Seven World Martial God

Chapter 461: Harvest

On the merchant ship, Ye Tian and Feng Feifei sat opposite each other, while the remaining deacons sat not far away, looking at them with feverish faces. 【First Release】

Ou Sheng and Zhou Long are among them.

"I didn't expect Ye Gongzi to be so strong!" Ou Sheng whispered. After seeing Ye Tian's strength, he didn't dare to call Ye Tian a brother.

"Look at the face of the village master, when she was so polite to people, I am afraid that Ye Gongzi's strength is not much worse than the village master." Zhou Long also said.

The deacons around were also whispering, they were very curious about Ye Tian, ​​the strong man who suddenly appeared.

Feng Feifei already knew that Ye Tian was introduced to Phoenix Village by Zhou Long. She glanced at Zhou Long in the distance, and smiled at Ye Tian: "Fortunately, Ye Gongzi joined our Phoenix Village, otherwise our Phoenix Village would be today. That's it, thank you Master Ye."

"The village lord is serious." Ye Tian smiled lightly.

"Don't talk about it, don't talk about it. I didn't expect that Zhang Qingshan really colluded with the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce." Feng Feifei's face became serious, and she snorted coldly: "I found out before that he was in contact with people from the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce. Really colluded. This is not good news for our Phoenix Village."

"However, I'm very curious. If the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce had planned for this long ago, why has it been delayed until now? Why do they value the Smog Strait?" Ye Tian wondered.

"I'm also very puzzled. The Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce didn't have time to pay attention to our Haze Strait before, otherwise, we would have taken a break for repairs to take refuge in them." Feng Feifei was also very puzzled. She frowned and said coldly, "No matter what. , We must go back as soon as possible, otherwise the delay will change."

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded.

At this time, a deacon walked over and said respectfully to Feng Feifei: "Report to the village master that we have already settled. There are more than 38,000 high-grade spiritual stones, and more than 50,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, and low-grade ones. More than two million spiritual stones."

"Thirty thousand yuan!" Ye Tian heard the words, and there was a trace of heat in his eyes. He didn't expect that there would be so many high-grade spirit stones on the merchant ship, and he was shocked.

Feng Feifei was also taken aback, and she said with a smile on her face: "I thought it was bait this time. They wouldn't prepare many spirit stones. I didn't expect that they would have lost money! Haha!"

Feng Feifei laughed happily for a moment, then stood up and said to Ye Tian: "Master Ye, according to the rules of our Phoenix Village, the leader of this mission accounted for 40%, and the owner and the remaining elders accounted for two. Success, a group of deacons accounted for 20%, and the remaining 20% ​​was shared equally among all the scattered practitioners."

"I know, the village master doesn't need to care. I don't have any opinion." Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said lightly. He knew that he was an ordinary casual cultivator. He was not even a deacon before. .

"Good!" Feng Feifei nodded when he heard the words, and continued: "Because of Yu Huaxiong's betrayal and the sacrifices of the two elders Zhang Qinfei and Luo Hai, all the share of the leading elder this time will go to Master Ye. , The total is fifteen thousand..."

"What?" Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and he didn't listen to Feng Feifei's words at all. (Starting)

"What's wrong?" After Feng Feifei finished reporting the numbers, he looked at Ye Tian with some confusion.

"I'm not an elder, how can I take the share of the leading elder?" Ye Tian wondered.

"It turns out that Young Master Ye was puzzled about this, haha!" Feng Feifei suddenly realized when he heard the words, and her gaze at Ye Tian became more admired. She smiled and said: "According to the rules of our Phoenix Village, as long as we have the strength of Emperor Wu, They are all automatically promoted to elders. Moreover, Young Master Ye tried to turn the tide, if you don’t take the share of the leading elder, who would dare to take it?"

After Ye Tian listened, he took a deep breath and solemnly said, "Thank you, the village master."

He didn't expect that he could still get so many rewards, which surpassed his imagination. There were more than 15,000 high-grade spirit stones, which was enough for his cultivation to improve several levels.

Feng Feifei smiled and said, "Master Ye deserves this."

Ye Tian grinned. This was the first time he smiled so happily after he came to the merchant ship. There were more than 15,000 high-grade spirit stones, which was enough for him to upgrade several levels.

Moreover, Ye Tian killed two Martial King powerhouses this time, and many Martial King powerhouses, and obtained more than 3,000 high-grade spirit stones from their small world.

This adds up to more than 18,000 high-grade spirit stones.

"It is conservatively estimated that it is enough for me to be promoted to the tenth rank of King Wu." Ye Tian secretly said excitedly.

In this way, the group of them immediately hurried back to the Smog Strait. Because everyone suffered serious injuries, and the speed of the merchant ship was somewhat slow, it took a full month to return to the Smog Strait.

Ye Tian took advantage of this period to refine more than 3,000 high-grade spirit stones, raising his cultivation to the eighth level of King Wu.

The increase in the cultivation base later, the spirit stone that needs to be spent, is more terrifying than he imagined.

Ye Tian estimated that it would take ten thousand high-grade spirit stones to be promoted to the ninth rank of the king of martial arts, and to be promoted to the tenth rank of the king of martial arts, there might be tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones.

"If this continues, when I am promoted to Empress Wu, where are there so many spirit stones to practice?" Standing on the bow of the merchant ship, Ye Tian frowned and looked at the scenery in the Haze Strait, a little annoyed.

He began to understand why Ou Sheng, Zhou Long and the others were desperate for spirit stones. The higher the cultivation level, the more spirit stones they needed.

"It seems that I need to go to China mainland as soon as possible. It is much richer than Sandaohai. I am afraid that there are more opportunities to get spirit stones." Ye Tian squinted his eyes and decided to refine the 15,000 high-grade spirits in his hands. After the stone, left the Smog Strait.

"Oh no!"

"The Lord, it's not good!"

"The people of Qinglong Mountain are attacking our Phoenix Village!"


At this moment, a figure sprinted from a distance. Ye Tian looked up. He knew this person. He was a deacon with a tenth-level cultivation base of King Wu. He was sent out by Feng Feifei not long ago to find out about the news. .

"The people of Qinglong Mountain still dare to attack the Phoenix Village?" Ye Tian couldn't help but frown. Even Zhang Qingshan was defeated by them. Qinglong Mountain didn't ask the Phoenix Village to avenge them, so he dared to attack the Phoenix Village?

"What happened? You tell me carefully!"

Feng Feifei stepped out of the merchant ship and shouted to the deacon.

The deacon was still full of anxiety, and he said in a panic: "Zhailor, the people of Qinglongshan are attacking our Phoenix Village, all their casual cultivators have come, and there is a Wuhuang strong who is stronger than Zhang Qingshan. ."

"What? Better than Zhang Qingshan?" Feng Feifei's expression suddenly changed when she heard this. She was not afraid of one Zhang Qingshan, even if two or three Zhang Qingshan were not afraid, because she still had a hole card, but the enemy turned out to be even better than Zhang Qingshan. The mighty Emperor Wu.

Ye Tian's expression also sank. He asked himself if he had the strength to fight Zhang Qingshan, but if he surpassed Wu Huang's fifth rank, he would not be able to compete now, unless his cultivation was promoted to Wu Wang's ninth or tenth rank.

"Go, speed up immediately and rush to Phoenix Island." Feng Feifei took a deep breath and ordered immediately.

Everyone was in a daze, but they all heard it. The enemy has a Martial Emperor who is stronger than Zhang Qingshan. Wouldn't it be self-defeating if he has to rush away!

"The village master!" The deacon also looked at Feng Feifei in astonishment.

Feng Feifei glared, and said angrily: "What? Do you want to give up Phoenix Village?"

"No... I dare not, but..." The deacon trembled suddenly.

"Nothing, but the village master is not afraid. Are you men with birds growing under your crotch still afraid? Did you cut off the birds under your crotch?" Feng Feifei roared angrily.

"Ahem!" Ye Tian kept coughing from the side, his old face flushed, he did not expect a woman in Feng Feifei to say such a thing.

The masses of casual cultivators were not surprised, they seemed to have become accustomed to Feng Feifei's character, and they all smiled bitterly, never daring to say more.

"Young Master Ye, shall we both go back first?" Feng Feifei looked at Ye Tian with questioning eyes.

"No problem." Ye Tian nodded. He didn't have the slightest fear. Compared with those panicked casual cultivators, he saw the facts clearly.

The Emperor Wu, who was stronger than Zhang Qingshan, did not capture the Phoenix Village. It seems that in addition to the legendary female village owner, the Phoenix Village has a powerful hole card.

The masses of casual cultivators didn't notice the incident because they were panic, otherwise they would not be so nervous.


After a while, Ye Tian and Feng Feifei immediately accelerated and shot towards Phoenix Island.

"Unexpectedly, we will fight again!" Merchant Marine, Zhou Long looked at Ye Tian and their leaving back with a sigh.

"Hey, fighting is good. It can stimulate cultivation and gain trophies." Ou Sheng patted Zhou Long on the shoulder, his face was full of excitement. On this merchant ship trip, he got more than two thousand top grades. Lingshi is indeed a bumper harvest.

"You are all fighting freaks!" Zhou Long rolled his eyes.


Phoenix Island.

The fierce fighting was everywhere, scarlet blood stained the sky, and corpses spread across the field.

Qinglong Mountain aggressively attacked Phoenix Island, and because of Feng Feifei's departure and the sudden arrival of Qinglong Mountain this time, Phoenix Island suffered a great loss.

However, this is the base camp of Phoenix Village after all, with many formations guarding them, so they still blocked the attack of Qinglong Mountain.

But the good times didn't last long. Just when the people in Phoenix Village thought they were young man came out from Qinglong Mountain, an extremely powerful young man, much stronger than their village owner.

This young man killed several elders of the Phoenix Village as soon as he shot, and severely inflicted a large number of martial emperors, making Phoenix Village almost finished.

It was at this time that a woman appeared in the Phoenix Village. This was a young woman in white clothes. She looked a little like their village owner, but had disabled feet.

However, it was this crippled woman who blocked the attack of that powerful young man and made Phoenix Village escape.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a strong man hidden in our Phoenix Village!" The remaining elders in Phoenix looked at the imposing young woman in white in the sky in awe.

"It's a pity that the village owner is gone... Qinglong Mountain has the support of the Emperor Wu of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce. We may not last long." Some elders sighed. They now rely on the power of the young woman in white clothes and the formation of Phoenix to stick to it. Up to now.

On the Qinglong Mountain side, both the number of Emperor Wu and the number of powerful people far surpassed Phoenix Village.

Because they have the support of Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce.

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