Seven World Martial God

Chapter 398: Success and failure

"Town Lord, Li is a step ahead, remember to invite us to drink!"

"Haha, being able to fight with you till now, Zhang has no regrets in his life. (Starting

"I wish the city lord in advance to win the supreme position!"


Hearing these heroic words in his ears, Ye Tian's blood boiled, and a bright light burst out of his dark eyes.

He raised the Blood Demon Knife forcefully and shouted: "Kill, this battle, we will win!"

"Sure victory!"

"Sure victory!"


The morale of a group of young talents in Tai Chi City was greatly boosted, and all of them seemed to be beaten up. They were all crazy. They showed their strength supernormally and caused great losses to the coalition forces.

On the contrary, the people of the coalition forces are not as desperate as Ye Tian's side. They still want to stay in the virtual world for a while to enhance their cultivation.

As for the breach of Tai Chi City, in their opinion, Tai Chi City will be broken sooner or later, there is no need to rush for a while.

Coupled with Yang Shaohua, Song Haoran and others' encouragement, the progress of this siege suddenly dropped. The king's brows were gloomy with anger, but he was helpless.

Of course, this was all because they didn't know Ye Tian's situation, including King and others, didn't know that Ye Tian was on the verge of a breakthrough, and they didn't know that after Ye Tian's breakthrough, his strength would greatly increase.

Otherwise, the king and Wufeng would have been desperate long ago.

It was also because of their neglect that Ye Tian had a glimmer of hope.

"Come on, look at this time, which side is God on?" Ye Tian's eyes were bright, and he rushed out of the city again, taking advantage of the morale boost, causing the coalition forces to suffer a heavy blow.

"Ye Tian, ​​you came just right, this time don't want to escape into Tai Chi City."

When the king saw Ye Tian leaving the city, he shouted.

The morale of the coalition forces has plummeted this time, and he needs to defeat Ye Tian fiercely. No matter how bad he is, he will severely injure Ye Tian to restore his morale.

Wufeng worried that the king would lose to Ye Tian, ​​and rushed up with Gongsun Xuanxuan.

Some young talents around are also attacking Ye Tian.

"Three styles of funeral!"

Ye Tian Taiji sword intent broke out with all his strength and brought the Three Forms of Funeral to its peak. The invincible defense force blocked all attacks.

But this powerful defense was destroyed by the king's sword, causing Ye Tian to vomit blood and fly out.

However, at this moment, Ye Tian waved the Blood Demon Knife, and also beheaded some of the surrounding young talents who attacked him.

"The king, Ye Tian is about to decide the position of supreme, no one wants to stop me." Ye Tian took a deep look at the king, and once again fled into Tai Chi City.

"Damn it!" The king chased after him with a gloomy face, but was blocked by the formation of Tai Chi City.

Tai Chi City.

"Ye Tian, ​​how is your injury?"

Seeing Ye Tian returning from a serious injury, a little bit tragic, Yan Haotian and the others were worried and ran over to ask. 【First Release】

"Leave me alone, I'm fine, hurry up to defend the city." Ye Tian shouted, now that time is urgent, Tai Chi City insists on it, and his hope of success will be greater.

When Yan Haotian and the others heard this, without saying a word, they all ran to defend the city.

They all know the current situation, they can't help Ye Tian, ​​they can only desperately delay the destruction of Tai Chi City.

In this way, two consecutive days passed, and under the violent bombardment of the coalition forces, even if there was Ye Tian's harassment, the guardian formation of Tai Chi City had reached its limit and was about to collapse.

"Ye Tian, ​​your death date has come, and you can't do things that my king can't do."

The king stood in the air outside the city and said coldly.

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to him. Today, he has not been out of the city to fight. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated on the top of the city gate, preparing to attack the tenth level of Wujun again.

Ye Tian knew that this was his last chance, because the guardian formation was about to be broken today.

Break, he wins!

Without a breakthrough, he lost!

It's that simple.

Ye Tian adjusted his state so that his spirit and energy reached the peak state, and then he took a deep breath, mobilizing all the true essences in his body, and ten small worlds burst out, rushing towards the inexplicable diaphragm.

When Ye Tian hit the tenth level of Wujun, the young talents of Taiji City on the wall were also fighting desperately.

"Brothers, we have persisted for so many days, and it has reached the last moment. If we lose here today, don't say that the city lord will be unwilling, are you willing?"

Standing on the head of the city, Yan Haotian shouted.

"Not reconciled!" a group of young talents roared together.

Just as Yan Haotian said, they have all adhered to this point. If they fail at this time, no one will be willing to change.

"But, can the city lord win?" Some people hesitate, not to question Ye Tian, ​​but to feel that Ye Tian's strength is at best a little bit stronger than the king, and there is no overwhelming advantage at all.

Yan Haotian glanced at the young handsome man who was talking, his face was full of confidence, and he said with a smile: "Don't be afraid to tell you that the current cultivation base of the city lord is only at the ninth level of Wujun! Moreover, the city lord is about to break through, you can Imagine, once the city lord breaks through to the tenth rank of Martial Lord, what will happen?"

"What! City Lord Cai Wujun's ninth level peak!"

"The ninth level of Wujun can defeat the king of Wuwang peak in half a step!"

"The ninth level of Wujun has the strength of invincible Wujun. If you are promoted to the tenth level of Wujun, won't you become a guard against the sky?"


Upon hearing this, a group of young talents were shocked.

At this time, Yan Haotian, in order to increase his morale, naturally would not conceal it anymore, he was not afraid that the king would know it, anyway, at this time, there was no need to conceal it.

So Yan Haotian yelled: "Brothers, I think you all know well, at this time, if we delay a little longer, we will win the final victory! Kill--"


"This battle must be won!"

A crowd of young talents shouted.

At this moment, everyone was full of anger.

They were full of confidence in Ye Tian's seizure of the supreme position.

The ninth level of Wujun can be compared to the invincible surprise, if Ye Tian is promoted to the tenth level of Wujun, then he can become a heaven-defying Wujun, which can definitely sweep everyone.

"What's the matter? Why is the morale of these people still increasing?" Outside the city, the king who was attacking the formation could not help but frown.

Wufeng and Gongsun Xuanxuan beside them also looked at the cheers of Yan Haotian and others on the wall in surprise.

"I know this person Yan Haotian. He is the most outstanding prince of the Great Yan Kingdom. He once practiced under the Shenwu King and Wu Zhou King. I am afraid he was the ghost of him." Wufeng said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, even if the Shenwu King comes today, he will have to lose!" The king snorted when he heard the words.

The prestige of King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou is very big. After all, they are both strong at the peak of half-step Wuwang, and King Shenwu is also the best among half-step Wuwang, and their strength is unfathomable.

However, with the current strength of the king, they can be defeated.

Even if there is no wind, his current strength is similar to that of King Shenwu, fearless.

"Continue to attack, this city will be broken at dusk!" Gongsun Xuanxuan shouted.

The coalition forces attacked again.

At this time, the brilliance on the guardian formation continued to flicker, obviously reaching the limit, and collapse was imminent.

"Oops, if this goes on, if it gets dark, the guardian formation won't last. I don't know when Ye Tian will break through?" Yan Haotian glanced at Ye Tian who was still meditating with his eyes closed, and then looked at the upcoming The collapsed guardian formation, a pair of brows, frowned tightly, his face full of worry.

"Brother Yan, we can't resist it anymore. I'm afraid we will implement the last plan." At this time, ten group leaders including Li Lanshan, Sun Yun, Xiao Yunshan, Wan Yunxia, ​​Zhang Hu came over.

Yan Haotian saw solemnity and worry on their faces.

"In another hour, implement that plan!" Yan Haotian hesitated, then sighed.

He knew that once this plan was implemented, it would be the last desperate moment. If Ye Tian could not be promoted to the tenth rank of Wujun within this time, then Tai Chi City would really lose.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare... I hope Brother Ye can break through quickly!" Li Lanshan said, leading everyone away.

An hour's time passed quickly.

Looking at Ye Tian with his eyes still closed, Yan Haotian sighed, and then issued an order: "Start the self-destruction plan!"

Following the spread of this order, the young talents on the city wall were divided into ten groups. Under the leadership of the ten group leaders, they rushed towards the coalition forces outside the city.


"It's really stupid, without the guardian of the formation, go and kill them!"


The coalition forces were overjoyed and greeted them one after another.

Only Wufeng's face changed, and he shouted angrily: "Be careful, they are going to explode, quickly avoid—"

But it was too late. Thousands of young talents from Tai Chi City collided with the coalition forces. They did not hesitate and blew themselves in the sky.

Almost everyone caused the death of two or three of the coalition forces. This wave of self-destruction caused a brilliant record.

"Damn it! Stupid!" Seeing this scene, the king roared with anger.

Wufeng and Gongsun Xuanxuan also had a gloomy face. This wave of blew up and the coalition suffered serious losses, and nearly 20,000 people died in the blew up.

Coupled with more than ten days of offensive, the coalition forces had already lost most of their people, and this time they lost another 20,000. Their huge number, at this time, only 50,000 were left.

As for Tai Chi City, because of the Resurrection Pool, only the few thousand people who blew up were dead at the moment, and there were 15,000 people left at this time.

There is still a gap between the numbers of the two sides, but this wave of self-destructive record has made everyone in Tai Chi City breathe. Because after the loss of 20,000 people, the coalition forces want to break the guardian formation, at least until late tonight, or even tomorrow.

"Will you continue to explode?" Li Lanshan came over and asked Yan Haotian.

"Depending on the situation, they have already prepared for self-detonation. I am afraid it will not have much effect." Yan Haotian shook his head. After the self-detonation just now, the coalition forces have now dispersed and won’t give it to Yan Hao. God they have a chance to blew up and desperately.

"Okay, then I will go back and prepare. This is probably the last time we have spoken in the virtual world. Haha!" Li Lanshan smiled and turned and flew towards the city wall.

Time soon arrived in the evening, and Yan Haotian and the others had expected that the guardian formation finally collapsed under the desperate attack of the king and Wufeng.

"If you want to delay time, I'm afraid you don't have that chance!" The king sneered coldly, and everyone's sword became one, like a meteor from the sky, hitting the guardian formation fiercely.

At this time, the guardian formation had reached its limit, and after the fierce attack from the king, a crack suddenly appeared which made Yan Haotian and the others' faces changed greatly.

"You are defeated!" Gongsun Xuanxuan shouted, and also attacked the broken guard formation. No wind sighed and activated the yin and yang wheel of life and death, completely ending the fate of guarding the formation.

"is it?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice spread throughout Tai Chi City.

"Huh?" The king suddenly turned his head to look at the gate tower, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

On the tall city gate, a young man dressed in a purple star robe slowly stood up. His bright eyes shot fierce divine light, just like the blood magic knife in his hand, with peerless edge.

"I'm afraid you are the ones who will lose--" Ye Tian indifferently swept the coalition forces rushing in from outside the city, then raised the Blood Demon Knife and swung it out.

The vast blood-colored blade light swayed out thousands of feet, and the light was radiant, like a divine punishment, completely cutting off the connection between the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, the world changed color, the void shattered, and the terrifying **** sword light swallowed the king and others together.

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