Seven World Martial God

Chapter 211: Wannian Ginseng

"Martial Lord level fierce beast inner alchemy!"

Ye Tian raised his brows. This was a problem. Although he was confident to defeat a martial beast, where would he go to find a martial beast?

There are fierce beasts of this level in the fierce beast mountain range, but the problem is that it is difficult to find. Maybe you found a fierce beast, but it is of the level of the monkey king, isn't it looking for death. 【First Release】

In short, Ye Tian's current strength can barely reach the level of Martial Lord, and he can be said to be invincible among his peers, but it takes a lot of effort to hunt down the beast of Martial Lord.

"Boy, you can only find this fierce beast inner alchemy by yourself. The old man can't leave Beast King City for the time being, so he can't help you." Yu Lao looked at Ye Tian in thought and said slowly.

"Uncle Yu joked, a fierce beast inner alchemy, give the junior a few months, I will find it for you immediately." Ye Tian's eyes burst upon hearing this, and he stood up, bowed and bowed.

Old Yu frowned, looked at Ye Tian in surprise, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "It seems that your kid is confident? Okay, I will wait for you for a few months. Take this earth evil essence pill first. Well, when you find the Martial Lord-level fierce beast inner alchemy, come here again."

Ye Tian didn't accept the earth evil essence pill, and said: "This thing should be left with Uncle Yu first, it's useless for me to hold it anyway."

"Alright, the old man should prepare first, you go!" Old Yu nodded. He knew that this was Ye Tian's trust in her. After all, the evil essence pill here is a treasure. If you change someone else, you may not have Ye Tian. Courage.


After bidding farewell to Old Yu, Ye Tian didn't see Gao Fang. He was a little bit puzzled, but he didn't care much. Instead, he wandered in the Wan Beast Palace casually.

"It seems that this martial beast inner alchemy should start from the beast mountain range. However, before that, I must first be promoted to the martial monarch realm." Ye Tian thought secretly in his heart, his eyes flowed, scanning. The surrounding stone platforms patrolled the objects.

However, after watching for a long time, Ye Tian didn't find any treasure that was useful to him.

In other words, Ye Tian is now also a Wuzong tenth-level strong, except for some Wujun masters, he is already at the pinnacle of the martial arts of the Great Yan Country.

At this level, it is too difficult to increase some cultivation bases. Only some of the best heaven and earth treasures can have this effect.

It's a pity that Beast King City doesn't have any treasures of this level. Even if there are, no one will sell them.

After going around for a while, Ye Tian saw Gao Fang hurriedly, and when he saw him, he showed a charming smile and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, there will be a party in three days. Please show your face. This is an invitation. (Starting

After all, Gao Fang handed over a chapter of gilded copybook.

"City Lord's Mansion!"

Ye Tian took the invitation and glanced secretly, he couldn't help being surprised, because the meeting place was actually the City Lord's Mansion.

Could it be a party organized by a big figure in the City Lord's Mansion?

Ye Tian frowned. He didn't like to attend any gatherings. After all, he didn't know anyone in Xiongwu County. What's more, he is also ready to retreat and practice immediately, and strive to be promoted to the rank of Wujun as soon as possible.

Seeing Ye Tian’s dislike, Gao Fang said mysteriously: “Brother Ye, this gathering is a gathering of young people. There will be many young talents from Beast King City who will attend, and even some of the top young masters in Xiongwu County will attend. Coming. It can be said to be a great event for the younger generation of our Xiongwu County, I think you will be interested in that time."

A great event for the younger generation!

Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and when he said that, he was really interested.

Xiongwu County is even more famous than Nanlin County. Nanlin County is full of peerless arrogances such as Lang Fantian, Wan Yunxia, ​​and Seven Princes. I don't know who the young generation of Xiongwu County have masters.

Ye Tian’s next stage goal is the Supreme Ranking of Great Yan Nation. This Supreme Ranking is different from the Divine Star Ranking. The Divine Star Ranking is just a battle among the disciples of the Divine Star Gate, while the Supreme Ranking is a competition for the entire Great Yan Nation’s young powerhouses. .

Xiongwu County is the top county in the Great Yan Country. The strong young people here are often the top figures on the supreme list. Seeing in advance will help Ye Tian understand the current level of the strong young generation in Great Yan Country. .

After thinking about it, Ye Tian nodded and said: "In three days, I will be on time for the appointment."

Gao Fang smiled upon hearing this.

Soon after, the appraiser completed the identification of all the beast inner alchemy, a total of 128,452 beast inner alchemy, with a total value of more than 30,000 spiritual stones.

This is a huge sum of money, you know, the spiritual tool Green Sword that Ye Tian snatched from Lang Tianjiao at the time was only sold for more than 7,000 spiritual stones.

With more than 30,000 spiritual stones, it is already possible to buy a better spiritual weapon, and even a mysterious advanced martial art.

Even Ye Tian couldn't help feeling excited and excited after accepting these spirit stones.

Gao Fangmei glanced at Ye Tian with a smile, and said softly: "Brother Ye, look, there are so many spirit stones, what do you need to buy here? It's not me bragging, in our Pantheon Palace, there are only things you can't think of. There is no baby you can't buy."

"Really?" Ye Tian moved in his heart when he heard this, and suddenly smiled, "Hallmaster Gao, I need some treasures that can increase the Wuzong level cultivation base, do you have them here?"

He almost forgot that Gao Fang is the lord here. If you want to buy something, it's best to find her.

"This..." Gao Fang hesitated when he heard this. All treasures that increase cultivation are very precious. Not to mention that no one will sell them. Even if someone sells them, they will be bought by others immediately. This kind of treasure is very popular, so it is very popular. rare.

Moreover, the value of the treasures that increase the cultivation base is very high, except for some people with a large background, it is impossible to buy such treasures. They won't waste spirit stones on this, so they might as well cultivate slowly.

He glanced at Ye Tian with some expectation, Gao Fang was puzzled, in her opinion, Ye Tian was promoted to Wuzong level at such an age, and he was already an incredible genius.

Geniuses like this are basically studying the will of martial arts, striving to understand their own will of martial arts as soon as possible. They don't need to care about the improvement of their cultivation level, anyway, their cultivation speed is very fast.


Seeing Gao Fang's delay in speaking, Ye Tian showed a joking smile in his eyes, and said lightly: "It turns out that the Ten Thousand Beast Palace is not omnipotent. Well, Ye Mou will leave first."

After that, Ye Tian turned and left.

"Wait a minute!" A soft drink came from behind.

Ye Tian looked back and suddenly saw Gao Fang gritted her teeth. She seemed to be deciding something, her face hesitated, and she gritted her teeth after a long while: "The treasure you want is indeed available in the Ten Thousand Beast Palace, but the price is very high— —"

Gao Fang suddenly thought that Ye Tian had just made more than 30,000 spiritual stones by selling the fierce beast inner alchemy. This price was also affordable for him, and immediately replied, "I'm afraid you can't bear the spiritual stones!"

"It doesn't matter if the spirit stone is satisfactory, as long as the treasure satisfies me, I don't care even if the more than 30,000 spirit stones are spent!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up and said nonchalantly.

Unexpectedly, it was just a test, and Ye Tian couldn't help but look forward to such a treasure.

"If this is the case, then come with me. My sister will let you know what a real treasure is, so that you will dare to underestimate our Ten Thousand Beast Palace in the future!" Gao Fang snorted when he heard the words and walked ahead and led the way. .

Seeing Gao Fang who was a little angry, Ye Tian smiled and followed her.


Before long, Ye Tian followed Gao Fang to a boudoir.

Looking at the obvious daughter's dress around, there was even a scent of fragrance in his nose. Ye Tian smiled bitterly and looked at Gao Fang, who was rummaging through the cabinet not far away, and said, "The treasure you said will not be yours. Right?"

"Nonsense, the treasures you can increase your Wuzong level cultivation are all Chinese cabbage, even if someone keeps them, how can they sell it." Gao Fang turned his head and gave him a blank look.

Ye Tian was suddenly stunned. No wonder he didn't see those treasures in the Wan Beast Palace. It was right to think about it. In the case where the Wu Jun strong seldom appeared, the Wu Zong level was already regarded as a strong one.

Therefore, the treasures that can increase the cultivation base of the Wuzong powerhouse will not be easily sold to others if it is replaced by anyone. I'm afraid it's either for me to enhance my strength or leave it to my descendants. Few people will sell it.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help looking at Gao Fang gratefully, and said, "Thank you, Hallmaster Gao."

He knows that people like Gao Fang don't lack spirit stones, and I'm afraid this treasure is to increase her strength, but now it is cheaper for him.

"Don't thank you too early, sister, this thing is not cheap." Gao Fang had already brought a jade box and walked over. Ye Tian's eyes were immediately attracted by the jade box. He couldn't wait to open the jade box.

Seeing his anxious look, Gao Fang couldn't help but chuckle, then slowly opened the jade box, revealing the treasure inside.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and looked carefully. Inside the exquisite jade box, lay a ginseng the size of a child's arm, and its tentacles looked like a dragon. As soon as it was exposed, there was a strong spiritual energy rushing toward his face, which immediately refreshed people.

Gao Fang immediately closed the jade box. She smiled and looked at the drooling Ye Tian, ​​and said, "How is it? This is a ten thousand-year-old ginseng. You should know how effective it is."

"Of course it is clear, how many spirit stones does High Hall Master want to sell?" Ye Tian asked impatiently.

Ginseng is the most common spiritual Whether it is taken or refined into a pill, it can increase cultivation. However, most of the ginseng circulating in the market is hundreds of years old, and a few have thousands of years, but Wannian ginseng is very rare.

For thousands of years of ginseng, for warriors of Ye Tian's level, it has been possible to increase some cultivation bases, not to mention this ten thousand years ginseng.

Ye Tian wanted to quickly take down this ginseng, and then go back to refine, in a month, he could be promoted to the rank of Wujun.

After a while, Ye Tian saw Gao Fang put up a finger on the opposite side, and said in surprise: "Ten thousand spirit stones?"

This is not right. Wannian ginseng is very precious, and at least 20,000 spiritual stones are needed. Isn't Gao Fang not knowledgeable?

Ye Tian shook his head immediately. Gao Fang is now in charge of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace. There are many more treasures than him. How could he not know the goods.

"Just a piece of spirit stone!"

When Ye Tian was full of doubts, Gao Fang said something that made Ye Tian stunned.

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