Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1956: Soul tide



The silver bone head was like crazy, endless pressure radiated from it, and the entire surrounding space was squeezed and solidified and materialized. The bones and flesh of Ye Tian and others were squashed, and all blood was bleeding. Very painful.


   "Senior!" Shi Tiandi shouted.


   "Senior, what happened?" Ye Tian also shouted.


   The two are very anxious.


   The silver bones seemed to hear their words, and he suppressed his crazy voice and yelled: "I don't know, I only see the end of the world... Look for yourself!"


   After finishing speaking, a powerful soul wave rolled over.


   Ye Tian and Shi Tiandi were both very curious. Even Ouyang Wuhui, who was a little confused, had a trace of his soul and was attracted by the silver bones, perceiving one shocking segment after another.


   This is an apocalyptic world, the vast earth is constantly shattering, dark red blood clouds covering the entire sky, one after another huge palms descend from the sky, obliterating the creatures of this world.


   The creatures in this world are all humanoids. They have long black hair, black eyes, and all of them are very powerful, making Ye Tian and the others feel boundless pressure.


   However, the giant palm that fell from the sky was too terrifying, and it wiped out many creatures with just one blow. Those silver bones couldn't resist either, and the purple-gold blood infested the entire shattered earth, a miserable scene of apocalypse.


   At this moment, a huge head emerged from the sky, resembling a beast and not a beast, a human and a hideous face, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes, like the eyes of a devil, straight through the souls of Ye Tian and others.




   Ye Tian and others' souls seemed to burn, and the whole world collapsed in an instant.


   The next moment, Ye Tian and the others returned to reality, sitting on the ground one by one, their faces pale, and their bodies were covered with sweat.


   At this time, the silver bones had already calmly fallen to the ground, as if it were just a dream just now, nothing happened, and the surroundings were peaceful.


   However, whether it is Ye Tian, ​​Shi Tiandi, or Ouyang Wuhui, their faces are pale, and the panic in their eyes can verify the truth of the touch just now.


   "Senior, is that the only real world?" Ye Tianqiang asked with the fear in his heart.


"Those are the only people in the real world. I saw them. They are all silver bones, purple-golden blood, black hair and black eyes..." Ouyang Wugui said as he trembled, so many powerful people. The only person in the real world was harvested by a giant palm like an ant.


   Shi Tiandi solemnly said: "It should be a memory fragment lost by the predecessor."


   The three of them looked at the silver bones on the ground.


The silver bone finally heard a sighing voice: "About this memory, it seems that I have been sealed by myself. You have also seen it. The only real world seems to be in trouble. Maybe this is the reason why I want to go to the only real world urgently. "


   "According to the memory of the predecessors, it seems that a terrible war has taken place in the only real world." Ye Tian said solemnly.


   The horrible scene just now, he still has a lingering fear.


   Those people in the only real world are very powerful, much stronger than them, they are definitely beings above the cosmos, and even the strongest in the universe, but they are all wiped out like ants. This is really shocking.


   For Ye Tian and Shi Tiandi, the strongest in the universe is a pinnacle realm. It is the strongest existence in the upper three realms and the lower three realms. They were actually killed like ants. This was a great blow to them.


   It is as if ‘mortals’ witnessed the wars of the gods, only fear and shock in their hearts.


   "I'm leaving, to pursue all these secrets!" The silver bone suddenly floated.


   "Senior!" Ye Tian was startled.


   "Little baby, you have great potential, and the stone monster next to you, your potential is no lower than Xiaohuang and Xiaotian, maybe we still have a chance to meet in the future." Silver Bones said.


   Ye Tian felt a little bit reluctant when he heard the words. This silver bone is very powerful. If it stays by his side, he can kill the Universe. However, he couldn't stop it either, not to mention that the silver bones themselves are very powerful, and they are just helping each other, and they are not qualified to keep others.


"Finally, I would like to give you a piece of advice, forget everything just now, don't tell anyone, even if you become the strongest in the universe in the future, don't mention it. This is not a secret you can involve." Silver Bones left the last sentence and broke. Empty away.


   Ye Tian, ​​they were very shocked.


   It’s a little unbelievable. The space here is under great pressure, and it’s hard for them to even fly. They didn’t expect that the silver bones would break the space at once, and go straight through the space and leave.


   It can be seen that the strength of the silver bones is amazing.


   "Boom!" Suddenly, the whole soul old demon shook, as if an earthquake.


   Ye Tian's expression changed. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of situation. They had been in for so long and this situation had not happened yet.


   Shi Tiandi immediately took out the soul flag, and saw that the soul flag in his hand vibrated violently, and then suddenly broke.


"No, get out of here!" When Shi Tiandi saw this, he was scared to death, and he said anxiously: "This is the soul tide. This kind of thing rarely happens to the soul old demon, but once it happens, all stay in the soul The old demons will all die, even the strongest in the universe will die."


   "Go!" Ye Tian was also shocked when he heard this, and quickly grabbed Dongfang Daoji and Dongfang Xiongtian who were in a coma, and rushed towards the outside.


   Shi Tiandi grabbed Ouyang Wuhui. Although Ouyang Wuhui was still awake, he was weaker and slower than them.


   At this moment, some people who have entered the soul old demon are all desperately fleeing.


   Everyone is in fear.


If Ye Tian is still in the'head' of the old soul demon, he will find that shocking soul storm is sweeping out in all directions, that terrifying power is enough to kill any one Venerable Universe.


   In the underground cave where Ye Tian took the silver bones, nine crystal **** glowed brightly, and a sleeping ancient will seemed to awaken under the dark abyss.


"have they gone?"


   "Good too!"


   The ancient will only awakened for a moment, and then fell asleep again.


   But the terrible soul storm ravaged the entire soul old demon. Many creatures who entered here, whether it is the Lord of the Universe, the Overlord of the Universe, or the Lord of the Universe, all suffered heavy losses.


   Ye Tian and Shi Tiandi were lucky enough to escape, but they were also badly injured, because they burned their souls to accelerate their escape.


  Of course, they are lucky, and more people die in it.


   Ye Tian and Shi Tiandi looked at each other, then set off again and left here quickly.

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