in just a few dozen epochs." Qiu Yangxu looked at Ye Tian, ​​who was trapped in the four illusory worlds, and said with a grinning smile.


   Under Qiu Yangxu's control, countless enemies were slain towards Ye Tian, ​​and they simply didn't give Ye Tian a chance to escape.


   Outside, everyone in the square closed their breath, feeling extremely nervous, even they were a little worried.


"Ye Tian is really over now, but he can be regarded as a glorious defeat. After all, the third level of "Indestructible Calamity" has been trained in just a few dozen epochs. As long as he is given time, the future surpassing Qiu Yangxu is just around the corner. ."


   "Qiu Yangxu is too shameless, and he will only bully the new students. He has the ability to challenge the old students who have practiced the fourth level of "Indestructible Tribulation"."


   "You said, Ye Tian won't practice the fourth level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body"!"


   "What a joke, dozens of epochs have wanted to practice the fourth level of "Indestructible Calamity". The entire history of the Great Desolate Wuyuan has never been born. You think he is the reincarnation of the deserter."




   The crowd onlookers talked a lot.


Dongfang Daoji stood in the crowd, looked at Ye Tian who was in the illusion in the field, and whispered: "Brother Ye, you have done enough. Even if you lose this battle, there will be no one in the future. I look down on you."


   In the high sky not far away, two figures stood side by side, their deep eyes fixed on the black figure in the field.


   "Without the fourth layer of "Indestructible Tribulation", it is impossible to break through the four illusory worlds. He lost." For a long time, Ji Wu sighed slightly and turned away.


   The bald old man couldn't help but said, "Aren't you looking at it anymore? What if a miracle happens?"


Nobody had a meal, but he didn't look back. He said lightly: "The "Indestructible Body", which has been trained into the third level in just a few dozen epochs, is already ranked first in the history of Dahuang Wuyuan. You must practice the fourth level "Indestructible Jade Body", unless he is the reincarnation of the deserter.


   After speaking, Ji Wu continued to fly forward.


   "Yes, you must know that it took Lao Tzu 1,500 epochs that year to practice the fourth level of "Indestructible Jade Body"." The bald old man secretly sighed.


   But at this moment, a brilliant blade of light seemed to gather countless galaxies pouring down, tearing time and space, shattering the four illusory worlds, rushing out of the square, and illuminating the entire Dahuang Wuyuan.


   "What!" The bald old man stared, his face full of disbelief.


The Taoist Master of Mie Dao Yuan, who had gone away, suddenly turned his head and looked at the horrible sword light that was rushing into the sky. He had a deep gaze, and then his eyes were full of The fourth layer of "Exit Jie Shen"! "


   Ji No body trembled, whispering in a low voice.


   The bald old man exclaimed: "This pervert, won't really be the reincarnation of the deserter!"


   At the same time, there was an exclamation in the square, and the noise swept the entire Dahuang Wuyuan.


   "Damn, it's a fake, isn't this guy really trained into the fourth level of "Indestructible Robbery"?"


   "I'm the one who is dazzled!"


   "It's incredible."




   Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.


   Ye Tian broke out the fourth layer of "Indestructible Calamity Body", tearing apart four illusory worlds with a single knife, and the sword light also severely damaged Qiu Yangxu, spitting blood into him and flying. ) Download the free reader!!

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