Seven World Martial God

Chapter 453: Phoenix Village

In the smog strait, over a small island, three figures are walking in the air. (Starting)

The headed young man wore a purple star robe. It was Ye Tian who had just left the pass. Next to him, there were two strong men who had also reached the seventh rank of King Wu. They were the two strongest among the group of miners who followed Ye Tian.

Now that he came to the base camp of casual repair, he naturally needed to lead the way in casual repair. The luck was very good. Among the miners he brought out, many of them were casual repairers.

Among them, these two Wuwang 7th-level powerhouses are casual cultivators, and the two are very familiar with the Haze Strait. They have lived here for hundreds of years.

These two were called Wang Lin and Zhou Long respectively. If it were not for casual cultivators, with their seventh-level martial arts cultivation base, how could no one come to rescue them.

"Young Master Ye, the days of our casual cultivator are the most difficult. A warrior like us who has reached the seventh rank of Martial King is already considered a strong one in the Haze Strait, because the casual cultivator with a little strength will leave the Sea of ​​Three Swords and go to the mainland of China. "Zhou Long said.

Ye Tian nodded. In the Sea of ​​Three Swords, all the veins of the spirit stone are controlled by the three major sects and other forces. It is true that this group of casual cultivators have a difficult life.

Moreover, casual cultivators are often robbed by people from the three major sects, which can be described as dangerous step by step.

"In the Smog Strait, there are only a few dozen Wuhuang experts in total. Among them, the strongest Wuhuang fifth level, most of the remaining are Wuhuang level one and two, and there are few who reach the third level or above. "Wang Lin introduced to Ye Tian the situation in the Haze Strait.

There were two major forces in the Smog Strait, originally the four major forces, but then the leader of one force went to the mainland of China, and the leader of the other force was killed by the people of the sword gate, so now there are only two major forces left. Up.

The leaders of the two major forces are all powerful at the fifth level of King Wu, who do not accept anyone, and often fight for territory, making the entire smog strait full of killing.

Anyone who comes to the Smog Strait for casual repairs must choose a good team, otherwise they will be killed by the joint killing of the two parties and cannot be neutral at all.

"I used to be a casual cultivator in Qinglong Mountain." Wang Lin said.

Ye Tian nodded, and then looked at Zhou Long. The latter smiled bitterly, and said, "I am a casual cultivator in Phoenix Village. We were originally enemies. When we met outside, we were both injured. Then we were killed by the people of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. Profit."

"Haha!" Ye Tian didn't expect the two of them to have this kind of experience, and couldn't help grinning.

"But we are reconciled now. In that dark mining area, all hatreds are gone." Wang Lin said with a smile.

"Yeah, anyway, we are just a casual cultivator below. They are vying for turf to prevent us. I really regret fighting for them at that time. [Starter]" Zhou Long sighed.

Ye Tian interrupted their feelings and asked: "How are these two forces? We are going to stay in the Smog Strait for a while. Which force do you think is best to join?"

"Join the Phoenix Village, the leader of our Qinglong Mountain is suspicious, self-sufficient, and cruel and bloodthirsty. Whoever doesn't listen to his orders is basically looking for death." Wang Lin said in awe.

"Yes, our Phoenix Village is much better at this point." Zhou Long smiled, and he said: "The owner of the Phoenix Village is a woman. None of us knows her origins, we only know that she became a long time ago. Although the village owner is strong, he has a very bold personality. He is very popular in the Haze Strait. Many casual cultivators are willing to work for her."

"Okay, let's go to the Phoenix Village now, Zhou Long, you lead the way!" Ye Tian nodded, and immediately put Wang Lin into the small world, and went to the Phoenix Village with Zhou Long.

Zhou Long was very familiar with the Smog Strait and took Ye Tian directly to Phoenix Island, the base camp of Phoenix Village.

"Young Master Ye, the income of our Phoenix Village is very strict, and we must have our own introduction. If we don't introduce ourselves, we need to strictly review for five years, then observe for three years, and finally become an insider." Zhou Long Said to Ye Tian on the road.

"It's really strict. Your village master is interested. Is this also true of Qinglong Mountain?" Ye Tian was a little surprised, and couldn't help but become more curious about this Phoenix village master.

"Qinglong Mountain is not the same as us, they all accept it, so even if the leader of Qinglong Mountain is very cruel, some casual cultivators are still willing to take refuge in Qinglong Mountain in order to have a place to protect themselves." Zhou Long said.

"What do you usually do in casual cultivators? How do you earn spirit stones?" Ye Tian continued to ask. He urgently needs spirit stones to practice, otherwise he hasn't cultivated for more than ten years and don't want to be promoted to the realm of Martial Emperor.

"To do tasks and practice, we all earn spirit stones by doing tasks." Zhou Long explained to Ye Tian, ​​"We have a task wall in Phoenix Village. As long as you have any needs, you can issue tasks on it. Others can choose to accept these tasks and exchange the items they need through such transactions. Of course, the owner himself has to charge one-tenth of the commission."

"It's really not easy!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and he became even more curious about this Phoenix Village. It's not easy for this female village owner to be able to create a mission wall!

"In addition, we can also earn spirit stones in other ways, such as looting, hunting monsters, looking for natural treasures, and other opportunities." Zhou Long continued.

"Even you guys rob? I am afraid it was San Xiu who robbed San Xiu?" Ye Tian smiled.

Old Zhou Long blushed and said: "The disciples of the three main sects don’t bully us. We split the two forces and are hostile to each other. Of course, we will also attack some small forces, especially those A merchant ship that transports spirit stones."

"Just relying on your casual cultivators to do it?" Ye Tian had to look suspiciously. Even the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce's transportation Lingshi Merchant Ship had the Wuhuang strong, and at least the Wuhuang three-level strong.

"Of course it's not just us. Every time we attacked a merchant ship, several elders from our Phoenix Village joined forces. We went in to kill some little ones and get some soup to drink." Zhou Long said.

"Aren't you afraid of their revenge?" Ye Tian couldn't help but asked. He could become the worst in the Three Swords Sea and also have a Martial Emperor strong. With the strength of casual repair, he should be robbed?

"What about being afraid? Even if we don't rob them, they will kill them all when they meet us. Rather than let them kill us, we should kill them too." Zhou Long snorted coldly.

Ye Tian nodded in understanding, Sandaohai is too chaotic, there are killings everywhere, casual repair is the most basic level, and resistance is justified.

"It's impossible for a Wudi-level powerhouse to lay down to retaliate against us. Once the remaining Wuhuang enters the Smog Strait, his eyes will be dark. We hide, and they can't help it." Zhou Long smiled triumphantly.

Ye Tian did not question this. The Smog Strait has been able to exist in the Three Swords Sea for so many years, so naturally there is a living capital.

Moreover, Ye Tian guessed in his heart that the forces of the Three Swords Sea did not want to destroy the Haze Strait. Otherwise, no matter which one of the three major sects took action, only one Martial Emperor would be able to completely obliterate the casual repairs in the Haze Strait.

"The base of casual cultivators is the largest, and there is no shortage of geniuses. The three major sects probably hope to absorb some geniuses through this, so they didn't kill them." Ye Tian thought.

After all, the three sects all need to develop. To develop, they must have talents. Where do these talents come from? Are they born by themselves? That's too little.

Most of the disciples of the three major sects recruited people with outstanding talents from casual cultivators to develop into their own people.

Casual cultivators naturally have no resistance to worshipping into the Three Great Sects. For homeless people like them, once they join the Three Great Sects, there is basically a guarantee of cultivation, and it will be sooner or later that they will become King Wu and Emperor Wu.

"Young Master Ye, there is Phoenix Island ahead. We need to stop at the front port for inspection." At this time, Zhou Long pointed to the huge island in front of him.

Actually, without Zhou Long's reminder, Ye Tian already felt that there was a lot of powerful aura on this island. Although they had encountered a lot of casual cultivators along the way, they did not have as many casual cultivators on this island.

Ye Tian even saw many figures flying around in the sky, as if entering a lively big city at once, much more lively than the boundless sea area before.

This Phoenix Island is very large, like a small piece of land, near the sea, there is a small city, this is the so-called port.

Ye Tian and Zhou Long flew towards this small city, and they saw a lot of casual cultivators coming and going in the city along the way, and they ignored Ye Tian and Zhou Long.

However, when approaching the small town, someone from the tower shouted: "Show your identity token!"

Ye Tian couldn't help but look at Zhou Long, and saw Zhou Long take out a fiery red token from the small world, and said to the casual repairman above the gate: "Brother, I am Zhou Long, this time I will bring new people to join. we."

Zhou Long handed the token to the person.

The man glanced at the token, then took out a thick book and checked it. After a while, he put the book away and smiled at Zhou Long, "Yes, there is indeed a Zhou Long in Phoenix Village, come in. Right."

Zhou Long nodded, and then smiled at Ye Tian: "If you don't have an identity token, unless someone carries it, you will be controlled once you enter Phoenix Island."

"However, if an enemy kills you, can you get in with your identity token?" Ye Tian pointed out the loopholes and said.

"It's very simple, you'll know later." Zhou Long smiled mysteriously.

When they entered the city, Ye Tian raised his brows and his face suddenly became cold. He saw dozens of Wu Wang powerhouses around him surrounding him, including a Wu Huang first-level powerhouse.

"What do you mean?" Ye Tian looked at Zhou Long with cold eyes.

Zhou Long waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, they won't do anything to us."

Ye Tian nodded coldly, and then looked at the Emperor Wu who came over.

"I am Wu Honglei, the elder of the Phoenix Village, who is your name is Zhou Long?" This is a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing, worthy of the Emperor Wu.

However, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to this kind of Martial Emperor-level martial artist, so he didn't show the slightest worry, and his face didn't change.

"Elder Wu, it's me, I'm Zhou Long." Zhou Long stepped forward and said.

"The elder checked the record and found that you haven't returned for more than several decades. To prevent the spies from swapping in, you have to accept the censorship of the Phoenix Village." Wu Honglei nodded to Zhou Long and said immediately.

"Zhou knows that this is an acquaintance that Zhou has met. You can see if there is anyone on the island, and you can ask him to identify Zhou." Zhou Long was prepared and took a piece of paper and handed it to Wu Honglei.

"Okay, you wait!"

Wu Honglei nodded, and then ordered someone to proceed.

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