I want to stand out!
Mansion reception.
Mr. Gastone, the great cleric of Zain who called.
Mr. Lomboldt, Prime Minister of Rolphis.
I was negotiating with Mr. Adele before my escort, Mr. Allette, the knight of Rolphis.
Monica behind my oblique.
Mr. Adele stands diagonally behind Mr. Maxim. Alette, a knight, stood diagonally behind Mr. Lomboldt, whose expression had collapsed when he heard my suggestion.
Seeing how that goes, I'm sure the third generation is saying it with a nibble.
"Because I'm close, you can't give me that look, Aret. I'm not suggesting we get both."
The fourth generation should have a serious look. frustrated.
"Why bother there! Though it would reduce the debt I owe Baym! Don't think this one doesn't know your finances!
The fifth generation is still frightening.
'Cause we know how many men we've mobilized.'
Mr. Gastone seemed a little more obnoxious than before. And confirm my suggestion.
"Ri, both countries - tell Zain and Rolphis to send out five thousand soldiers? Whatever it is, it's..."
I have a serious look.
"No. Five thousand each in both countries. You'll give me 10,000. By the way, this is 10,000 pure battle power. Backward support not included"
The reason for demanding troops from both countries is simple. Because if you do not, you will not win. No, I should have told you you couldn't meet my winning conditions you should be aiming for.
Beim is where adventurers gather.
If you think only of the force, 100,000 can be collected immediately. But it's a gathering of volunteers from adventurers and Baym residents.
It is a hundred thousand with no cohesion. There are mercenary regiments, and some highly skilled groups, but putting them together is difficult.
Mr. Lomboldt, without breaking his expression.
"It's impossible as it stands. This is a struggle to put together a new territory."
I know that. If I don't speak, Mr. Adele opened his mouth.
"But if Baym fails to defend, there will be a massive influx of demons, even if he never loses. Can you say at that time that it doesn't pour into Zain or Rolphis? At the same time, Ms Lyell decided to participate. Isn't it only a matter of time before the pressure comes from Baim?
Mr. Gastone roars. Either way, the two countries are close to Baym. And I've bailed a lot of debt before.
Even in the last war, both Zain and Rolphis owe Baim. Baym is willing to sell and squeeze out thanks for lending them too.
If something like this were to happen, it would have been natural to ask for cooperation.
"How about 2,000 troops? That way, you'll have as many troops as you can take on the defense."
The seventh generation laughed with her nose at Mr. Lomboldt's suggestion.
'It's not enough. Doesn't that stand out at all?
I put my legs together and put my hands together on my lap.
"You think that's all Baym appreciates? Huge debt - if we don't reduce it here, the tough financial situation will remain the same for both countries. Besides, I'm on the front lines of defense."
Mr. Alette.
"Front... line. It's insane. And how could we?"
Naturally. Why would Zayn or Rolphis take on the front line of the lifeline? Do we need to get that far for Baym?
Mr. Adele is pale.
"I'm not saying the current representatives are bad, but the two countries have been in considerable debt so far. Bloated debt is a lot of money, isn't it? This will continue to grow."
I can't keep up with the repayment. Or if you try to pay it back, you owe it again in the war...
Money is truly a monster.
It was also why Baym had a say in neighbouring countries and was independent.
Mr. Gastone turns to me. He seemed to give up a little.
"What's the odds? Besides, how many conditions are you going to pull out of Baym? The Adventurer Alliance and the Merchants are not sweet."
Apparently, Mr. Gastone is here to help me. With fewer allies, Mr. Lomboldt had a bitter look as well.
With the third generation laughing.
'That's right! You're embarrassed that your benefactor is asking for less force than Zain! You've doubled our territory!
I make a smile.
I'm not sure because I don't know the scale of the demon that is the opponent, such as winning. But if you say there's an element of anxiety and it's dangerous, etc., you can't say the two of you will send out soldiers.
"I'll win. Let's win and show. the power of nascent Zain and Rolphis."
Inside, it's cold sweat. I'm going to die a lot of soldiers. Like before, it doesn't translate to providing support for Rolphis.
The scale is also in 10,000 units.
Mr. Lomboldt is dropping his shoulder.
"... to the extent that the debt has been reduced by 10%, this one is not satisfactory."
"Naturally. Squeeze away as much as you can. Besides... don't you think Baym had too much power?
When I smiled at Niyali and the two of them, I told them what I was planning to do.
Mr. Adele is with Bosoli.
"Worse than Mr. Lyell thought"
- At Baim Guild headquarters, urgent, assembled executives were negotiating with their guests.
Guests are the high priest of Zain and the prime minister of Rolphis.
Tanya had participated in the meeting for the purpose of escorting and assisting her superiors called from the East Branch.
(I can't believe it moved so fast. Besides, these two......)
The two heavy towns glowing Tsuruzuru's head have offered their cooperation in response to the crisis in Baim.
That's good. The merchants of the Alliance and Baim also had the aspect of lending money for times like these.
However, the degree of cooperation exceeded Baym's assumptions.
Lomboldt stood up from his chair and slapped his fist at his desk.
"I don't know what you mean! This one says he'll have five thousand pure wars, but in defense, he didn't expect to be driven to the edge! It's out of the heart!
Tanya is watching the meeting to avoid breaking her expression. My boss had a troubled look on his face, but he still seems a little in a hurry.
"No, I appreciate the sentiment, but when I say pure force... total force is"
Lomboldt strained his chest.
"It will reach eight thousand. The elite of my Rolphis will surely protect and show Baym!
(Barely all troops. I don't care if they do that. If you could give me 2,000 to 3,000, that would be all -)
I originally wanted the two countries to send out a total of 5,000 troops. And he placed it in a difficult place to defend, and Baym wanted to concentrate his power.
Gastone, a high priest, also agrees with Lomboldt.
"Zain feels the same way. Besides, you think you'll join the battle to Lord Lyell, the hero of the Redemption, and hope for the front line? Preparations are underway for the Holy Knights. Nine thousand of these will work."
I've got the maximum number that I can move this one too.
Adventurer guild and merchant representatives were laughing.
"I appreciate that"
"No, the two countries can count on it"
"But don't let it get that far."
I'm guessing the executives at the meeting are thinking about not doing anything extra. Somehow, I'm told to get there and leave it to the front line.
At Baym, he expected the front line to be insurmountable.
If there is much damage, it is Baym who must provide the coverage for it. I won't cover you because you helped me on my own. and so on, involving future credit issues.
Gastone, with a low voice.
"If Baym falls, he won't be safe with us. This fight, Zain will do everything in his power. But if we make this announcement domestically, we'll be dissatisfied."
Then one of the executives.
"I guess. Even half of it was served, and the front line was still on Baym's side -"
Lomboldt took over Gastone's explanation and blocked the executive's remarks.
"But! Hoping for the front line yourself, I can't even tell you to cover it if you lose. Um, so what do you say? I am ashamed to say that my country owes Baim. No problem if you write it off."
When I heard the words, I narrowed my eyes to see if a few executives still thought. Your boss near Tanya, too, with Bosoli.
"Well, that's what comes, isn't it? But in monetary terms..."
One of the executives.
"That's too...... I'm happy with the cooperation between the two countries, isn't the debt huge? That's all the money... Okay, how about 20%?
I was going to reduce this one if it was about 30% from the beginning. I was calculating that if I had time, I would go back to normal, and I was going to ease my grievances.
It's the bait for that.
Gastone opens his eyes.
"Oh, my God! That's all our cooperation's worth! Neither Zain nor Rolphis can understand how much they're into this fight. Then I understand. Add another two thousand - whoa, that's not enough supplies."
Lomboldt is also nodding.
"Lord Gastone, Baym has supplies for you. Don't worry about it. But I didn't know our rating was 20%...... ok. You can leave 10% of your debt."
The two did not give in afterwards, and Baym promised to write off 70% of their debt if they were to take on the definite front line of collapse as a result.
Instead, tell me you can't cover the war dead.
The two heavy towns, say with a smile.
I'll be right back. I'll report to Aura.
"I'm ready in Rolphis, so now"
After the two of them left, a few of the executives.
"Even if there are tens of thousands of massive damages, no complaints if the debt is reduced,? You're a greedy cleric and prime minister."
"Duty money to the war dead and injured. I'm going to cry to Baim anyway. No problem."
As such, the meeting finally turns to the matter of Baym defense.
Tanya was wondering who was moving behind the two countries -.
(No way, Lyell, you did?
"How many can we get Valkyrie ready before the demonic army sets in motion? I want it assembled as soon as possible."
With my face in the mansion warehouse, I heard that as I watched the golem that Damian and Grandpa Latata were putting together.
The skeletal part of the person is complete and some mechanical part is mounted.
The torso part and both hands and feet were manufactured separately and now looked very much like women. Something like a conical tank with liquid was also prepared, and it looked like he was doing a really nasty experiment just looking at it.
Damien took off his gloves.
"All of a sudden. This guy's got money on him, but if we simplify it and put it together... it's five bodies because it costs a lot of money too?
Grandpa Latata is putting his tools on his shoulder.
"If it's the same thing as this guy, it's a trio. I mean, what happened all of a sudden?
The two of them happily assembling the golem in the mansion's warehouse did not understand how Baym was doing.
I explained the situation to both of you. Damien wasn't very interested to hear it.
"Bring it to the test in action. But then the enemy is a demon army... if you want to get up to three of them, you better get them ready."
Damien said he would make three golems of 10,000 gold coins.
Grandpa Latata, too, nodding.
"Maybe you should."
I wish they'd say that.
"Then put the three together. This one wants to move to the front line even soon. No, we need transport too, so we need to keep Baym and the fort back and forth a few times."
Damien, hearing that, looked back and saw the big porter.
"Do you want to use that? I hope you can bring us in one last time. It's the same thing."
I immediately decided to nod when I saw an improved porter that seemed to be able to load a lot of baggage.
"Thank you for letting me use it."
Damian put his hand on his chin as he looked at me.
"You look busy. Now where are we going?
I smile and tell you where I'm headed next.
"It's at Vera's."
Listen to that, too, Grandpa Latata.
"Is that your daughter's place? Well, don't be."
- I was snorting.
(That's right. I need you to back me up while I stir things up. Or do I need to stir it up?
I was about to move on to the next course of action.
"Those hippos ooh!!"
Fidel Trace was swinging both fists down her desk in her room -.
Lyell, who is abominable just to recall, visits the Trace family with Nukenuke.
"We're going to the front line to protect Baym. So I'm here for your support... stepfather"
Reminds me of the look on Lyell's face, Fidel waves her fist down again and again and her neat hair is disturbed.
"If you say you can't hold up to the front line or something anyway, I'll support you...... CHICK YOU!!"
Fidel and I are merchants. I couldn't tell Lyell, determined to go to the front line for Baym, that I wouldn't support anything.
If you could just disappear here, I promised you support that it was cheap. Then Vera...
"Also, I don't have much money anymore, but if you're the cannon and gun that was loaded on the boat, take it, right? You can break it, you'll definitely come back."
And so he says, leaning down and worrying.
I regret it, but I couldn't stand it that far. But Lyell hugged Vera in front of Fidel to stir it up.
"Yes, I'm fine. I will definitely come back to you."
He held her with his precious daughter, saying things like that. If it weren't for my men, I'd burn hate in my heart that I'd just shot lead balls in and done it.
"Besides, I turned my flickering gaze over here and I stirred it up, that Aoyagi!!"
Fidel couldn't stand Lyell, who incited him by the way.
"When the Alliance told me to join them, instead of reluctantly, I moved around with joy... and no cute shards. But that's it. Hundreds of thousands of demon armies cannot be prevented from bouldering."
Baym and the fort are ready.
Forts are positioned near the border for these times, but the labyrinth is rampant and hundreds of thousands of demons are overflowing. There's no way I can prevent it.
The Fidels, merchants, had no choice but to break through the front lines and so on, reduce the number on the second and third defensive lines and eventually believe that if Baym's urban areas were safe, they could recover as much as they wanted.
"Nor is the guild incompetent. I almost wrote off my debt because the two countries are cooperative. Well, if I crush it this time, I'll rely on Baim for another few decades, so is there a problem?"
Fidel, who brings calm back, but still seems to have boiled intestines (halawattas), was thinking about the amount of support he would give Lyell.
I can't just give you a small amount here because you're going to die anyway.
Unlike other defensive points, front-line travel is like a decision.
"Pfft, stir this one up with Netineti... I'll give you one last good dream"
Supporting 300,000 to 500,000 copies, Fidel decided to act that way.
"Well, that's cheap stuff if you think this will erase one bad bug. One left!
It was not a merchant, but Fidel, whose emotions were mulling out as a father -.
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