After finishing the speech that was being given after the awarding ceremony. Kate was back on stage sleeve with a slight bitter smile.

"Slightly, manipulatively"

That's what Kate thought. He's the brave Kite in the first place. It can be a flag. What's more, it was Kate herself who hid the case. It would undoubtedly be true that some of the lies had been misled. That's what Kate called a trick.


But this will do. What I said there was a mixture of lies, but by no means everything is a lie. It's true that we have to help each other, and I really want you to help me. That battle can never be ruled the same way as the other day. By mistake, Kate is alone and doesn't think we can solve this on our own. And the emperor Leonhardt came to such a kite.


"Your Majesty"

"Didn't you give another great speech a long time ago?"


In response to the praise of Emperor Leonhardt, Kate waves her head in bitter laughter.

"I just told him what I had in mind then. It's hard to say what a speech is... but that's what's best for me..."

"Hmm? Speaking of which, I hear the public often uses adrift. What's that all about after all?

Sometimes, but Kate still sometimes launches a speech ignoring all the manuscripts. That was a very famous thing if you know what happened 300 years ago in the Empire.

but most people don't know why they do it. That was true even in the royal family. Besides, kite only bothers me a little bit. It was very difficult to explain why.

"… why, … it's only a difficult story. Well, I can't really say enough about this... because originally, I grew up in the field. This kind of behavior as a nobleman is still acquired by nature. So...... my word really is me and not me. No, I'm sure it's still me..."

It's something I've been told for a long time, but Kate is the one who manages to talk logically about what she grabbed with her senses in the first place. So I wasn't good at thinking fundamentally. That's why his face, explaining it, looked troubled.

"I'm not familiar with the texts I've thought about and written, either on the rabbit or on the corner. The words I wrote are words I thought about with my head. When I try to convey my mind, I really..."

"Does that mean you should just say what you feel?


Kate only puts a troubled face on the enquiry of Emperor Leonhardt. Just mouth as you feel. Therefore, his words are humane. Regardless, therefore, he should have used the singular name 'I' as his original 'I', and he chooses how much time and case. but it would still only be true that the words were convincing because they were personal to kite.

"Well...... bye. There's still a lot more left here."

"Yes...... I'll see you at night"

When Kate engages in only a few conversations with Emperor Leonhardt, she bows her head and follows the scene. This is the end of all rewards for this battle. But that's just something to do with kite.

Apart from this, there is still a lot of praise and rewards left. The only thing that has been done is against adventurers and military personnel, and given the people involved, hobbies, etc., it was not possible to end it all at once.

"Well, here's the place."

"... you're gonna do that..."

Kite's speech was natural, but the Solas and the attendees were listening again. Tell me you pulled into the stage sleeve. Everyone will speak. It's bad outside hearing to walk away from it completely through. That's why Sola was asking, including future studies, but I still just think it was stupid to compare myself to Kate.

"Kite, lend me the manuscript later..."

"Oh, it's a manuscript. I'm not using the manuscript."

"To? Out of the way?

Sora rounds her eyes on Kite's response. Besides, Kate decided to take it easy this time to teach her what happened earlier. When I heard that, Sola was half convinced.

"So... the staff was in a hurry..."

"Ha ha. I don't know what to say. In fact, I didn't even think about what I was gonna say."

Well, I guess what I was rooting for here was a place called Kite on a boulder. And sometimes, Kate, you're expected to be the arm of that person's speech. When I thought about them in a composite way, they said it was possible to do this.

"... well, I can't give you any advice... yeah. Basically, if you're going to give a speech, it's mostly sudden at first. What do you think and what do you want to tell them? It's important to tell them that."

"What do you want to tell me..."

Kate tells me that Sola looks at her emotions just a little bit. but I never thought of anything. Naturally speaking, it is. It was way ahead of what Kate was looking forward to. You'll wake up at some point. I told you my thoughts toward fighting evil gods.

Of course, I know that too, Sola. I know, but that's not true when someone tells me they want to talk about something toward it. What Sora is looking at is just a place to get ready because there will be a fight at best. I don't know anything more than that. No, I can't imagine what that battle would be like for Sola. So I can't even speak a word. Because I just vaguely understand that there will be a battle.

"... no. Nah, come to think of it."

"That's good. Ma, can you still get stuck in the earthen pit, or can you tell me what you think? Remember, that's the only thing you can see as a commander."


Sora nodded one to Kate's advice. I guess that's good for this. So the kites decided to go back to the hotel once they had received something from each other - besides the two names, there were gifts of crude proportions.

Well, then roughly half a day. Kate was dressed in a suit. After all, the nature of the matter meant that the various award-winning people were supposed to gather for a party at night, and both Kite and Sola were invited as one of them. You can say it's one of the main guests.

The organizers are the emperor Leonhardt and the McDawell family. I couldn't refuse this to the boulder, so I left my plans open. The companions are all of the upper levels of the Alliance. After all, Kite is the guild master, and Sola is its sub-master. The upper management was all wanted to attend.

"Oh, you're here."

"Your Majesty"

Again, coming to the party and not even greeting the organizers is an obstacle to the outside world. Even more so if that is the Emperor Leonhardt. So Kate was going to say hello, anticipating that the emperor Leonhardt was just available.

It should be noted that, in anticipation, we are actually talking about having it adjusted properly. Lord McDawell Kite still isn't the one who can rarely go say hello if an adventurer does. Anyone who wants to talk to the Emperor is with Sesame. I was speaking to an official who was coordinating properly and secretly.

"Thank you for inviting me."

"Uhm... earlier speech, it was brilliant"

"Thank you"

Again, I guess everything has to come in from the social dictionary because this is the party. And bend over. The opponent is the guest of honor. It was only natural that we had to enter the boulder from praise.

"So, how's it going these days?"


For once, the ostensible kite is just an adventurer. Timely reporting would be letting him in, but Emperor Leonhardt doesn't know in detail what's going on with the kites' activities.

So as a muscle, the emperor Leonhardt decided to ask about the activities of the kites. And in this way, I can say that even if something happens and another country asks me about the activities of the Adventure Club, I've heard it here. So Kate lightly talks about her previous activities to Emperor Leonhardt.

"Well...... to Urca too. Oh, speaking of which, Lord Berntaine is also here for this party. Why don't you go say hello later?"

"Thank you. Be sure to say hello later."


Again, the big one in this case was the battle in La Elia. It was a two-name award to Kite in view of his work in the Marisian kingdom and even more so in "Portland Emelia" during that time.

It would have been natural for those three to rise to the topic. Asked about her work there, Kate told me about her training in Urca. Thus, the Emperor Leonhardt turned to Sola further to inquire about the battle in the Wood Leak Forest in the meantime.

"Hmmm... is it still possible that there are remnants of enemies left in the ruins everywhere"

"Yep... luckily Lord Ernest was handling it there and it looks like he was safe..."


The immediate challenge for Emperor Leonhardt is the resurrection of < > and his demons. So I guess the emperor Leonhardt heard from Sola what it felt like to actually fight as a normal warrior. He was roaring with a difficult face.

"Hmm. Anyone?"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Apparently the emperor Leonhardt figured something out, calling in a secretary-like man who was on his side. Confirming that it had come, the Emperor Leonhardt asked one question.

"Surely the awards ceremony of all kinds will be over the day after tomorrow?

"... Yes. That's the way it's supposed to be."

"Right. If so, can you spare some time the morning after tomorrow?

"... I was wondering if it would be possible if I just scraped my morning fortune"

"Proceed in that direction."

When the emperor Leonhardt orders his secretary to do so, he turns his face to the kites again.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. It hasn't been decided yet, but I need you to come back the day after tomorrow."

"Is that as an adventurer?"

"I can say yes, and I can't say yes. It's a request... um. There's something about your activities, too."

Emperor Leonhardt nods one to Kite's inquiry, telling him again with a serious face.

"I heard the story earlier, and even more about the accident earlier. There's still a lot left to know. Given the recent impending situation, I think we should re-examine the ruins of the old civilization once and for all. What do you say?

"It seems natural. Despite the thought that there were no earlier ruins or anything, the nearer resurrection of the Evil God caused the anomaly. Now you know something."

"Uhm... given the raid the other day, I guess all the enemies' resurrections will still have a while to spare. That's a power reconnaissance to see the rest. If so, I want to avoid any unintended blows I can do about the rest. I want you to help me with that investigation."

Emperor Leonhardt once again speaks clearly to the kites. Again, this problem is to be dealt with by citing the country. Therefore, a circular had been issued to cooperate with the project wherever possible as a Union, and the kites had also indicated their intention to cooperate.

"Whatever it is, it's not just for you. but sola-kun has a divine sword. Something will come to pass. I'd love to."

"It must also be on the edge of something that Sola got a divine sword. And we have received support from His Majesty the Emperor and Kuzha more than once. I can only thank you for giving me the opportunity to repay my gratitude. I'll be happy and underwrite it."

"Well... we'll talk about the details the day after tomorrow."

Emperor Leonhardt nodded one at the insistence of Kite. Looks like even he decided to do another investigation after listening to Sora. The investigation itself had already been done in terms of what had been discovered, but it would still be natural to fear that there might be something due to the fact that the resurrection was near.

If I could take the lead, I wanted to take the lead whenever possible. And when he did that, he quickly finished his time.

"Your Majesty"

"Oh, oh... I'm sorry. I would have liked to talk a little more if I could..."


In the wake of all the pinching along the way, the Emperor Leonhardt apologizes to the kites with a slightly sorry face, after only being able to talk about the social decree and the practical things he has done so far.

Nevertheless, it would also be true that it was necessary. So the kites split up there with the emperor Leonhardt and decided to enjoy the party in each way again.

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