Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1856: Dig a hole

   "You want our undead purgatory technique, you are just wishful thinking!" The disciple of the immortal purgatory laughed with anger, and at the same time he struggled violently to break through "Feng Tian Jue".


   Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he said coldly: "Looking for death-heaven and earth oven!"


   An oven appeared and began to refine the disciple of this undead purgatory. Numerous chains of order firmly trapped him, and countless laws and flames were burning him.




   The disciples of Immortal Purgatory screamed.


   The refining ability of "Feng Tian Jue" is very terrifying. It is necessary to refine his whole body power bit by bit. The feeling of ‘deprivation’ is very uncomfortable, and no one can bear it. After all, these powers were obtained by his practice bit by bit, but now they are slowly refined.


   "Can you tell me?" Ye Tian asked again.


   "Dreaming!" the disciple of the immortal purgatory roared, at their level, the character and the will are extremely firm, how can it be persecuted to submit. Besides, he doesn't believe in Ye Tian either, I am afraid that after he speaks out the technique, Wang Feng will continue to refine him.


   "Then go to death!" Ye Tian stopped talking nonsense, and urged "Feng Tian Jue" to refine this undead purgatory disciple.


   Feng Xinyi and the three of them looked shocked. Such a powerful undead purgatory disciple was killed by Ye Tian's refining in a short period of time. How powerful was Ye Tian?


   "We are getting further and further away from Brother Wang!" Du Hongkuo said with emotion.


   Feng Xinyi and Lu Haoxuan smiled bitterly. When they came out, they hadn't put Ye Tian in their eyes, but now they couldn't even compare Ye Tian's finger.


   People are more popular than people!


"Hey, it seems that there is no way to get the cultivation technique of Immortal Purgatory." Ye Tian shook his head, and thought with a depressed feeling that it would be very difficult to ask the opponent's cultivation technique by persecution, after all. People who have cultivated to the realm of the master of the universe are rarely afraid of death.


   However, Ye Tian did not continue to struggle, after all, he had obtained a lot of exercises, and it was only stronger than the undead purgatory.


   So, Ye Tian waved to Feng Xinyi and the others, and said, "Let's go!"


   Feng Xinyi and the three hurriedly followed.


   The four rushed towards the gate.


   Along the way, they also met many people, but after seeing Ye Tian, ​​they evaded one after another and did not dare to commit.


   After all, Ye Tian showed great power when he was snatching tokens. Moreover, Ye Tian defeated Ren Qiusheng in the imperial capital. He was no longer an unknown person, so no one dared to provoke him.


   Lu Haoxuan looked at Ye Tian's back from behind, his eyes filled with envy, what a deterrent is this? If it were replaced by the three of them, I'm afraid those casual cultivators would have come to **** it.


   "Strange, Brother Wang, have you noticed that these tokens seem to appear in our West City, but not in the East City." When he was about to arrive at the city gate, Du Hongkuo said with some confusion.


   Feng Xinyi and Lu Haoxuan were taken aback, the two of them looked at the Dongcheng side and immediately reacted.


   Yes, it seems that these tokens all appeared in the West City, not a single token appeared in the East City, otherwise the group of casual repairs would have been to the East City long ago.


   "This thing is unusual!"


   The three of them glanced at each other, and saw a touch of solemnity in their eyes filled with each other.


   They were all attracted by the token before and didn't pay attention to these. Now they are going to leave, only to find out by accident, presumably others are the same.


   Ye Tian sneered: "All this is a conspiracy of Yincheng. Although I don't know where they got so many tokens, the purpose is definitely to make us kill each other."


   "Let's go, the large group has already entered the cave, we have to speed up, otherwise they will all be robbed of the chance." After Ye Tian finished speaking, he speeded up and headed to the 18 caves.


   Feng Xinyi and the three hurriedly followed.




Not long after the four of Ye Tian left Yincheng, a middle-aged man wearing black robes and an ordinary face shouted in the middle of Xicheng: "Everyone, you have been tricked by the people of Yincheng. These tokens are them. It is deliberately released, so that we can kill each other, so that they can get the opportunity of the tomb of the great emperor."


   "Idiot, do you think this can deceive us?" Someone sneered and sneered, and continued to flew towards a beam of light in the distance.


Hearing this, the middle-aged black-robed man took out five tokens and continued to shout: "If it weren't for Yincheng's conspiracy, how would you explain that these tokens all appeared in the West City and none of them appeared in the East City? And, you see Is the token in my hand yet? I got it from Dongcheng. Everyone has tokens there. If you don’t believe it, just kill it with me and see."


   After finishing speaking, the black-robed middle-aged man flew towards the East City.


A group of casual cultivators around   , as well as many people from all major forces, all followed closely behind the middle-aged man in black robes. They did not believe this person, but were attracted by the five tokens in this person's hand, and more and more people were attracted.


   In the end, hundreds of thousands of people flew towards the east city.


   "Stop, this is the East City, but if you dare to come, you will kill without mercy!" There are soldiers guarding the East City. Although they don't know why these people are in front of them, they still shout loudly.


   "Boom!" In the face of these soldiers, the black-robed middle-aged man directly killed him and threw the token in his hand towards the east city.


   For an instant, the people who followed all rushed up, trying to **** those tokens.


   But the soldiers guarding in Dongcheng Town thought that these chaos people were coming to attack Dongcheng, and they all shot and killed them.


   The melee suddenly broke out.


   Both parties have losses, and they are getting bigger and bigger.


   At this point, there is no reason, both sides have red eyes. Moreover, someone really found a token in a family in Dongcheng, and suddenly those in chaos became even more crazy.


   And as the tokens of Xicheng were robbed, all the people who did not have tokens rushed to Dongcheng, because this was their only choice.


   The soldiers guarding the East City didn't hold on for long before they were killed by nearly a million strong men in the chaotic world. For a time, the blood flowed into a river and drifted.


   As for the black-robed middle-aged man who brought them has already died in the melee.


   No one knows that the middle-aged man in black robe is actually a demon of Ye Tian, ​​the demon that Ye Tian left behind and reported to Ye Tian's clone of the demon.


   Ye Tian didn't know what plots and tricks the people of Yincheng had, but he always had a bad feeling in his heart, so he simply pitted Yincheng once.


   In fact, Yincheng was miserable by Ye Tiankeng this time.


   The nearly a million chaotic world powerhouses suddenly came and killed, and the soldiers guarding the East City did not resist for a moment, they were completely killed.


   After that, these chaotic people scattered and burned, killed, looted, and searched for tokens.


   When the city lord of Yincheng reacted and led many soldiers to arrive, Yincheng was already dead and injured.


   "Damn it!" The city lord looked at the devastation in front of him, his eyes suddenly red.

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