Shades of the New World

Chapter 111: Lost passion

Entering the area for non-mages, Evin was instantly surrounded by a variety of people. The place was like a miniature town, with most of the residents being young children. All the children wore a similar badge to Evin's but instead of the golden borders that mage children had, these kids had simple iron ones. 

Aside from the children, some adults who worked stalls and shops stood around as well. Some surprised eyes would glance at Evin as he walked, wondering what the hell a young mage was doing there.

Evin didn't mind the attention, as he leisurely walked through the small town, glancing at some people he found interesting. An undying habit from his days as a spirit. 

Unexpectedly, he smelled something nostalgic to his nose. He began eyeing around for the source of the smell. A second later, he found his target. 

He saw a relatively fancy looking stall in the midst of a dozen others, and was immediately interested. The stall itself didn't have much customers aside from a few men who loitered around the shop due to the shopkeeper, but it did have something that Evin cared about greatly.

The Bronze Awakener, the stall's name stood. There was also something akin to a logo, which simply depicted a fancy metal cup with some black liquid inside, with a few lines that depicted steam. There were a few seats near the stall, clean and welcoming to visitors. On the counters of the shop, a dark brown substance was sitting comfortably in a big glass container, beckoning Evin to come closer.

Passion and want took over Evin's body as he walked towards the stall like he was entranced. But after taking a few steps, Evin suddenly stopped, and started thinking furiously inside his head.

'No… If I get into it now, by the time I'm 20 or something, I would probably need an ungodly amount to sate my addiction…' 

'Wait! I'm a mage! I can fix myself! I won't be done in by mere substance abuse. Besides, it's just a sip. I'll be fine afterwards,' Evin concluded with resolution and began towards the stall with deliberate steps.

"How may I help you, young master?" a pretty woman who was standing behind some handmade wooden counter asked uncertainly. Evin saw her face, which was could be described as pretty, but not out of reach. She was the type of woman who wouldn't be a showstopper, but would definitely arouse your attention. She wore a short tunic belted at the waist over a rather tight fitting pant, which showcased her fit, but somehow delicate frame moving about inside the stall, with great familiarity.

"Could you tell me what's inside those glass jars?" Evin asked, amused by the woman's polite attitude towards mages.

"Oh, these are called ground coffee beans. It's becoming a popular drink in Tower City, so we've decided to branch out towards the North," the woman said uncertainly. 

"But why branch out to a children's institute? Aren't coffee drinks much better suited towards adults, due to their bitter taste?" Evin asked, confused.

"I'm surprised you know about coffee beans, young master. And as for your question, I'm surprised as well. But the owner of the main branch has ordered me to come here, and I will be getting paid regardless of sales, so I can't really complain," the woman replied.

"Well, please prepare one cup for me," Evin ordered.

"Do you want to mix in sugar and milk? I personally recommend the additions, since the drink is quite bitter for first time drinkers," the shopkeeper offered.

"Don't worry, just make me one with only coffee," Evin reassured and sat on one of the seats. After getting comfy, he started focusing inward.

[Rith? What's she saying? Is this my coffee shop?] he asked, confused.

The Cosmic sighed from inside his shadows and explained.

[It was supposed to be a surprise, but who would think that you would chance upon it this soon?] Rith tsked. 


[Well, the coffee shop started taking off in the Capital for the past month or so, making you extremely rich all of a sudden,] Rith began explaining. 

'Wait, where's my money, then?' Evin thought briefly, but let the Cosmic continue.

[There were also some other rich people who started pressuring the shop owner there to accept other investors, but as you know, the man is deadly stubborn. He felt indebted to you, since you stuck with him throughout all those years and wished to keep your shares untouched. Besides, the shop was doing well enough, so they didn't quite need the extra investors]

[But then he noticed that the rich people in the city were starting to gather resources and researchers to create their own coffee blends, forcing the shop owner to consult the Cosmics, since we were the ones who connected you two in the first place. In the end, we decided to pull a fast one on these competitors and etch the shop owner's brand into the Empire,] Rith narrated.

Evin could see the picture now.

[The Shop owner decided to use his newfound wealth to train the staff and prepare the resources necessary for the shops. He now has a branch in every capital of the three countries. And we decided to gift him some extra coins to support one more stall here, with a pretty lady and everything,] Rith finished.

[Why a pretty lady?] Evin asked, confused. 

Subconsciously, he took a glance at the shopkeeper's back and then down towards her ass. Evin then looked around and the men around were doing the same thing. The shopkeeper acted oblivious to the stares and focused on the dripping hot water that fell through the filters. Since they didn't have pressing machines, the process was slightly slow compared to modern Earth.

[Do you like her?] Rith asked with an awkward smirk.

[You know I'm six, right? Or were you planning to keep her secret until I was old enough,] Evin replied.

[It sounded funny when we were talking about it, okay? Besides, I'm sure you'd prefer to interact with a pretty lady, instead of some burly old man, right??] Rith retorted back.

Evin just shook his head and waited for his old hobby to be served inside a cup for him.

A minute later, the drink was served. 

Evin took a sip of it and the nostalgic taste pervaded his mouth. He was surprised at how bitter the drink tasted, compared to the last time he drank coffee.

'A week of drinking later, my taste buds would start ignoring the bitter taste and my brain would start demanding more. Gradually, one cup a day will become 2 cups a day, making it so that my body will be fully dependent on this substance,' Evin dreadfully thought of his future. He didn't know that coffee would have such an effect on him. He saw the coffee beans on the coffee shops, why didn't his addiction flare up like today?

Evin somehow sighed in such a profound way, everyone who was looking at him were left stunned and confused.

"Thanks for the coffee, what's your name?" Evin asked suddenly.

"R-Rhea, young master," the woman answered with a stutter and hurriedly added: "Also, the cup will cost you 60 bronze coins"

Evin felt that it was a bit more expensive than normal, but considering the transport fees and the storage costs, the final price would probably end up looking like that. He then pulled out a silver coin and gave it to the woman.

"Keep the change," Evin said and got up from his seat. He still had to go talk with his blood grandfather.

"Thank you, uhh, young master?" Rhea asked, unsure of what Evin's name was.

"I'm Evin, umm, I'll probably become a frequent customer here," Evin said and walked away, his face gradually turning red.

A few steps later, Rith asked, confused.

[Did you actually fall for her?]

[No! That was so cringe! I can't believe I said those things!] 

Evin just wanted to drink coffee, but now everyone in the Tribe would think that he was infatuated with the shopkeeper.

He thought about the things that he did and could not help but realize that every action he took looked like some child with a crush.

A young mage among common people, who walked specifically to the stall with a pretty shopkeeper, only to drink some disgustingly bitter beverage. He then asked for the shopkeeper's name and then overpaid for the already expensive drink. Obviously, the men around must have tried the drink to impress the girl and found it extremely unamiable to their tastes, but still praised its exquisiteness.

Evin realized that he also acted super weirdly before walking towards the stall, pausing suddenly and then decisively walking… like he was hesitating over something. He looked around and saw some men and women looking at him with a knowing smile.

[Ugh!] Evin groaned in his head and walked faster.

A few minutes later, he reached the non-mage instructors' living quarters that Ssatsko was supposed to be in. Evin asked for the old man from the guard, and got a room number.

He knocked on the door, and was met with the old man who opened the door with a confused face.

"Evin? What are you doing here? Where's Arza and Rith?" the old man asked and invited Evin to his room.

It was much simpler than the simple room that Evin and Arza had gotten previously. Although it was clean and comfy, there was only a single bed and a desk inside, with a drawer for personal objects and a wardrobe for clothing.

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