Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1012: Outside Road Locations

Immediately after launching the assault on the residence of Count Reserva. The moment Sola and the others broke up, the three men, Sho and Firefly, were invading the basement floor through a hole in the flash of the floor. but I immediately noticed the discomfort there.

"... there's no biological reaction nearby. Firefly. You know what a biological reaction is that way?

"... the test results show that only a few biological reactions are felt. It doesn't mean a group of enemies are waiting."

Do you mean... off?

"I don't know... but there's a fight going on up there, so there's a chance the numbers have turned over there. Of course, if someone important is captured over here, we can think about tightening your security..."

Think about what you would do for a moment after being asked by Sho. That said, good is good. The fact that there are no enemies means this invasion will go easy. If it's going to be easy, I've never been over it.

"In the meantime, move on. Sho, Firefly. We've got a confirmed biological reaction. We'll check the room for lice."


Copy that.

Under the decree of the instant, together we begin the invasion. And that's how I ran into a pair of guards who were on their way here right away. He seemed quite alert over there, but this one still reveals a difference in proficiency and arming. We had noticed the three of us approaching, so at the same time as we bend the corner, the moment and Sho attack and stun them without question.



"That's convenient, not quite"

"Really, that's the legend, Kite Samasama... you can't get your head up."

Sho gently poked a head-geared head-mounted display. Just like I once practiced, I know all kinds of sensors around the corner. Even if you have some magical incense pottery and can disable this sensor, the enemy is not as strong as Sasa. At this moment, even accidental strikes could be handled, and fireflies could of course be handled sparingly.

"Good... which way do we go first?

'This way... maybe there's a staircase. There's a subtle upward response from acoustic measurements, so...'

"We also support that presumption. I was wondering if there was a high probability of the passage leading to the upper floors. If so, I don't think the rescue target is housed in the vicinity"

Fireflies also support Sho's guess. If so, the instant judgment is one.

"Good... then we'll go back later. Worst of all, the escape route is waiting for rescue from Kite."

Moments look ahead to themselves as they feel the mighty magic bump blowing up on top in their skin. As such, we are slowly and carefully moving forward because we are sometimes underground and do not know what kind of trap there is.

"Seniors. There's a biological reaction next to this."

"An enemy?

"Don't move... you're not here. I don't even feel like I'm waiting near the door, so... maybe I'm a servant. '

While checking the headgear footage, Sho anticipates that this will not be an enemy. It felt like he was desperately shrinking to hide behind a wall away from the door and try not to find it.

"Then why don't you come in? He might have some information."

It won't be an enemy or a target. If you decide that for a moment, you decide to go in to get the information. That's how I kick myself through the door and go inside. Apparently, there's no such thing as a trap. Even if there is, there will be no trap that cannot be dealt with by fireflies.

"Is this... an arsenal?

"No... there's a warehouse where you keep more than an arsenal."


"The corner on the left... the barrel of apples"

The moment sees Sho's pointed direction. There, as Sho said, apples and other fruits were hidden from view, presenting cluttered appearances. And, well, there's a reason we're discussing something that doesn't matter. Shortly after we had that conversation, there was a scream.



What emerged from the shadows was a maid whose roots were grabbed by fireflies. As a matter of fact, they were sneaking up on the fireflies from behind, showing them what they didn't realize.

"Ha, shi, help..."

The maid, frightened, pleads for help to the moment and to Sho. When I saw it, I decided to reassure him that the moment would not go on like this and erase the weapon.

"Don't worry. I swear to God, I won't hurt you."

"... true...?

"... oh."

Moments saw fireflies for a moment, and he nods too because she nodded. In fact, the firefly was undergoing a physical examination by witchcraft, confirming that there was no hiding the weapon or allowing it to sneak into different spaces. Besides, in the unlikely event that fireflies are immediately seized, we are also prepared to do so. Safety will be safe.

"Tell me. Why are you here?

"... here to prepare breakfast..."

The maid answered in a fine voice, frightened by fear. According to the maps that Sho and Firefly created earlier with measuring instruments, this is relatively close to the stairs.

Think about it and look at the opponent's truly hidden, untrained body, and she decides she is not a warrior. If so, I guess she's just a woman caught up in here by real chance.

"Well... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."

Instantly, as a matter of reason, I bow my head against the maid. Even if you frighten them here and take the time to interrogate them, it's just against their side. That's how he saw the moment he put his muscles through, and apparently he thought the maid and the other guy might be safe. Only a little light of hope dwelt in my eyes.

The moment is relative to a woman who was assaulted several times by bandits while staying in Urca, and she intuitively thought that it was better not to appear intimidating to these opponents. That's what I did.

"Oh, you know... you really don't do harm...?

"Oh, don't worry. If you ask me what I want to hear, I promise I'll let you go. So answer me."

The maid snorted in silence at the words of an instant. That's how the moment gets to the point.

"Have you ever seen this woman?

"... no"

The maid shook her head to the side against Hannah who was shown. If this looks like it, you can see that you really don't know.

"Well... I don't care if it's any clue or anything. Let me know if you know anything."

"Um... maybe he's in a cell... because I've never been in there before..."


Moments prompt ahead. Besides, a maid told me that she had a slight relaxation of her fears when she started talking.

"I've heard that there are houses in this mansion that hold people who defy Denzel... and there are so many things they don't even want to think about."

The maid speaks to the moment as she is torn away. There was considerable fear seeping into its eyes, and the fear of a man named Denzel and his fear of the barn itself was hidden.


"Behind here... even more where I've been... I can't stain it and I can't take it off because it smells disgusting, so I know right away... oh, that! I'll show you, if you want to help them, get me out of here, too!


The moment is puzzled by the abrupt offer. Though he had heard about Denzel's hobbies, he didn't understand how bad they were, and he didn't understand the mood she wanted to offer to do so.

but on the other hand, from a maid who knows Denzel's hobby, there's no reason to be desperate. If you look at it from her, this is the perfect time to meet a thousand people.

Will you be stripped alive in anger by Denzel who will stay here and come back, or will you be out here betting and escaping with the moments? The former will surely die, but the latter will do so to the extent that, with any luck, they will be made their comforters. Of course, if it's bad, it's death. but it was obviously the latter that could live.

"Ko, if I stay here like this, I'll be killed at some point too! That man is crazy! I can't stand it anymore... a friendly kid was taken in the back a while ago... and the last kid I took was you next..."

With a chatter and trembling, the maid begs for help from the instant as she squeaks her face with tears and snot. It was tedious and it wasn't an act from wherever I thought it was coming from, I could really see Denzel in fear of coming back.

Apparently, the last word thrown at me by a friendly opponent is quite mentally damaging. If it looked like this, it probably would have taken the form of abandonment.

If this is an act, it's a big deal, but vice versa, so I couldn't make a very real decision about the moment and Sho. Of course, people's finesse also had to confuse the still neglected fireflies.

"... Fireflies. Where's Kite?"

"Still engaged"


I just have to make my own decisions. When the moment so decides, use the speed of thought taught in Urca to think for a short time. The conclusion I made that way was this.

"... okay. Show me. In exchange, I'll get you out of here."

'Is that good?

"It's quicker for her to guide us to find the house than to look for it in the dark clouds here. If it's one or two of us, we can still get him on board, right?

"I affirm."

Fireflies nodded at the instant inquiry. This time, we're going to use the airship to escape. The number of people that can be put on board is pretty critical because they are breaking in with a special small boat, but there is nevertheless a new capacity if there is still one or two people, including Hannah. That's true. Then I decided that I would be fine where I took her. And the fireflies went on.

"I would be foolish, but perhaps the master would also support the conclusion of the moment. I was wondering if it would be better to take her guidance and explore efficiently than eat time here. Probably not lying. And it's probably also true that if you stay here like this, you'll be killed. According to information received from His Majesty Sharik, many of the maids are only hired to use it... for his hobby."

Fireflies teach the information obtained from Sharik to Sho in an instant. Already on the upper floor, Kate had discovered the 'puppets', and anyone could imagine that Denzel would go mad after they took this away. Of course, even a maid of honor could have imagined that given this commotion.

'I see... Roger that. Bye, seniors. This way, we'll break the capacitors to the surrounding reconnaissance.'

"I asked... can we go?


The maid stands up with an instant hand, understanding that she can apparently get herself out of here. As such, with the guidance of the maid who was to be able to cooperate quickly, the instant decided to head to the cabin at once. but as I approached it that way, I could only say that the smell of dense iron and the unspeakable smell of rot, as well as various other unpleasant smells, would make me sick.


"It smells terrible..."

The moment and Sho approach the chamber and smile. Fortunately, there were no guards to be the three opponents, and I immediately entered the cabin. but there they did not think, and turned away with a glance.


Sho looks out of disgust when he sees the worn out people just looking at him as a worn rag. The woman was inside, but she couldn't see. Obviously, it looked like he was tortured. Nor is that normal torture. Obviously, there were many conditions that could only be described as hobbies. And, against that, a voice was hung from the dark.

"Oh, man... you came to help us...?

Calling together in a plundered voice was a man connected in a nearby cabin. He had huge wounds from his right cheek to his right chest, and other scars of severe torture were seen everywhere. I guess I was tortured pretty badly. Besides, I shook my head thinking I was pretty sorry for the moment.

"... no, I'm sorry... have you ever seen this woman?

"Well... oh, I do. You can tell me..."

"Is that true?

The moment asks the man how surprised he is. Besides, the man regained some strength and spoke out so that he could hear it firmly.

"You can tell me, but there's a condition... to get everyone out of here... that's the condition."

"... okay. Tell me."

"Whoa... first, unlock it..."


The moment throws the man's shackled key from the bundle of keys into the chamber according to the man's terms. Hand it over, the man took off his shackles.

"You seem to know how to negotiate..."

"It would be obvious"

Moments are not the same as when you're a maid, and you stare at a man with a rather suspicious look. I don't know what's keeping me here. I couldn't trust you easily. So the only thing the moment threw in was the shackle key. He still had the keys. This won't get a man away with it. After that, we can talk about the information.

"... the woman was taken to the doll makeup room about a month ago. Whatever they do, they don't react in any way... I started, and I thought it was a big balls from not groaning one at a time no matter what kind of torture they did... but, oh, no. Ever since he was brought in, he hasn't moved himself or eaten dinner... and he's no different from that fucking Count doll... he's just a doll who breathes..."

"Dollmakeup room?

I don't understand the man's words, and the moment asks the maid who was behind me. but her face was bright blue, revealing that she was the only one who understood the man's words properly.

"in a room where a kid who was close to me was taken... unfortunately, that person probably..."

The maid's words made Sho smile instantly. They took him now, not a month ago. No one has seen it since then, he said. In the end, it was like I could see. but there is still a chance that he was taken somewhere else. You'll have to go to the doll makeup room.

"... guide, will you?

Kokon, the maid nodded. Anyway, she's already cooperating with them. I was a lotus student. Take it, the moment throws a bunch of keys at the man.


"Thanks... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

"Huh... he's a figurehead. There you go."

While the moment reveals a slight blur, keep the healing pills on the floor for as many people as the glaring man wishes. There was a good chance it would be a raid, so it was pretty extra in case Kite found another prisoner.

I guess I put it on the spot myself later. In that way, the moments follow the occasion. And, as he left, the man who unlocked the shackles opened his mouth with a whisper to his hand about the recovery pills.

"... you're not a compatriot of the Northern Army... you're a hired adventurer... you know what I mean?"

Apparently, the man was one of the spies. Thank you with the utmost voice. Then I will decide for a moment whether it will be in vain that I helped him here, and I will leave him behind. I decided that I would never torture you that badly in an act. As such, we head to the Dollmakeup Room with them.

"Ahead, yes... I don't want to go any further... because I don't know what look that kid is waiting for..."

Apparently it's already broken my heart. The maid stopped and walked into the room a few steps later. Besides, in an instant, he gave instructions to the fireflies.

"Wait here... let's go with Sho inside"

"Copy that... but be sure"


Fireflies send encouragement. Understand that the abnormality makes Sho quite terrible inside. This is the room where you make the doll. Obviously, it doesn't seem like a straight breeze. That's how they got ready, and they snorted. And because of that, they managed to get nauseated.



The first thing they did when they opened the door was shut out their sense of smell with witchcraft, and on top of that, they felt nauseous using a combination of witchcraft to stabilize their spirits. The smell in the store was pretty bad, but this one was so dense that I thought the smell was solidified.

In so doing, the two close their eyes and magically shut out their disgust, etc. forcefully, breathing with their mouths on it to prepare their breathing. I guess it's an instinctive defensive reaction that I avoided breathing unconsciously through my nose.


The moment manages to calm down and move his gaze. but I didn't even have to move it. Because there was a capsule in front of me filled with a strange solution, and one of them was naked Hannah.

but I don't feel like I'm breathing, nor do I feel the unique warmth characteristic of the living. Obviously, he was biologically dead. As such, he decided to contact Kite in a moment of nausea.

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