Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1870: My name is Ye Tian

   Before he died, he learned that the person who killed him was Ye Tian. For Xue Luohua, it was really cruel news, even more cruel than facing death.


   It is ironic that the little guy who was not in his eyes, but killed him in the end.


   No amount of unwillingness, no amount of regret, it will disappear after death.


   After Ye Tian killed Xue Luohua, before everyone else, he put away Xue Luohua's Chaos Warrior. This is a battle armor, but it is much weaker than the blood-colored battle armor he wears. It can only be regarded as the most common Chaos God Soldier.


   "It should have been given to Xue Luohua by the Taoist Master of the Illusion Academy before entering the chaos." Ye Tian thought secretly.


   After all, the four elder brothers are very talented, and the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy is also worried that they will fall into chaos, so the four Taoists all gave them a chaos magic weapon.


   Like Ouyang Wuhui and Dongfang Xiongtian, these two people have extraordinary talents and extraordinary status, so each of them has two chaotic weapons, one offensive and one defense, so they can hold on for so long.


   Yan Sandao on the other side, like Xue Luohua, had only one chaos magic weapon, he could not hold on for long at this moment.


   Moreover, after Xue Luohua's death, the pressure on Yan Sandao was even greater.


   "Wang Feng, your food is too ugly!"


   Suddenly, a cold shout came.


   The next moment, the heir of the undead purgatory suddenly attacked Ye Tian, ​​the offensive was fierce, it turned out to be merciless.


   "Huh!" Ye Tian had always been vigilant, seeing the heirs of the immortal purgatory killing, and without thinking about it, he displayed the "Eighteen Heavens Devil Tribulation" and bombarded him.




   Two strikes, regardless of the outcome, each stepped back dozens of steps.


   "What are you doing?" Ye Tian looked at the heir of the undead purgatory and shouted coldly.


The descendant of Undead Purgatory said gloomily: "We have been fighting here for so long, and finally hit Xue Luohua hard, but if you got the chance to kill him, you even took away his Chaos Warriors. Don’t we exist?"


   The princes of the dynasties all had a gloomy face, and felt that Ye Tian's food was too ugly, so he was happy to watch the excitement and did not interfere.


  The descendants of the Demon Sect were unhappy, but he was not good at offending Ye Tian. After all, in his opinion, Ye Tian would join the Demon Sect sooner or later, and he would be a brother in the future.


   However, he was also happy to use the hand of the heir to undead purgatory to teach Ye Tian.


"Hahaha, are you telling a joke? I killed Xue Luohua. Of course, his things are my trophies. Isn't that normal? Is your brain funny?" Ye Tian looked sarcastically. To the undead purgatory.


  The undead purgatory heir angrily said: "If we hadn't wounded him severely, could you kill him?"


   "So what? Of course the spoils of the people I killed belong to me. If you are not convinced, please come to me for it." Ye Tian sneered.


"Arrogant!" The descendant of the undead purgatory was furious by Ye Tian's arrogant appearance, and immediately killed Ye Tian. He was very strong. The void was trembling between shots, and countless order runes surrounded him. , A chain of laws and gods make up the entire world.




With a sneer at the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, he urged the ninth layer of "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body" to rush up. The "Eighteen Heavens Demon Tribulation" evolved into a peak state in his hands, like eighteen hells, slamming into the immortal Heir of Purgatory.




   The two of them kept fighting, and the whole dead desert was trembling.


   However, their strength is not much different, and it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.


   And at this moment, a black figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd, it was Ye Tian's body. Wearing a black robe, he appeared silently behind the heir of the immortal purgatory, and hit him with a palm.


   "Dare to attack me!" The heir of the undead purgatory roared, how strong he is, he naturally found the person behind him, and turned around and greeted him without thinking about it.




   Ye Tian's body had never thought of attacking. He was upright and blasted out with one palm, as if countless starry sky torrents gathered, the fiery golden light illuminating the earth, with brilliant rays of light, rushing forward mighty.


   "Crack!" It was the sound of bones shattering and flesh and blood flying.


   The undead purgatory's heir was full of disbelief, and after a scream, the whole person flew out.


   Everyone looked around and found that one of the arms of the heir of the undead purgatory had been shattered, and even one of his shoulders was smashed and collapsed, severely injured.




   The descendant of the Heavenly Demon Gate and others exclaimed, their faces changed greatly.


   The power of the descendants of the undead purgatory is very clear to them. They were seriously injured by the one in front of them, how strong this person should be.




   After Ye Tianben's weight inflicted on the heir of the undead purgatory, he shot again to kill Xiang Ye Tian's avatar, of course it was a fake.


   Ye Tian’s avatar of the Heavenly Demon hurriedly backed away and shouted at the descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect: “This person must be the strongest disciple of the Dahuang Martial Arts Academy. Quickly kill him to avoid future troubles.”


   When Ye Tiantian Demon clone said these words, Ye Tian's body detoured to kill Yansandao, because Yansandao's injuries were very serious, and he was almost unable to hold on.


   "Looking for death!"


  The princes of the nine dynasties, as well as the descendants of the Blood Demon Sect and the descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect, a total of eleven young powerhouses, at this time all killed Ye Tian ontology together.


   However, in just an instant, all of the eleven of them flew upside down, all of them spurting blood.




   Ye Tian's body is golden, like a golden **** of war, even more dazzling than Dongfang Xiongtian not far away.


   At the same time, he had already put on the Black Demon Battle Armor, but even the Black Demon Battle Armor could not stop the golden light exploding from his body.


   This scene is too horrible, and the crowd not far away exclaimed, all with their faces full of disbelief.


   Princes of the Nine Dynasties ~ ~ descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect, descendants of the Blood Demon Sect, these powerful people with names and surnames in the chaotic realm added up, and they were blown away by one person.


   "Is the immortal robbery body!"


Not far away, the descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect saw the golden light on Ye Tian's body, and suddenly exclaimed, and then she said in disbelief: "In addition to the Dongfang Xiongtian generation, there are some "Indestructible Jade Body" has cultivated to this level, who are you?"


   At the same time, Ouyang Wuhui and Dongfang Xiongtian who were fighting, as well as Yan Sandao, all showed surprise and disbelief.


   because they recognized Ye Tian.


   And Ye Tian didn't hide it either. After he pushed back everyone, he stepped on the ground with the undead heir. Afterwards, he raised his head, a pair of golden eyes shot out endless flames of golden light, and the whole person was exuding a terrifying and powerful aura.


   "My name... Ye Tian!"


   An icy voice immediately sounded in this turbulent necromantic desert.

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