Shades of the New World

Chapter 136: Ayn, Lyn and Vyn

"In your case, it was relatively simple. You don't truly hate your sister, you just hate her mother. And maybe you feel jealous of her talents and her birth as a mage. But in the deepest parts of your heart, you wanted to repent for your actions. I just needed to make you understand that"

"After you mother died, you could only vent your anger on Bellaslayn. After a while, you start feeling bad for your actions. But since you only ever acted malevolently against her, you found yourself unable to act any different. Hence this current situation," Nona explained.

Listening to the reasonings, Arelyn nodded lightly. 

"As for Bella, I didn't lie when I said that she was deeply sorry. She found me when I was staying in one of the hospitals and offered me all the gold in her possession, so I could fix you somehow. When I asked her about what happened afterwards, she couldn't explain herself. After a few days of pondering, she said that she wanted you two to leave her alone. She just wanted to scare you a bit, but hearing the words that came out of your mouth, she lost her wits," Nona said while hiding a slight grimace. 

But after talking to the little mage, Nona could see that Bella was lying. The naked truth was, that Bellaslayn didn't feel much for her sisters… but for whatever reason, her efforts to heal her and repent was sincere. Most likely, Bella would prefer to reset her relationship with her two sisters and then forget about each other. 'How admirably adult,' Nona would love to think, but she really didn't have the mood to think like that.

Nona then instructed Bella to apologize to each other, but make it very clear that they have nothing to do with each other anymore. Bella seemed happy with this arrangement as well. This way, there wouldn't be any unneeded hope and even if the some problem emerges in the future, Arelyn's trauma would have died out by then. 

'This is the best I can do in this situation,' Nona comforted herself.

"I can confidently say that you won't react extremely when you see your sister now. But still, your body remembers the pain it felt under your sister's hands. You will feel nervous when she's close by and you will flinch if Bella moves suddenly. This will all die out over time," Nona said. Hearing these words, Arelyn could guess at what might happen soon.

"When will I be seeing Bella again?" Arelyn couldn't help but notice the conviction in her voice. 

"Soon. When I'm done fixing your jaw three days later, I will let you two meet," Nona said.

Another month had passed and Evin's peaceful days continued. But even though his days were peaceful, Evin realized that he severely underestimated spell gestures. 

In a wide master bedroom, Evin silently pondered a question that had taken over his mind these past few days.

Evin's time required to cast the floating spell had decreased form 15 seconds to almost 10 seconds for the first month, but it was mostly because of how much Evin was practicing this spell and also due to his newly trained batch of World Sprites which could strengthen three new Worlds now. 

Also, a very peculiar thing happened to those 15 World Sprites. Five of them merged and became three bigger World Sprites that glowed slightly in the color of their respective Worlds. Evin named them Lyn, Ayn and Vyn. Lyn for the World of Storms, Ayn for the World of Thoughts and Vyn for the Heavy World. 

But weirdly, these three didn't show that high level of an intelligence, even though they looked very humanoid-like. Their thought process was a level below their big sister, and the big sister in question still couldn't wrap her cute little (most of the time) fox head around the concept of not calling Evin 'Mother'. 

But to their defense, their ability to support Evin's magic was practically flawless. It was so good that Evin wondered how he was able to cast magic without them in the first place. Thanks to them, Evin was finally able to cast actually lethal Air needles and air punches. But Rith reminded him that most mages had a defensive methods to save their eyes and other vitals, so in the end, the heavier the attack, the better it was. 

Obviously, if Evin had to fight a group of non-mages, then the Air needles were very, very deadly. 

Evin was also trying out many different methods to strengthen his spells. Most of them were things that he tried out previously: like better imagination, stronger willpower, other various tricks, etc. The one that showed most promise was a method to apply World energies to spells, even as they're flying away from you. 

For example, instead of constructing a spell, just throwing it at an enemy and forgetting about it, Evin would constantly will it to become faster and stronger as it flew. 

Ayn, Lyn and Vyn were very good at helping with these kinds of miscellaneous things. Their help was also crucial in helping Evin reduce the 15 seconds to 10 seconds in this previous month. But Evin still faced a huge problem concerning the gestures.

'At least I can kind of automatically cast it after I snap my fingers…' Evin thought unconfidently. After Evin snapped his fingers, his mind would definitely attempt to construct the complex spell, but most of the time it would fumble into nothingness. The boy realized that his mind wasn't able to perform the required task when Evin's state of mind and body were different from how he usually practiced. 

For example, the failure rates were extremely high when Evin was either lying down or in a relaxed state. And at first, the whole process was awkward as hell too. Most of the time, Evin would be trying to fool himself into thinking that he wasn't going to snap his fingers, so he could snap his fingers without being prepared. 

Evin solved this problem by shoving the trigger to Rith. The plan was that the Cosmic would randomly attack the boy with a delay, where his only path of surviving was floating. Thanks to these moments, Evin's progress increased greatly, but he couldn't quite reach that speed that subconscious casting was supposed to give him.

At this point, Evin realized that he needed a different approach. Nasst had instructed him to focus on casting spells subconsciously, so Evin approached the matter with trained automation in mind, but obviously, it wasn't working that well.

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