Seven World Martial God

Chapter 332: Wu Yanxue


A blood cut, containing Ye Tian's powerful strength, smashed the one-armed mantis in front of him fiercely. 【First Release】

At this moment, Ye Tian clearly saw the one-armed praying mantis's face distorted for a while, and it looked even more hideous, and it seemed to be painful and uncomfortable. It kept roaring in anger, and the terrifying sound was harsh and piercing.

Ye Tian took advantage of the victory to pursue and defended against the Taiji diagram, and continued to slash the wounded one-armed mantis with a mysterious iron sword, with dozens of swords gaining the upper hand.

Yang Shaohua outside the hall stared at this scene dumbfounded, with shock on his face.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Ye is so strong, this has surpassed the five great arrogances and is approaching the four great kings." Yang Shaohua felt Ye Tian's powerful strength for the first time, and was shocked in his heart.

"I heard that Brother Ye's age is much younger than me. I can't imagine how terrifying his future is." Looking at Ye Tian, ​​who showed great power in the hall, Yang Shaohua knew this figure and was destined to be in the near future. , To be famous in the eighteen countries of Beihai.

"Fortunately, I didn't offend him!"

Yang Shaohua couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, he had the courage to hand over the Blood Demon Knife to Ye Tian, ​​which was really a good deal.

In the main hall, fierce battles continued. Although the one-armed mantis was seriously injured, it was still fierce and mighty and could not be killed by Ye Tian in a short time.

This is destined to be a protracted battle.

In mid-air, the Blood Demon Knife shone bright blood, and the majestic murderous aura enveloped the entire hall.

Outside the hall, Yang Shaohua witnessed the battle while confirming his martial arts, benefited a lot and watched with gusto.


Broken Dragon City.

Wu Yanxue came out of Tianjiao Inn with a gloomy expression, his expression very ugly.

Because Ye Tian was not in Tianjiao Inn, he had already been recommended by the Zhou family and had been bathed in dragon spirit.

"Damn, hateful Zhou family, so easily gave him the recommended place, so I missed the opportunity to kill him." Wu Yanxue stomped the ground, the ground sank, and it sank deeply.

Wu Yanxue was very angry. He knew that a genius like Ye Tian would be more and more difficult to kill if he couldn't kill him earlier.

In Wu Zhou City, Ye Tian had already killed Sun Lingtian, and his strength was comparable to Wu Jun's ninth-level powerhouse. Now, Ye Tian has bathed in Dragon Qi, and his cultivation must have increased a lot. It is estimated that the average Wujun at the tenth level may not be able to kill Ye Tian.

Although Wu Yanxue had the cultivation base of the tenth-level peak of Martial Lord, he knew that if Ye Tian continued to improve like this, he would probably be killed by that time. 【First Release】

This is not Wu Yanxue's humbleness, but he knows Ye Tian's level of genius, that can't be described by common sense.

The four kings of this generation are all miracles. They have encountered many dangers, but they can alleviate dangers every time and become stronger step by step, and finally become famous in the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai.

Ye Tian has surpassed the five great arrogances, who knows when he will be like the four kings, Wu Yanxue dare not gamble. So he wanted to find Ye Tian quickly and behead him to avoid future troubles.

This is also the idea of ​​the Murder King, so the Murder King sent Wu Yanxue, the tenth-level peak of Martial Lord, to replace him with a general genius. Why would it be necessary for Wu Yanxue to do it himself?

With a slight cold snort, Wu Yanxue, with an ugly face, walked towards Xue Mansion.

"The boy left Broken Dragon City, I don't know where he went? I have some friendship with the Patriarch of the Xue family, and see if he knows the whereabouts of this boy."

Wu Yanxue secretly thought.

Soon, Wu Yanxue came to Xue Mansion.

A few watchdogs of Xue Mansion were shocked by Wu Yanxue’s horrible cultivation base, and quickly went in to report respectfully. As soon as the head of the Xue family heard that Wu Yanxue had arrived, he immediately came to the door to greet him and accompanied him. Also brought the third son of Xue Mansion.

"Brother Wu, after many years of farewell, you still have the same style. I am afraid that you will be promoted to the half-step martial arts king soon." The Xue Family Patriarch cordially took Wu Yanxue's hand and walked towards the Xue Mansion Hall.

The third son of Xue Mansion behind him didn't even disdain Wu Yanxue, but when he heard this, he was suddenly shocked and secretly shocked. He didn't dare to underestimate Wu Yanxue at the moment, and he kept calling his uncle respectfully.

In the hall of Xue Mansion, the three people sat down one after another and talked with a smile.

"Brother Xue, I’m a soldier, so I’ll just say it straight. This time I came to Broken Dragon City. I wanted to ask Brother Xue about someone. He came to Broken Dragon City not long ago. I know where I am going now. If Brother Xue knows, I hope to tell Wu." After some politeness, Wu Yanxue asked directly.

In the Great Wei team all the year round, Wu Yanxue is also a straightforward man, but he is very loyal to Great Wei State. As a mortal enemy of Great Yan Nation, he must kill Ye Tian.

"Oh? I heard that Brother Wu has been under the Murder King over the years, and is following the Murder King's attack on Wu Zhou City. Who can let Brother Wu come to chase him down?" Patriarch Xue asked immediately, very surprised.

"Brother Xue, Wu is not afraid to tell you directly, anyway, sooner or later this matter will spread throughout the entire Beihai Eighteen Kingdoms." Wu Yanxue muttered for a moment and said.

When Patriarch Xue heard it, he became more curious and listened carefully now.

The third son of Xue Mansion on the side was also aroused by curiosity.

"Brother Xue, there was a battle in Wu Zhoucheng not long ago. The first genius of the Great Wei Kingdom, Sun Lingtian, one of the five great arrogances, was beheaded by the Great Flame Sword King Ye Tian of the Great Yan Kingdom. The Murder King was very angry and sent me He came all the way, but unfortunately it was a step slower after all." Wu Yan said in a **** voice.

Anyway, he didn't say that at this time, Great Yan Nation would also publicize this matter. After all, this matter is beneficial to Great Yan Nation. It can inspire Great Yan Nation's national prestige and make Ye Tian famous in the world.

However, Wu Yanxue's words stunned the Xue family Patriarch on the opposite side and the third son of Xue Mansion on the side.

The Patriarch of the Xue family was a little better. He was shocked and said: "I didn't expect that Great Yan Nation would have produced this remarkable genius. No wonder Brother Wu has pursued this all the way. If I change to me, I am afraid it will be like this. Once you become an enemy, it’s better to kill him earlier."

"Brother Xue is right. Speaking of it, I really admire this kid, but we are helpless, Great Wei and Great Yan are mortal enemies, Wu Mou can only be cheeky and kill a junior with his own hands." Wu Yanxue There was a rare hint of shame on his face.

The Patriarch of the Xue family shook his head and said, "Brother Wu doesn't need to do this. You are your masters. Brother Wu, you are a soldier, and you should obey orders as your bounden duty."

"Uncle Wu, please forgive the younger generation to disturb you. The Great Flame Sword King Ye Tian you mentioned just now is Ye Tian who is the number one in the Great Yan Nation's Great Yan Supreme Ranking?" At this time, the third son of Xue Mansion stood beside him. Recovering from the shock, he asked condensedly.

"What? The nephew knows the whereabouts of this person?" Wu Yanxue raised his brows when he heard this, and looked at the third son of Xue Mansion with some expectation.

"San'er, if you know, tell Brother Wu quickly." Patriarch Xue also said.

The third son of Xue Mansion nodded. He bowed his head and said, "Father, Uncle Wu, this kid came to our Xue Mansion not long ago. He wanted to get a recommendation from the Xue family, but I sent him away. "

"Is there such a thing? Why don't I know?" Xue Family Patriarch frowned, staring at the third son of Xue Mansion somewhat severely.

The third son of Xue Mansion suddenly said with a nervous expression: "Father, I didn't know his identity at the time. When I heard that he was from the Great Yan Kingdom, I didn't care and sent him. I didn't expect this kid to be in Tianjiao. The inn defeated Qiao Sanming. According to the regulations, the butler went to the Tianjiao Inn and invited him over, but the boy didn't give us any expressions and left directly with the butler in the Zhou Mansion."

"Huh!" Patriarch Xue snorted, thinking that someone came to visit in person and was driven away by you, and now they are looking for someone, they will naturally ignore you.

However, at any rate, it was the Patriarch of the Xue family, who was also the father of Xue San Gongzi, so he was naturally on the side of Xue Mansion.

"This kid is so ignorant, why don't you inform the father?" Patriarch Xue said in a deep voice.

"Father, I didn't know that this kid was so strong at the time. I thought he was just an ordinary genius, so I didn't bother you. However, I didn't let him go. I asked the butler to arrange two Wujun level nines. To chase him down..." The third son of Xue Mansion hesitated when he said this, because the two powerhouses he sent to hunt down Ye Tian have not yet returned to their lives.

Seeing the expression on Xue San Gongzi's face, the Patriarch Xue immediately understood, and he coldly snorted: "What? The two people you sent out didn't come back, did they?"

"Yes...Father!" The third son of Xue Mansion lowered his head, his face full of anxiety.

"Huh, if you do something like this, how can you inherit the Xue family in the future? It's really muddy and can't get on the wall." The Xue family's Patriarch scolded.

Wu Yanxue on the side persuaded him: "Brother Xue, don't blame the nephew. That kid never left the Great Yan country before, and the nephew would naturally not get accurate information. To be honest, even me and The Murder King also couldn't predict that the kid was so strong, and the two people sent by the nephew might have died."

"Hmph, for the sake of Brother Wu, I will spare you this time and tell the truth about the information you know." The Patriarch of the Xue family continued to yell at the third son of Xue Mansion.

The third son of Xue Fu is now like a good honestly tells all the things he knows.

"Father, you also know that for Yang Shaohua's affairs during this period, the Zhou family has used the recommended quota to send many strong people to the death swamp. I think the reason why the kid got a recommended quota, I am afraid that he also agreed to the Zhou family to die. The swamp looks for Yang Shaohua." The third son of Xue Mansion said.

Patriarch Xue's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he nodded and said: "If you are a little bit savvy this time, that kid is probably going to the death swamp. I am afraid he will not leave the death swamp in a short time. Brother Wu can take advantage of it. This opportunity rushed to the death swamp to kill him."

"Okay, I will set off now. This time, I would like to thank Brother Xue and nephew, and when I return, we will have wine together again." Wu Yanxue stood up immediately, clasping his fists impatiently.

"Brother Wu is polite." The Patriarch of the Xue family laughed. Anyway, their Xue family has offended Ye Tian. If Wu Yanxue can kill Ye Tian, ​​it can be considered as a relief to them, he is naturally very supportive.

The third son of Xue Mansion even said: "Uncle Wu, you must teach me a good lesson about that kid."

"Don't worry, this son will definitely die." Wu Yanxue's eyes burst with cold light.

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