Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1588: With the Sage - Internal Investigation -

A mysterious woman that Colette was seeing. As a result, there is a suspicion that she is the insider. I took it and embarked on an investigation, but in so doing, Sola was listening to last night's story to her by herself at the behest of Bronzite. So, after she leaves like that, the bronzites who got that signal start heading this way. And that's in the middle of it.

"... yeah?

What I felt was signs of people. Nevertheless, this is a sign I don't know. That would indicate surveillance. And that kind of surveillance also apparently noticed that Sola had noticed herself. In an instant, the signs disappeared.

"Did you leave... did you do a little...?

Probably because I was thinking. Sora tongues slightly at her own lapse. Well, even so, I've already learned that there's enough power to notice. So there is no problem when it comes to not having problems. but I didn't think it was a little too soon.


What did you think? Sola remembers an act ahead of Colette and thinks so. And that's him, but the fact that Bronzite contacted me made me cut the thought.

"It's Sola. Can you hear me?

"Ah, yes. Master. Colette just left."

'Um... so, it's Sola. Will you come to the roof once? I have something for the Lord to see. "

"Is it on the roof? Okay."

Though I don't know what it is, Bronzite is coming to the roof. If so, Sola just honestly follows it. And it's on the road. Sora noticed that there were signs nearby that she had felt.

"Hmm? This is..."

What I felt was a sign of Colette, who should have left. The sign was still in the police station somehow, and somehow it also felt from the chief's office. I need to go through the chief's office on my way to the roof, but I stumbled upon her signs as I read them here in my habit for the time being.

"... Master"

'Mm? What's up?

'Excuse me. Colette was supposed to be home... somehow I'm in the chief's office'


Bronzite reveals a slight surprise at reports from Sola. Basically, she's going straight home. I've never been to the chief's office. Of course, I haven't heard from Emmanuel, my direct supervisor, that the chief called him in. It was an incredible, and mysterious story.

"What do you want to do?

"... No, no, no, no, no, no, no."

After thinking only for a moment, Bronzite orders a clear retreat to Sola. If Colette was the enemy, she wouldn't want to hear this conversation. And based on surveillance, it seems that the enemy doesn't want to be heard either. I should have pulled this place off rather than out into the detour.


Understanding such bronzite thoughts, Sora also moves her paused leg again for a moment. That's how he passed near the chief's office and reached the roof.

"I'm here. What's the matter, sir?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I could ask the Lord... Toryn. Clear the field for once."

"Oh, yes."

Bronzite says so, retreating Toryn, who had succumbed and was sure of something, off the spot. In response, Sola approached the edge of the roof of the police station.

"... it looks like nothing has fallen..."

"Hmm. Nothing is nothing... actually, let's see the people here"

When Bronzite says so, he talks about the shadows he sees when he returns. Again, their senses are a few steps inferior to Sola's. So I noticed the signs when I approached the police station a long time ago, he said. It should be noted that what Toryn was looking at was whether there were any traces.

"I see..."

"Um. So, I was hoping to ask the Lord. How long can you keep an eye on Nong?


Asked by Bronzite, Sola considers Sho as the standard. Basically, Sho has the performance of an average scourge type of adventurer if he is not equipped. Considering him as a criterion, I could see to what extent the average adventurer could spot him. And Sho and Sola are allies of the same guild. Sola also grasped the extraordinary performance he could deliver.

"... you did go behind the city hall today, didn't you?

"Mm-hmm. So I'll rendezvous with Lord Kite's messenger. So they put out a disguise, but on the contrary, they came back through the back of the city hall."

"Sure, that's the city hall..."

Listening to the words of Bronzite, Sola recalls a certain conversation with Sho.

'I don't like it. You guys have some kind of far-sighted power besides eyesight?

"Hmm? Well, I do. What happened? '

"No, I'm a secret detective. The whole town's in the way of the building, isn't it? I was wondering if the building could penetrate it."

'Well, they can say it's some kind of dedicated demon eye or something. I don't have it.'

At this time, Sola didn't know Karin in detail yet, so there's no reason to know, but the demonic eye Sho mentioned is her < >. And well, as good as that is. The conversation continued after this.

"So, what do we do?

"It's a little easy, but convenient magic, I have a demonic eye. Uh... Oh, there he is. Look, that bird, you see it?

'Whoa... what happened to that one?

"One of the demonic eyes used by the hunters is < >. I remember that too."

< >. It was once used by an adventurer named Ingvay when preparing for the Harvest Festival. The effect is to take over the sight of little birds and weakly resistant demons.

This is basically for the hunters to find their prey, but they used it to monitor the target. I'm simply taking over my sight, so if I'm not on guard, I'm rarely noticed. It was also a convenient demon eye for the scouts.

"Master. When you saw him, was there a bird anywhere near him?


"Using < > is easy to monitor. If the other guy was seen in a detour, it's likely he'd have taken over his sight."


< >. Bronzites certainly know about it. but they still revealed themselves. I guess I thought of my mistake and asked Sola. And because there was no mistake in the answer, he had a very dangerous face.


What is Bronzite thinking? Sora thinks about it. There must be some intention somewhere. And it was Sola who was thinking about it, but suddenly Bronzite shook his head.

"... No, is it good now? Sola, you said you talked to Colette for now."

"Oh, yes."

"Oh, no. You can report it now. Not outside."

"Ah... right"

Sola nodded one at Bronzite's words. Sure, if it's outside, they could read the conversation with lip reading. So the three of them decided to come back once and discuss an earlier act.

We've been discussing the Colette thing for a few hours. Emmanuel was also back in the room to discuss it again. but to the stories heard that way, Emmanuel was only perplexed.

"To the chief...?



In response to Sola's snort, Emmanuel stunningly roots his eyebrows. What bothered me here was, after all, the Chief of the case. Emmanuel himself is the only one who has undertaken that he has no access to his enemies. Why did he call Colette without going through her boss, Emmanuel? Speaking of which, it was a story of concern.

"Are you telling me the enemy has come into contact since then...? No, but only that chief... but..."

Apparently, listening to Colette, Emmanuel is in a suspicious dark spot. And that's what Sora asked him.

"What time did you do that chief's inside job?

"It was right after I got here. First of all, Nicklas, who was turned with me to this ministry, and Jose, who was originally from here and was newly assigned, and the Chief's three inside detectives."

I spent most of my savings because of that. Emmanuel tells him that in a sigh mix. It's for three at once. That certainly wouldn't surprise me if I ran out of the bulk of my savings. And I would have liked to have done some research on some of my men who came after that.

"... So, is it?

"Hmm... not unlikely, I guess not"

Bronzite also nodded with a sigh at Sora's inquiry. The investigation was conducted three years ago, he said. As for the Jose man who will be one of them, he said he returned to his hometown injured. If you were an informant, it doesn't matter now.

"Nevertheless, Lord Emmanuel. Don't suspect your people in the Darkless Arrow Cod."

"... well, yeah. We haven't decided yet that the Chief has been caged by the enemy."

"Yes...... no matter, that's not why it's good to be alarmed. They sneak in like water from nowhere."

"Yep... what should I do"

Emmanuel inquires into Bronzite warnings. Besides, Bronzite opened his mouth again.

"... First, we just have to do an investigation into the tunnel. In the meantime, you should look it up from Colette. However, the others have not yet become definitive and allies. You shouldn't leak it cheaply. First, I thought I should ask a trusted Niklas for an inside detective."

"... ok. Let me give you some instructions."

"... ok"

At Bronzite's direction, Emmanuel nodded. So the meeting ended and we decided to move on to the next.

As a result of the meeting, Colette's inside detective is scheduled to take place for a few days. During those days, days went by with little change.

"Chief. For now, I've staked it out for a few days..."

"How did they notice?

"You don't. Instead, Colette's guy. Physical performance is the lowest we have."

"Stupid mon. It could be a disguise."

"Well, yes..."

After all, there's something about Nicklas that doesn't make sense when Colette, the lazy one, tells me he's an inside man. Nevertheless, it is also true that it is suspicious. Therefore Emmanuel urged him to go ahead.

"Well, good. So?"

"Oh yes...... for now, but it seems true that I'm seeing someone I'm not sure what"

"The other guy?

"Still unknown"

Niklas, who took out the notebook, just pales and reports the facts only. Come on, he's probably a cop too. The job was severed from the job and I was investigating closely that it would be one of us.

"Hmm... is that a man? A woman?"

"It's a woman. That has been found as a result of washing the witness statement. From what I've heard, it also matches the woman Sola said. The woman who was sitting on the side, the heel"

"Have you checked with the store?

"I couldn't explain the situation to the boulder, so I couldn't tell him about the customer, and he refused. If you need information about the customer, you should present it as an official document."


Well, naturally. Emmanuel thinks so, too. I still can't reveal this to the chief. So I haven't put out any public documents, and I'm only letting them look into it as part of my information-gathering.

The store that Colette was in was a top-notch upscale restaurant, with many of the city's greats among its guests. Some of them will come with patience. I had no idea you could tell me about the guests without an appointment.

"Speaking of which, you said it was the two of you that Colette had met, right? What about the woman who was sitting in the front?

"Apparently, as far as listening, he's not one of these people. Witnesses testified that there was a slight unfamiliarity with the culture of chipping."


I'm not used to the culture of chipping out. That's what makes Emmanuel surprised. Indeed, there is a place that is not a chip culture, and there are stores in the Ragna Federation that do not receive chips in some stores.

but as far as they know there is only enough around here with one finger, making it a boulder-high store to get to and from. When I got used to it, it didn't exist until I went to the center of the Federation.

"Hmm... So you're from Lax...?

Lax is the capital of the Ragna Federation. There was no chance that it could be used on a daily basis. Later, it becomes another country without a chip culture.


Difficult to judge. Emmanuel turns his face to Niklas' report. If there is no chip culture, I can tell, but then I wonder why it came from such a distant place. but if it was a central figure, a certain muscle went through.

"Nicklas, you keep going after Colette."

"Okay. And the chief?"

"I'm a little concerned, and I'm going to talk to a central acquaintance."

"Central...? It's a little early."

Said to be the center. Nicklas still thought of himself as the central official who drove himself three years ago. with this arrest of him. They have the ultimate aim, and have already grabbed the executive of the city of Voda, which is supposedly connected to it. It was a place where insiders are now bluffing to catch it.

Nevertheless, it is therefore Niklas' question. Here's a look at the painful eyes where I just got my hands on the central official. That was three years ago, and Emmanuel understood it very well.

"The woman. You said you weren't used to chips.


"It could be that neighborhood. Maybe he came to the mayor and made contact with Colette for some reason."

"… do you come into contact with an insider?

"Regardless, it would be one of the intermediaries. But if you're in the middle of something, there's no point in looking into it like this."


Sure, that's right. In the first place, Niklas himself said he wasn't from this city about the woman. And if you're not used to chip culture, no wonder you were working in the center. The size of the organization is significant. No wonder he was the owner of an apparent company in Lax. Thus, the next day Emmanuel moved to meet an acquaintance in the capital, and Nicklas would continue to investigate Colette further.

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