Sha Qing

Chapter 15: Black and white games

Ep14 black and white game

In a conference room of the FBI's Chicago office, the projector had just finished playing the scene of the murder and evidence, and the dark room fell into a brief silence.

The lights came on, and Alfred, the leader of the Chess Serial Murder Case Task Force, broke the solemn air with a slightly hard tone: "The clues we have are so pitiful that they are not enough to give BAU (behavior investigation Support Division) to provide sufficient information. "

Rob then said: "If an instant attack on the street late at night could be traced without a shot from outside the prison wall that day, then there would be no witnesses or surveillance footage of the murder in the UNDCP office. It's incredible. "

"No witnesses, no video materials, no relics that would reveal our identity, no traces for us to trace. The murderer planned carefully beforehand, his methods were neat and clear, and the efficiency was like a killing machine ..." Young The black detective Maien grew more and more frustrated.

"Don't be so lethargic, guys, you can't defeat yourself without a fight!" Leo knocked on the table with his knuckles and raised his voice to boost morale. "There is no seamless murder in this world. As long as it is artificial, there must be flaws. You know, sometimes the key to solving a case is only on a seemingly insignificant hair. Go and investigate again carefully, the scene, exhibits, weapons, vehicles, probes, possible witnesses, even half of the roadside stone cracks A cigarette butt-in short, everything you want and think about must be thoroughly checked! Behavioral science analysts are urging them to give a profile, even if it is just a vague outline. "

Alfred got up and said, "I take a few people to the scene again, Maien, you go to the forensics department and see what's new. Leo, BAU, please let you know Now. "

Until twelve in the middle of the night, Leo and Rob were sweating back to the lakeside villa. The two were so tired that they didn't even want to eat dinner. After saying good night to each other, they scooped a cold shower and went back to their rooms to rest.

Leo spent more than half an hour in bed, still having trouble falling asleep. In his suitcase, a simulated portrait of the "killing blue" from thousands of miles in Portland, as always, affixed to the wall behind the table and turned into the sight. In the mercury moonlight spilling out of the window, the three faces with different eyebrows were quiet and evil, like the beast lurking in the dark forest, staring at him deeply, as if they would speak on the paper at any time.

Killing youth, why do you go one step faster than us every time to find and kill those serial killers? Because you are the same type of person, can you smell the **** smell of each other in the vast crowd? Or is it instinct to track down prey as a hunter? Leo asked silently.

The mock portrait on the wall responded silently.

At this point Leo had gone to sleep, and got up to find a beer in the kitchen refrigerator. Passing Li Biqing's room, it was found that a soft white light was under the door. It's 1am and haven't slept yet? It seems he often stays up late ... Leo frowned disapprovingly, knocking twice on the door.

The door was not locked. When he pushed open the door and walked in, the owner of the room didn't seem to have any early morning visitors, and turned his head to look at him.

The opposite door is an empty wall. The original white lime wall has been occupied by various shapes of paper, densely covered with text, and if you look closely, they are cut from newspapers, red and blue. Oily markers leave dots and lines on it.

Leo thought the scene was familiar. He immediately responded: In the FBI's Criminal Crimes Office, there is also a wall or a large blackboard filled with all photos and texts related to the murder.

The Chinese boy was holding an oil-based pen to mark the clippings. When he saw him coming in, he caught a look of surprise and faintly flustered, "... Leo, haven't you slept yet?"

"I should ask you this, don't you have class tomorrow?" Leo approached the wall full of newspaper clippings. It was full of various media reports on the four serial killings in Chicago. It is not difficult to see that the collectors have extremely serious about this. Deep interest. Apparently, the suspicious detective of this guy has committed again. He reluctantly thought, and instead warned in a serious tone: "I said, don't get involved in the police, that's not your responsibility. Stay away from my case. , Bi Qing! "

Li Biqing reluctantly refuted: "Why? I have not interfered with your solution. This is indeed not my responsibility, but it is my interest. You cannot deprive it without justification! Besides, you did not agree, I Can you 'plug in'? "

"I did agree, but that was before you were targeted by a serial killer! Didn't you also promise me that you wouldn't put yourself at risk? What happened? If it wasn't for the 'killing blue' bird Later, if you kill Lei Zhe in time, the **** body in the roses will be you! When you know that the other person is a murderer and follow him dizzily, have you thought about the serious consequences of this stupid and stubborn behavior? "Leo's eyes gradually showed anger, like the light of light jumping on the dark blue sea." When you are doing your own thing, haven't you considered how much worry the people around you will bear? In case of something unexpected, you want to let Me-is my sister Jasmine heartbroken? "

Li Biqing bowed her head slightly, and whispered after a while, "I'm sorry, I've broken my word again ... But, I can't do nothing, Leo, you understand this feeling, when a desire drives you to do what At the moment, your thoughts, your emotions, and even your blood are urging urgency-do it! Do it! You can't turn a deaf ear to these voices unless you are as dead as a heart! "

Leo was silent, and said muffled, "I regret to promise Jasmine to take care of you. You know how dangerous my job is. If this care comes at the cost of threatening your life, maybe I should let you go."

"You're wrong. Even if I was in danger, it wasn't because of you. Even if I didn't know you, I might meet Lei Zhe, or another devastated guy-to be honest, I haven't encountered this before. Humans, they always seem to think of me as a soft persimmon, and they always want to pinch. Do I have the words "Very bullying" on my face? "Li Biqing looked up at him, looking a little confused, He sighed softly, which made him look more and more like a glutinous rice dumpling that was boiled with sugar after cooking. It was pure and harmless, suitable for all ages.

Leo's thoughts of staying away from him broke down again.

In any case, the consequences of letting this guy go will probably only be more serious. At least for now, he can try to protect him. If he is left alone on the street, who can he turn to when he is in danger?

"If my personal interest really caused you so much trouble, I would choose to leave, find another language school, and finish the university course. If Dr. Cremont would write me a recommendation letter then , I will accept his kindness and help, and work with him. "Li Biqing said with determination.

His last words hit Leo's weakness.

Do not! I don't want to be a colleague with you at all, even if not in the same department! The federal agent rubbed his eyebrows in frustration and sighed, "Okay, you won. I won't block your interest any longer, as long as it doesn't interfere with my work-remember, you can only 'plug in', Can't step in! "

"No problem!" The Chinese boy's face cleared in an instant, grabbed his arm, and pulled him to the desk.

Leo then realized that there was a chess set on the table, and the black and white pieces of woodcarving were on standby at their posts.

"I have studied the news in the newspaper for several days. I have always wanted to talk to you about some ideas, but you are always busy." Li Biqing pressed him on a chair with great interest, and began to release an exclusive research report. The first sentence The words surprised Leo: "I don't think the killer was alone!"

"... Speak clearly."

"Four homicides, four chess pieces, I found a pattern. Two deaths resulted from the shooting. Black was left on the scene, and one who died of a throat cut and a neck was left- —Does this have any meaning? Why do the killers use two completely different ways of killing? We must know that for serial killers, the way of starting is generally relatively fixed. This is the same as the patterns and words they intentionally leave, which are self-affirmation. And a flaunting of their own abilities. A bare-handed person may abandon a knife and a gun because of the pursuit of more powerful power, and a person who is proficient in using firearms, why not use the weapon in hand, and choose a more difficult What about a big pen as a weapon? "

Li Biqing said here in a breath, only to add a bit of fresh air. Seeing Leo staring at the chessboard in front of him, he went on to say, "Looking at the antagonism of chess, I can't help but have such a guess: Will the killer be two people, one playing black and one playing white? , Playing against each other in a way that they are good at killing each other, and the starting target is that the two have agreed on the scope and limits in advance. "

The seasoned federal agent immediately grasped the crux of the question: "Then say that regarding the scope and limits of the target, I think it has something to do with the pieces left, right? Three minions, one knight."

"Yes, this is exactly what I want to continue," Li Biqing scooped out these pieces one by one from the chessboard, and placed them in front of him. "Three soldiers-traffic police, city police, prison guard, a knight- —Director of the UNDCP office. The chess pieces correspond to the strata they represent, which proves from another angle that this is not a normal serial killing, but a game between White and Black; it is a competition between cold weapons and hot / weapons. ; A game where two killers use the city as a chessboard and human life as a chess piece! "

Leo frowned deeply. Although it is still at the level of speculation or imagination, if Li Biqing's conclusion is correct, the FBI will undoubtedly be the hardest kind of killer this time: professional killing knowledge, rich killing experience, and sharp killing methods. There is also a heart that is completely ignorant of life and as hard as ice. The gap between the ordinary murderers who drink alcohol and drugs or distorted childhood is just like wild cats and Bengal tigers. Although they are felines, they are very different in attack and danger. The most troublesome thing is to multiply it by two.

The Chinese boy standing next to his chair continued to express his personal point of view: "Besides, in the interval between each homicide, I think there are a lot of subtleties. The second one happened in the first one. The third case occurred on the eighth day after the second case, and the fourth case three days later was 1, 1, 8, and 3. Are these three numbers accidental, or are there any connections and laws that we have not yet discovered? It's a pity that there is too little first-line information in my hand! "He stared at the dark-haired federal agent with extremely regretful and longing eyes, leaning his hands and clenching his shoulders," I need on-site investigation, autopsy report, evidence analysis , You need details that are not known to the public in confidential files, not speculative and exaggerated news gimmicks in TV newspapers! "

He leaned too close, almost smelling, leaving Leo's heart with a sense of invasion of personal space. He wasn't used to this feeling, and he could move his chair backwards or push the other side quietly, but somehow he didn't do it. The skin ironed on the palms of the shoulders radiated heat for a while, this burning sensation tightened like a current passing directly to his chest, making his chest twitch, as if there was a soft and sharp little claw scratching on the heart It scratched gently like an itch ... his throat knot involuntarily slipped a few times, only to feel his mouth dry and dry, like a bunch of **** little flames burning suddenly in his throat.

The boy who was close at hand was still pouring oil on the fire-he grabbed Leo's shoulders and shook it, saying in a tone similar to his younger brother pleading with his elder brother for a baseball glove: "You can do it, yes Right? Take me to your office building to review the case-related information. Just like last time in Portland, I swear that I will not cause you trouble. On the contrary, I will bring you unexpected gains ... "

Leo finally couldn't help moving the chair and letting his shoulders slide away from his palm. At the moment when the temperature of the two people no longer touched, he was relieved and relieved, trying to calm the strange feeling on his chest, so that he forgot it for a while reply.

"Rio?" Li Biqing asked doubtfully.

"Give me a profile and give it to a behavioral science analyst. If they can get their approval ... well, I'll take you there." The federal agent answered after thinking about it.

"Aha!" Li Biqing laughed in surprise, "No problem! I'll organize a copy for you-" Then he fumbled for paper and pen.

"Wait a minute!" Leo grabbed his arm. "Not now, you have to sleep for eight hours first. Tomorrow you have time to write."

His resolute tone made the other side shrug eagerly, "Okay, I'm going to bed. I'll take it to you as soon as I don't have class tomorrow."

Leo then let go and said, "Go to bed and turn off the lights. Then I'll go."

The last trace of luck was broken by him, Li Biqing had to obediently turn off the headlights and climb into the bed, and got into the bed, leaving only a dim bedside lamp. "Good night, Rio." He hesitated, and said, "Did you not sleep well recently?"

A touch of flashing in his eyes, Leo asked casually: "What?"

"It's got dark circles. You've been really busy this time." Li Biqing looked at him sympathetically. "Anyway, the body is the most important thing. Get a good night's sleep and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Leo nodded slightly and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp for him: "Good night, boy."

"It seems like you are much older than me, but I'm your brother-in-law ..."

He heard the other party mutter in a quilt and wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh.

As he turned to leave the room, he heard a soft good night behind him: "Sleep well, Leo, have a good dream." His footsteps stagnate, then he closed the door with his backhand.

Back in his bedroom, Leo was pretty sure that, with his current state of mind, he couldn't fall asleep even after going to bed with his eyes closed and brewing until dawn. You may be snoring for just three or five hours when you are extremely drowsy, but you will soon wake up from all kinds of anxiety, tension, and endless nightmares-two years ago, he thought he had got rid of these **** symptoms But, no, the sleep that finally calmed down lasted for more than a year, and now he has to pull out the pill bottle with the label off and countless times to decide to quit. But even so, the effectiveness of the medicine was diminishing, but he was too busy to visit the private doctor again.

When the case is over, he must take a few days off to see the doctor. He orders himself, then opens the cabinet above the washstand, shakes out two pills from the white pill bottle, and swallows. Pour out two more and swallow it.

After lying on the bed, the drowsiness began to fall. Before the busy day of work, he will have a full six hours of sleepless dreams, allowing his tense nerves to get enough rest time, whether it is the killer who is currently hunting, or the unforgettable "killing youth", or The weeping of the old wrong soul can no longer sneak into his brain.

After waking up, he was still the spirited and resolute FBI agent, who was brave and upright and punished the elite of law enforcement.

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