Seven World Martial God

Chapter 464: Wu Wang Level 9

Phoenix Island is thriving, and all the casual cultivators are busy. 【First Release】

As the so-called people are large and powerful, in just one month, these casual cultivators have restored the Phoenix City to its original state, and the guardian formation in it has also been restored by 50%, enough to cope with the upcoming battle.

More importantly, this time they have Feng Feifei, the village master, even if the Wuhuang 6th-level Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce power comes again, they will not be afraid.

Only a group of elders in Phoenix Village knew the strength of Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce, and everyone's heart was full of worries.

In a large mansion, Zhou Long glanced at the courtyard where Ye Tian was located, and said in a low voice: "Ye Gongzi is still in retreat. A genius like him is still so hard in his cultivation. I really can't imagine his future achievements. How tall is it."

"Innate talent, temperament, and perseverance, Ye Gongzi is not lacking, and he will become Emperor Wu in the future." Ou Sheng on the side has a hot gaze, and his goal is also the realm of Emperor Wu. Only by becoming a strong Emperor can he have a place in the Three Dao Sea.

Even if there is a gap between the Wudi-level powerhouses, it is difficult to kill each other, so even a big force like the Three Martial Arts is not willing to offend a Wudi powerhouse.

As long as you become Emperor Wu, you can obtain it anywhere, whether it is Three Swords Sea or the Shenzhou Continent. It is truly free and unrestrained.

This is the realm that every warrior yearns for.

"Emperor Wu...I will have no regrets if I can become Emperor Wu in my lifetime." Zhou Long sighed with emotion. He knew his talent, as a casual cultivator, his ability to become a martial emperor was already at the limit, unless there was another big opportunity.

"Hey, it might be possible. If it weren't for the opportunity at the beginning, I wouldn't have the current strength. When our brothers go to the mainland of China, maybe there are any opportunities, or we can worship those big forces, There must be a glimmer of hope to be promoted to Emperor Wu." Ou Sheng patted Zhou Long on the shoulder, smiling and comforting.


Suddenly, a powerful breath erupted from the courtyard where Ye Tian was located, and instantly swept the entire mansion.

The two brothers Zhou Long and Ou Sheng were shocked. They both felt a suffocating pressure, and they almost couldn't stand still. Fortunately, this coercion came and went quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Young Master Ye is leaving the customs!" Zhou Long said in surprise.

"It seems that Young Master Ye's strength is much stronger. I can't imagine that he is so strong, but he has improved so fast." Ou Sheng said in admiration.

"Have you seen anyone at the eighth level of King Wu who can kill the powerhouse of the third level of Wuhuang? Ye Gongzi's talent is probably rare in the Shenzhou Continent. He is destined to be a man of three swords sea, of course, I think He will go to China Mainland." Zhou Long smiled.

"Yes, geniuses like this will go to the mainland of China, where is the real big stage. [Starter]" Ou Sheng also laughed.

"What are you talking about? Smiling so happy?"

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice came faintly.

In the courtyard not far away, Ye Tian pushed open the door and walked towards the two of them.

"The ninth level of King Wu!" Ou Sheng's pupils shrank, and he looked at Ye Tian in shock. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be promoted to a realm after only one month of retreat.

As for Zhou Long on the side, he didn't care. He was already numb. When he first saw Ye Tian, ​​the opponent was only at the fifth level of Wu Wang, and now he is already at the ninth level of Wu Wang.

This is the gap between genius and ordinary people.

"Congratulations to Young Master Ye for his promotion!"


Zhou Long and Ou Sheng immediately congratulated Ye Tian's strength increase.

"Haha!" Ye Tian was also very happy. Although he only raised a realm, his level of strength increased a lot when he reached his level.

He is definitely not much worse than Feng Xiaoxiao and Lin Zhiming, or even much stronger.

Unless he is a powerhouse above Wuhuang level 7, Ye Tian has nothing to fear.

Powerful strength brings strong self-confidence. Although Ye Tian is not a person to show off, he is full of casual attitudes when he speaks, as if he is an outsider.

Or, Ye Tian felt like a chess player, with everything under control.

"It's also time to leave, but before that, I have to help Feng Feifei solve this difficulty." Ye Tian secretly thought, he felt that his current strength was enough to travel to the Shenzhou Continent.

However, he has obtained so many spirit stones this time, which is due to the Phoenix Village. And Feng Feifei is a good person, he doesn't want to leave when the other party is in difficulty, that is not Ye Tian's character.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian looked at Ou Sheng and asked, "Brother Ou, did your village master say to find me?"

"Oh!" Ou Sheng patted his head suddenly when he heard the words, and cursed to himself: "Look at my memory, the village owner said, let you see her as soon as you leave the customs."

"Okay, I'm going now, we'll have another drink when we come back." Ye Tian said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Ou Sheng nodded.

"I'm going to prepare wine and food, hehe!" Zhou Long smiled, and he also felt that Ye Tian was leaving soon, so it was rare to have time, so naturally he would be drunk.

After Ye Tian left Ou Sheng's mansion, he went to the City Lord's Mansion.

Because Ye Tian came back with Feng Feifei a month ago, and he shot and killed the two martial emperors of Qinglong Mountain, that powerful strength made the rest of the Phoenix Village remember.

Therefore, along the way, many casual cultivators saluted Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian responded with smiles one by one.

"Elder Ye!"

"Elder Ye!"

At the gate of the city lord's mansion, the two guards Sanxiu saluted Ye Tian respectfully with all faces.

Ye Tian nodded, and then asked: "Is the village master inside?"

"Yes, the elders are all there too." One of the guards said quickly.

Ye Tian immediately entered the mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is very large, but most of the area is the backyard, and the front door has a passage leading directly to the main hall, and Ye Tian quickly arrived at the main hall.

In the main hall, Feng Feifei, Little Sister Feng, and the remaining dozens of elders from Fenghuang Village gathered here.

When Ye Tian came in, everyone stood up. This was a respect for the former. The strength that Ye Tian showed at the beginning made all the elders dare not question this newly joined elder.

"Villa Master, Miss Feng!" Ye Tian nodded to sister Feng Feifei and the elders, and then sat down in the first seat on his right.

It wasn't that he wanted to sit in this position, but the seat in the upper hall was empty. Ye Tian knew that this was Feng Feifei's meaning, so he was not arrogant anymore.

"Elder Ye, you happened to be here. Our people found that the scattered correction of Qinglong Mountain was coming towards Phoenix Island. It will come almost tomorrow evening. If you have any suggestions, let's talk about it."

After everyone sat down again, Feng Feifei said loudly.

"So fast!" Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect Lin Zhiming to move so fast. It seems that what Phoenix Island attracts him must be extraordinary.

Ye Tian couldn't help thinking about it, something that could attract a strong like Lin Zhiming might also be useful to him.

The elders in the hall frowned, and their faces were full of anxiety, all of them obviously feeling troublesome.

Ye Tian watched silently from the side. He knew that he was a newcomer, even if he was strong, he couldn't just intervene. After all, fools knew that Phoenix Village could not trust him this newcomer so quickly.

For a moment, Ye Tian saw an old man with a crane standing up, and this person was sitting opposite him, the first person on the left.

"This should be the great elder of Phoenix Village!" Ye Tian thought to himself that the cultivation base of this great elder was at the fourth level of Emperor Wu, the highest among the elders.

"Elders, two village masters!" The elder nodded to everyone, and then said loudly: "Let me first talk about the strength of the strong man who has attacked Qinglongshan this time, except for the original Wuhuang sixth-level strong. In addition, Zhang Qingshan also came, and besides that, there were many more powerful men from the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce."

The elders frowned even further. Feng Feifei had only won the victory before, but if Zhang Qingshan joined, wouldn't it be the same as before.

Moreover, Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce has joined a lot of Wuhuang and Wuwang, which made the pressure on Phoenix Village even greater.

The elder swept away the heavy expressions of everyone, and said solemnly: "Don’t worry, you guys, even with Zhang Qingshan, the number of top powers on our side is not even the same. As for the powers of the Linnan Chamber of Commerce, we can use the base camp. The formation of the country and the land will be leveled. As long as we work together, Qinglong Mountain will undoubtedly lose."

Although these words are beautiful, the elders are all powerful at the Wuhuang level, but they are not fools, and naturally they will not be fooled by the words of the great elders.

The elders remained silent, their faces still ugly, and even a hint of hesitation appeared in their eyes.

The elder suddenly looked at Feng Feifei worriedly, and saw Feng Feifei wave his hand, then stood up and said solemnly: "Elders, this battle is indeed very dangerous, and even I am not sure of victory. So whoever wants to quit, do it today. You can leave, Feng Feifei will not stop me."

"The master of the village!" The great elder was anxious when he heard the Ye Tian looked at Feng Feifei with surprise. Everyone knew that Phoenix Village was not as strong as Qinglong Mountain now. If these elders left again, Then there is no need to fight the Phoenix Village.

The elders were also taken aback and looked at Feng Feifei in disbelief. If it weren't for Feng Feifei's past reputation, they thought Feng Feifei would lie to them again.

Feng Xiaoxiao did not speak, but calmly looked at everything in the hall. It was obvious that she and Feng Feifei had already discussed it.

Ye Tian also watched this scene calmly. Only the great elder of Phoenix Village was anxious. He looked at Feng Feifei, then Feng Xiaoxiao, and finally sighed and sat down again.

The elders looked at each other, but no one spoke for a while. After all, they were among the elders of the Phoenix Village, and they all benefited a lot from the Phoenix Village. If they leave at this time, I am afraid that no one will have the face.

Of course, there must be someone who wants to leave in their hearts, just expecting someone to take the lead.

Feng Feifei was also looking at the elders at this time. She wanted to know how many elders would be left in the Phoenix Village she had built.

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