Seven World Martial God

Chapter 372: Tai Chi Wu Fu

Yes, on this disk, there is a kind of heavenly material and earth treasure, which is the essence of the dragon and the blood that Ye Tian dreamed of. (Starter) {Starter} As long as he gets this bottle of Jiaolong Essence, his Ninth Rank combat body will be able to advance to the fourth level, and his physical strength will be enough to deal with the powerful King Wu.

The treasure that Ye Tian dreamed of was right in front of his eyes at this time, as long as the pointer stopped on the dragon's essence blood, then he would be able to obtain this dream treasure.

But is this possible?

Ye Tian looked forward with expectation, his eyes fixed on the pointer, and after a rapid rotation, the pointer's speed began to slowly drop.

"Jiaolong essence and blood!"

"Jiaolong essence and blood!"

Ye Tian whispered to himself, clenched his fists, his eyes hot, his face full of expectation.

Although the treasures that can be listed on this disc are not ordinary grades, among them are the heavenly martial arts, the inner strength mental method of the heavenly rank, and even the best pill "medicine" that can be promoted to the first level, but it is attractive to Ye Tian Not as good as this bottle of Jiaolong blood.

Because as long as he obtains this bottle of Jiaolong Essence Blood, Ye Tian's strength can compete with King Wu and truly stand on top of the martial arts of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

With such strength, Ye Tian will naturally increase his strength much faster, and with such a strong strength, he believes that in this Nine Heavens Palace, he will be able to obtain even greater opportunities.

Therefore, Ye Tian was full of longing for this bottle of Jiaolong blood.

Di di di di...

As the speed of the pointer slowed down, Ye Tian's heart jumped to his throat. He had never been so nervous before. His hot eyes stared at the slowly rotating pointer.

The pointer turned from the Jiaolong essence blood, the speed was already slow to the extreme, Ye Tian's eyes widened, his eyes didn't dare to move half a step, and he stared at the pointer.

The power of the pointer is already very small. It is turning slowly, after most of the turn, it is once again close to the blood of the dragon, but its speed has been reduced to the limit, and it is almost unable to turn.

"Just a little bit, don't stop here!"

Ye Tian clenched his fists and fixed his eyes on the pointer. At this time, the pointer was getting closer and closer to the dragon's essence blood.

Didi... Although the speed of the pointer was slow, like a snail, it still steadily approached the dragon's blood.

"Great opportunity!"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up, his face was full of excitement, and he was a little excited.

He did not expect that his luck would be so good.

One of the eighty-one chance was actually found by him.

Seeing the pointer getting closer and closer to the blood of the dragon, the excitement in Ye Tian's eyes could no longer be concealed, he almost jumped up and roared three times. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Di... When the snail-like speed pointer finally pointed to the dragon's essence blood, Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he couldn't help but roar.

"Falling Dragon Essence Blood! My Rank Nine Battle Body can finally advance to the fourth level!"

Ye Tian laughed happily, venting the joy in his heart fiercely.

As long as he had this bottle of Jiaolong Essence Blood, his strength would be comparable to that of King Wu, and there was nothing more exciting than this.


Suddenly, the pointer that had stopped, moved forward one square again, and stopped one square in front of the blood of the dragon dragon.

At this moment, Ye Tian's smile instantly solidified, and his entire face became extremely ugly. He stared at this scene in disbelief, his mouth wide open and he didn't know what to say.


Ye Tian rarely said a word of vulgarity. This is really annoying. He has already got the blood of the dragon, so why did he take one more step?

It's just a little bit short of it!

That's the essence of Jiaolong!

Ye Tian wanted to cry without tears, and felt a pain in his heart. This was really annoying.

"This is too cheating!" Ye Tian couldn't help yelling. He had already reached the level of the dragon's essence and blood, but he didn't expect that this pointer would actually take a step further, causing the cooked duck to fly immediately.

Ye Tian felt that his heart was dripping blood. He missed this village. If he wanted to get the blood of the dragon, he didn't know that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey.

"I'll care about your uncle--"

Ye Tian vented fiercely against the big disk, and then sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Tian's mood slowly calmed down.

This can't be blamed on him, the opportunity this time is too great, the bottle of the coveted dragon dragon essence blood just slipped out of his hands, and everyone would go crazy if he changed it.

"Look at what this bird thing is?"

At this time, a jade charm appeared on the disk, which was the object pointed to by the pointer just now.

The essence of the dragon's blood belongs to the last level of the treasure of heaven, material and earth. After the pointer passes the essence of the dragon, it comes to another big type-rune.

There are nine kinds of runes on the disc, and this jade talisman is the number one rune.

Ye Tian looked at the name, and the pointer still pointed to it-Tai Chi Wu Fu!

"What is the use of this bird thing?" Ye Tian frowned and picked up this palm-sized jade talisman, feeling very upset. It would be great if he changed to a heavenly martial skill, or some top-grade pill "medicine". It happened to be this kind of rune he didn't understand.

In ancient times, martial arts were vast, and runes were also one of the major categories, very mysterious. But it's a pity that the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea have long lost the way of runes, so Ye Tian naturally didn't know the purpose of this thing.

"Try to infuse the true essence..." Ye Tian looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see why it came. He picked up the vigorous true essence and poured it into the jade talisman.

However, the jade amulet was still calm, there was no gleam of brilliance, and no vision occurred.

"I rely—don’t fool me, at least it’s a bit useful!" Ye Tian's expression was full of grief, he just missed the dragon essence blood, and finally got this chicken rib jade charm, which made him angry. Vomiting blood.

"Damn--" Ye Tian missed it as soon as he thought of the dragon essence blood. This jade talisman was useless, and his heart became more and more angry. Looking at this jade talisman, the atmosphere became more and more and he could not help It grips it tightly and wants to crush it.

However, Ye Tian underestimated the hardness of this jade talisman, and also overestimated the power of his Ninth Revolution.

This jade talisman was incredibly hard, and its corner was very sharp, so under Ye Tian's force, it directly pierced his palm, and blood was overflowing immediately.

"I rely on—" Ye Tian suddenly became more angry and scolded him with anger.

But at this moment, that piece of jade charm that was contaminated with Ye Tian's blood'liquid' suddenly burst into blazing light, and instantly rushed into Ye Tian's forehead, disappearing without a trace.

"what happened?"

Ye Tian panicked suddenly, such a large piece of jade charm rushed into his mind like this, making him extremely frightened.

He carefully "touched" his eyebrows, but there was no wound or blood "liquid", as if the jade charm had disappeared out of thin air.

"This thing..." Ye Tian was stunned, a vast sword intent, suddenly erupted from his body, rushed for nine days, shaking the hall.

This is the Tai Chi sword intent, but it is not the Tai Chi sword intent that Ye Tian understood.

Because so far, the Taiji sword intent that Ye Tian comprehends has only reached the realm of 15%, and this Taiji sword intent has surpassed the realm of 50%, forming a realm around Ye Tian's body that the king of martial masters can only possess. power.

"What a powerful sword intent, a perfect sword intent, no flaws, no dirt..." Ye Tian was immediately immersed in this vast Tai Chi sword intent and entered the state of enlightenment.

I don't know which predecessor left the Taiji sword intent in the jade talisman. It was very perfect. Ye Tian had never seen such a perfect Tai Chi sword intent. The whole person was immediately shocked.

And because Ye Tian himself also comprehended the sword intent of Taiji, under the touch of the sword intent of the same origin, he suddenly entered a wonderful state of enlightenment.

In this state, Ye Tian's Tai Chi sword intent also skyrocketed, and the speed of improvement reached an incredible level.

There is such a perfect Tai Chi sword intent for Ye Tian as a reference, plus Ye Tian's talent is inherently extraordinary, and his previous life also knows Tai Chi diagrams very well, so the speed of comprehension is very fast.

Ye Tian's Tai Chi sword intent has risen rapidly from a realm of 15%. In the blink of an eye, he reached the two-and-a-half percent state, and he was still improving.


Three and a half!

Four percent!

Four-and-a-half percent...Finally, Ye Tian’s Tai Chi sword intent stopped at the realm of four and a half percent. This was not his limit, but the effectiveness of the jade talisman had been exhausted. The perfect Tai Chi sword intent had disappeared, making Ye The sky's Tai Chi sword intent cannot go further.


Ye Tian opened his eyes, a pair of dark eyes, which turned into black and white, like Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish, extremely mysterious.

At the same time, a huge Tai Chi sword intent erupted from his body and swept the entire hall.

Although this Taiji sword intent cannot be compared with the previous vast sword intent, it is also not trivial, reaching an astonishing level.

"Four and a half realms!"

Ye Tian's eyes were brilliant, his face was full of excitement and surprise.

Enlightenment this time, his Tai Chi sword intent has increased by 30%, reaching the realm of 4 and a half.

You know, for now, Ye Tian's three martial arts wills, the highest of which is Frost Fist Intent, has just reached the realm of 45 percent.

As for the killing blade intent, the blade intent that Ye Tian first comprehended had only reached the realm of 40% at this time, and it is estimated that it will be promoted to the realm of 45% in a while.

However, the slowest progress of Tai Chi Dao Yi has been. Today, he got the opportunity to quickly rise to a level of 45 percent, catching up with Hanbing Fist and Slaughter Blade in one fell swoop.

"It's really a blessing!" Ye Tian couldn't help sighing Originally lost the dragon essence and blood, which made Ye Tian feel very sorry, but with this 30% of the Taichi sword intent to make up for it, he suddenly felt better. Up.

"Now, my cold ice fist intent and Tai Chi sword intent have reached the realm of 4 and a half. As long as any of these martial arts will go further, I can be promoted to the realm of King Wu." Ye Tian couldn't help but excited.

If you want to be promoted to the realm of King Wu, the most important thing is to reach the 50% realm of martial arts will.

Today, Ye Tian's three martial arts wills are very close to the 50% realm, and his road to promotion to the Wuwang realm is even smoother, and only time is left.

This made Ye Tian full of confidence in his future.

"Maybe, I will be promoted to King Wu in this Taiji Sacred Palace!" Ye Tian's eyes were brilliant and confident.

ps [seeking monthly ticket! 】

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