Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1884: The trend is over

   After everyone listened to the words of Ouyang Wuhui and Yan Sandao, the situation became more favorable for Ye Tian.


  The voice of the old drunkard fell, and some elders quickly praised Ye Tian.


   "In that case, how bold is it to dare to take the initiative?"


   "In order to save the brothers from the same sect, desperately to die, with one enemy ten thousand, I can't imagine it."


   "Will such a person kill fellow brothers? I don't believe it!"




   The words of the elders are very beneficial to Ye Tian.


   Moreover, this time not only the elders of the Miedao Academy spoke, but some elders of the Shengdao Academy and the Death Academy also spoke. After all, Ye Tian also rescued their disciples in the two Avenues.


  Meng's boundless face was extremely ugly, and he quickly said to the law enforcement elder: "Elder law enforcement, Ye Tian is indeed meritorious, but merit does not mean that he can kill his fellow brothers wantonly."


  The law enforcement elder ignored him, but looked at Ouyang Wuhui and Yan Sandao, and said, "Have you seen that Ye Tian's clone killed Xue Luohua?"


   Ouyang Wugui shook his head and said: "I don't know, after Ye Tian came out, he took the initiative to let us escape. We don't know what happened later."


   Yan Sandao on the side also nodded.


  Meng Wubian immediately shouted angrily: "You lie, didn't you see who killed Xue Luohua at the time? Was it someone called ‘Wang Feng’?"


   Ouyang Wugui shook his head and said: "I was entangled by two strong men in the chaos world, and I didn't have time to look around."


   "I can't protect myself, no time to pay attention to Xue Luohua." Yan Sandao also shook his head.


  Meng gritted his teeth boundlessly. He knew that these two people were standing on Ye Tian's side, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.


   "Everyone, if anyone sees me killing Xue Luohua, please stand up." Ye Tian looked around at this time and said loudly.


   However, apart from the disciples of the Magical Academy, none of the other Three Avenues came forward.


   Dreaming boundlessly saw this, and suddenly furious: "Elder Law Enforcement, Ye Tian is threatening other disciples, so that other disciples dare not testify."


   "Threat?" Ye Tian sneered after hearing the words: "I desperately died at that time, and saved many of them. Just ask, if I didn't show up, what would be the result?"


   Everyone felt cold after hearing this.


   If Ye Tian did not show up at the time, I am afraid that the top disciples of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy would have died tragically and suffered heavy losses. It would be terrible to think about it.


Ye Tian looked around and continued: "If I really want to kill Xue Luohua, I don’t have to show up at that time, let alone Xue Luohua at that time, and many of the disciples present will die in chaos. Let me ask. Why take the risk to kill Xue Luohua himself?"


  The people present, including the disciples of the Magic Path Academy, had nothing to say.


Ye Tian looked at the ugly face of Boundless Dreams, and coldly snorted: "Speaking of threats, I just returned to the Dahuang Wuyuan, you, the Taoist of the Magic Daoyuan, immediately appeared in front of me and used your universe overlord's The aura oppresses me, this is a threat."


   "You..." Meng Wubian looked ugly and trembled all over, pointing to Ye Tian and couldn't say anything.


   The law enforcement elder waved his hand and said with a majestic expression: "I declare that Ye Tian is not guilty. Meng Wubian is a slander. I hereby warn once. If there is a next time, Meng Wubian, the Taoist Master of the Illusion Academy, abdicate and let the virtuous.


   After speaking, the law enforcement elder turned and left.


   "Thank you Elder Law Enforcement!" Ye Tian bowed towards the back of Elder Law Enforcement, then smiled faintly at Meng Boundless, and turned away.


   Meng gritted his teeth endlessly, he saw the mocking color in Ye Tian's eyes.


   He, a Taoist of the Magic Academy, a cosmic overlord, was taunted by a junior.


   This is a shame!


   "Meng Wu Bian, you old boy, be careful!" The old drunkard gave Meng Wu Bian a warning look and turned away.


  The others also left one by one.


   This time, the Hallucination Academy was completely defeated, and their prestige was greatly reduced. Instead, they became Ye Tian, ​​making Ye Tian the most dazzling genius in the Dahuang Academy.


   On the way back, a disciple from the Death Daoyuan asked Yan Sandao in a low voice: "Big Brother, you and I know what happened, why Ye Tian can get rid of the guilt so easily."


   Yan Sandao said lightly: "When you have enough strength, you can break any rules, and Ye Tian already has this ability."


   This Shidaoyuan disciple seems to have some enlightenment.


   On the other side, Ouyang Wuhui said to Dongfang Daoji who was beside him: "You have bet the right treasure again this time. After today, Ye Tian has become the first person in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. He is none other than him."


   "Haha, when did I not bet on the right?" Dongfang Daoji smiled triumphantly, "But, are you sad? After all, you were surpassed by him."


   Ouyang Wugui smiled faintly: "Someone standing in front of you will at least give you motivation to catch up. I've had enough of those days without goals. I feel so motivated now."


   "With this kind of thought, your future is bound to be limitless." Dongfang Daoji exclaimed.


   "It's so shameless, it makes you look like an elder, so you teach me?" Ouyang Wugui glanced at him and said with a curled mouth.


   "Haha..." Dongfang Daoji laughed.




   Deep in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, Meng Wu Bian walked into a stone temple with a gloomy expression.


   In the stone hall, a middle-aged man sat cross-legged. He closed his eyes and said faintly: "I know everything, no need to say more."


   "Master, Xue Luhua is your most outstanding disciple and grandson. You can't help but report this grudge." Meng said in a cold voice.


   The middle-aged man said lightly: "Just train one more. Anyway, you have time."


  Meng Boundless suddenly became anxious, and said: "Master, disciples can be cultivated, but we must not let Ye Tian grow up. His talent is too high and the threat is too great."


The middle-aged man opened his eyes, dark eyes, like a bottomless abyss, just looking at Meng Wubian: "You also know that he is very talented, and the law enforcement elder Zhan Yuantang is covering him, how can you kill him? "


   "Master..." Meng said in a hurry.


   The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "This son is a big success. It is very difficult to kill him with the help of academy rules."


"Master, can you give me some advice?" Meng Wubian suddenly felt The middle-aged man said lightly: "He is about to hit the universe hegemony realm. If he hits the universe hegemon in the academy, you will let a disciple go. Destruction must not allow him to succeed. If he leaves the academy, it is just right, you can kill him."


  Meng frowned boundlessly and said: "If you do this, the college will definitely doubt me."


   "So what?" the middle-aged man said lightly, "When Ye Tian was a super genius, the academy would stand on his side, but if he died or was abandoned, then the academy would stand on your side."


   "The disciple understands!" Meng boundlessly nodded, with a sneer on his face.


The middle-aged man took a look at him and continued: "Recently, I have established a good relationship with Shengdao Academy and Death Academy. Zhan Yuantang has now been promoted to the realm of Universe Venerable. He will soon step down from the position of law enforcement elder and become the vice president. You work hard. Now, I will help you contact some relationships and see if I can push you to the position of elder law enforcement."


   Meng Boundless was overjoyed immediately. If he becomes the law enforcement elder, he won’t have to be as passive as he is today.

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