Seven World Martial God

Chapter 391: Invincible war

A stalwart high in the sky, the peaks of the two figures facing each other, a terrifying murderous aura filled between the two, an invincible fighting spirit rose from the two of them, and the sky and the earth trembled. (Starting) {Starting}

The two vast domains collided from the void, bursting out shocking energy fluctuations, spreading the entire world, and the world was shaking.

Looking at the power displayed by Ye Tian and the king in the sky, the crowd of spectators below were all shocked.

"You said, who can win?" Someone asked, this is actually a question in many people's minds. Although the result will be soon, they still can't help but curiosity.

The king has already become famous. He has defeated Gongsun Xuanxuan, Wufeng, and Zhao Wu. He is the king of the world and ranks first among the young people of the eighteen countries in Beihai. Everyone knows his strength, and no one thinks he will lose.

But Ye Tian, ​​since his debut, he hasn't lost a game, and he is invincible all the way. He won the first place in the Great Yan Supreme Ranking, undefeated in the same rank as Wufeng, killed one of the five great arrogances, repelled the old man of Frost, defeated Zhao Wu, Wufeng... these dazzling achievements, finally Let his power reach its peak.

Both of them are invincible in the younger generation, much stronger than some of the older generations. With such two people, no one can tell which one will win in the end.

"Still the king! Although Ye Tian is strong, his training time is too short, and his cultivation is the ninth-level peak of Wujun, and the king is only half a step away from the realm of the king. In addition, the king has been practicing for many years. , The combat experience must be better than Ye Tian.” Someone said this. This is the voice of many people. After all, the king has been famous for a long time, and his power cannot be broken by Ye Tian, ​​who has just grown up.

"Maybe in a few years, Ye Tian will surpass the king, but now it is very difficult." Someone sighed.

"That's not necessarily true. Ye Tian owns the blood magic knife, and the power of the king weapon is unimaginable. Who knows what power this magic knife has yet to show." Someone was on Ye Tian's side.

Most of these people saw Ye Tian defeat Wufeng and Zhao Wushi's demeanor, so they firmly believed that Ye Tian could finally win.

People talked a lot. According to some serious analysis of theories, some believed that the king won, and some supported Ye Tian. Neither of them agreed with each other. In the end, they could only cast their eyes on the two who were fighting high in the sky.

In the trembling void, the two dazzling figures resembled two bolts of lightning, constantly colliding with each other, erupting a series of loud noises, shaking the earth, and the sound was thundering.


They fist fist together, as if two planets collided together, and the shock wave that erupted made the whole world tremble, and the energy fluctuated extremely violently, which was shocking. 【First Release】

The terrible true essence that emerged from the two of them was like a turbulent flood, endless and endless. That vast power, like the possession of the ancient God of War, blasted down with a punch, breaking the sky to pieces, very terrifying.

The whole world was trembling, and each of their blows made the void tremble, and the invincible aura made everyone below feel a terrible sense of oppression, and their hearts were full of tremors.

Many people are shocked. If this punch hits them, they may not be able to stop a hundred.

For everyone, this is already a powerful person in the realm of King Wu.

"I thought that Windless had cultivated the Rank 9 battle body. The physical body is the strongest among the four kings, but I didn't expect your physical body to be so strong." Ye Tian's eyes flickered, like a **** star bursting with dazzling light, invincible breath Full of oppressive force.

"Although the Nine Revolutions body is strong, the training is too difficult. Although my practice is not as good as the Nine Revolutions, but I have practiced it to the top. It is only better than your third level of the Nine Revolutions. Weak." The king's eyes were full of confidence, his fighting spirit skyrocketed, and the void was shaking.

"It's too early to say victory or defeat. Take my fist and freeze it for 30,000 miles -" Ye Tian shouted, cold air on his fist, an extremely cold field, and his fist enveloped the area. Sky dome.

In the void, a heavy snow suddenly fell, and the endless cold air sealed the surrounding area for dozens of miles, causing the sky to be covered in heavy snow, which was extremely shocking.

At this moment, Ye Tian seemed to be the **** of ice and snow, looking sacred and inviolable. He waved his fists, intertwined into the sky and snow, and the sky and the earth were fierce, like a frozen ice surface, reflecting everything.

"A powerful Fist Intent of Cold Bing, not worse than his killing sword intent, when did Ye Tian realize such a powerful intent?"

The people below suddenly exclaimed, especially those of Ye Tian's friends, their faces were full of shock, and it was the first time that they knew that Ye Tian's boxing skills were so powerful.

"All have changed the battlefield environment. This field of fist extension is close to Dacheng, and I am afraid that it is only half a step away from the realm of King Wu."

"I thought that Ye Tian would be promoted to King Wu in the future by relying on the sword intent, but now it seems that he can also be promoted to King Wu through the intent of his fist. What a genius!"

"Many geniuses can cultivate one martial arts will to this level. It is already very remarkable. Ye Tian has only practiced for a short time, and he can even cultivate two martial arts will to such a level. It is really super talent."


There was a lot of discussion, and all of them were full of admiration.

If they knew that Ye Tian's Taiji sword intent was also so strong, they really didn't know how to feel.

Sisi... a terrible chill spread towards the sky, freezing the king's body together with this void. From a distance, the king seemed to be an ice sculpture, lifelike and amazing.

Ye Tian raised the Blood Demon Knife, and was about to cut a lore towards the king, but instantly—

The king's statue trembled for a while, and then collapsed. The terrifying sword glow came from the suppression like a universe starry sky, with an unparalleled aura, causing the void to be torn apart.

"Deserving to be the king..." Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and the blood magic knife in his hand burst into blazing light, and his full body of true essence poured into it, causing the sword to erupt, which is more than a thousand meters.

From a distance, it looks like a long rainbow traverses the sky, with unparalleled momentum, and the sky is shaking.


The king slashed with a sword, like a divine punishment, the sky quake "sway", the void trembled, and the terrible sword aura formed a tornado storm that ravaged this space and strangled Ye Tian in it.

Ye Tian's whole body burst of light, and the Nine Revolutions battle body moved to the extreme, and an endless sea of ​​blood burst out from the blood magic knife. It looked like a **** of Shura, shrouded the king in it, and the vast sea of ​​blood "dang" and "dang" overwhelmed him.

"The sword destroys the world!"

The king drank low, a sword tore through the sky, and the world trembled. His eyes burst out with brilliant divine light, which set off him like a god, exuding vast coercion, evaporating the surrounding blood sea.

"Blood World Slash!" Ye Tian raised his sword to greet him, and a long **** dragon was rolled up in the boundless sea of ​​blood, following Ye Tian's sword light, toward the king, bringing a shocking sense of oppression.


When the swords collided, the world was shocked. This space was trembling again and again, spreading ripples, like waves in the sea, tumbling endlessly, "dang" and "dang".

The two fought fiercely, and every blow was the pinnacle, and the invincible breath filled the people below with a sense of oppression, and the powerful force made this world about to collapse.

"One is the king of swords and the other is the overlord of swords. They have all evolved knives and swords to the extreme. It is not an exaggeration to be called the sword king and the sword king." Yan Haotian admired.

"The Continent of Shenzhou is vast and endless, maybe the two of them are nothing on the Continent of Shenzhou, but looking at the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, they are indeed the king of swords and swords." Song Haoran nodded.

Since then, the Beihai Sword King and the Beihai Sword King have become the titles of the king and Ye Tian, ​​and are known to the world.

High in the sky, fierce battles continue.

Ye Tian raised the Blood Demon Knife, and the world of blood "color" on the knife was evolving, and the boundless murderous aura swept the world, making the surrounding void blurry, terrible pressure, and shaking the sky.

When the battle was in full swing, Ye Tian tried his best to hide it. He used one step to reach the sky and stepped on the clouds, his body moved quickly, and in eight directions, he slashed towards the king in the middle.

At this moment, everyone saw that the sky was full of sword lights flashing, the boundless sword energy filled the sky, and there were sword lights like a rainbow everywhere.

But the king in the center of the blade was unmoved, his eyes were indifferent, his feet stomped, and the world trembled. Terrible energy surged out of him and rushed into the sky.


A monstrous sword glow erupted from the king's body, rushing up against the current, straight into the sky, shattering the void.

In front of this vast sword light, all the sword auras could not be approached, and they were all annihilated in the void, and the heavens and the earth were restored to clearness.

"Three styles of funeral!" Ye Tian roared. Now, he has to admit that the king is powerful. Not inferior to him, if there is no Blood Demon Knife, it is not certain who wins and loses.

"Unexpectedly, he also stepped into the realm of invincibility. Fortunately, he is just like me, just barely stepping into this realm. Otherwise, even with the help of the blood magic knife, I am not his opponent." Ye Tian was secretly thankful.

In front of the huge Taiji diagram, the king's invincible sword light finally met his opponent, and the power of his sword was reduced to only 30%. The invincible defense of the funeral three styles made the first person of the young generation finally frowned and felt jealous.

"This defense is simply a tortoise shell..." The king hated him secretly. He had already "touched" Ye Tian's strength. He was confident to defeat the opponent, although the final result might be a miserable victory.

But now this invincible defense, Ye Tian's winning side is bigger.

"Boom boom boom..."

After several consecutive attacks, the king's invincible sword light was all blocked by the funeral three styles. Instead, Ye Tian took the opportunity to slash away, causing the king to suffer serious injuries.

The situation is getting worse and worse for the king.

"It seems that the king is going to be defeated..." The people who watched the battle couldn't help but condensed in their hearts, secretly shocked. Could it be that the king of the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea for many years, just like this?

Just as everyone thought about it, the king's entire popularity changed, and a terrifying sword aura burst from him. In an instant, his body turned into a crystal clear, peerless divine sword, exuding a dazzling light, and the sword intent came straight to the sky.

"Human sword is one!"

The people watching the battle below suddenly exclaimed, their faces full of disbelief.

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