Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1607: With the Sage - Out of the Country -

days from the closure of all cases in the Ragna Federation. When Sola and the others decided on their next destination as neighbours of the diocese known as the Duchy of Miniera, they were preparing to leave there. That's how the day after you decide where to go. Sola and the others came to the airport to follow the Ragna Federation. And for some reason, Emmanuel's men, who joined him in the previous case, were with him.

"I can't believe we're going out on the same day."

"Well, another flight is another flight,"


Nicklas laughs at Sora's words all the time. Emmanuel and Niklas will also be returning to the capital's police force, but we cannot move on to the fact that the remainder of our duties here will not be completed.

Furthermore, their promotion, etc. is still close to being revealed. So it remained here until a formal decree came out. And beside them like that, Colette was with them. She was also supposed to leave today.

"Colette, when you're gone, the paperwork won't go any further."

"I almost finished it at work. I'm also working on the handover materials."

"Ah, you're still working fast..."

To Colette's words, Nicklas pulls his cheeks. She was the one who put in time off to run out of pay, but some days she rarely packed it from morning to end hours. I guess I was finishing all my paperwork in the meantime.

"So, Sola. Well, I'll see you in a month."

"Ugh. Maybe I'll see you with our guild master too... If you do, please tell him you've been doing well over here"

The McDawell family will be working for Colette from now on. I mean, it's Kite's place. There's no chance I won't see him. And the Duke's mansion is in and out of his home, as well as some sort of Adventure Department guild master. There will still be no meeting. Then I thought it would be a good idea to entrust it with the degree of speech.

"Fine. Oh, instead, if you're going to Miniera, buy this for a souvenir."

"What's this?

"A list, a list. Miniera, because there are good trinkets there. It's good because it's cheap."

"... if I remember, I will"

Sora drops her shoulder as she looks at the shopping list given to her by Colette. and the three discussing such separation and reunion, while Bronzite was talking to Emmanuel.

If Colette is alone, I don't think it's a good idea to drop her off, Emmanuel, but when it comes to dropping off bronzites, it was different. I managed to twist out the time and came to drop him off.

"Lord Bronzite. This time... No, since one incident three years ago, thank you."

"No... sorry for taking so long."

"No...... you have hurried enough. It's only been three years, and it's not supposed to happen. That's why the boulder is called the Bronzite, the Wise Man of the Name."

"It's too much lifting"

"No... thank you so much for this time, both on the raven and on the corner"

Deep down Emmanuel bows his head to Bronzite. Foot three years. In the meantime, I've been chasing him for a long time, and I've seen a settlement. Even as an Emmanuel, I could sleep safely with this. and bronzeit asked such an emanuel.

"With that said... E (...) ma (...) lord. Until when do you fake it?


Speaking of which, Emmanuel recalls to Bronzite's point. He also told Sola that this look of him is a disguise. I completely forgot that.

"Oh, speaking of which, you did. We've changed our personality, and assassins have been chasing us for the last three years, so it's always been this. I'm so used to it."

"Whoo-hoo... that won't be necessary anymore"

It appears that Bronzite is escorting Emmanuel through the ranks of the army's Special Forces. One of the meritorious men will undoubtedly be engraved with his name. There must be no unforeseen circumstances on his part. So it appeared that various kinds of bodyguards were in place.

"No, no. I intend to look like this for a while. The remnant hunt is not over yet, and it is you and I who have perished that have great hands. And you leave the Ragna Federation more than this. If so, don't let them chase you and resent me."

"Really... well, be careful"

"Of course. I'm not going to die."

Emanuel laughs happily at Bronzite's advice. Besides, the Bronzites decided they didn't need advice either.

"Then you're okay...... but now I'm telling you...... I'm surprised. I didn't know you'd be disguised like that."

"Ha ha... both this protruding belly and this luxuriously wrapped bulb face have helped me a lot. I've been stabbed many times, and I've never had a single blow from a poisoned blade. Thanks to the distorted interior space, the attack won't go any further. It also has other heat resistance. There's nothing wrong with being sunk like this."

To Lazar's words Emmanuel strokes his own belly, sparing only a little. Well, there was no reason for Sora not to notice this disguise. Because I made this fake handout because it was an unparalleled bronzite. To avoid being spotted by the organization, it was necessary to disguise it accordingly.

"By then, I think it's a little too much for Non. Personality is well, it will be good. But you don't have to do anything."

"It's just as good as too much. It's my father's teaching."

"Haha...... is that right? Then I won't say anything. Well, is it a pity you can't see who you really are?

"Haha...... the next time I come, I will welcome you in the previous appearance. Please, until then, you're a master. Toryn's fine, too."

Emmanuel bows his head deeply to Bronzite's slightly joking social dictionary. That's how Bronzite and Toryn went to Murcia, where they were also coming to drop him off, while Emmanuel headed to Sola and the others, where he would still have a welcome conversation.


"Ah, Mr. Emmanuel... thank you for your help this past month or so"


Emmanuel nodded in an upbeat mood at Sora, who bowed her head deeply. He seems to have liked this courtesy of Sola. And Sola also understood that during the past month Emmanuel just seemed great, and was actually a serious and well-rooted person. Unlike the beginning, I had no evil impression.

"Sola. You took care of me this time. Thank you again. Thanks to you and the bronzites, we were able to wipe out the underground tissue that was saving this Ragna Federation."

"No! That's my handle, that's what I was able to do because the < > crowned troops were at the center..."

Sora shows haste and humility against Emmanuel, who bowed her head deeply. but besides, Emmanuel shook his head.

"No, your Lord never handles much either. Now that we're on our journey, we can't give you a direct reward from the Ragna Federation... but make sure we get it to your guild."

"Really...... ok. Thank you."

Sola also knows that we need this reward. The prize imperative is the foundation of everything. Both Kite and Tina said it sour, and Bronzite reminded Sola as the foundation in the foundation in running the organization. Therefore, he also accepts it honestly.

"Um... well, if your lord wasn't a traveler, I recommended the road to the police... but you wouldn't be in a position to be. Masterful."


Emmanuel laughs when he says that at the end of the day, he nods one and looks at Colette next to him.

"Colette... it was about two years ago, but you took care of her."

"Chief...... well, cheer up"

"Your Lord works a little seriously."

"Well, quite."

Colette looked somewhere embarrassed by Emmanuel's words, which were no different. So where we exchanged a few goodbye greetings, Emmanuel looks at the two again.

"You both should come to me if you want to come to Lax. Not that I can do anything for you... but I'll give you a drink or so."

"Please then."

"Thank you"

To Emmanuel's words, Sola and Colette each show a one-off appreciation. And Niklas pinched his mouth in such a place.

"Chief, if you're going to say that, why don't you just drop it off as it really is at the end? When you go back over there, you take it off, don't you? Don't boulders know?

To Niklas' point, three people, including Sola - Floran is also here to drop him off - tilt their necks. And in the words of Nicklas, Sola remembered a while ago.

"No... you said disguise or something when I asked you before. Is that for real?

"Oh, you were listening."

"What do you mean?

Colette asks Nicklas, who knows his face. Besides, it was only natural for Nicklas to tell you.

"Chief, naturally, I've been targeted. I asked someone I could trust to fake everything."

"Ha... your lord will not tell you without my permission"

"You don't need anything else, do you?

"Ha... I still have the rest of the party. It's better if it's too much of a diversion."

"Well, that's..."

Nicklas nods at Emmanuel's point, but somewhere dissatisfied. As far as he's concerned, this could be the last time he'll see Colette. He wanted me to drop him off in a decent shape.

And to his gaze like that, Emmanuel finally broke. So overflowing from its mouth is not a voice as vocal as any opera singer, but a beautiful and clear voice.

"Ha... I have no choice. I have trouble wearing it once I take it off. Thanks to this, it takes an hour to make the morning move."

"Because you're wearing that thick 'meatloaf'. In fact, until I repaint my records, you're probably the title holder at the police academy... but you're strong enough not to wear that. If you tried to make me look good, you could have defeated Rosano yourself."

"In defense. Later, Rosano has a 50% chance of winning. So I left it to Sola. Because it was subtle if I could win."

Oh man, shrugging his shoulders against Niklas, who is also shrugged at himself. And to those two, Colette asked again.

"... maybe, Chief... because you're wearing fat?

"Rather than you. If you can spot faking documents, you can spot faking documents as the chief's police. Thanks to you, all of us thought you were insiders."

As I said earlier, the documents showing Emmanuel's identity have been completely rewritten, with the exception of some. To escape the tissue. but that disguise was also likely to be discernible if Colette had excellent talent.

Her unwillingness at all times did not make her realize it. And so, with the sound of Dossa, fell from Emmanuel's body what Nicklas called the "meat loaf".


Three people, unaware of the circumstances, are taken aback by a suddenly falling LLL-sized suit and a chunk of something that came with it. If the three of them raised their gaze from such a 'meatloaf', there was a sluggish body there.

and a sluggish arm matching that sluggish body stretches out to his face, pulling off the mask that was covering Berri and Emanuel's face. And Emmanuel's face became dewy.

"What do you say? Now you'd have believed me, wouldn't you?

"" "To?

What showed up was the face of a beautiful woman. Such a beautiful woman's face was laughing with pleasure. The age would be around thirty. Moreover, the body that appeared under Emmanuel's "Flesh Tap" was also a woman's. I asked Emmanuel like that to confirm it while Colette held her head with her hand.

"Oh, wait... woman?

"Oh, because after the incident three years ago, it took several offenses by the breathtaking man of the organization. Hey, they all made it into a pathetic situation as men... but I talked to Lord Bronzite to tailor this as I made my left transition. An acquaintance of the Agency helped me with the paperwork. I have a few trusted friends. Furthermore, self-allusion and witchcraft deceived her personality. It was something you wouldn't find out if you met someone you knew."


The three just get confused by the fact of the shock that got exposed at the end. The great attitude that the little things only seemed great when I was wearing that 'meatloaf' also seemed to me to be backed by confidence and track record if it was Emmanuel today. I guess it's the influence I was messing with my personality for, like, self-insinuation.

Nevertheless, it was also now laughing with pleasure, so it was closer to a place called the boss of my sister's skin where I could work rather than look great.

"Well, that's why. What? Too beautiful for you to leave?

Emmanuel pleasantly tells for the confused three. As a result, Emmanuel, who was actually a woman, and Niklas, who was always on the street, were confused and dropped off by Floran, who merely waved to the two beside him, and Sola was to follow the Ragna Federation with her expression solidified.

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