One of the legacies of the old civilization that the kites discovered in the La Area civil conflict. An accident in the course of that analysis had caused some of the seminaries in the Temple City to become 'labyrinths (dungeons)'.

To rescue students, faculty, and researchers caught up in it, Kate was breaking in with Tina, Quong, and other armed adventurers and sisters, along with Al and some of the army's armed men. When he joined Lao Xiong Wei, one of the < > leaders of the advance party, after consulting with him, he decided on a policy and headed to the lower level where the rescuers were waiting.

"That's the entrance to the lower level."


Weiss, who was exploring the area on the top floor just moments before Kite and the others arrived, pointed to a large landing strip that looked like an entrance to the lower level. There was a sort of gradient ahead of him, as he pointed out, and it looked like several spider-shaped golems were cantoned.

"That's pretty broad"

"Hmm... there's nothing wrong with having multiple bodies lined up"

"What will happen..."

The left and right widths of the lifting openings are approximately 30 meters. The height is also high enough to match it, and even a 5 meter class spider-shaped golem is as wide as it can move around freely. I don't know if I can, but sticking to the ceiling and moving would be big enough. It seemed necessary to consider a siege from all directions.

I am not going to let any existence pass without permission. That's how it is. Seeing as that was the case, Kate also understood that Weiss was right to say it during the operation meeting. And so he had no choice but to draw this conclusion in a sigh mix.

"Ha... does it look like the only way to break through is by force"

"No, no, no."

There is no need to replenish how many small magic furnaces are built inside. Furthermore, it deteriorates to the extent that it would be a 'labyrinth (dungeon)'. Therefore, in order to repair and replenish it, from time to time a small repair golem was seen entering the lifting port. I don't care what you think, it doesn't work.

"... good, let's do it"

"Uhm... all men, prepare for battle. Even so, you do not come forward cheaply, but leave it to your masters, and your lords stand back and fight."

"" "Ha" "

Tina makes the decree, inspired by Kate's decision to be ready. You're no soldier in the army anyway. I hope you're stuck at best. Then the skilled artist, headed by Kate, should be active.

It should be noted that Kite uses her pseudonym as an adventurer without using her military identity. Because Kym, the Magic Machine Test Pilot, is not good enough to get in here.

The reason Tina on the other hand is a commander is because she doesn't know what this place is. Because if you want an opinion from a technical side, you might get one. There was also a combination of Kate's achievements to disguise in the future of Luxerion. and Kuon asks such a kite.

"Kite. Destroyable all at once?

"If only I could put a whip on it for assault."

"Alphonse, can you penetrate?

"... I wonder if you'd like to shy away from boulders"

Al shook his head clearly after giving a little thought to Quon's overlapping inquiry. No matter what I thought, I could not see the prospect of survival surrounded by the spider-shaped golem ahead. With that in mind, Quon gave instructions.

"... kite. After simultaneous firing, please pierce. Soleil, you're firing at the enemy from behind. Catch the enemy behind you. As soon as Kite penetrates, please sweep. We'll go this way if we reduce it somewhat."



When Kite nodded at Quon's instructions, he created countless weapons into different spaces in his possession as usual. In different spaces, this is an ambush and assault. Don't find out until you're all set. That way, quietly, but in a hurry. One minute to be ready. Soleil and Kate nod.

"Soleil. I'll take care of the back"

"Yes. No, I didn't pull it."


Kate double-checked the magic thread she pulled on Soleil and nodded one. That's how he stands on the edge of the roof of the building.


Take one deep breath. Then, Kite simultaneously manifests the countless weapons stored in different spaces and begins the simultaneous firing. but I don't use everything. About half of it is used. Later I intend to use it in enemy formation after penetration.


Kite jumps off the edge of the roof to the ground while simultaneously shooting. That's how he let himself fall free and landed lightly while dodging a spider-shaped golem laser, while kicking the ground like it was flowing.

"Ha, ha, ha!

Keeping his magic under wraps, Kate sets up a rampage to blow up the spider-shaped golem and push on. But there are allies behind him, trying to put his enormous magic behind him. It was necessary to stop there and maintain the cut path when pushed to some extent beyond having the purpose of making their way. So he stops on the spot when he goes some way.

"Come on."

Naturally, Kite is the only one the enemy has found. We're all still in hiding. So all the spider-shaped golems turn to him immediately to begin the siege. It's definitely this wide, I'm sure it's to line up the numbers.

but it was only because I understood it that I had left the remnants. He therefore fired the remaining weapons at once, waiting to confirm that he would be completely besieged 360 degrees himself.


"Good! Not now! Break through!"

"" "Whoa, whoa!

Tina hangs the order in the wake of Kate's mutilation of the enemy formation. With that in mind, Quong and the other soldiers leading the adventurers enter, and at the same time she uses magic to throw it into the lift to pave the way further forward. Meanwhile, Soleil had begun to simulate the spider-shaped golems that stayed and pushed in a straight line from behind, aiming at the lifting mouth.

"Wow! There's so much impotence! But..."

"What's up?

The only remaining Tina with Soleil asks without turning to her to fire a magically knitted arrow behind her back. Besides, Soleil answered with a serious eye.

"... some number remains and the exit is sealed off. Maybe you're right that you don't want to leave."


Apparently, Weiss was right about what he said. They never chased it all, and a certain number was on the opposite side of this one, i.e. towards the exit side. Besides, Tina instantly shook her head, trying to figure out the cause. Now is not the time to think.

"Soleil. We're going first."


It's still the number of opponents and the output. Soleil and I put a lot of effort into restraint. but the opponent is Golem. Own damage has been ignored to some extent, so the main focus is to blow up the traction with shock waves. I could say it was a nasty situation inside.

Nevertheless, we are putting in Kite's support for this, and Tina needs to move on from this scene in order to provide that support. Therefore, she joined Kite, who projected her weapon to protect the soldiers of the army, as she rammed into the lift gate under the gliding procedure.

"Soleil isn't the only one after that!

"Aye! Soleil!"


You can also use chanting via Magic Thread. Kate and Soleil, who had grasped it during the meeting, decided to enter into her retrieval work as soon as they had a conversation via the Demon Thread. So, when she stopped shooting arrows and carried her bow, the magic thread knitted by Kate wrapped her around, and Kate pulled it all at once.



"Come on!

When Soleil, who flew in at high speed, was released from the demon thread in the air, he hugged Kite in a jumping position. That's how he spun a few times, and Kate got her off the ground.



From here on in, Soleil's turn. Therefore, as she leads the arrow downward, she converges her powers. As for the surroundings, Quon and the soldiers of the army - even soldiers of the army can do so to the extent of suppression - have suppressed me, so I was able to release arrows with enough strength.

"Guys! Out of the way!

In response to Soleil's hanging, Fujiko, who was battling a spider-shaped golem that was sealing his way to the lower level, jumps off the scene at once and exits from the ray. And make sure of it, Soleil shoots an arrow.


"Aye! Hold on tight!


Soleil, who carried the bow again at the same time as releasing the arrow, grabbed it tight as he jumped on Kate's back. And with that in mind, Kite, who had never been involved in a defensive battle before, once again progresses as he manifests a pile of weapons accumulated in different spaces to the left and right after his passage, and then stops there again when he progresses to some extent.

"Good! Ready!

"Good, move on!

Following Kite's signal, Tina hangs the order again. That's how the rescue troops advanced again, while Kate continued firing a series of weapons and dropped Soleil off her back while holding the spider-shaped golem.

"Soleil, please"


"Good! Okay, next bullet loading!

Soleil begins to tow the enemy on behalf of Kite, and this time Soleil stops the hand of restraint again when the main unit led by Tina meets. Then again, just like earlier, Soleil would unleash an arrow and kick and push the previous enemy, repeating the same thing several times. And after a few runs, they finally reached the next tier.

"Good! I'm out!

"Good! General, hide yourself once! Jump to that building!

At the same time as exiting the lifting mouth, Tina gives immediate instructions. I don't know how much it will be at the end of the day if I continue to be pursued like this. He decided that the enemy would not go any deeper than he wanted to defend the exit.

That's how they jumped over the swarm of spider-shaped golems waiting for us and onto the roof of the building Tina pointed out.

but that's not the end of it. I saw it in the lifting mouth, but that spider-shaped golem was also sticking on the roof. In the meantime, the chainsaw on his forearm seemed unusable, which means he could come up.

Worst of all, it collapses the building. If so, you need to immediately move to another building to hide yourself. Fortunately, if it's quick, this one's better up there. You'll be able to scatter the chase.


Kite nodded quietly as she landed on the roof of the designated building. We need to move from here in such a hurry that it cannot be broken. That's how they all decided to split up into three units and hide themselves inside an affordable building once along the lines of the first operation.


Kite takes a deep breath in one of the buildings she jumps into, making sure she disappears from the view of the spider-shaped golem she's been tracking. Soleil is with the team he leads. It is a decision that it is better to stay together because we will carry her during the march. Others are with Kuon and Weiss, and Tina and Einadis are with them. Al and Lil are respectively placed in a quon group and a tina group.

"No, it looks okay for now, doesn't it?

"Right...... yeah, it looks ok"

While listening to Soleil's report, Kate sharpens her senses and confirms that the golems have lost sight of this one. Regardless, I'm still looking for this one, so I can't do anything far-fetched, but at least I can rest.

"All hands, dive into this room thirty minutes more than is currently the case. Rest and replenish as much as possible in the meantime."

"" Copy that. ""

At the behest of Kite, the soldiers of the army decide to take a brief pause. Thirty minutes from now, if we're still on the lookout, we'll see more than enough. This is what we discussed before we went in, and we were supposed to wait for up to an hour. If there is no change in the situation even if we wait any longer, we thought it would be better to decide that there is no change in the situation.

In the meantime, Kate and Soleil will confirm their current location and formulate the next rendezvous point. The fact that Soleil was accompanied by a first-rate scout and that he had the greatest power, Kate, was set to precede them.

"This is… the same space as above"

"Isn't that because it's the Labyrinth (Dungeon)?


As was the case with the artificial "Labyrinth (Dungeon)" inside Legado, it was necessary to set up a structure that followed the rules of "Labyrinth (Dungeon)" to some extent beyond being artificial or "Labyrinth (Dungeon)".

For example, the rule that an entrance or exit must be provided for the "Labyrinth (Dungeon)" must be adhered to, and if there are other lower tiers and higher tiers, they must always be able to move. There must also be some degree of painting of rooms and spaces. In view of that, it would be good to assume that there is no alternative to having the same space.

"... go for that tallest building for now. Over there, it would be easy to send a signal. Conversely, it's easy to see."

Kite sets the tallest building as a rendezvous point. Thus, they decided to move to the rendezvous point set in half an hour, and to rendezvous with Tina and the others because the safety there had been confirmed.

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