
Demon medicine

When I woke up, the light was plunging in from the gap in the tent.

What you hear from the outside is the voice of the army of Bansaim, an ally and a dead soldier who still continues to fight. All night - I wonder if you've been fighting, I can only doubt your sanity.

No, I guess it's insane from the start. If this means Celeste's fascination, all I could say was that it's really crazy.

Wake up your torso and cover your face with both hands.

"... Monica"

"What is it!

Monica, who came into my tent, was ready to take a bucket with hot water and get herself checked out. I want to think it's my fault my cheeks are red and I look excited.

"Make a move. Then gather them all.... I'll be on the front line too"

Monica immediately began preparations. When I put the bucket on top of the crate I had prepared, it was polished within yesterday or the armor was ready.

When I got out of bed, I asked Monica to report the situation.

"What's the situation now?"

Monica will report back to me as she prepares. I don't have time, so I guess you'll keep getting ready while you explain to me.

"There is no change in the status quo or the advantages. But the situation seems to be going to reverse after a few days like this. Damage has also exceeded the number envisaged. I thought if we kept going, we'd get in the way of the plan."

It doesn't seem like a situation where you don't have to do anything to win. Then we had to move, and we received the power to do so from the fifth generation.

Am I still mentally weak, wanting to take advice rather than receive power?

I shook my head to the side and I sighed.

"What have you done? Even if you're unhappy with this Monica? What a luxurious chicken bastard. Say it. I'll do everything I can to fix it, so say it right away!

I laughed a little when I saw Monica looking desperate.

"Nothing. As usual. You're the best."

Then Monica watched me in silence.

"... One more time, please! Here's the thing, I couldn't make it to the recording or recording because it was unintentional, so if I could, I'd smile now and do it again. No, I'm saving it, but I want to save it at its best!

I put my hand on my chin because I said something I didn't understand. As a result, I decided not to respond to Monica's request.

"I'm sorry. I won't say it because it seems more interesting not to say it"

Monica bit the white apron and was about to regret it.

"That's how you do it. (MOTHEASO) Yeah! Too bad! Regrettably, don't take a sweet look at Monica that you can even enjoy in this situation! More grumbling!

As always, it was Monica who was high performance but unfortunately unchanged.

Early in the morning, I checked myself out and put the battlefield in front of me. Today, Mae says she's going to put me on her back in Kirin's appearance, so she's putting on the horse gear and riding.

Around us are Mr. Maxim, Aria, Miranda, Gracia, Eliza and Marina - Nowem, Eva, Clara and Baldoor as rear support. After the assault, Nowem and the others were supposed to deal with the magic relationship and provide backup.

In front of the gates built in the hurry, we were ready to storm and waiting for that moment. Mr. Maxim is coming beside me on a horse.

"Lord Lyell, I have a personal favor to ask of you today"

"Shouldn't I have said it at the meeting?

Mr. Maxim had a serious look on his face. And say pale.

"I once had a friend who competed for moves. I had fought him many times and lost. The spear wrapped in black armor and wielded on the horse was brilliant. A human horse, that was the one. There's a guy who kills a friend like that and wears armor."

I'm looking forward.

"I'm listening. Bread Bumper... I know you too. A little, no. You have the impression that you were quite greedy."

Mr. Maxim adjusted his forehead position.

"Can you give it to me? Of course, it's okay when you decide you can. If we can't do this, we'll give up."

In front of the front gate, the knights unleash their magic simultaneously to blow up the enemy soldiers. As the impact reached this way, I could see the earthen smoke rising across the gate.

gunfire, and the flag waved loudly as the arrows were fired one after the other.

"Depends on the situation."

"That's fine!

As the gate opened, we set up our weapons and went in to prepare for the assault. I grabbed the treasure ball, and I thought of the snake-bellied sword. A silver sword appeared on his right hand as the silver workmanship became liquid and swollen up. It was a snake-bellied sword with a disastrous appearance, but only a little disastrous has disappeared. The blade contained thin lines and had lots of scratchy lizards.

"Lord Lyell, what about that sword?

"… a suitable weapon for this occasion. So shall we go? Assault!!"

Raising a silver snake-bellied sword, May ran out. Through the gate faster than anyone else, soldiers jumped out of the earthquake hurting but not stopping them from moving forward. He sticks out his spear and jumps at me.

"Out of the way."

If you swing the snake-bellied sword out so that it does not hit May's neck, the blade will be separated and the surrounding enemies will be slashed and torn apart by a thin, blue line.

Slashing and tearing like a will seemed as if a snake-bellied sword were alive. When you're holding the pattern, you're going to hear voices.

"Next. Next! Let him slay more! Kill more! '

Now as I waved to protrude, I skewered the three ridden knights, whose sword tips were directly in front, into a straight line. Swinging aside, each knight snake-bellied sword moves aside to fly the soldiers' necks.

The snake-bellied sword, slashing and laying down multiple in one swing, was certainly a weapon worthy of this situation.

"May I ask you to storm to a position that does not involve your allies?"

"Leave it to me!

When May ran out, there was purple electricity around him. It was varied with those who were caught and blown away when their serpentine swords wrapped around them, and those who were slashed and laid down by serpentine swords wrapped around purple electricity, and could not move even if they were just scratched.

And as May rushes out into the sky, I jump out of May and pull the snakebelly sword to its maximum and shake it.

Every time I stretched out, even the part of the sword grew in number, and I was so fierce that I didn't say I'd let anyone get away with it. Slash and tear bones on armor and meat without question.

The sight of blood dangling around was an unlikely sight even on the battlefield. How many people have died in this wave? How many people did you kill?

That thought came to mind, but still my body waves a snake-bellied sword. It was like, I felt possessed by something.

Those who were lucky enough to escape and just lose their arms were standing up with their spears instead of their canes laughing. Behind him stood the next soldiers to storm with spears.

"Coming Next"

Then thunder pours from above. Thunder falling all around us will cause May to develop over the sky. Still, the soldiers aim May with bows and arrows and come at me with spears and swords. Soldiers who have stepped over the corpses of their allies and have not even felt fear.

"... I'm sorry but I'm not even going to apologize. If you want to resent me, resent me."

Waving the snake-bellied sword, many humans were also slashed and torn apart. He wields his sword to the side so that it spins on the spot, and when the extended sword crosses the blue thread and returns to its original appearance, the soldiers lie motionless even when they cross around.

Then came the knights who came on horseback as they stepped over those soldiers.

"Get out of my way, get out of my way!

Full-body armor. And maybe the big hammer in your hand is a proud weapon. He put it up big and was trying to swing it down on me.

From the treasure balls, the seventh generation is heard.

"Do you manipulate a horse with just your lower body with just the big score of the arr? As a knight, I guess I've worked out pretty well. '

He must have been an excellent knight. But...

"Out of the way."

As he swung the sword down from the upper section even though the distance was apart, the snake-bellied sword stretched and amputated the opponent from horse to horse. Then the revolving knights storm me with spears from my left and right.

When you level the stretched snakebelly sword and wait for the sword to shrink...

Two left and right knights' necks flew. As he returned, he slit his neck.

"... don't really rely on me on the battlefield. But it consumes a lot of magic just like the first weapon."

Consume. But this snake-bellied sword was taking the replenishment away from his opponent. This ability...

"You're Mr. Mireia. Still, it's not fair."

- I can count on you, but for some reason I thought of the proud look on Mireia's face. Then a man in black armor with a knight appeared.

"Lyell! How dare you show up before the Scarecrow and me!

If you think the soldiers around you have stopped the crowd, Bread has appeared. I understood you were outraged, but you can't afford it too much.

The third generation in the treasure ball, too, was laughing.

"It's the kid from Griffon's exorcism, right? I've grown to be a loser."

The seventh generation slammed into the third.

"I knew if it looked like that, I'd go to someone who couldn't?

The third generation exhales.

'No, it's not a zero chance. I could have crawled up from there and had a chance to be more decent. But when you get out in front of Lyell, it's over. We have no choice but to defeat them now.'

Defeating a third generation means killing.

"... you're wearing a lot of good armor. How's it feel to be great?

After stirring it up a little, it was very effective. Raising his left arm, he kept swinging it down. The knights around me storm at me. However, those knights were activating their skills.

"An idiot! That's all a fool would do if he ran a single ride in front of us! Step right up and show your neck to your enemies -"

I smiled at Bred as he saw how sure I was to win. That would be better for Bread.

"I'm here because I thought I could win. And I still feel that way."

Waving the snake-bellied sword, he was sucking up magic from the surrounding corpses. Mireia said the treasure balls are gaining strength, but they are also affecting the weapons of the historical masters.

The blade tip of a disastrous snake-bellied sword became a snake-like head. When a silver evil serpent stretches out of the pattern and reveals itself...

Eat it up.

In a nutshell, it hit the perimeter. A giant silver blade imitates the appearance of a snake and involves and kills knights and soldiers approaching the perimeter. He was absorbing blood on his silver body and reducing the amount of magic he consumed.

Bread clearly wolves when his surrounding allies are gone. He was making me aim for something other than Brett, and Snake Belly Sword moved as I instructed.

"Hey, what is it? What have you done?! You're cowardly! That's how you guys are, with powerful weapons! Those born poor like me, let them be your stepping stone! Come this far... come this far!!"

When the soldiers of the allies came from the succession, Bred was about to back down. I thought you weren't fascinated by Ceres, but it's not like that at all. The seventh generation was frightened.

'Totally. Is this the result on the grounds of birth? He's not even gonna feed Lyell. "

I will restore the Snake Belly Sword to its original form. Looking at Sole, Bred thought I was tired or stopped retreating.

"Oh, yeah! There's no way I can make such an attack more than once! Win. You lose while I show you all that room!

Knights and soldiers pushing around. But I didn't wave the snakebelly sword.

"You're not. I didn't need it anymore. You thought I was rambling in the center because I'd deal with everyone by myself? If there's any confusion here, it'll affect the frontline you're hitting. And I'm not the one dealing with you."

Thunder struck my perimeter. May continues to attack plain from the sky, and furthermore flames and ice swallow knights and soldiers forward from behind me.

And one knight on a horse walked past me. He was advancing as he wrapped around the surrounding sand, wrapping sand armor around himself and his horses as he blew up knights and soldiers.

I knew from the skills of the fifth and sixth generation that allies were coming from behind. It doesn't make sense to us right now, such as an assault that has weakened momentum.

Mr. Maxim, who stormed Bred, shook his spear down on Bred and dropped it off his horse as he jumped up in a sandy armor wrapped around him.

"... stand up. I'll take care of your opponent."

Bred was messing with his dark hair when he fell off his horse and stood up with his sword instead of his cane. My helmet is coming off, and I look at Mr. Maxim and I raise my voice around him.

"Hey, what are you doing! Kill this guy!

Ask the surrounding area for help, but Mr. Maxim is not frightened at all when attacked by an enemy. Because sand armor does not pass through swords or spears.

When a sandy arm emerges from his back, he slashes down the soldiers around him with a sandy weapon.

"Though I tend to think I'm a martial arts guy by the looks of it. I'm good at magic."

Obviously I also feel I am using magic the wrong way, but I thought it would be good if the person was good at magic.

- Bread was looking at the knight in front of him.

"Come on, stand up."

Maxim is a man who was a famous knight in Bansaim. Bread understood that he couldn't win on his own after a blow from Maxim. I had just the strength to understand.

When you look around, few allies are fighting other enemies and helping themselves. And such allies are slashed down before Maxim.

"Ma, not yet. How hard you guys worked against all these dead soldiers..."

Immediately after, there was movement forward. A giant golem has emerged. He had a lion's head and was wearing armor and growing multiple arms from his back. Each one of them had a weapon in his hand, and he was sweeping away his surroundings.

"Oh, that..."

Seeing Bread with his mouth open, Maxim came sticking out his spear. Bred avoids rolling, and the knights and soldiers flock to Maxim to slash him down.

Maxim, looking at Bred's face.

"I would have liked to have avoided such a battle. I'm also unhappy to show my back hand, but above all, we're at war. It was a policy not to fight a war against a great army with an outcast."

Bread was lagging back as he sat down on the ground.

"You're kidding... but you're telling me I was out of my hands!

"No, you're not. I'm just saying that you weren't the one to give it all away. Be proud. You made Lord Lyell and his men take it seriously."

Bread slammed the ground when he heard the words. Over and over again.

"That's how you guys... that's how you look down on those down there! My family, my talent... is the guy I have that great! Then I'm the only one with nothing to beat you guys like that!

Bread took the medicine he was receiving from Ceres out of his nostalgia and put his mouth on the bottle. When I drank it up, I watched Maxim laughing. Maxim didn't poke a gap in Bread.

"Well, that spare time is life. This [Demon Medicine] is a finished product that researches what has flowed from Zain! You're pissing me off!

As Bred's skin stained purple, his blood vessels rose and his blood erupted. The blood that was red turns purple and green at the end, and gradually the clothes and armor that my body was wearing grows bouncing off.

Maxim says a word as he looks at Bread.

"Is that your trump card? But you look pathetic."

Seeing the look on Maxim's face from the sand armor, Bred didn't know what he looked like. When I looked at my hands, they were swollen terribly. It is purple and the blood vessels are thickened and pulsating.

When I looked at my body, it was getting bigger and bigger. But the way it looks...

"WHAT IS THIS... WHAT IS IT, Dear Ceres!!"

A figure with something stuck to the head of a purple potato bug, like a person's upper body. There was a demon figure there that I didn't think was very successful...

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