Sha Qing

Chapter 50: Undercurrent

Ep40 Undercurrent Surging

Tonight's clubhouse was unusually quiet, and various nightly entertainment was temporarily cancelled. Although the news of the five hunters' disappearance was deliberately blocked by the club, other members also heard a little. After asking Oliver for no results, they were hiding in their villas heartily. Many people planned to leave by special plane tomorrow.

Emily wears a purple fishtail dress with lotus leaf outline full **** and slender waist, and swings in the walking section. Maybe it was because she had applied more primer, her face was a little pale, her beautiful blue eyes flashed uneasily, but she couldn't see clearly because of her smoky makeup.

The man walking next to her naturally fit her waist, and whispered in her ear with a smile.

She bit her bright red lips and tried to adjust her stiff feet to be softer.

Then they walked into the courtyard of a villa and came to the porch. Outside the door were two Kong Wu's powerful bodyguards, wearing headsets on walkie-talkies, hiding weapons, standing there expressionlessly. In addition to the gate, other exits of the villa and floor-to-ceiling windows are arranged on duty for bodyguard shifts to ensure the personal safety of members.

The white bodyguard standing on the left seemed familiar with Emily, saying hello to her: "Hi, Emily, Mr. Cessna ordered you? I got a bonus tonight."

Emily twitched at him and made a little smile.

Another black bodyguard looked at the blond-haired young Asian next to her and asked, "A new nightingale? Why, did you click him?"

Emily glanced at the man next to her and replied, "Yes. This is ... Mr. Cessna's request."

The white bodyguard would laugh with an indecent mind, "Oh, it looks like you'll have a hard time tonight, poor little Amy."

"Don't you think I'm harder than her?" Luo Yi shrugged and said in a half-joking tone.

Even the black bodyguards sneered at this moment, "I heard that Mr. Cessna is playing crazy in this regard. I hope God bless you and don't be carried out by us tomorrow morning."

The new nightingale was a little nervous, and after thinking about it, he said to the two bodyguards, "Brother, can I ask you something? If I can't reach daybreak, I will faint. Don't take it apart when you lift me."

The white bodyguard stared at Emily with a grin. "The beauty that depends on us is not willing to intercede for you." The black bodyguard made a count of money: "I have always been very forgiving to those who are gracious. "

"Of course, it's a virtue to have a reward." Luo Yi nodded in agreement with him and took Emily's thin waist toward the door.

"Wait--" the black bodyguard called. "The rules cannot be missed."

Two bodyguards approached and searched routinely. Luo Yi stretched his arms indifferently, he was not carrying any weapons.

The bodyguard didn't find any dangerous goods, so he patted Emily's ass: "Go in, darlings."

Inside the villa, William was sitting on the sofa, sanding the newly made ashtray with sandpaper, and looking at the light from time to time to see if its edges were smooth.

Seeing a pair of handsome men and women walking into the room, he put aside his new work, and tickled his fingers at the nightingales: "Buy one get one free? What is this, an unexpected surprise?"

Emily sat on his thigh voluptuously. Luo Yi grabbed his shoulder from the side and chuckled: "Or the club's compensation, you know, all the extra consumption tonight is half price and the amount is double." He attached to William's ear. Whispering: "I also prepare you twice as much."

A steel needle was then inserted into William's neck, and the transparent potion in the syringe was instantly pushed into the blood vessel.

William didn't even make a shout before he collapsed on the sofa.

Emily jumped from his panic, covering her mouth to suppress the nearly screaming.

"Thank you for your cooperation, beauties, and sedatives," the young Asian said to her with a smile, "now you are free."

Emily turned and ran subconsciously. A hand knife slashed at her medulla, and she immediately lost consciousness. "Get a good night's sleep. The next scene is not suitable for girls."

The eight ivory ashtrays on the coffee table have the same texture and similar shape, with exquisite patterns drawn on them. Obviously the maker wants to design them into a series. The last one was just a semi-finished product. Sha Qing put his bowl-shaped skull in his palm and stared for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Repose, old black."

Then he started rummaging through William's toolbox and dragging a sharp handsaw out of it.

Edman drove off-road to the island airport in a hurry.

He did not call the driver assigned to him by the club, nor did he alarm anybody. After opening the bodyguard at the villa door, he secretly went out.

Since the day when the FBI came to his door, he has been living in fear and uneasiness. The so-called "atonement" transaction did not give him much peace of mind, and regardless of whether the FBI would cross the river after the demolition, as long as he thought of bringing an undercover police officer into the club, once the little duke knew what the end was, he I feel that every second on Luna Island is a painful torment, and even a lot of thinning hair has been lost in these two days.

So a few hours ago, he called to inform his private jet that he had to rush to Luna Island today. He also knew that the North Island Airport was heavily guarded and that foreign aircraft could not land without permission, so he had to personally go to the airport to coordinate.

As long as you leave Luna Island, it's okay ... Edman thought nervously and resentfully, what's missing, shit, it's a note that they are operating on these members. If they don't run, who knows if the next sword will fall On his head!

The rear wheel trembled suddenly, as if stuck in a pit. Hell, can't you see the road at night and accidentally drive the roadbed?

Seeing that it was not far from the airport, Edman scolded the door and got out of the car, ready to walk over.

A hand grabbed his hair from behind and slammed his head into the door. Probably felt that the weight was not enough, the attacker instead choked his neck and continued to hit three or four times.

There was a flash of light in the darkness before Edman's eyes, buzzing in his ears, and blood dripping from his mouth and nose. The impact came too fast, and the shaking brain had no time to come up with any ideas. He fell to the ground like a fat hemp bag full of bran.

When his consciousness was finally awake, he found himself lying in the grass with a sloppy shadow in front of his eyes. Fortunately, the dizziness endured to distinguish for a long time, and he realized that it was a man squatting behind his head and placing a sharp dagger around his neck.

"Useless fat pigs, knocked a few times, and fainted for so long!" Chaniel complained, and patted Edman's cheek with the knife. The fluffy flesh fluttered under the knife, and he immediately felt nauseous, stabbing the dagger on the blade of grass beside him.

After reaching the periphery of the clubhouse, he broke up with Shaoqing. Sha Qing insisted on going to the trouble of the remaining hunters, but he planned to investigate at the airport on the island to see if there was any chance to leave safely.

"If I get a plane, I will go first and leave you to play the killing game slowly on this broken island!" Shaneir was very dissatisfied with the insistence on killing young men and threatened, "Even if you can get the rest What if all six were killed, there is at least one infantry battalion on the island with armed forces, you can't beat them, you will die very ugly when caught by the club! "

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you," said Sha Qing indifferently.

Shaneir was so angry that he wanted to slap him.

Their temporary alliance can only end there. He doesn't want to put his life on this crazy serial killer. Although it was a pity to fail to persuade Sha Qing to become his accomplice, he also clearly realized that the other party was of the type of puffer fish meat. Although the taste was delicious, if he didn't deal with it clearly, he would be poisoned by a bite.

It's not his style to desperately eat puffer fish.

Thinking of this, his mood is getting worse, and he doesn't want to waste a second on the old fat man in front of him.

"You are also a member, right, why are you in such a hurry to the airport? Going to run overnight? Is there a plane to pick you up?" He asked in a very impatient tone, his attitude was so bad that Edman felt himself The neck can be cut with a knife at any time.

Edman shuddered, and his fear left him no time to think carefully. He could only guess the identity of the attacker by instinct: oh my god, is an undercover agent enough? This guy's attitude is more arrogant and unbearable than the previous one. Reasonable! Immediately, he justified himself: "No, no, I didn't want to get rid of you first, just to prepare for the ... plan, yes, that Ministry of Justice agreement, we signed and fingerprinted it, right? You cannot violate the witness protection system ... "

Shanier listened to his speech incoherent, and his eyes began to shine. He seemed to inadvertently hit a small move by the federal government. It seems that this fat man is the one who matches Leo's undercover.

... Leo Lawrence! Without feeling keen to kill him by the side, Charnier can finally release the venomous hatred of a person without hesitation—seven years and four months ago, in Queens, New York, one of his men was bought by the police and bought him. Deceive them into a well-controlled scene and succeed. At that time, it was this young FBI with black hair and blue eyes, who knocked him down on the dirt ground, and ended his free life with handcuffs!

While waiting in anger and injustice at the detention center, he gathered inside information on the betrayer's dealings with the police. It is ridiculous that his subordinates did not do much to kill, drug traffic, kidnapping, and extortion. As a result, he was included in the so-called witness protection plan because of the confession and helping the police catch him. Changing his name and surname, the grandeur continues to escape, but he almost squat for 40 years with the same charge!

Is this what is called judicial justice? He asked silently to the newspaper clippings posted on the cell wall. The fledgling black-haired detective became famous in the First World War, and received official awards and public praise. The young face in the black and white photo was handsome and upright, and was the spokesperson for the image of law enforcement officers. Only Shaneir himself knew how the FBI had persevered and used every means to design and arrest him!

He didn't see the sun in prison, but the other party was rising step by step. In a few years, he climbed to the FBI headquarters, so that when he was revenge after he was released from prison, he could not find the other party's trace.

However, life is always full of unexpected drama-the ex-gang leader who was released from prison and the FBI agent who arrested him met on a narrow road on a desert island at sea. The difference is that the former recognized it on the spot and was forced to hide the hatred due to the situation; the latter, apparently forgotten by far, was not one of the countless criminals arrested.

Now he finally got a chance for revenge.

Shaneir, aware of this, laughed happily, and Edman shuddered with gloomy excitement.

Shaneille pulled out the phone from Edman's pocket and shoved it into his hand: "Call the club manager, hurry up!"

Edman hesitated: "Duke Jaffle? I can't reach him ..."

The blade opened a blood hole on the side of his chest. "Do you want me to pick out a rib for you first?" The other man asked vaguely.

Edman howled in pain, scared by the brutal cold light from those dark green eyes and almost **** on his pants, "Oliver! I can contact the president's secretary Oliver, and he will pass it to the Duke!"

"Very well," Charnier sneered at him, "why don't you dial the number?"

Leo was eating fried foie gras with foie gras sauce, and his forehead was faint.

Xiao Yafuer, sitting opposite the table, sat elegantly, observing the aristocratic dining etiquette, but his eyes glanced from time to time looked like a sticky spider web.

Just stun him directly! Leo couldn't bear to think that he must have the entire club's membership information, venue planning, manpower arrangements, etc., not in the secret safe, but in a personal computer. If he stuns the scum, he can turn the bedroom and study room over. Can't find what he wants?

As he considered the feasibility of this temporary plan, the cellphone on his desk rang.

Xiao Yafuer pressed the corner of his mouth with a napkin, and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry." He got up and went to the study to answer the phone.

"Olive, haven't I warned you not to disturb me during the meal?"

After the reprimand, the voice gradually weakened. Leo couldn't hear what he was talking about. He simply took the opportunity to end the insatiable dinner and washed his hands and gargle in the bathroom.

"... Who is the other person? I don't know? You idiot, pass his call to me!" Said Xiao Yafuer, closing the soundproof door of the study.

A few seconds later, a strange man's voice passed into his eardrum. "Hello, Duke, I think your secretary should have reported to you about the transaction between us-"

Xiao Yafuer immediately interrupted him: "I never make transactions on the phone with strangers. Either report your identity name and meet with my person in person, or I will hang up."

The other sneered, "It is indeed a nobleman, even when speaking, he is full of momentum, but I don't know if this momentum is still effective in federal prison?"

Little Yaver raised his eyebrows, and his black eyes narrowed into a deep, cold gap. "Speak clearly, otherwise, don't let me find you."

"No, don't be hostile to me, Duke, but I have approached you for the purpose of mutual benefit and friendship. Don't you know that you have been followed by the FBI? About everything here, the club, the club, the month Divine Island, and ... living people hunting in violation of the laws of any country in the world. "

The last two words spit out by the other party after a deliberate pause, haunted Yaver's face. He took a deep breath and sank. "Go on."

"They've been investigating in secret, but they just don't have conclusive evidence, so they sent an undercover agent to sneak into Luna Island. Imagine that you have hundreds of thousands of people in various roles. Like a poisonous snake in camouflage, peeping in the dark, counting on you, waiting for a chance to kill ... "

Through the radio waves, the other party ’s voice is low, slightly hoarse, and with a bit of inexplicable meaning, as if some kind of ethereal and spiritual prophecy, floating in the white mist, enticing people who hear it to explore the behind the truth.

"——Who is it?" Xiao Yafuer asked involuntarily, feeling dry for a while.

"One hundred million dollars, hit my Swiss bank account." The other party said, "You see, my asking price is very reasonable. For you, spend a lot of money that is not awkward to buy a life-threatening one. The news is very cost-effective, isn't it? "

Xiao Yafuer sneered: "I do not lack money, but I also have a hobby of not giving money to scammers. Unless you prove the accuracy of the information to me in person, otherwise.

"Oh, lord ~ ​​duke, do you think I am a gimmick who debuted on the first day? If the two of us meet, let alone get no money, I'm afraid I'll pick up the skin and give it to you. You Look, we are all proficient in this way, knowing that doing business is a credibility. Even if you leave this aside and see which party loses the most after the deal is gone, you know who is the biggest beneficiary of the successful deal, right? .I don't have to make hundreds of millions of dollars with you, and if you lack my key and timely information ... it doesn't matter, I won't visit you in a federal prison anyway in the future.

By the way, just a reminder, if you catch this undercover, you can count the accidental death of the member on his head, 'undercover police abused their power and killed the suspect'-this is also accountable to the deceased's family Come on. "

The last sentence of the other party was knocking on the weakness of the middle and small Yafuer. At this moment, he made a decision: "The deal. You will receive this money immediately."

A few moments later, Shaneer received the transfer information from Mobile Banking and confirmed that 100 million US dollars had been received. He smugly called Jaffle and smiled: "Thank you patronage, Your Excellency the Duke. Give you two names: Garcia Young and Leo Lawrence, I want to follow your relationship and means, soon Their relationship will be found in the personnel files of the FBI's Criminal Investigation Department in Washington, D.C. Well, I wish you a pleasant evening. "

"I also wish you a pleasant night, my new friend." The other said softly, "I also want to wake you up, you are using Edman's cell phone, right, then you must Still on Luna Island. I have just ordered the airports of both islands to be closed. Unless I personally come forward, a plane will not stop on it. After I catch that undercover, I will have enough time, one inch, Roll over an inch of land and find you little by little— "

Shaneir was dumbfounded.

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