Seven World Martial God

Chapter 340: Wannian Ice Marrow

"Little beast, look for death!"

The old man who had stepped on Ye Tian, ​​suddenly saw Ye Tian step on him in turn, was suddenly furious and furious, he roared, and punched Ye Tian's big foot. [More exciting novels, please visit]


The majestic true essence exploded, this old man was extraordinary, his strength was terrifying, and he was several times stronger than Ye Tian's master star elder. With this punch, he almost shattered the sky.

However, what he encountered was Ye Tian, ​​who was destined to be a tragedy.


The moment the two fisted, the old man's face changed drastically, because he clearly felt a terrifying power coming from the soles of Ye Tian's feet, this power even surpassed his imagination, making him desperate.

Rumble... The big explosion happened, and the terrifying energy exploded after the two men fisted. A fierce shock wave made the void tremble, like a thunder in the sky.

Ye Tian’s kick smashed the old man’s fist severely. He vigorously shook his feet and continued to step on the top of the old man’s head. Not far away, in the shocked eyes of the young man with a bow, he slammed his foot on the old man’s. Overhead.

"Ah..." The old man yelled, his face distorted. At this moment, he was ashamed and anxious, and he was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

Once upon a time, he was a powerful eighth-level martial artist, but he was stepped on the top of his head. What a shame he was thinking of suicide.

"Little beast, the old man will never die with you!" The old man yelled in grief and indignation, his eyes were red, as if magma was gushing out of his eyes, his anger was boiling.

If he wants to kill Ye Tian, ​​he must kill Ye Tian, ​​otherwise it will be difficult to wash away his shame.

"Huh!" A light flashed in the old man's hand, a golden big bow, exuding fiery light, like the same sun, golden and dazzling.

As an elder of the Sacred Arrow Gate, the strongest martial skill of the old man is naturally archery, but he just didn't put Ye Tian in his eyes. But he didn't want Ye Tian to be so strong, so that he suffered a big loss and lost his face.

"Little beast, the old man is going to shoot through your limbs!"

The old man yelled, and the golden bow in his hand suddenly burst into bright light, and feather arrows, with golden brilliance, came towards Ye Tian like shooting stars.

I have to say that this old man's archery skills are many times stronger than that of the young man with a bow. Ye Tian's face couldn't help becoming serious, he lifted his palms and squeezed tightly, his fists were suddenly covered with a layer of frost.

"Thirty thousand miles in ice!"

Ye Tian yelled, his fists blasted out, and an extremely cold breath erupted from him, spreading the entire sky with a force of freezing everything. 【First Release】


The feather arrows with powerful strength were suddenly frozen in the sky, and they couldn't move forward 30 meters before Ye Tian.

At this moment, with Ye Tian as the center, the surrounding area was frozen within 30 meters.

"What martial skill is this?" The old man's eyes widened and his face was horrified.

The young man with a bow not far away was also shocked. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so powerful that even Elder Zhang could not kill him.

"This guy won't be the five great arrogances, right? Impossible...I know all the five great arrogances. I have never seen this kid before." The bow-holding youth was puzzled.

"It's the martial skill to kill you!"

Ye Tian sneered, and the ice cubes all over his body suddenly exploded. The frozen feather arrows also lost their strength and fell to the ground.

Ye Tian then kicked his feet, stepped into the air, and slammed his fist at the old man.

Seeing the previous scene, the old man naturally didn't dare to be careless, he quickly stepped back and distanced himself from Ye Tian.

"Joke, the old man is an archer, how can he fight you in close quarters...Huh? This is impossible!" The old man thought he had separated from Ye Tian and was about to bend his bow to continue shooting at Ye Tian, ​​but he did not expect him Looking back, I saw Ye Tian close at hand.

"Your speed is too slow." Ye Tian curled his mouth slightly, curled his mouth in disdain, and slammed his fist at the old man.


Before Ye Tian's fist came, the extremely cold aura had already made the old man shudder. He held back the shock in his heart, and hurriedly moved his body, hoping to avoid this fist.

However, when Ye Tian's fist was 20 meters away from him, that extremely cold breath had already enveloped him.

Suddenly, the old man felt the terrifying power of this punch, the surrounding air seemed to be frozen, the void was frozen, and the old man's whole person was also frozen.

"too weak!"

Ye Tian shook his head.

The frozen old man lost his breath, like an ice sculpture, falling from the sky, even if it fell to the ground, it was not melted.

Ye Tian knew that the 30,000 li of cold air had invaded the old man's body and destroyed his vitality.

With Ye Tian's current strength, even if a ninth-level martial master was hit by the frozen 30,000 li frontally, he would peel off his skin if he didn't die, not to mention the old man was just a ninth-level martial master.

"Once upon a time, the eighth level of Wujun could only make me look up. Now in front of me, he is so vulnerable!" Ye Tian sighed slightly, and then he walked over in the horrified gaze of the bow-holding youth. .

"Don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want." The young man with the bow suddenly became anxious, with a frightened face, he knelt down and pleaded toward Ye Tian.

"I want your life, will you give it?" Ye Tian sneered, and kept walking towards the young man with the bow. The huge pressure made the young man with the bow tremble.

"Don't kill me!" The young man with a bow was sweating anxiously. He didn't want to die. He still had many concubines waiting for him to spoil him. He still had a great life waiting for him to enjoy. He didn't want to die so early. Drop.

"By the way, I know a piece of news that must be useful to you." Suddenly, the young man with a bow brightened his eyes, as if the drowning man grabbed a life-saving straw, his eyes fixed on Ye Tian.

"News? Oh, you just talk about it. If it's useful, it's not impossible to let you die." Ye Tian finally stopped after hearing this, with a sneer on his face.

In his opinion, the boy in front of him was delaying time, but he was not afraid, because under the induction of his martial arts will, there was no one around him. He could kill the boy at any time and leave.

Moreover, the half-step Martial King of the Shenjian Gate can never run casually, he doesn't believe that luck is so bad, and he just happened to meet the half-step Martial King of the Shenjian Gate.

If it weren't for the half-step Wuwang, then he wouldn't be afraid of any powerhouse.

This is the confidence that absolute strength brings.

Ye Tian stared at the bow-holding youth with interest, as if looking at an ant, not anxious at all, waiting for the bow-holding youth's answer.

"You have to swear that you can't kill me!" said the young man with a bow, holding back the panic in his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me now. If you don't talk about it, my patience is gone." Ye Tian sneered. He raised a palm, and the void suddenly condensed, and a terrible aura enveloped this area.

The young man with the bow trembled and said quickly: "I said, I said, don't kill me."

Ye Tian smiled slightly. He liked this feeling of controlling the situation very much, as if a king was aloft, looking down at the sentient beings in the human world.

"After all, what the news is, if it's useful, I don't mind letting you die." Ye Tian snorted coldly.

"That's it. Not long ago, a disciple of our Shenjianmen discovered the deep pool. The deep pool was also very strange. It was obviously not frozen, but it was extremely cold. A Wu Zong just reached out and was directly frozen. Dead," said the young man with a bow.

"Speaking of the important point, don't think that I will be unclear if you delay the time." Ye Tian said coldly.

"Yes, yes!" The young man with a bow was full of aggrieved heart. Where did he receive such treatment, he hated the eighteenth generation of Ye Tian ancestors to death, but he resisted the anger in his heart and continued: "You should I know that ordinary pool water is not so cold at all. This shows that there must be treasures of extremely cold nature in the deep pool. Our elders have judged that there are ten thousand years of ice marrow below. I just saw you understand the fist of cold ice, with this Wannian Bingxue, your Frost Fist Intent can be at least 10% higher."

"Ten thousand years ice marrow!"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up and his heart was shaken, full of excitement.

Since acquiring the Frost Fighting Soul, his Frost Fist Intent has also improved very quickly, second only to Slaughter Blade Intent, and has reached a level of 35%.

"If I get Ten Thousand Years of Ice Essence this time, then the cold ice fist will be able to rise to a level of 4 and a half, surpassing the killing knife in one fell swoop, and then it will be only half a step away from being promoted to the martial king realm."

Ye Tian couldn't help but think of it excitedly.

A martial arts will who understands the 50% realm can be promoted to King Wu. His current killing sword intent is 40% in realm, Hanbing Fist intent is 35% in realm, and Taiji sword intent is the weakest, only 15% in realm.

Ye Tian originally thought that if he wanted to become the King of Martial Arts, he had to work **** the Slaughter Blade Intent. Anyway, he got the Blood Demon Sword, which made the Killing Blade Intent quickly improve.

But this time, if he gets the Ten Thousand Years Ice Marrow, then he may be able to be promoted to the realm of King Wu by Hanbing Fist.

"This Ten Thousand Years of Ice Essence must be obtained!" Ye Tian burst into light, and in order to be promoted to King Wu quickly, he must obtain this Ten Thousand Years of Ice Essence.

"Quickly, where is that deep pool?" Ye Tian shouted to the young man with a bow.

"This is a map, there are markers on it, you can let me go!" The young man with a bow quickly took out a map, and then looked at Ye Tian nervously.

Ye Tian took the map and took a look at and found that he also has this map. It is a map describing this forest, but it has many more arrows than his map.

"You follow the arrow to reach the deep pool." The young man with a bow said nervously.

"Very well, I will count, if I don't kill you, I won't kill you." Ye Tian put away the map and said coldly.

Hearing this, the young man with a bow was overjoyed.

However, at this moment, an icy cold light flickered, and the blazing blade light cut off his legs amidst the screams of the young man with the bow.

"I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say that I won't destroy you." Ye Tian put away the mysterious iron sword, and then slammed his palm on the back of the young man with the bow, shattering his little world and taking him away. Repair for.

The young man with the bow was not dead, but he could not stand up anymore. He stared at Ye Tian with a bitter face, and cursed deeply: "You will die worse than me!"

He knew that without the ability to move and protect himself, he would soon be killed by the beast in the forest.

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