Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1798: Wang Feng

"The nine dynasties are Daqi, Dawei, Da Zhao, Dayuan, Da Chu, Dahan, Dabei. Since the fall of the Emperor Tianma, the chaos has been in chaos. After countless years of fighting, these nine dynasties have emerged. ."


"The three major families are the Sword Demon Family, the Sun Shooting Family, and the Overlord Sword Family. The ancestors of these three families were once the famous three warlords under the command of the Great Demon. They have profound background and powerful strength, and even the nine dynasties dare not. provoke."


"The five sects are the Heaven Demon Sect, the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, the Immortal Purgatory, the Blood Demon Sect, and the Lieyang Sect. Among them, the Heaven Demon Sect is a sect created by a descendant of the Heaven Demon Great Emperor after the death of the Heaven Demon Great Emperor. , The strength is extremely powerful."


"The history of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect is very old. Before the rise of Emperor Tianmo, this sect had existed for many years, and even the Great Emperor did not dare to provoke them. However, there are very few people in this sect. One person, but this person stands at the pinnacle of the contemporary era, overwhelming the geniuses cultivated by countless great forces.


"The Undead Purgatory is a group of forces with tyrannical temperament and cruel fighting. They have traitors from various sects and forces, as well as criminals wanted by the nine dynasties. These people are gathered together, and they are also a big force. But they provoke. There are too many enemies, so I hide in the dark and dare not act on the bright side."


"The history of the Blood Demon Sect is also very ancient. It is said that the ancestor of this sect was once a disciple of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect. Later, he rebelled against the Blood Moon Ancient Sect and founded the Blood Demon Sect. The Blood Demon Sect is the same as the Blood Moon Ancient Sect. Only one disciple was born, and his talent was superb, comparable to the descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect. The two sects were mortal enemies, and each time one of the descendants was born, the other would send the descendants, and the two sides would fight when they met, fighting for countless years. "


   "The Lieyang Sect is the only righteous sect that survived in the chaos. In the past, the Tianma Great unified the entire chaos and eliminated countless righteous sects. Only one Lieyang sect survived. This shows how powerful this sect is."




  Dekulapepe talked, knowing everything, and told Ye Tian everything he knew.


   Ye Tian had a clearer understanding of Chaos.


   In fact, the map given to him by the Lord Jiu Wudao also marked the territory of these big forces, but there was only one name, not as detailed as Dracula said.


   After Dracula left, Ye Tian also began to taste the meat of Warcraft.


   "Huh?" Ye Tian's expression suddenly changed.


   He discovered that this kind of monster meat is not only good, but it can also increase his physical strength. With this kind of monster meat, he practiced "Indestructible Calamity Body" much faster.


"Interestingly, it’s no wonder that the Lord Jiuwudao told us that these monsters are dangerous, but for our disciples of the Miedaoyuan, it is an opportunity. It means that we can hunt these monsters and use their flesh to practice "Indestructible Jade Body". Right."


   Ye Tian suddenly realized.


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian cooked the corpses of other monsters, and then he ate them while practicing "Indestructible Calamity Body".


   Gradually, Ye Tian discovered that the more powerful the meat of the beast, the better the training effect of "Indestructible Tribulation Body".




   When Ye Tian's body was cultivating in the original universe, Ye Tian’s avatar had already wandered through restaurants, listening to the conversations of people in the restaurant, and collecting news about Qingfeng City.


   A few months later, Ye Tian knew where he was.


   Qingfeng City is located in the Hunmo Mountain Range, and its ruler is Qingfeng Village in the 72 Villages.


   Countless monsters raged in the Demon Mountain Range. The environment here is harsh and the resources are scarce. It is despised by the major forces in the chaos. Here, there are two strongest forces, namely 72 Village and 108 Mountain. To put it bluntly, they are all bandits and bandits, just call them ‘civilized’, after all, they are all powerful men beyond gods.


   The masters of the Seventy-two Villages are all powerhouses at the level of cosmic hegemons, each of them shocks one side, and when they unite, even the nine dynasties are very afraid.


   And the mountain owners of the 108 mountains are also powerful at the level of cosmic hegemons, and they are all powerful.


  The Demon Mountain Range was divided by these two powers, and the remaining small powers all surrendered to them, and each epoch had to hand in tributes to save their lives.


   Qingfeng Village, where Ye Tian is now, belongs to the low ranking cottage among the 72 Villages.


During this period of time, he also inquired about the tomb of the Emperor Tianma from Qingfeng City. This news came from the Chu Dynasty, but Ye Tian did not find out what the specific news was. It seems that people in Qingfeng City don’t know. .


   Originally, Ye Tian still had some doubts. These people in Chaos World were too stupid. An inexplicable and unconfirmed news made them excited.


   However, when Ye Tian learned that the Heavenly Demon Sect had sent someone out of the mountain, he believed it.


   Heavenly Demon Gate is a sect created by a descendant of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor. Since even they are all involved, then this news is likely to be true.


   Of course, all forces are still in the exploration stage, and no one has discovered the specific location of the tomb.


   Therefore, Ye Tian was not in a hurry to go to Da Chu Dynasty. He was going to mix into Qingfeng Village first, first obtain some magic techniques, and then wait for the opportunity while practicing.


   Anyway, it's impossible to miss such a big thing at 72 Village. Ye Tian just needs to follow the people from Qingfeng Village to and there will be a lot of trouble left.


   Qingfengzhai is one of the seventy-two villages. It is not small in the Hunmo Mountain Range. It rules a city and is a powerful force. There are many strong people who come to run every day.


When Ye Tian came to the City Lord’s Mansion, more than a hundred people had already come here to join Qingfengzhai, but their cultivation bases were very low, most of them were the Lords of the Universe from Tier 1 to Tier 3, and the strongest The master of the fourth-order universe, the master of the eighth-order universe like Ye Tian, ​​caused the chief steward of the city lord's mansion to personally receive him.


   The surname of the great steward of the city lord’s mansion is Wu, the lord of the seventh-order universe. He led Ye Tian into the mansion with great enthusiasm, and ordered his servants to bring Ye Tian divine wine and exotic fruits.


   "Dare to ask your senior's surname and name?" Steward Wu said with a smile on his face. Although Ye Tian's appearance is very young, he is after all a Tier 8 universe master and stronger than him. Of course he has to be polite.


   Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "Steward Wu is polite, just call me Wang Feng."


   In Chaos World, Ye Tian didn't dare to use his real name. Although there were many people in Chaos World, many of them were called Ye Tian. In principle, Ye Tian didn't need to hide his name.


   However, if the name ‘Ye Tian’ were known to the disciples of the Dahuang Wuyuan, such as Xue Luohua, if he knew Ye Tian, ​​he would definitely reveal Ye Tian’s identity, it would be dangerous.


   So, Ye Tian used a fake name, and he didn't bother to think, just used Wang Feng's name, and he didn't know how Wang Feng would feel when he knew it. ) Download the free reader!!

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