
My first job at Baym.

The village, which Porter arrived in five days, was surrounded by round-tails and rocks.

There are also mountains and woods nearby, so they seem to be sourcing wood from it. I feel that the villages defended to use the surrounding terrain are more successful than those I know.

I got off the porter, and I grabbed the paperwork at the entrance to the village.

A bow was in charge of the back of the young man in the village looking at this one from the watchtower.

As soon as the Adventurer Alliance finds out he's been dispatched, the gates are opened and every porter enters the village.

Clara was a little frightened when she looked around.

"The same goes for the lookout, but seeing this much effort in defense...... I doubt you need us"

Frankly, I agree.

It was a man named the village chief who welcomed us.

My body is big, a little belly out but my arm muscles are amazing. He looked at us and looked a little subtle, but soon he smiled.

"Welcome. You've come so well to such a country. Well, let me show you the guild papers."

When I handed them the documents in the envelope, they looked at it and nodded several times.

He seems to be the person who made the request, and when he sees us, he puts his head on.

"A party with experience? But you even have tools you've never seen. Is that an epidemic right now? Besides, why do you have a housekeeper?

"It's a maid."


"It's a maid."

"Oh well."

After the village chief saw the porter, he saw Monica in maid clothes.

The village chief is a little drawn to Monica, who is said to be a housekeeper and does not give in to being a maid. You thought she was a crazy daughter, and when you switched quickly, you spoke to me, the leader.

"You won't be comfortable talking here either. It's not an inn, but there's a building I can stay in, so use it. I'm cleaning, so I think it's pretty comfortable."

Move Porter ahead of the village chief and we'll walk through the village.

Look, there was even a villager with a weapon in his hand.

Seeing it, the village chief laughs bitterly.

"I know you don't feel well, but be patient. I want to be as strong as a kid with a weapon. Besides, when adventurers come, you have to be very vigilant."

I look behind the village chief.

"Was the village chief an adventurer, too?

"... you see? Thank you for sending a brilliant adventurer to the guild."

The village chief, who walks with laughter, gets the impression that he is a strong man of war.

(If it's about Grey Wolf, can this guy do something by himself?

If you pay attention to your surroundings, obviously a villager named Adventurer could have been spotted chilling.

He seemed wary of this one, and some of them turned to hostility.

From the treasure balls, a third generation voice.

'Cause adventurers have all kinds of guys, too. Some guys get busted for low pay, and some idiots threaten their clients. Some people are no different than thieves, so this is how they get on guard.'

The seventh generation, which hated adventurers, also agreed.

'I don't trust adventurers. I mean, I don't know if villagers are hostile to Lyell, either. If this one wants to, he can wipe out the village. "

I know why you're on guard, and you're worried because you don't know what kind of adventurer we are.

Most of all, it's not enough to sell a fight from here.

As I walked, I saw buildings that usually accommodated travelers, pedestrians, adventurers, etc.

The village chief pointed to the building, which was long on the side and had about three entrances.

"Feel free to use it over there. If they break it, I'll file a complaint. And the blue-haired brother there, why don't you come with me?"

I guess there's an explanation for Grey Wolf at the village chief's house. When I turn my gaze to my people, they all nod, so I accompany the village chief.

In the village chief's house, he had a young and beautiful wife who seemed to be ten or twenty different ages.

There are two little kids in the big house, watching me peek through the hallway.

The house of the mayor, well made of wood, was not long or beautiful to build.

When I get a cup of tea from my young and beautiful wife, I drink it and talk to her.

"You don't have a good vibe. Are you getting started with this?

I was expelled from Griffon on a personal request before. It's not on the record, but that's when he's playing defense in the village.

"It's not the first time, but you haven't even been"

Then, they were laughing.

"I guess. My gaze was so tight, I thought maybe not. Please bear with me because there are risks in accepting this one."

Nodding, the village chief talks about Greywolf.

"Well, so do me a favor... I found a herd of grey wolves in the woods nearby. I go into the woods and mountains with dead trees and hunting, but I want you to get rid of it because it's dangerous."

I look at the village chief and then I see the armor hanging on the wall.

He deserved his physique and looks like a warrior who was waving an axe in the avant-garde.

"Is it any wonder I'm not exorcising?

"I believe there is a reason"

"You sure have a reason. But this is like an old custom or a stream. And I don't want to change that flow either."

Having a cup of tea, the former adventurer village chief tells a story about whether he figured out my personality.

"You guys, you fought until you got here."

"Yeah, I felt a little too much, but I fought demons many times"

When I hear that, the village chief seems happy.

"That's what I'm saying. Adventurers look around for demons around Bayme, but far away, adventurers don't lean on them. Calling adventurers is asking you to come this far while defeating demons. If you don't, you'll have trouble with the pedestrians and travelers who come to the village."

I was convinced to ask why. Indeed, demons around the village could be managed by one village chief.

But then the demons that are on their way so far will not be exorcised. If you are not exorcised, those who come to the village will find it difficult to get to your feet.

"You think calling adventurers was an end in itself?

"That's what it is. Besides, businessmen are important to us. Adventurers get money, and we pay to keep pedestrians and travelers safe. If you know what's going on around here, you'll get it when you get a request."

There seems to be some gain to be made.

The village chief drinks tea and gives me information.

"I have a herd in the woods nearby, do you have any guidance?

That's what I've been saying. The Mayor's gaze was like trying me. I shake my head to the side.

With fifth and fourth generation skills, enemy discovery is easy.

"Right. Have them on their way when they're ready. Then call me when you're done. I'd like to check it out."

When I finish checking, I get up and say something to the village chief.

"If you say so."


"Isn't that the real reason you don't knock yourself down, or is there another reason or so?

Then the village chief looked tired.

"Let the villagers know I can get rid of one. The villagers are going to spare me money and tell me to get rid of it. Villagers, it's strong to say, and smart guys are smart. But, you know, idiots are everywhere. He's a retired, decaying body, and he's not in trouble enough money to get rid of it at his own risk."

I smiled and nodded because I could hear the truth.

To a young, beautiful wife, two children. Sure, it would be a rare happiness to force and let go.

I'm retired and my body is fading, and I can't regret it in case I lose my life.

There is a third generation of voices from the treasure balls.

"Explain that it will be good for the whole thing, but there are people who don't understand. Besides, I'm not dissatisfied with the former adventurers who are village chiefs."

Hearing a third generation of voices, I ask the village chief again.


"Do you still have it?

"Why are you the village chief?

To my question, the village chief sighed.

"I don't want to do it either, but Beim makes it convenient to have guilds and connections. Does it feel like you know a lord or a nobleman or something? This is how you get your request, too, because it's my connection. Other villages don't have recipients when they're bad at it."

From the guild, I guess I'm desperately allocating it. But adventurers also have a situation. And the client has a situation, too.

"And. I knew there was strength, but in Baym, someone who understands adventurers can count on them. I don't like it either, but when the previous village chief retired, he pushed me."

From the treasure ball, there was a fourth generation of voices.

'I understand the circumstances around here, so I entrusted him with the village chief. You don't want to be a village chief or anything like that. "

The fifth generation.

'Conversely, why don't you interfere too much just doing your job because you don't have greed poorly? You'll see the least of them, but if I recall, is it because the villagers of Baim have enough money to carry weapons?'

I'm guessing it's a unique situation for Baim.

Elsewhere, some would want to be village chiefs for their rights. Here, they say there are few taxes or the villagers' lives are wealthy.

Third generation says.

'Then this man must be Lyell's examiner. I'm sure you'll report the details. He said he had connections in his guild. You're doing more than I thought.'

The third generation was floating as usual and seemed happy to see through.

Back from the village chief's house to the lodging building, I discover villagers hiding around me.

(What? Why are you hiding in this position...)

From somewhere, it looks like they're watching us.

But something was wrong.

Heading to where I was being watched, that was the place behind the building.

There are facilities for taking a water bath and there are no compartments around.

Is that what you mean?

If you look at the villagers watching more closely with their skills, they were all men.

When I turn my gaze, I'm looking at this one with a few people building a platform to take a look at on purpose.

Being discovered, I rush away to pieces......

"After using the water already"

Then Aria, with a towel around her neck, found me, so she called me.

"It's over, pervert."

Aria, who was a nymphomaniac, was washing her hair by wiping her body to see if Clara had even prepared hot water for her.

I wish I had gotten inside quickly because it would be hot and cold, etc. But I'm a little angry because they called me a pervert.

By trying to kiss Kirin, I treated him like a pervert in Aria.

Out of the treasure balls, a rare and emotional fifth generation.

"... why are you a pervert? I'm not convinced. '

I was angry in a weird place.

(You, let's look beyond the animals just a little bit more)

Turning to Aria with a smile, I smile too and point to where the villagers were.


"You, you got naked here"

"So? It's good, isn't it? I couldn't wash it satisfactorily on the move. I'd love to take a bath if I could."

"They were peeking."

"... Huh?

Looking at the location I pointed out, Aria seems to have found a platform set up there.

From an angle, it is in a position to peek into a place to take a water bath.

Until then, if you tell me you prepared it to keep an eye on us, but it was clearly prepared for a peek.

I thought I'd be shy here......

"That's what?

"... what?

I think I've got a dumb face.

From among the treasure balls, he also speaks of the sixth generation.

'... you can't. This girl has no idea. "

The fourth generation.

'I'm an adventurer, and I'm probably fine enough to see you naked now. For that matter, I'm oddly ashamed in front of Lyell... but Lyell should be stabbed from behind someday'

Third generation too.

"After all, that's how the Harlem bastard ends up,"

In front of me, Aria looks at me and nibbles with her palms in her mouth.

"What? Do you regret being seen? Well, Lyell never saw a woman naked, so you regret it."

I meant to tease him, but he made fun of me the other way around.


"What are you talking about? You, you laid on the couch in your underwear before. I'm the one who hung the blanket because I had all my underwear."

Aria suddenly blushed and threw the towel she had at me.

"Why are you looking at me!

A wet towel made me feel pretty heavy on my face while at the same time giving me pain.

When I take the towel, I throw it back at Aria.

"You were showing off! I'm ashamed of this one, so thank you for the kindness I put on my blanket!

"What are you ashamed of! I'm still confident!

Aria throws back a towel, so I take it and shake it again.

"I don't know!

Aria tried to grab the towel she threw at her hand, but the towel batched on her face because she grabbed the edge with her hand! And I was making noises and sticking around.

As I pointed my finger and laughed, Aria started to stare at me for real.

"... forget it! Forget my nakedness!

"So just now? You said something like that! You don't have to worry about it, I can't remember anymore!

"You pervert!

"If you don't want to be seen, fix that panty!

As they threw towels at each other, a seventh generation of voices came out of the treasure balls.

'... you're close, you guys'

It was me who disagreed with the seventh generation.

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