Just a little bit, time goes back. It was just before the raiders attacked. Yoshiro had given some instructions to his companions. Well, it's a natural story. More than Yoshiro belongs to the enemy, Shinsuke and Shinjiro, all of whom were with him as his companions, are inside him. So the crane was also included in it.

"Yes, yes. For now, if the Admiral comes forward, he'll snipe."

"General forward?

"That's the kind of guy the Admiral is."

Yoshiro speaks to Ozuru intimately. but the crane glanced at this.

"The General must not come forward."

"Hahaha! No, I really do! I've been told I can't do this forever, but it's a hassle to wait, it's quicker to see for myself, but I can't say what it is and I'm on the front line."

Fun Yoshiro laughs out loud. The crane points out too much. Kate herself has received many cautions, but his role was inherently that of general. Fighting on the front lines and stopping enemies as lords can be foolish. but it was still him who did it, and Yoshiro knew about it.

"By the way, keep your enemies at bay... oh, I miss you. When I saw the Admiral flee for real, I chilled my liver on the boulder."

Yoshiro narrows his eyes in nostalgia. That's how I broke it if I did.

"So. The Admiral always wants to come forward. As a sexual root, the Admiral can't get used to others getting hurt."

"Someone else?

"Oh, no. Kolya, hey, that's the wrong story. They told me they were on their side. If the man you know is going to get hurt, the Admiral will lose his temper."

Yoshiro speaks exactly of Kite. I'm sure I've hardly even met him, but his views were accurate.

"I don't cry to sleep. That's the kind of guy you are, Admiral. The habit, even if I'm hurt, is flat out. Difficult person. That's why there were all the good guys around. That one doesn't look at himself. Instead, we have to do something around us."

"... I mean, you think there's a lot of fierce people around?

"I guess. The world will never change what the Admiral does. They say idiots have to die to get better... but idiots don't get better when they die. That's why it's your order."

Against the girl who was supposed to be a crane, Yoshiro called it Ba. but the crane did not pin doubt on this. So she nodded one thing.

"It would be good. Okay, just do it."

"Oh, please... So, Ba, I want to ask you one thing."

"What is it?"

Ozurumeshiba stopped to inquire about Yoshiro and inquired. In this way, Yoshiro's eyes narrow in a different sense from his earlier nostalgia.

"Ba, why are you helping us? Only Ba won't have any edge or itch on them."


The bar shuts its mouth to Yoshiro's inquiry. Yoshiro also asks who Ba is. If so, it was the suspicion.

"... I don't know. Maybe I'm just governed by my name. In the name of a rough woman. This roll of blood may be the heartbeat of my chest guiding me"

"Hmm, that. For now, I have to betray you on the way, that's fine. Betrayal is my exclusive patent."

When Yoshiro understands that there are no lies in Ba's words, he immediately disinterested and discards them. It's okay if you don't betray him. When you are betrayed, there is madness in the operation. Anyway, all the faces in this place have different ends and different thoughts. Even if you can be friendly, that's about it. It doesn't matter if there is no betrayal.

"Well, then, I asked for it. All we have to do is follow the prescribed procedures."

Yoshiro kicks the ground for fun. That's how they started the raid.

Therefore, time had progressed and Kite had fought against the monks and soldiers, but his movements had been fully read. Even so, this does not mean that you are cursed. It means action.

"You see. The Admiral always comes out on his own. I don't hear the perimeter stopped."

For fun, Yoshiro watched as Kate struggled. And beside it, the previous bandits were with them.

"... are you sure you're okay?

"Whoa, it's okay, it's okay. You just did what you had to do."

"... I got this."

The bandits had gained some suspicion - unlike the swordsmen, Yoshiro and I first saw each other - but they were still at a stage where things were already happening. If so, I got angry that I had to do it already.

"Well... why don't we give it to the Admiral?"

Yoshiro stuck his hand in his nostalgia as he watched the bandits rushing to the back of the Sakahara family. It was the demon gun that was there. The clown gave it to me as a weapon. Of course, the performance is no worse than that of the kites. That's so good.

"Well... I want you to be a little more surprised first."

When Yoshiro says so, he stands on the roof of the Sakahara family, concealing his face. And he revealed only a few of the signs he'd been hiding.


Probably because the signs showed up. Kite immediately noticed Yoshiro's signs. Besides, Yoshiro joyfully distorts the inside face of the hood.

"Chi! You still have reinforcements!

Kite also came here to the boulder. The only way to further reinforce the unknown was to flatter his face. And a monk and soldier who rose up to him like that came in.

"Oh! I knew you were on my side!

Kate opened her eyes when she saw that Yoshiro wouldn't loosen any hands releasing demon bullets. The same is true of Pa, but Yoshiro also unleashed any relentless attack on this monk.

but if you do deal with kite, maybe that was natural. If we're going to defeat Kite, we have to build a strategy at our expense. If I decided I was just doing that, there was nothing else strange about it as a kite.

And, seeing Kite being attacked for wanting to stop by from those three, Rufaus nods at Al. This is the situation. Besides, enemies are not half as strong as they are alive. If the two of them fought together, none of them seemed to win. No, still, it wasn't enough.


"I know! Sola, we're gonna pin the enemy on that roof! That one still falls one or two steps! For a moment, you're offensive with us! Sora keeps the perimeter from being damaged while preventing demon bullets! Tina, boost, please!

Al sees that Kite is not given instructions, and immediately he gives them. As Yoshiro said, Yoshiro's arm as a warrior is a few steps inferior to Shinjiro's. It was still an area that the Al's could handle if they attacked in numbers.


"Whoa! Let the three of us take care of the fence. We're gonna roll this one up and cover it!

With Al and the others, whose moments kicked the ground, they head to the roof, while Sola, on the other hand, gives instructions to the Adventure Department General. Even if you say a few steps inferior, the difference in strength is still obvious. Challenging proximity with the Solas would be foolishness. Sora also understood that well in the current battle. So he decides to focus on command and defense.


I'm here. I'm here. Yoshiro giggles inside. I thought it would come this way. If Kite is on the front line, the perimeter moves to protect it. That has always been and will always be. If I knew that, the prediction would have been easy.

"Ha, ha, ha!

It was Rufaus who took the lead. When he makes use of a much higher degree of flying skill than Al to storm, he is slashed straight into Yoshiro. Yoshiro looks closely at the thickness and avoids using the blade attached to the bottom of the frame of the demon gun.


Again, the user. Rufaus takes his own slaughter, which has been deactivated so as to slip it, and decides so in his heart. This is Nakatsu country. I heard it was a land with a lot of skill. Therefore, no surprise.

And if you knew that, there's no stray from here either. Rufaus, who made sure to cross, stayed put and spoke to Alphonse, who was wrapped in ice armor behind him.

"Go, Alphonse!

"Ha, ha, ha!

From behind Rufaus, Alphonse storms. Actually, if it's a straight distance, Al is faster. If it's magic holdings, Al is a few steps up for Tina's training. Therefore, Al is much stronger if it is an attack such as a tackle that can use all its extra force for linear behavior.


Yoshiro smiles slightly when he sees his own storming Al. Sure, if this is the case at this rate, it's difficult to dodge or defend. but there was little need for it.

"Huh! Thank you, cherry blossom!

"Get back on your feet!

Between the assaulting Al and Yoshiro, a wall of cherry blossom-created demon thread stands up and softens Al's body. And right after that. A bar arrow passed by a few steps before that. If he'd just kept pushing, Al would have been blown out of his head for sure. Even if not, it was likely that there was definitely a big hole somewhere in the body. And so the moment came down before the arrow of the bar passed by.

"This is awkward."

Yoshiro sees the moment as it strikes in conjunction with Rufaus, and understands that it will be unfavourable as it is. That said, that's why I was talking about what. Anyway, he wasn't here alone.

"! Danger!

Between moments and new enemies, Al now interrupts to prevent that slaughter. but this was no wonder.

"... to...?

Seeing the slaughter unleashed, the moment accidentally cooled the bottom heart liver. And that Al was with him. I didn't prevent it. I found out that they prevented me.


This is awkward. Al sees a new enemy with a hood in his eyes and understands that it is an even more awkward situation than he imagined. Thus, Al speaks instantly of his feelings.

"Moment... maybe this guy... is one of the guys who raided at the previous militant tournament"


Surprise comes to my face in the blink of an eye. The guy who raided at the militant tournament. That means that Kuon was too fierce to attack immediately. And in other words, he was far more powerful than the lower monks.


Fortunately, the swordsmen - the contents of which are Shinjiro - are unwilling to attack. but that's enough. Yoshiro is still shooting at Kite, and Al and the others can't get into the detour because of the groom's appearance. Because I instinctively understood that if I attacked the detour, I would die.

That said, this doesn't mean I'm off all day. The groom is certainly a fierce man, but there was still one person on this side who could fight him properly.

"Well, when this happens, it's gonna have to be the rest of the time."

Needless to say, that's Tina. There may still be reinforcements, which means she withheld until the end. That's how she decides to take it seriously for the first time in a long time.

"One leaf, two leaves, three leaves. The lords are waiting around the rest of you. There may still be a fourth wave. Be prepared for that."

"" "Yes, Mother" "

"Al! Keep your lords on that pistol user! This one deals with that swordsman from Far Wind!

Tina immediately flies instructions to Al. Challenging this swordsman head-on is something she wants to avoid. Instead of that, you don't have a winner close by. But this is killing each other. I don't have a brother-in-law to fight you on their mound. If so, only fight as a magician.

"Well... I guess I'll just have to ask the rest of you to hang out with me."

When Tina said so, she slammed the void with a cane. In this way, the magic formations, which can only be described as innumerable, manifest themselves around the groom.


Shinjiro was also surprised by this on the boulder. but that's just for a moment too. When he calms his mind down in an instant for it, he sets up the knife he has been naked with.

"Hmm... do you want me to go without running away? The intentions and goodness. Okay, dance!

When Tina says so, she begins to unleash countless sorceries simultaneously. In contrast, Shinjiro also opened his eyes slightly and began to slash and slash everything. With that on the side, Al and the others nod. The groom can't move with this. If so, you should have done something about Yoshiro.

"I'm coming!

When Al says so, he wraps the ice around him again and sets up a tackle. Besides, Yoshiro couldn't handle being held back by thick ice by releasing demon bullets and towing them. That said, we could cut the momentum. Avoid Al's tackle.

"Temple! Fit it!

"I know! Let's go, Ceremony!

Shortly after Al's attack was dodged. Rufaus and the moment nodded as he was storming that tackle from behind in hiding. Thus, the battle between the Adventure Department and Yoshiro will resume.

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