Seven World Martial God

Chapter 315: Against Tianjiao

The dark night. 【First Release】

The sound of drums shook the sky, and the sound of fighting swept across the city of Wu Zhou.

"The Great Wei Kingdom has attacked the city!" The general who stayed behind the gate, puffed up his vigorous true essence, shouted towards the city. His loud voice instantly spread throughout Wu Zhou City and echoed in the sky.

Outside the city, countless soldiers of the Wei Kingdom rushed towards the city of Wu Zhou like a tide. In the sky, some Wujun level powerhouses rushed into the city of Wu Zhou first.

The Wu Lin army was not well prepared, and was caught off guard by these great martial masters of the Wei Kingdom, and retreated steadily with heavy casualties.

It wasn't until the strong men of the Wulin Army were dispatched one after another that this blocked the great Wei state's military might. There were fighting figures everywhere in the sky and on the wall.

The war spread to the entire Wuzhou City.

"Kill!" King Wu Zhou roared and shook the sky, his dark eyes were filled with the earth-shattering fighting spirit.

All the martial arts troops were dispatched together at this moment, and they seemed to have found confidence, resisting the soldiers of the Great Wei state firmly.

"King Wu Zhou, your subordinates are one step ahead." General Li roared and rushed to the sky to fight with those Wu Jun of the Great Wei Kingdom.

Ye Tian also wanted to rush up, but he was held back by King Wu Zhou. He shouted: "Don't intervene in this battle. Just watch the battle on the sidelines. Don't let the people of the Great Wei State discover your identity."

Ye Tian felt helpless when he heard the words, and his heart was filled with wry smiles.

After all, King Wu Zhou rushed into the sky, carrying a strong energy, blooming in the sky like a scorching sun, with unparalleled power.


Suddenly, a huge fist, like a giant peak, greeted Wu Zhou violently.

King Wu Zhou tore through the sky with a sword, and slammed into that fist, and a terrifying shock wave broke out. There was a vacuum in the place where the two were, and no one dared to approach.

Ye Tian looked up and secretly smacked his tongue. With such a strength, even he couldn't come close, beyond imagination.

He saw that the man who was fighting with King Wu Zhou was a middle-aged man with the same extraordinary momentum. This should be the murder king of the Great Wei Kingdom, a strong man like a devil.

"King Wu Zhou, today your Wu Zhou City will no longer exist!" The Murder King laughed, full of confidence, and a huge momentum enveloped the entire sky.

"You are here, then don't want to leave alive." King Wu Zhou was very calm, but the long sword in his hand burst out with fiery light, as if to split the world in half.

The two top half-step martial arts are fighting on the sky. Their battle will not end for a while, and everyone is afraid to approach the battlefield where they are. [More exciting novels, please visit]

These two are also old opponents. They are very clear about each other's methods, and their strengths are not much different. It is almost impossible to tell the winner.

Both of them held each other, and the real result was handed over to the battlefield below.

Ye Tian saw in the city lord's mansion that the two powers of Wujun 10th, Wujun 9th, Wujun 8th, and Wujun 7th rank had all been fighting together.

The remaining low-level martial princes also fought each other, the battle situation was constantly entangled, and it was temporarily unable to tell the winner.

"King Wu Zhou, you are smart, and you have arranged reinforcements in advance!" From the sky, there was a sneer from the Murder King. Naturally, he was talking about the eighth-level martial masters sent by the Shenwu King.

If it hadn't been for these eighth-level martial masters who suddenly appeared, the Wu Lin army would have suffered heavy casualties and would have been defeated.

"How can you hide your conspiracy and tricks from me, hum." King Wu Zhou snorted coldly. Both of them knew their strengths and didn't fight to death. They just entangled each other, and at the same time secretly commanded the battlefield.

"Really? I don't know if your reinforcements can stop the young talents of the Great Wei Kingdom?" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Murder King, and he shouted: "Sun Lingtian, kill all those martial kings for this king, everyone listens to orders , To stop the opponent Wujun above level nine strong."


Sun Lingtian, who was hidden in the Great Wei team, suddenly rose into the sky, and slew towards those Wujun powerhouses who were below the ninth level of the Wulin Army.

He is powerful, almost comparable to the ninth-level martial masters, and it is not easy to kill these martial artists below the ninth level.

Almost immediately, there was a Wujun eighth-level martial arts expert who was killed by Sun Lingtian.

Some ninth-level and tenth-level martial masters who wanted to come down to kill Sun Lingtian were also stopped by the equivalent powers of the Great Wei Kingdom, and they could only watch Sun Lingtian show off his power and slaughter the martial masters of the Wu Lin army.

"A bunch of rubbish, dare to block my way." Sun Lingtian's face was savage, his eyes were cold and murderous.

Several Wu Lin Jun Wujun eighth-level strong men joined forces, and they were not even able to beat Sun Lingtian. He was shocked by a shot and blood spurted wildly.

In the field, for a time, there was no one who could stop Sun Lingtian.

The Wulin Army suffered heavy casualties.

Because of the appearance of Sun Lingtian, the morale of the Great Wei Kingdom doubled, while the morale of the Wulin Army dropped drastically, and the battle conditions of the two sides suddenly changed.

Seeing that the gate of Wu Zhou City was about to be broken by the soldiers of the Great Wei Kingdom, Ye Tian knew that he could no longer hide, and he rushed towards Sun Lingtian with a long scream, killing the Great Wei Kingdom Wujun who was blocking him along the way. No piece of armor is left.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a strong man hidden here, it's mine, hehe!" A strong man of the eighth level of the Great Wei Kingdom Wujun saw Ye Tian suddenly rushing up, his eyes flashed sharply, and he threw his knife away.

"In front of me, do you dare to move a knife?" Ye Tian suddenly turned his head, his icy eyes glowed with shocking light. He blasted his fist with a burst of light, and the dazzling golden light made the entire sky bright.


The eighth-level martial master of the Great Wei Kingdom, his eyes widened at this time, and his face looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. His long knife was shattered by Ye Tian's fist, and the terrifying power hit him fiercely.

"Puff......" The Wujun eighth-level expert of the Great Wei Kingdom died under Ye Tian's fist in just an instant.

Ye Tian yelled from the sky, and once again killed the martial princes of the Great Wei Kingdom, his heart was full of excitement. He did not expect that after comprehending the meaning of Han Bing's fist, even his seven-kill fist would be much stronger.

"If I use the 30,000 li of ice now, I am afraid that the attack power will not be under the blood cut." Ye Tian swept at those Wujun of the Great Wei Kingdom, his eyes flashed with icy cold light, and he did not reveal his cold fist. , Because he killed Sun Lingtian.

At this time, because Ye Tian powerfully killed several powerful eighth-level Wei Wujun, he finally attracted Sun Lingtian's attention. He looked at Ye Tian in the crowd in surprise, and said with a grin: "It's you! There is a way to heaven, you don't go. , There is no way to hell. You broke in. Today next year will be your sacrifice day."

After all, Sun Lingtian carried a spear and killed Ye Tian, ​​making no secret of his surging killing intent in his eyes.

"It's just right!" Ye Tiandi's goal was also to kill Sun Lingtian. Seeing Sun Lingtian rushing towards him, he couldn't help but sneer, and immediately rushed forward.

Along the way, all the martial arts warlord who stood in front of them, or the great Wei state martial masters, were killed by the two of them. No one could block their way.

The battle between these two men also attracted the attention of King Wu Zhou and King Murder.

"Hey, I didn't expect that in your Great Yan Nation, there is actually a great kid. If I didn't guess wrong, he would be the number one Ye Tian in your Great Yan Supreme Ranking, right?" The strength of killing the eighth-level Wujun was a bit surprised, but when he thought of such a genius, he soon died under Sun Lingtian's gun, and his face couldn't help showing a stern smile.

"Ye Tian, ​​go back!" King Wu Zhou was not in the mood to talk to the Murder King. He left the Murder King and rushed down, trying to save Ye Tian.

"Tsk tusk, in front of me, do you think you can get rid of me?" The Murder King sneered and forced him back to King Wu Zhou with a punch. They were quite strong, and it was impossible to get rid of each other.

King Wu Zhou was angry and anxious, but he couldn't help but kill the King, so he had to order the powerhouse of the Wu Lin army to help Ye Tian.

It's a pity that those martial arts powerhouses at the tenth and ninth levels of Wujun were all entangled by the powerhouses of the Great Wei Kingdom, and there was no way to get out to help Ye Tian.

"Hey, King Wu Zhou, let's take a good look. Is it the first person among the young generation of your Great Yan country, or the first person among the young generation of our Great Wei country." The Murder King was full of triumph.

King Wu Zhou had a gloomy face and was very anxious.

At this time, no one could stop Ye Tian and Sun Lingtian, and they were fighting for the second time.

The first time was in the second level of the Great Yan Supreme Ranking. At that time, Ye Tian was not Sun Lingtian's opponent at all. He could only rely on the power of everyone to pass the assessment.

But this time, Ye Tian looked at Sun Lingtian on the opposite side, his face was full of confidence, the light in his eyes burst, and he rushed up with a low growl.

"Boy, I was about to kill you, I didn't expect you to come here by yourself, hum!" Sun Lingtian was full of murderous expression, shot with a spear, and made no secret of his strength, as if he wanted to penetrate the void.

"You are jealous of my potential, and I am afraid that I will surpass you in the future." Ye Tian sneered, using the Nine Revolutions body, and greeted him with a punch.

"After today, you have no future. What potential is there to speak of?" Sun Lingtian snorted, he naturally wouldn't admit that he was jealous of Ye Tian's talent.

"I'll give you this sentence back, because I have surpassed you today, why do we need to come." Ye Tian heard this, his eyes were blazing, and his body instantly turned golden. A pair of golden fists broke the void and faced Sun Lingtian's spear.

"Arrogant!" Sun Lingtian roared, the true essence of Wujun's eighth-level peak gathered towards the spear, causing the spear in his hand to burst out with brilliant light.


Sun Lingtian's spear slammed into Ye Tian's fist fiercely. Between the two, a terrifying explosion broke out, a huge shock wave, and some Wujun around him flew out.

There is a vacuum in the field.

Until the light dissipated, everyone could see the scene clearly.

I saw Sun Lingtian staring at Ye Tian on the opposite side in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief.

In the previous blow, Ye Tian didn't take a step back. The two sides were evenly matched, and no one could do anything about it.

Ye Tian didn't care much. He knew that Sun Lingtian was very strong. Even if he faced his third-tier Nine-Ranked battle body, he would not fall into a disadvantage. After all, he was nearly two levels behind the opponent.

But Sun Lingtian was completely shocked. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so powerful. With the shot just now, he had no mercy at all!

Above the sky, King Wu Zhou and King Murder also looked shocked.

The martial princes who saw this scene around were shocked.

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