Just a little bit, time goes back. It was a few days before Kate left Maxwell for the Imperial Capital in the name of the Inquisition. By that time one adventurer had entered Count Reames' territory next to McDawell's.

"Oh, you've come a lot. I'm sorry about the day. Non's eyes were all cloudy."

"Yes, Count. I'm in a good mood. Long time no see, but you look a lot different."

In front of Count Reames, one woman knelt. Woman, that doesn't mean a concubine or a whore of the Count. He's a beautiful adventurer. No, it's nothing. That's not why she's not beautiful, but some sort of luster was there. Enough, it would be an area recognized as beautiful by the Count who has seen several beautiful women.

That said, the luster, dare I say, is the kind of female spider or female leopard. If the Count approached the detour, he would be bitten badly.

"Ha. A little bit late. I have heard rumors about your Lord. I was quite surprised when I heard that. Well done for joining us from afar."

"No... I smelled a little gold on the road"

"Um, I'll pay for it properly"

Count Reames breaks up with each other and assures the female adventurer. The arms of the woman adventurer were considerable, and the Count met her directly as she received them.

That said, I could see a considerable fear or fright in such an earl. Therefore, he asks the female adventurer with great concern.

"... of... for once, I'd like to ask... why don't you bite?

"Oh... this girl is fine. Something that we hold on to. You won't bite unless I tell you to bite, and you won't eat as long as I tell you to wait."

The female adventurer laughs lusciously, stroking the neck of a giant wolf-shaped demon who tongues out like a dog beside herself.

"Or... if I command you, shall I let someone bite me to death? Whether you're a fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat

"Yes, no, no. It doesn't extend to that."

Count Reames shakes his head hastily against a woman adventurer who showed some sort of poisonous needle-like danger in a glossy grin. This female adventurer was the monster Tamer that Kate and the others had heard rumors about.

She's a runner, but she heard rumors that Count Reames is gathering personnel as he passes through this vicinity for some purpose to sweep the woods. So she offered to join with just the right coin earner.

"Really... but the Earl doesn't look very delicious right now. You won't like this girl either."


Good thing I've been working out lately. Count Reames gently strokes his chest down. The words ahead of the female adventurer were definitely referring to him. I've seen him once before, but he bought this woman adventurer's discomfort there. Therefore, when the Count spoke of meeting immediately, she said, "Then let this wolf be present." And so she quickly got to the point.

"Well... I'd like to get back to your work story soon..."

"Mm-hmm. I'll read the requisition. So let the military talk about what we're doing here, so head to the military building outside the mansion. Keyes."

"Yes, Count"

"Let this person have the signature of a person who can be as convenient as possible. Tell the army to work with her as hard as they can to move."

"Yes, sir."

At the direction of Count Reames, the old butler broke his hip. This woman adventurer is quite skilled. That's the same as staying with a wolf on the side. At a time when this wolf was under oath of allegiance, it was something to be perceived. If so, it would be a good idea to move things forward around her.

"Thank you. Okay, I'm in this."


The female adventurer, briefly greeted, rises with the permission of Count Reames. And that's when I took a step, and I asked him like I remembered.

"With that said... Count"


"I hear rumors... so I have one question to ask..."

"What, tell me. I apologize for being late. Unless that's what you bow to the Empire, I'll answer anything."

To the offer of the female adventurer, Count Reames, who has now done nothing more nasty, prompts him not to get lost. And the woman adventurer was sure of the hassle, but decided to ask if she could get any information.

"To this, do you recognize him?


Count Reames receives the package offered by the female adventurer. He looked inside secretly and opened his eyes to surprise as if no one had ever seen him before.

"This... why is there such a thing? Are you telling me they found you in my territory?"

"Again, was it? No, it's fine if it is. Take care. Those who lurk in the darkness sneak out of nowhere like water."

"Mm-hmm. Let's thank you for your advice. Let's give this back."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The female adventurer firmly puts into her nostalgia the wrap returned from Count Reames. That's how this time, she'll be behind the scene.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I don't know what's going on here..."

The female adventurer looked like she had chewed up a bitter bug and squealed so. I don't know what she showed, but for now it seems that her immediate purpose was in the contents of the package.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Let's just make some money."


"Next, hey... I wonder what's going on. If it's not here, there's only another country left. I don't really want to go to another country...... me, you like this country. The food is delicious, beauty and wellness are developing..."

The woman sighed at the silent inquiry of the wolf. Apparently, her prediction was that this was where the contents of the package came from. Instead, the desire to be here, if possible, was also seeping. but from the surprise of Count Reames earlier, anyone could understand that it was off.

"I can't help it...... for once, let's go to Maxwell. If there... Huh? Scared? Oh."

The female adventurer apparently knows what it's like to be a partner, a wolf. He laughed with pleasure at his partner's slight fright. The condition was certainly worthy of the Monster Tamer. That's how she decided to go to battle with her partner.

Well, then some months pass. It was just a little while before Kate and the others left for the fairies. She was proceeding with the crusade of demons nesting in the woods with the armies of Count Reames. That said, it was already over, and later it was a big guy and a big book and a phase to say no.


On the orders of the female adventurer, the wolf fleshes to a form of demon like a pair of people and insects at once. "King of Insects." The demon so called, and her and her partner the giant wolf, were at war. And the momentum of the giant wolf entrusted with the avant-garde was enough to produce remnants.

"Hmmm... that's pretty good"

The female adventurer uses a demon gun to launch a backup shooting as she watches her partner engage the enemy. This is a fight. You don't have to be square, one-on-one. but its coverage was inhibited by a hard outer skin and mostly rendered powerless.

Unlike "Queen of Insects (Insect Queen)," "King of Insects (Insect King)" has purely rank A strength. Therefore, it was ineffective to the extent of the demon gun. And it's a quick act and hard to aim for. It would be a restraint, but it would be to that extent.

"It's ineffective... it's troublesome"

The female adventurer seeps a slight bitterness as she watches Insect King with her sharp clawed partner. I don't even think of losing as much as a hairy one. but I also knew it was hard to let me win. That said, there's no rush for her.

"Well... of course you can do it over there."

The female adventurer takes her gaze off just a little and explores the movements of a separate squad. It looks like there's only her and her partner's wolf, but that's just not here. Instead of that, I was just disturbed when they fought this King of Insects.

Instead, we decided to have the Queen of Insects crusaded so that she could not escape. Of course, there's some hindsight here, and they're planning to join the battle at a stage when the crusade for The Queen of Insects (Insect Queen) is in good hands. If that came, he was an easy match to beat. And I guess it's because I thought about it. An explosion sounded in her ear as well.

"Oops... you've got boobs"

The female adventurer smiles with pleasure. Explosion sounds are clearly not naturally produced sounds. If so, a separate unit has begun the battle. And as you can see, the King of Insects begins to act like he cares a little about you.

"Oh... no? Your opponent is here."

The female adventurer pulls her sword out in one hand, nodding her tongue and laughing lusciously. As long as you hold a whip, that's exactly what you call a queen. but there was no whip but that much bravery.

Just because we use demons doesn't mean we don't have sword arms. More often than not, most demons (Monster Tamers) are more powerful than the demons they serve.

The most important thing for a Monster Tamer to use as a Warcraft or Demon is to make sure you know which one is up there. Because we need enough strength and skill to succumb to that demon. Of course, the exception is Kate and Nikkei and Ise, but Dasan is here.


A female adventurer cuts in at once. but she doesn't think this can be easily defeated. The strength of Insect King is rank A, so it's good to see that it takes time for a woman adventurer who is a qualified adventurer.

And I just wish I couldn't get away with it. If it doesn't even damage another squad, this one wins. From the Lord's point of view, what is troubling is the ability to produce a herd of Insect Queens. It's just a strong King of Insects. That's all that's at stake. This is a request. It's important to keep it out of hand. The point is, it is better not to lose.

As such, some time passes. The female adventurer had not yet been able to crusade because she and her partner were fighting to avoid injury, but still caused considerable injuries to the enemy.

"Oh... I wonder why you care so much"

The female adventurer sends a mockery to the enemy. This demon acts in herds around kings and queens. And the role of Insect King is to protect the herd.

As a result, I instinctively understood that the "Queen of Insects" was being attacked at the core of the herd, and I could see how many times I had tried to leave the scene. Therefore, the consciousness - it is unclear whether it is there - was there, and it was not able to focus on the two of them. The difference between demons and people.

"Signs are approaching... so it's time to get to the other side."

The female adventurer giggles at the signs of approaching. This sign is not a demon. If so, that means this reinforcement. And I guess that means that the crusade for the Separate Task Force has entered the good realm. And right after that. One man and a woman adventurer had eyes. Men are adventurers, of course.

"We're in a good place over there! Support!"

"Let's go!

Coming. The women adventurers understood their victory and couldn't help but laugh. That's how many adventurers come together in a man's call. All of this is far worse than her, but some of them also see Rank B adventurers. This will be enough.


"Please! And don't hurt my kid!

"I know!

The adventurers take the words of the female adventurer and strike down the slaughter simultaneously. He is a multitude of adventurers with two opponents equal to a boulder. Moreover, he has suffered several wounds in previous battles, and both the strong barriers and the outer shell that would otherwise be worthy of a Rank A demon are worthwhile. After that, it is a number of violence.


Approximately, in a minute. The female adventurer lifted her guard and exhaled one. When exposed to a number of violence in a boulder situation, he did not exchange with the King of Insects (Insect King), and rolled on the floor like a worn rag. Purple blood dyed the ground and his left arm was completely amputated.

If this is a person, it is good to say that it looks innocuous. but besides, she never had pity, she turned her hand around her partner's neck and loved her partner. After that, it's just Todome. A Rank B Adventurer is already in the ring.

"Well done. I'll give you some extravagant meat later."


Praised by the Lord, the wolf waves his tail in a good mood and rings his throat. but this shouldn't have happened. Because the female adventurer had her hands around her neck, and the wolf was held by her. Even when I noticed a slight sound, my aggressive behavior was delayed.


A woman adventurer's hand reaches out to the gun holster, realizing a really slight sound of things, and pulls out the demon gun. She tried to shoot straight at the wreckage of The King of Insects (Insect King), which she should have knocked down at once, screaming at the same time.



Before the tongue of a female adventurer realizing there were no carcasses, a wolf who saw danger rushes through. but before that giant nail is swung down, The King of Insects (Insect King) moves away from the spot instantly. Therefore the wolf's claws were slapped to the ground in vain.

One adventurer was held in the hands of the King of Insects (Insect King), who then left in a way that pierced his torso. Look at that, one of the adventurers hangs the decree.

"Huh! Go after him! He should still be alive!

"... no. You're not gonna make it in these woods."

Understand that the female adventurer was only rarely a detour to the adventurers who tried to enter the pursuit in an absurd manner. He suffered so many hand injuries that he thought he could have definitely killed him. If it had been alive, it shouldn't have been long. That was a slight alarm.

"The fucking power of the fire... I hope you don't do some weird miracles... it's McDawell territory over there..."

The female adventurer has a slight impatience and confirms the direction in which she left the adventurers as they entered the pursuit. Besides, I'm worried about what to do.

I thought if we lost the Queen of Insects, we'd be crusaded without a problem. Unauthorized intrusion into the territory of other nobles is still a violation of the law. This time it can be said that the situation is unnecessary, but it will still eat quite a few stoppages due to procedures, etc. I didn't want to take it out of her other circumstances. but this stray made things worse.

A few seconds later, a situation came into her ear in which the inquirer would not wholesale it. That was when she reported her escape to the King of Insects and asked McDawell territory to be vigilant.

"Yes no!? Queen got away with it!?

A woman adventurer raises a barbaric voice to a report that came in via a communications machine. And then it was awkward, she knew.

"Let me pull the Pursuit Squad! I'll go after him alone! We can't make it with those guys, and if they're waiting, it's awkward! It's no bother if they eat the core and recover! If there's a chance you'll recover badly, it's much easier for me to knock you down alone!

The female adventurer summons her partner with great frustration inside the exact situation. The Insect King is pretty fast. And I can dive in the ground. I can't keep up with rare things. Except if you're so confident in speed, but you're not the one who can make it where the adventurers chase you from now on.

Even driving her and her partner had the disadvantage of being in the woods, and it was a delicate area to catch up or not. I wish I had followed you honestly without hating the hassle of later, but it is a later festival.

"Honestly, it sucks! I knew you wouldn't let it get out of your hands because it's dirty! If it's just my own butt wipe, I still can't believe it's even someone else's butt wipe... tell the Count to transfer the reward to a predetermined account! I'm going straight into McDawell territory! Oh, it's urgent and I need to hear from you! Ah! Ugh! Lord Liddell will be so mad at you!

The female adventurer rushes through the woods using a communications machine to skip some instructions. From there, she would go after the enemy for a few days.

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