
Final Chapter Epilogue II

- New Capital.

The foundation works were completed and representatives of the countries - representatives of the participating countries in the Union - were gathered when winter was passing and it was about to spring.

The development plan for the new capital was still halfway down the road. However, in order not to be able to postpone it any longer, the delegates were assembled, and Lyell officially took office and declared the founding of the Empire.

Governance has already begun from the beginning. Direct jurisdiction of the Royal Bansaim. In addition, the territory of the Lords that Lyell has been crushing. In addition, Bayme on Rufence. There's nothing wrong with Lyell not ruling because he's busy.

From the moment we defeated the Kingdom of Bansaim, Lyell was already in a position to assume responsibility. Just formally declare it.

Centrally located in the new capital, the castle was complete and the fortified city was a new creation in the general world. The castle, supported by a pearlescent pillar, was high and large. The pillar materials used to support that much weight are legend dragon horns, etc. It was made of red horns, with red-stained columns supporting huge castles.

The delegates of the nations gathered in the Great Hall were breathtaking in their magnificence, though the same was true of their size. It wasn't built simply as a castle to fight, but still the technical ability to prepare this much - there were other difficulties, such as facing it, given national power and so on.

I had succeeded in making you think so.

Standing in the hall on behalf of Baim's merchant is Fidel Trace. My daughter walked into Lyell's side room, so I'm invited here.

The ceremony had not yet begun and the representatives of the countries were now talking. It's not a tingly air, but it's not soothing. I'm waiting for the ceremony to begin in such a place.

Supported by Lyell since he was anonymous, he was allowed to stand shoulder to shoulder with representatives of various countries, although he was a merchant because he was thought to be around.

(Executives of the Alliance. Besides, the representatives of all countries - they're exhausted everywhere, so they don't seem to be planning on doing business with the kid. Well, in a situation where the princesses and queens of the surrounding countries are side-roomed, does it seem silly to argue poorly, too? No, wait! It's about that kid. There's also the possibility that some idiot is waiting to erupt! It's about the guy who got Vera the dirty way. You must be thinking dirty)

One person, Fidel, thinks about it without changing his face, but it was thought that he had given his daughter away because he had continued to support Lyell from around him.

That's how cooperative Lyell seems to me. That, too, makes Fidel angry.

(I regret it! They think I offered Vera, etc., and I regret not being able to put that in my mouth! I'll do it again. I'm gonna harass that kid!

Excellent as a merchant, but not when it comes to my daughter, Fidel. I thought the ceremony would start soon, I wish it was over, etc...

- In the room preparing for the ceremony, the women, starting with Nowem, were dressed with the help of the Valkyries.

Different aspects of wearing luxurious decorated dresses that you can't even participate in because of their qualitative clothing. But it was a battlefield there.

Nowem is sitting in a chair and her hair is done. Miranda sits next to her.

"I have also made numerous failures, the biggest of which was the addition of you to Master Lyell's side chamber. I still regret it."

Miranda was taking care of her nails in front of the mirror to Nowem, who gave her tingly air.

"Right. I should have abandoned you then, too. I'm going to die, and I regret helping a fool who's making a scene all by himself."

It was Shannon who was odd to see the two laughing at each other. I wear the dress, but it was messy because I moved around. The Valkyries are getting their clothes ready.

"Wow, I'm scared. I didn't think it would be ugly to have a fight between women."

Near Shannon was Eliza in underwear. The correction of the dress is being carried out by Monica's hand in a great hurry.

"Right. I can't take part in this either."

"I don't care about that, so put this on. I'm busy. I need to tell the chicken guy and get him familiar. I'm sure you're lonely and trembling."

Shannon was stunned by Monica.

"Isn't that him, by now, in the confirmation of a speech or something? Besides, I'm really surprised you're getting close these days?

Eliza nods too. Upon receiving the dress from Monica, Valkyries gathers at Eliza to help her wear it.

"You did the same when I did. Isn't there something traumatic you could have done? Oh, perfect size."

Then something sounded like a fall. It's Ludmila and Gracia. There was a problem with the dress. They both look like underwear.

"Why are you wearing colors! I use dark purple. You make it another dress!

"I like calm colors too! You're the one who switches!

Looking at the two of them fighting like that, Eva, naked in her upper body, was trying to crack. Pink blonde hair, and the important thing is hiding.

"I'm not tired of you, those guys"

Then Clara, wearing the dress, was reading the book because she was ready. In response to Eva's remarks.

"Right. I mean, why don't you put on your dress soon? We haven't participated yet, but the representatives of all countries are already here in the Great Hall?

Eva puts her hair up.

"I don't know. Besides, my dress is being reworked. I wish it was more flashy..."

In a different place, May and Marina seemed cramped.

"These clothes, they're hard to move. And hot."

"Why am I here..."

The marina, liked by her first wife, served sideroom as it was. Near the marina, it stands as far as Marianne.

"I'd rather hear it. Why am I here...... I was summoned by the Trace Chamber of Commerce to congratulate the Alliance executives as they were, what did they say?"

Thelma, then dressed in clothes that made her body line crisp, was happy to join hands.

"Good for you.... that way we can get married while there's no sense of crisis. If I hadn't slipped in here, I probably wouldn't have gotten married all my life."

However, the last one seemed to be true. Watching Thelma like that is Aura, the Virgin of Zain.

"Me, if Master Selma's getting married, I don't think I need to be here?

Thelma, however, with her hands on her cheeks.

"Oh, you can't do that. Because as for Zain, Aura is the official Virgin. Aura's kids are important, too, because they're going to be attacked. I was delighted that Gastone was cheap with this."

Various problematic faces, but it was Vera who watched such faces. If the Valkyries do it, they're surrounding Vera a a lot.

"If you don't like it, say no properly. I mean, Father...... what are you going to do with so many more, saying we can move on in a direction that doesn't increase? Or why am I surrounded by these kids?

Vera is surrounded by Valkyries, even though she has finished wearing the dress. Equally surrounded are Nowem and Miranda and Aria.

At Aria's, the Valkyries were carefully dressed. Aria looks in trouble.

"Hey, hey! Why do you care so much? I mean, I'm a little loose around my stomach. I think you should squeeze it more."



Immediately answered by the Valkyries, Aria dropped her shoulder. The usual outside honeyed hair is neat and straightforward today. Valkyries accompanies Aria complaining because she is unfamiliar with her clothes or restless.

"Look, I don't walk with a big crotch"

"I don't make sudden moves!

Liane, who puts the Valkyrie 71 aside, watched that. Apparently, he notices, and he hits seventy-one.

"Hey, maybe, but those four..."

"Correct. Mr. Liane, I was wondering if we should hurry."

Liane was sitting in a chair, spreading her fans and hiding her mouth.

"That's surprising. Nowem and Miranda didn't think it was strange to attack, is that Aria and Vera? I'll be a little aggressive, too."

- What? and nobody around asked.

"Oh, it's got cream"

"Shannon, hurry and get dressed. And then I don't eat Eliza anymore."

Shannon, who spilled sweets and defiled her dress, is scolded by Miranda. Eliza, who was then eating sweets with me, was also angry.

Nowem turns to Aria.

"Mr. Aria, can't you just calm down and sit down?

"Because... I don't feel comfortable. I wanted to try on a dress or something, but you're kind of embarrassed."

May or Marina.

"Ha, I want some meat"

"I agree. Somebody, bring the meat."

While Vera looked at the two of them.

"It will be decided for nothing. We won't be eating much today until after the ceremony. Fine, it's the same at the party at night."

When they looked like they were really surprised, the other faces - the side chambers pressed from the countries - had no voice in front of this dark face.

"You, you're kidding!

Airhardt, who usually wears a tank top, was in my room dressed up. You complain to me crying, but I'm surprised to hear why.

"I don't know! I just heard you say that! It's hard for me to get more people than that! It's even tough right now! I'm scared, man! Guys... Guys... scared. If Aria doesn't comfort me, I..."

As I put up with about to cry, Airhardt rushes out. I'm sure you know you have the same experience as me, or will no longer be HR. Again, I was right to keep more company.

I wanted a friend who could share these feelings, so I've been pushing a lot on Airhardt. Like a woman, with honor?

However, I can understand Airhardt getting angry. No way, I didn't even think Mr. Marianne would be shoved into my side room that day.

Fidel's bastard, the reason you've been smiling at me was Mr. Marianne. I thought the conversation was going in the direction of no, but I can't believe we're going to take a side chamber from the guild.

"Shh, sorry. But that's why Mr. Marianne!

Still, Airhardt can't allow his first lover to enter the side room. But Mr. Maxim, who was in the same room, is leaning his neck. The same goes for Damien.

"Why? That Marianne lord didn't have an opponent from the beginning, did he? Besides, I hear you have quite a few women in mind."

"And they turned down the confession, didn't they? Well, I don't think it's your problem either."

Airhardt collapsed off his knees before making two bassari truncating remarks.


"I... I couldn't. Still, happy for Marianne...... CHICK YOU!!"

Then Baldoor looked at us and sighed.

"What are you doing, all four of you? Has Lord Maxim made any progress with Lord Adele? I heard your confession was a success?

Then the illuminated Mr. Maxim rubs his finger under his nose.

"You're an idiot. Success was achieved. But it's nothing more than a kiss. Look, I want to have more fun with my honeymoon."

Is it to me, or to me, to Airhardt, and to Baldoor? While Damien had tea.

"I envy you. I'm almost done with the institute, so I can focus on creating the perfect woman."

While Airhardt looks at us.

"... you guys are absolutely crazy. Screw your head, isn't it blowing up?

I look at an airhardt like that, thinking it's a good fit to be seen for today.

"... you have good guts. All right. For such a heartbroken freedom knight, Airhardt, I'll introduce you to the woman I appointed as the freedom knight. How about Her Royal Highness Princess Anneline? She's cute."

Then, Airhardt stood up and pointed at me. Baldoor says, "I don't respect you," etc., but he's a valuable complaining to me. Let's leave it like this. Otherwise, it's boring to make fun of me.

"You're kidding me! Because of the freedom knights and fuzzy positions, they're going to think how hard I'm struggling! It was really annoying when you asked me to exorcise the dragon!

If you ask me, they defeated the Land Dragon. Excellent. I thought you were talented, but the boulder is Airhardt.

"In response to that work, I'll give you an award this time. In a fuzzy position, enjoy the harem."

Airhardt was holding his head with both hands on my smile. This guy didn't see reality when we met, but when we saw reality, we got the harem we wanted.

I want to tell you that I'm glad your wish came true.

"How many can you hold in such a fuzzy position! I'm really going to get attacked if I keep this up! They're going to attack me!

... I hope you don't tell me they attacked you. First, you get attacked, too. Come on over here. That's what I wanted to say. Damn, I never thought of being a tank-top bastard whose healing frame was just right or my daughter-in-law's father.

I'm getting angry, so I'm gonna make fun of Fidel's bastard.

Then Baldoor was checking the time on his pocket watch. Apparently, time is running out.

"Dear Lyell - No, Your Majesty. It's time."

When I breathe lightly and deeply, I switch consciousness.

"Okay. Go to the hall."

Both Mr. Maxim and Damien stood up and followed as Airhardt complained about "although the atmosphere would be too different" and so on. As the five of us went straight behind the hall, Mr. Launo, who was escorting him, stood.

"We are ready, Your Majesty."

If you're not a mustache, you're dressed today. When I snort at the words of such a minister, I go for the hall.

Position overlooking aligned national representatives and representatives of the organisation.

At the back of the hall a high spot was provided and there were stairs. On top of it lies the throne. He was making extravaganza to show majesty.

When I appeared, the band I had refrained from playing started playing. In a harsh atmosphere, when everyone bows their heads, I go up the stairs to sit on the throne.

One step. One step - and the stairs climbing that throne were covered with red carpets.

I could see the throne on the stacked corpse.

The red carpet looks like blood.

I climb into a place like that, I'm sure I'm a big villain. From the public's point of view, it's not strange to be seen using Ceres like I drove down the kingdom of Bansaim.

I'm from the Walt family, and I'm the one who put in the end to what happened to the Walt family.

Maybe it would be a good idea to leave after everything has ended like a hero.

But I couldn't do it.

I also had a promise.

And I can't escape the responsibility I've been killing.

I killed a cup and got this far.

Some are called minimum responsibilities.

I climbed out, I saw a chair. The throne. It was in the form of walking that far and looking back to sit down and looking down at everyone.

I'm sure he'll dedicate the rest of his life to governance. Even myself, I think I've made this decision a lot.

I was about to be crushed by the blame, but somewhere I felt the historical masters were watching. When that happens, I can't imitate embarrassment.

When I sit down and tell everyone to look up, I officially declare myself in the throne. At the same time, it declared the unity of the continent. Most countries admit to coming under the control of the Empire. Besides, it's the whole continent that's exhausted.

The kingdom of Bansaim in particular - the exhaustion of the central part of the continent is great, but the empire nevertheless showed force in the war.

It will be fine for a while. Later, we just have to work hard in internal affairs and diplomacy. Well, it would be better than a war.

Even now and then, I wonder if the hero of God doesn't come out. That way, I didn't think I'd do anything about it. Besides, there was nobody there. There were no people trying to move.

Whether you could have countered Ceres even if you were there......

That's why I decided to do it.

As the ceremony progresses, I play the ideal emperor. It's the historical masters that remind me.

If you're a first generation, even if you hear of the emperor, you're going to have an attitude of "fuh-fuh."

The second generation may also look a little troubled.

The third generation will be interested in seeing their descendants as emperors.

The fourth generation is likely to be tempted by the way it governs and the money.

The fifth generation... doesn't talk much, but he's going to say something like, "Don't push it."

Sixth generation is right. I'm sure you'll be worried about the number of daughters-in-law.

The seventh generation may weep with joy.

In the eighth generation - what kind of words will my father say to me? I have few memories before the age of ten, and the only memories since then are the appearance of a cold attitude. He apologized for the last time, but I didn't know what to say.

Intense. I think it was a very intense two years. They kicked me out of the house and made me an adventurer. No goal. Just be an adventurer, meet Aria and both Mirandas......

Reuniting Ceres may have been the real beginning. From the moment I saw Ceres defeat the snowy Central and rule the insane capital - I really had a purpose.

So here I am.

I'm flirting in a place like this.

Mr Mireia is right. He piled up a pile of corpses and sat on the throne.

The ceremony has progressed, and representatives of countries who speak of loyalty to me.

"I come under the control of our empire and pledge my allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor"

Everyone kneels at the words of the delegate.

Don't freak out when you wonder how many of these people are aiming at my neck in my belly. Any time I know it's going to decline, I think about how long it's going to last. A continent exhausted in just a few years.

It would be nice to have some peace.

I dedicate the rest of my life. It may not be as much as a consideration, but even for a while.

"That loyalty pleases me. I would encourage youngsters to be good monarchs to everyone. I want you to continue to support me and the Empire."

I don't even think about that - it's a lie to the boulders, but at least you guys can work harder.

Somehow, I was driven to the point where I was determined to unify the continent, like I had a dead fish eye. If I had worked harder around, I could have worked together as a soldier or an adventurer.

Well, I guess it's later now.

One day I will surely give this status to the next generation. And you're going to push all sorts of things. I feel sorry to think so. At the very least, I need to clear up what I can do.

I'm also worried that one day I'll be able to entrust something like everyone else.

Still, let's move forward one step at a time.

When you walk, walk, and stop, the next generation - like you can push someone's back. I want to be like that.

Like those seven.

Like the historical masters who supported and guided me.

- The birth of an empire that, for three hundred years, reunited a continent that had been divided.

It was around a hundred years after the founding of the country that we celebrated the full season with a long reign. From there he experienced changes in times and numerous disturbances, and for five hundred years he ruled the continent.

But there is no escape from the flow of depletion, and the empire collapses with the flow of times. After that, the advent of the Warring States era came, but we had considerable time before the continent was reunited -.

- The blackboard in the classroom contained the history of the continent during the Empire.

A silver pendant is lowered around the neck of a boy taking a class in such a classroom. It's got blue balls embedded in it and it's pretty old.

In front of the teaching table, the teacher slaps the blackboard gently with his fist, says.

"Well, history around here is like the front seat of the next coming Warring States era. History from here is more popular. But it's funny to know the empire of this era. There is such a thing as bumped heroes were actually descendants of the first emperor. However, many people named themselves descendants of the first emperor to show their own legitimacy. It's because of this much waltness. You're in this class, too."

When the boy gathered his class gaze, Couscous and I were laughing. The boy leans down because he is weak.

The history teacher then begins to speak proudly. It looked like he liked history and looked into it independently and had his own ideas.

"It's just so frigid that this first emperor named himself Divine Emperor. Besides, In fact, the first emperor's sister was married to the country that was cut off from continental rule. Doctor thinks it's a Walt family match pump. Anyway, it's very frigid when I look into it. They kicked me out of the house, and now I'm doing what I call a hunter."

The teacher who talks to the pepper is just bragging and doing a lot of research. The first emperor had a bad femininity, but also failed to make it to the rescue of a supported commercial city.

I will show off my knowledge and state my own interpretation of everything else. And, by way of conclusion, etc., and then precede.

"The first emperor is not a god emperor or anything, he's just a hippo physique. If you look into it, you're lying enough to look into it. You know, there's Shannon, who's popular in movies and dramas, right? The cause of life in the dreary rear palace is also the first emperor, and I think the teacher is the worst guy. Airhardt, the freedom knight who was active in the same era, is still a hero."

Teacher smiling and saying. Then, his gaze gathered on the boy, who was Walt sexual, and the ill-patterned students were pointing their fingers at him and laughing.

When the bell sounded announcing the end of the class, the teacher began to look at the clock and organize the tools.

"Turn off the blackboard. Well, Nikko."

When the student, who is a daytime student, says, "Stand up, thank you," all rise and bow their heads. As the teacher left the classroom, the boy sat in a chair.

Since my current class was my last, I had packed my desk textbooks and notebooks in my bag by the time my tenure arrived.

Then, a few of the bad patterns came to the boy.

"Hey, your house sucks"

"Shit! Shit!

That's what they tease me about, but the boy kept quiet and leaned down. Bear with him until he arrives, and after school, he leaves the school in a hurry.

I didn't want to go to school. Because...

Make sure nobody's here, the boy says.

"Um, don't make too much noise. I've been so tired lately..."

Then Lyell's voice was heard from the treasure ball - from the treasure ball that restored its glow.

"That teacher, I'll bust you! What a suck! What a hippo physique! It's not my fault the Back Palace drowned!

Then I heard a crude voice. First generation.

'Huh, the emperor's in trouble, too. But the ninth generation is the emperor. I don't know what you're feeling. "

Record reset, together with no memory of Lyell. However, from the boy's point of view, it's hard to lose magic when eight people are making a scene.

"Um, be quiet..."

I hear a second generation of voices.

'Still, I can't forgive that teacher. You're harassing our immediate descendants.

The third generation speaks with laughter, but he seems angry. I'm afraid to speak.

"Do you want to do it? Some kind of murder can be heavily punished for a crime, but it's going to be easy to crush socially, right? Let's never get up again."

I don't like the fourth generation. I don't hate payback.

'If you do that, there's a risk. In this case, are you an anonymous school? Report to the organization that controls it.... with proof.'

Although the fifth generation has a small mouth count.

'... let's make it clear which one is up there with those evil looking kids. I hate that hand kid the most. Let's start with those households. "

The sixth generation was laughing. The boy has a fine voice.

"And be quiet..."

'Huhahahaha, reinforce it with a bit of skill and you'll understand it as soon as you speak with your fist. So I'll show you how to fight. Aim for your eyes first!

The seventh generation shouts a frightened voice.

'You wouldn't have to do that to crush it. Well, it's true you don't like that teacher. Let's cry and make him regret making fun of the Walt family!

Lyell agrees with his grandfather, the seventh generation.

"Can you finish what you're told to be good for a kid to that extent! I... even though I'm not bad! I'll stir you up. I'm gonna keep stirring you up like Fidel, so remember!... Well, you're the one to do it back. Come on. We won't spare you any help. Well, even if we work together, we can either talk or just teach you how to use your skills. '

The masters of history who tell boys to do their best to get revenge. The boy who inherited the treasure balls recorded by such historical contemporaries drips.

The boy whines as he walks with Tobotobo. From the day I inherited the blue gem, the voice I could hear.

I never thought that was my ancestor.

"I don't want to do this anymore, these ancestors. Mr. Monica, what am I supposed to do?

The boy whining Monica's name, the servant of the house, was a tear-eyed.

He heard a joyous laugh from within the treasure balls and the boy sympathized with his teachers and classmates.

"It's been fun. Ah!!"

The voices that only the boy could hear seemed to have fun today...

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