Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1602: With the Sage - Tabernacle - 4 -

A huge underground organization that exists in the Ragna Federation. Large catches triggered the capture of mayors and central officials in the city of Voda, arguably its end, but included Sora among them. By Orr's order, he was supposed to be placed on a < > possessed Magic Machine to counter the large Magic Armor that was held by the underground organization.

"Whoa, whoa. Do it..."

"Awesome, right?

"Ugh! Are you sure you want to use this?!?

Sola inquires with a full grin at the oar laughing behind her own back. I don't know what to say, but this is a huge looking robot. If I could get on that, I'd still be excited.

"Oh, use it to the full. Well, compared to one-offs in mass production, he's a bad performer... but we're looking at a lot of things and making good adjustments. Plus, I'm adjusting to suit you. Fortunately, the opponent is a large magic guide armor. If you do it right, you won't lose."

The opponent, like Marcelo, has analyzed the legends and possessions of the adventurers who kept them and independently developed the large magic guide armor, but that is only to the extent that the underground organization has developed it independently.

It wouldn't have a massive facility like a regular army. When it comes to this, it seems unlikely that it can be developed independently. If the old demon guidance armor is based, there is no chance that the demon guidance machine will lose if the opponent is not as skilled.

"Well... the way you treat a Magic Machine, basically you just have to fight normally in it"


Once again, Sola observes inside the cockpit of the Magic Machine. Basically the same shape as Kite's Magic Conductor, but this is still a mass production machine. For example, there are no exterior parts like Kite's Magic Conductor.

So if there is no switch to release the limiter, there is no switch to deploy that exterior part. Regardless, it doesn't even have a multiplexer, so it looks a little tight. It has only minimal features.

"Ma, I don't have the performance to be stupid like the general, but I have a solid sense of stability for it. It's perfect for you to use."

"No, I always thought... Kate's Magic Conductor. What's that like?

"Hmm? Oh, is it the General? That's a one-off test machine... No, it's a highly profitable prototype for technical validation. That's a different frame. A prototype to build a dedicated machine..."

In retrospect, it's suspicious. Orr laughs so much at Sora's inquiry. For once, there are many cases where mass production machines have better performance even as a reality.

"I've heard from Tina, but you. You know what the difference is between a mass production machine and a prototype?

"? Basic mass production machines perform better, don't they? If it's an animation, the prototype will be painted more perfectly."

"I don't know about japanimation, though. Well, that depends on each case. Basically, a prototype is something that I don't know what kind of glitch will occur, so I don't dare to try and make it, and the technical validation will be made after the end. It's meant to verify defects in actual movement."

This means that commonly known mass production machines perform better. Orr himself speaks of the accident of those involved in the production of mass production machines. Nevertheless, apart from this, there was another, prototype.

"In contrast, the General's is a test machine for technical verification. Well, to put it plainly, I tried to create a new feature, so let's experiment with that on a real machine. In this case, specs are often higher than mass production machines. It will also feature features that will not be customized in terms of cost, safety, and user-friendliness."

"You mean prototype mass production and experimental machines?

"Oh, you know surprisingly. That's a good idea. Therefore, the prototype mass production type has less performance than the mass production machine. Experimental machines perform well in vain for having features that are not mounted on mass production machines. Well, the truth is, we're the generals. The guy should say experimental machines rather than prototypes..."

Orr, as a technician, laughs bitterly at the nature of the words we obscure. Look, I don't know who started saying it, but they've both said prototypes and prototypes. A guy with a stricter personality would use it securely, but they both said it was a prototype because it was troublesome.

In fact, in Kite's case, that's not a mistake either. It's a plane that's doing prototypes to make his own special machine. And as a result, I'm just amused and equipped with all sorts of new technologies.

"No, that's good there. In the meantime, that's why the General's Magic Conductor is so high in performance in vain. Funny thing is that in the case of the General, even if the performance of the fuselage is wasteful, we can't keep up with it because of the General's wasteful and high specs..."

"Aha haha..."

The boulder is probably the most powerful man in the world. Whether you build a prototype or not, they can't have a fuselage that can handle his performance. Nevertheless, I know that as well as the Orr and other technical teams. That's why we're building experimental machines.

"Well... that's why this guy is mass-produced. He's a regular performer like you. Why is there no ridiculous performance like the General? Instead, it has some reliability. Beginners like you are just fine. In fact, the Magic Conductor is a lot more expensive when it comes to maneuverability than the Big Magic Conductor."


"Well, it's more evidence than theory. Stand at the center of it. I'll start it later. We'll do it outside."


As Sora follows Orr's instructions, she leaves and the hatch is closed, moving to the center of the slightly darkened cockpit. And with that in mind, the cockpit started.

"Heh... is it automatically activated?"

Now it's just cockpit started. So Sola didn't have a big load on her and she looked pretty easy. That's enough, though. In the next moment, the various systems were activated and loaded.


'Good. All systems up and running...... Sora, what's the problem?

"That's pretty tight."

'Well, it's a magic machine. Though, even you can fight for an hour or so. We'll be up front this time, so don't do everything you can.'


When Sola nods at Orr's words, she first observes the situation displayed on the monitor. What you can see is the hangar of the airship, an oar tapping the nearby console, and the faces of several < > technical squads - this is the personnel for the operation of the airship. While observing it, Sola decides to wait a little while. So, for a while. Communication came in from Orr again.

"Sola. Can you hear me?


"The adjustment is done. After that, you can fight as normal as you want. I don't think it's too hard. Normally."

"Ha... Oh, what's going on with weapons and stuff?

"The weapon is basic, he makes you have the one-handed sword and shield you use. It's an imperial formula, so you can use it. Other than that, I also have a demon gun because of the use of the demon conductor formula... '

When Orr says so, he makes the demon gun containment unit appear on the monitor. They have pistol-shaped demon guns just around both hips.

'Well, don't use unfamiliar objects. I'm just putting it on because it's a customized product. You've never used a demon gun, have you?

"Well, you touch it a little bit."

'Then stop. For once, I'll tell you something.'

I don't think I would ever use a demon gun as a solar at the moment. but apart from not knowing that there is. So Orr also provided it as information, and Sola received it as information only.

"So, what's more, the Magic Conductor is equipped with a flying machine as basic gear. As for this, well... it's not something you can use right now. You don't even know how to do this, do you?

"Are you gonna tell me?

'You can tell me, but I can't, so it's time to stop. All kinds of thrusters have magic all over them so that they can pass through, but the flying planes don't have magic coming through them. The general and the Alphonse lad seem to be doing it easily... but the clever general is doing more than a year of training and practice.

Roger that.

Well, Sora didn't want to be that high on the boulder either. I decide to give up flying this time. As such, he decided to teach the auer to adjust and take minor precautions.

Well, while Sola was learning how to use the Magic Conductor from Orr. Around that time. The headquarters of the underground organization was in the middle of a major disturbance.

"Shit. You're out here, too"

"The military moves fast. It's pretty serious."

"It hurts that Fentes was caught. There's no information from the center."

"Any word from the guy who's left in the army?

After all, we've been caught connecting ourselves. The executives of the organization were in a great hurry to work out a response. And that also included this.

"Boss. What do you do about relocating your home base?

"I've already secured the next place. All we have to do is move. Hurry up with the materials and supplies."


The boss of the organization was managing to contain his inner haste and anger, while moving forward with the relocation hand. Initially, a lot of people were angry at the boulder and thought about retaliating against the government when they heard about the mayor's arrest in Voda City, but they immediately moved from retaliation to obliteration of information knowing that a central official had been captured.

Here, the boulder is probably the boss of a big organization. He knew it was dangerous to be flushed by anger and emotion. Therefore, with anger, we were moving to preserve ourselves first. Nevertheless, my anger has not disappeared. So it was quite frustrating, sometimes killing my men like eight hits.

"Shit... we need to move before Fentes' idiots expose the information..."

The boss of the organization shrugged. Fentes, that's the name of the central official. It was only after that that he was originally a member of the organization and became a central official. Think of it as a spy sent in by the organization.

I believe I have loyalty, and he has made it convenient many times before. but still don't think I'll ever talk. He did not sweeten a great nation called the Ragna Federation. It's only a matter of time before you turn around. Understanding that, he ordered the military insiders to turn it off, but it failed.

"Hey, what the hell happened to getting the airship ready!

"Heh, heh! You can do it in two hours!

"Do it in an hour! Hurry up! It doesn't matter what time the army guys get here!

Look, I still have to say that there's been a problem with the big tissue deceased. Sure, we could do a lot of things because of the big organization, but on the contrary, because of the big organization, the movement was slow and it took a lot of time to relocate the base.

Moreover, he knew that he could not escape the most. If you run first, the later face loses control and betrays easily. This is not the army. It's a gathering of criminals. If we were to think about the future operation of the organisation, the top move had to be as last as possible. Therefore, he kicks his men's silly ass as he seeps through his impatience for not being able to escape. but in the middle of something like that.

"Boss! The fleet of airships is headed this way!

"What!? How many!?

"Uh... five ships! There are three transport boats, the other two are medium-sized combat boats! One of the transporters is a large item for transporting supplies!


My liver is cold. The boss of the organization listens to reports from his men and seeps relief. This is the headquarters of one of the leading underground organizations in the Ragna Federation. Not only does Dada say tens of thousands of constituents, but he also has a large number of Rank A adventurers. There's nowhere I can drop a fleet of such patrols. So he wiped the cold sweat he scratched for only a moment and gave immediate instructions.

"That's the patrol fleet. As usual. Don't rush. Tell them to hide immediately. Be as quiet as you can after work."


My men will simultaneously convey the instructions to the boss. As such, the home base was filled with slight silence. The boss's instructions fly further in there.

"Keep sending information to whoever's left in the army. We have to get out of here before the squad moves."

"Ugh. I'm always in touch."


If the fleet on this tour goes somewhere later, can we work it out? The boss manages to regain a slight calm to the current state of affairs that seems to be picking up a pinch since the start of the organization. but the next moment, they panic a lot.

"!? Boss! Transport boats open, big demon conductor armor!

"What!? How many planes!?

"The number is... one!


Unexpectedly, the boss was distracted because he had no choice. Indeed, it is only natural that we should prepare a large demon armor with the army than this one has a large demon armor. As a result, there are aspects that have not been handled before. This one has a lot of military power, so he didn't make a detour.

Moreover, because there are insiders, it is easy to expose even when setting up an operation. Even so, there is one enemy this time. At this point it is good to assume that the central officials rose the home location, but it was too far off the main road. Therefore, he made this decision.

"Huh! You're an adventurer! Federation! You hired a big one as a scout! Where is it?

"I'll look into it!

"Along with that, get the big one out here too! The army's main unit will be here any minute! Leave your stuff at this time!

I couldn't get any information, but here comes the adventurer and the thinker. If so, it is also current for the army's main unit to come. HQ rushes out at once to the words of the boss who so decides. As such, the basement bulkhead of the main base slowly opened to match, and a large demonic armor emerged.

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