Seven World Martial God

Chapter 411: Guardian Elder

"Boy, you finally woke up. (Starter

Feeling this sudden and terrifying aura, the huge body of the Fire Dragon King landed down, staring at the big eyes in his eyes, smiling at Ye Tian, ​​who had already opened his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Tian's eyes gradually converged, and he was in a coma for a long time, leaving his mind blank.

However, when he saw the huge body of the Fire Dragon King, Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered what happened before he became unconscious.

"Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace!" After thinking about it, Ye Tian hurriedly thanked him, he was a little ashamed. When he rushed to this place, he used to capture the blood of the Fire Dragon King, but he was rescued by others. Up.

This is really good for complaining!

Ye Tian was so ashamed that he couldn't help cursing himself secretly. Is it because of the increased strength that he is a little lawless? People clearly have no grudges against you, so why do they want to kill for a little blood?

"It seems that my strength has grown so fast that I almost strayed into the way of killing demon." Ye Tian secretly palpitated, and a warning flashed in his eyes.

What he cultivated was the Blood Demon Dao of the Blood Demon Sabre Saint. This kind of technique was originally a killing line, and the first thing he realized was the killing blade intent.

Such a path, of course, is powerful, but because of the frequent killings, it has led to confusion and strayed into the magic way.

After trying to understand this, Ye Tian's eyes completely restored Qingming.

"Don't mind!" Upon seeing this, the Fire Dragon King smiled and waved his hand. He didn't know what Ye Tian was thinking, otherwise, even if he couldn't kill Ye Tian, ​​he would have to teach this brat boy.

"Since you are the saint son of Tai Chi Sacred Palace, then my identity can also tell you."

The Fire Dragon King looked at Ye Tian's puzzled expression, smiled slightly, and then said solemnly: "In ancient times, Jiuxiao Tiangong had a great power in the world, and the entire Beihai and the surrounding seas were all within the power of Jiuxiao Tiangong. Especially Jiuxiao. When Tianzun existed, our Beihai was the martial arts sacred land on the mainland of China. Every year, countless warriors would travel to Beihai for pilgrimage.

"You should know that some powerful sects will have mountain protection beasts, and the ancient super sects like the Nine Heavens Palace did not lack mountain protection beasts."

The Fire Dragon King reverently said: "The ancient Nine Heavens Palace is invincible in the world, and its mountain-protecting spirit beasts are naturally extraordinary. Each holy palace has two martial-sage-level mountain-protecting spirit beasts. And our two elders from the North Sea dragon family The ancestor was the mountain-protecting beast of the Nine Heavens Palace."

Ye Tian was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect the Fire Dragon King to have a history here, so the two were considered to be of the same clan. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"In the First War of the Ancients, the two ancestors also died in the battle, but our North Sea Dragon Clan survived. With the help of the guardian elders, we thrived in the North Sea, strengthening our strength while guarding the Nine Heavens Palace." Huo Said the Dragon King.

"Senior did you mean that the Flood Dragon clan is more than senior?" Ye Tian was suddenly surprised.

"Don't cry from the seniors, your current strength may surpass me, and based on the relationship between our North Sea Dragon Clan and the Nine Heavens Palace. Speaking of which, you and I are enough to be called brothers, I'm just a few years older than you. I have become a senior." The Fire Dragon King said with a smile. He values ​​Ye Tian's potential and naturally hopes to have a good relationship with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was ashamed and didn't dare to refute when he heard the words. He nodded and cried respectfully, "Brother!"

"Okay!" The Fire Dragon King was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Our clan has reproduced from ancient times to the present, and naturally I am not the only one. Speaking of which, I am just a junior in the clan. I have just grown up. In our clan, I have reached King Wu. The realm is considered to be an adult, and only when you reach the realm of Emperor Wu can you become a fighter of our Jiaolong clan."

Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue. It seemed that the strength of the North Sea Flood Dragon clan was very terrifying. There were a lot of King Wu and Emperor Wu.

"And the strong in the realm of Emperor Wu are the elders in our clan. At this level, our Dragon Clan is very small, only a hundred." The Fire Dragon King continued.

Ye Tian almost spit out a mouthful of blood, about a hundred? Is this less? Brother, our eighteen countries in the North Sea don't even have a martial emperor!

It's so popular!

Ye Tian buried himself secretly.

"Besides, our Jiaolong clan has only one Wuzun strongman, and that is our current king, known as the North Sea Dragon King." The Fire Dragon King said admiringly.

After listening to Ye Tian, ​​he understood the horror of the North Sea Dragon Clan. I am afraid that he could easily destroy the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea by sending any clansmen.

"Brother, why are you alone here?" Ye Tian asked suspiciously.

"Because of the guardian elder's order, his elders have explained that we are not allowed to disturb the development of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea. Therefore, our king will send a young adult from the clan to guard the Jiuxiao Tiangong every thousand years." Huo Said the Dragon King.

"That's it!" Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words, but then he asked in confusion, "Brother, who is this guardian elder you are talking about?"

"You don't know this?" The fire dragon king widened his eyes when he heard this, a little confused.

"What? Do I have to know? Where is this senior?" Ye Tian frowned.

"Nonsense, based on seniority, the guardian elder counts as your master." Fire Dragon King stared.

"Master... Master? Is there still a strong one left in the Nine Heavens Palace?" Ye Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in surprise.

"Of course, without his old man sitting here, the Nine Heavens Palace would have been captured by other forces long ago, and our Dragon Clan would not even want to occupy the North Sea." The Fire Dragon King said proudly.

"Brother, listen to what you mean, this master will live a long time?" Ye Tian said hesitantly.

"Yes, his old man is the only super powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Palace that survived the ancient battle." The Fire Dragon King said with admiration.

"What!" Ye Tian almost jumped up when he heard this. He said in horror: "So, the old man has lived for at least tens of thousands of years."

According to the age division of this world, from the earliest era of chaos, to the later prehistoric era, and the ancient era, and then the ancient era, the ancient era, and the present.

As for the time of each era, it is also different. The era of chaos does not know when it was born, and there is no accurate number at all.

There are 1.2 billion years in the ancient times.

There are 1.2 million years in ancient times.

There are 120,000 years in ancient times.

If the guardian elder was really a strong man who survived the ancient times, he would be tens of thousands of years old.

The life span of a martial sage is eight thousand years, even some titled martial sages, and some martial sages who are against the sky, can only live to more than nine thousand years, and cannot exceed 10,000.

Therefore, Ye Tian's first reaction is, this guardian elder will not be a warrior?

The Fire Dragon King obviously guessed Ye Tian’s doubts. He smiled and said, “To live tens of thousands of years is nothing to some super sects. I heard that some sects have some seals, as long as you seal yourself in them. Then it won’t die even after millions of years."

"No, it's so powerful? If that's the case, how could there be only one strongman left in our Nine Heavens Palace?" Ye Tian said in shock.

"Forget it, you don't know anything, let me tell you carefully." The Fire Dragon King knew that Ye Tiancai had just visited the Nine Heavens Palace not long ago, and there was no teacher to guide him, so many things were not understood.

"These are what I see from the ancient books of the clan."

Fire Dragon King said: "Although this kind of sealed treasure is precious, there will be some martial arts as long as there are martial arts. Every martial arts will seal some super powers in it at critical moments. This is used as a trump card. For example, Jiuxiao Heavenly Palace, even though all the people of the Nine Heavenly Palace are killed in battle, but with the guardian elder, the Nine Heavenly Palace will return to glory sooner or later.

"I understand that with this kind of sealed treasure, these martial arts have no shortage of strong people, and they will never cut off their inheritance." Ye Tian nodded, he now understands why some martial arts can be passed down from ancient times to the present.

"Yes!" Fire Dragon King nodded, and said: "This is the background. Some schools that have been out of the Martial Gods have such backgrounds, so even if these schools are in decline, no one dares to commit. However, this kind of treasure is once Sexual treasures, once the seal is unlocked, this treasure will be spent. Therefore, in the current Shenzhou Continent, there are fewer and fewer treasures like these."

"Our Nine Heavens Palace has more than one Martial God, there should be many such treasures." Ye Tian said.

"Well, it is because there are many such treasures that the guardian elder can live to this day. You know, his old man has been out more than a dozen times in history, and each time he killed off the enemy and stained the North Sea. It is precisely because of this. The wicked name of his old man made Beihai a forbidden place in the mainland of China." The Fire Dragon King was full of admiration, and he admired the guardian elder very much.

"The guardian elder must be a powerful martial sage!"

Ye Tian secretly guessed.

The Fire Dragon King continued: "Since you have become the saint son of the Taiji Sacred Palace, you should know that the Taichi Sacred Palace is the most powerful palace in the Nine Heavens Palace."

Ye Tian nodded From the statues in the Taiji Temple, it can be seen that the Taiji Temple is powerful, and the number of strong people has been the most.

"Every palace lord of the Taiji Sacred Palace, if he can't become a **** of war, will become the guardian elder of the Nine Heavens Palace. Because of the cultivation technique, your Tai Chi Sacred Palace has the strongest defense. It is not suitable for killing enemies, but suitable for guarding. The most suitable person to guard the elders." Fire Dragon King said.

Ye Tian suddenly realized that the guardian elder dared to feel that he came from the Taiji Sacred Palace, and he was indeed his master.

"The responsibility of the guardian elder is to guard the sect and be responsible for the inheritance of the sect. Therefore, his old man did not participate in the ancient battle, but was directly sealed by the palace owner of the Nine Heavens Palace. When you entered the Nine Heavens Palace, you should have the talent for testing. Close it? The senior who tested your talents is a distraction left by the guardian elder in the Nine Heavens Palace, and his body is still under seal at this time."

The words of the Fire Dragon King stunned Ye Tian.

"It turned out to be him!" Ye Tian's mind came up with the white-haired old man who tested their talents.

No wonder the Fire Dragon King would say that he has met the Guardian Elder.

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