Shades of the New World

Chapter 221: Avoiding politics

"You realize I can't just say yes to a ridiculous proposition like that without knowing a single thing about whatever idea you're trying to sell me, right? Moreover, the fact that you're wanting the shares of the banking business, instead of this one isn't really helping the situation," Abvelgail calmly assessed the situation.

"Of course, I wholeheartedly agree with your points. Let me try to explain it a bit better. What I'm trying to sell you isn't something that's purely for profit. Well, you can definitely try to use it as a means to make money, but that's not what it's best at. It's something far more powerful than that," Evin explained.

He knew that making profits off printing paper money was possible, but such a thing wasn't going to happen any time soon. And honestly, it was a topic that fell in the area of politics most of the time. So, to maximize his gains, Evin just decided to just sell it for more shares in the bank. 

The first business he gave to the Cosmics was doing great, so why not try to regain a piece of that pie? After all, he was swindled a bit by the Cosmics the first time so this could be called his redemption arc, pretty much.

"Do continue," Abe urged.

"By powerful, I mean something that can be used to control the entire economy if used correctly. Something that gave you a say in deciding the supply of money, controlling the rate of inflation and even deciding who gets a job and who doesn't. All while saving you millions in expense every year!" Evin declared, a joyful tone in his voice.

"Hmm, I still need more details. First of all, what is it? Is it just a product? Is it a service? Or is it an ideology of some kind?" Abe asked, a skeptical tone in his voice.

"We could call it a product… But I don't want to tell you anymore," Evin smiled mysteriously.

Abe looked at Evin doubtfully, but the boy could see the curious glint in the Cosmic's eyes. Rith was still loitering around in the background, acting as if any of this didn't have anything to do with her.

"Let's hear the details of your Contract terms," Abe said finally.

"Pretty simple. I tell you the full details of this idea and if you decide to implement it in any shape or form that resembles what I've told you, you must give me 15% of the Banking profits your group makes. I should probably clarify that even if the project is in the planning stage, I will get the 15%. Also, the Elmes Group will never mention that I was the originator of this idea. Moreover, I will also need a clause in there that says the Elmes Group will protect me and my family to the utmost of its capabilities, if the fact that I was the originator of this idea is somehow leaked to the World. Oh, and I get to name the product, as well," Evin said simply.

He shuddered to think what kind of reaction the Countries would have when Evin had literally buttfucked them out of nowhere.

"15% seems like a bit too much," Abe said.

'Well, I won't fall for that a second time,' Evin smiled.

"I asked for 10% of just the Kingdom the last time and you told me it was too much and gave me 0.1%. At the time, I didn't do anything and silently took the loss. After all, I just took an idea from my original planet and just sold the same thing here. But in hindsight, I realized that I could've probably asked for 10% of all branches and the deal would still be fair. Why? Because I saved at least a century of trial and error for you all. How much money do you think you would've wasted trying to perfect the idea of Banks?" Evin smiled and continued,

"Truthfully, the idea I'm about to give you could be considered something that's completely going to change the market. I can probably even push for 20 or 25% percent if I want to, but I'm really not feeling like playing a haggling game with you. After all, I don't really need that much either," Evin added, hoping he was right.

Abe fell into silence, giving Evin some time to idly think about things. He wasn't lying about the idea of paper money letting the Cosmics control the World's economy.

There was a reason why every country on Earth had their own currency, and desperately tried to keep the thing strong in the international scene. After all, the benefits of having an independent currency were immense. The biggest one being: the entirety of their economy wasn't reliant on another country. 

If for example, the Cosmics' new currency took off and every person in the World started using it, the Cosmics would theoretically have full control over the World. It was entirely possible for them to cuck a certain country by either reducing their access to the Cosmics' currency or outright banning them from using it.

But obviously, that was only if the Countries allowed it to happen.

He was acting all high and mighty, but in reality, he was lowkey swindling the Cosmics. The introduction of paper money was probably going to bring the Cosmics more trouble than control and profits. After a few months, most likely, the four countries were going to unite to stand against the economical threat that were the Cosmic currencies.. If this was before the introduction of banks, then maybe they would've taken a bit longer to react, but since the Four countries had just experienced the damages caused by the Banks, they were sure to act swiftly the second time around.

'Right after the Cosmics start printing out banknotes, the countries will gather their leading economists and have them decrypt what the hell the Cosmics are doing. Very soon, they will realize the consequences of letting the Elmes Group's plan run unhindered, but realizing that they can't really do much to stop it by themselves, they will unite with the other Countries and strike back,' Evin speculated.

'Or maybe, if they're ambitious enough, they may try to copy the Cosmics and create their own currency… Though that might be a bit risky if they act too slowly,' Evin thought with amusement.

Another thing that Evin had to remember was that the Cosmics might choose to delay the printing of paper money, waiting for the perfect time to do it. This was the reason why Evin wanted the 15% share even when the Cosmics paper money was in the planning development.

'But this is all just speculation in the end. Who knows what can happen in this new world?' 

Abe finally seemed to finish thinking and looked back at Evin with an annoyed face.

"I'll need to contact the upper echelons. It might take a while, so I'll contact you back tomorrow," 

"Alright, but I won't wait more than a day," Evin thought about and realized that it plausible. He was actually happy about the fact, since this meant that the Cosmics were going to consider the problem seriously. And besides, he didn't mind waiting another day or so.

Rith and Evin said their goodbyes to Abvelgail and exited the World of Space.

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