Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1633: The Gossip Passed On, The Will - Behind -

A secret mining site in the Huai Iron Mine somewhere in the Duchy of Miniera. Sola was captured there, a kind of forced labor facility, with roughly six months of months flowing. Even so, the last six months have not been the six months outside. Six months inside. Outside, only about half a month had passed.


Nevertheless. We lost contact with Sola for half a month on the boulder. He's a submaster by the bend. The missing person and the Adventure Department were in a commotion and a meeting was supposed to be held at the end of the day.

"So, Heavenly Sound. Any information?

"Once, there was information from the informant."

In addition to the upper levels of the Adventure Department, Kate talks about Sora's footprints until she was captured by the Duchy of Miniera in an inquiry raised by one of the third graders at a meeting that added some third-grade personnel - Fujido and Ayazaki and other directors.

"After all, did you disappear somewhere after you left the king's capital, Miniera"

"That's what happens."

After speaking the street, Kate nodded one more time to confirm. Well, it took half a month for a reason. At that last moment, Sola was finishing writing a report for Kite.

It didn't say where we were going from here, but it was originally interwoven that the report would be delayed for at least a week. Therefore, everyone decided that it would be longer this time. but there was nothing from it for a week, and the meeting was finally held on this day.

"Weren't you told somewhere or something?

"... nothing"

I guess it's because Yuri is still Sora and her lover. He looked very worried and quite depressed. There was a charm garment with her on the side, and here for a while it was always a situation where she supported two people, Nanami and Yuri.

There was still no hegemony in such Yuri's words, he just answered small and shook his head. After everyone got a slight silence on such Yuri's words, the moment asked back.

"Kite. Leaving Wang Capital, is that definite information?

"An official reply from the Principality of Miniera… the unmarked letter sent by the Union also belongs to the Miniera branch"

Once again, Kate makes it clear in the inquiry of the moment. Well, one question will arise here. Sola hasn't reached the king's capital, Miniera, in the first place, but he wonders why a letter has been sent out from the king's capital, Miniera. The answer is simple.

The Principality of Miniera discovered the letter when it checked Sola's luggage. It was sent to Maxwell Branch at Union Branch in Wangdu for disguise.

And what this tells us is very significant. An interim report is a rule that can only be issued by the person in charge. Yet I could get it out. In other words, the Wang Metropolitan Branch of the Principality of Miniera was also involved in this injustice - although it would not be the entire organization on the boulder - but it did.

"... what do we do?


To the inquiry of one of the third graders, Kate silences. What do we do? It's obvious what this means. Go find it or not. If you don't go looking for him, will you see him dead? It was never easy to judge. I'd say it's a judgment Kate has to make.

"... I'll do a search. Sure, but I need a little information on the status quo."

"What do you mean?

Moments ask against Kite. It seems to him that he searches. And everyone agrees with this decision. There is therefore no objection whatsoever.

"It is a report from Miniera that Sola did not return to Bayer and went straight to the king's capital, Miniera. but... I can't believe I'm not going back to Bayer."

"" "Eh" "

Everyone looked up unexpectedly, understanding the sincerity of what Kate had pointed out. This means one thing.

"No way... you don't believe in Miniera?

"... oh"

To Mizuki's inquiry, Kate nodded clearly after making a few gaps. Naturally, but someone like him. There's no way you don't know how many things the dark parts of the state are. I couldn't have been caught up in it, and I couldn't have been afraid.

"If we get into the detour, it could be Sola's two dances. If we're going to save him for sure, we need to be well prepared and get a back shield on this one."


We need to get a back shield. That means that Kite even has a fight against the Duchy of Miniera at worst. So everyone shut their mouths to its lesser seriousness. Kite opened her mouth to the severely painful atmosphere that had thus spread.

"… everyone, please keep me informed about today's meeting by continuing to work out a response. However, please do not give out the contents yet. I think the reason for all the faces in this place is well understood. Well, I'd like to close the meeting... The Adventure Department upper management would like to continue discussing the response. I'll see you in a week. As much as possible, I want you to put in place a system that allows you to move at any time without going on a long expedition."


With a bitter atmosphere, only Kate's words are heard and the face outside the upper management leaves. That's how the only thing left for a while was the upper level of the Adventure Department led by Kate.

"... so, kite. What about the real place?

In a place where only those who know who Kate is left behind, the moment asks again. The only one on this scene is the one who knows what Kate really is capable of. Therefore, no matter what you talk about, it will not be a problem. That's why Kate slightly loosened the frown-to-brow wrinkles she'd been floating around.

"Well, in conclusion... Sora is safe. Me and the Intelligence Guild guarantee that. I'm still constantly letting the informer guild look for Sola's cheap or not. The latest info says he's pimping and archaic martial arts, right?


He can't get caught up with him either. Yuri looks up when she hears Kate laughing like that. That's how she embarked herself and inquired.

"So, what's going on with Sola now!?

"I hear Sola is now caught in the Principality of Miniera"

It's obvious, but it's kite. In a sense, even the Intelligencer Guild can be described as his subordinate organization, and for him, it was impossible to obtain this level of information.

"Caught... So, what time are you going?

"... well, there's no choice"

Kate laughed and nodded slightly at Yuri, who stepped out and showed her motivation for Sora's rescue. I guess I can't help but worry. Kite went through it more than once. I have no choice. but if there is something about her in a hurry with the boulder, then you won't be able to repent if Sora's side repents. Therefore, Kate sends her gaze to Meizu to sit her down.

"Don't you dare, calm down. It's six months from now. As I said earlier, the opponent is the Duchy of Miniera...... like the Marisian kingdom in the meantime, it is not like some nobleman is doing wrong. A genuine state is the opponent. I'm not a good opponent for fighting properly."

Once again, Kate articulates the execution of Sora's rescue operation. He will never move about this, and the emperor Leonhardt is going to decide to stop it. Regardless, he has already put an end to his rooting against the Emperor Leonhardt on this. There is no problem.

"You'd really be dealing with a country."

"I can do it. Of course... I plan on doing the worst."

"Plan C, on the contrary, is the last resort of Plan Z."

Having laughed at the instant words, Kate makes it clear once again that she will not abandon Sola, and Yuri laughs at the words and agrees. I said I plan to do it alone, but it's kite there. It is the McDawell family, led by him, and the Crowned Troops (No-Orders), who go in on their own in such cases.

Especially not the latter. They'll be happy to join the fight. This is the true masterpiece of Uncrowned Troops. At the time of Kate's arrival on her own, there was no such thing as a big problem.

"Well... actually, Al and Rufaus are away for a while because of that."

"Were you?

Yuri opened his eyes to Kate's words. Truth is, these two have been away frequently from the Adventure Department for about a week now. It was all for Sola's rescue mission.


Kite nodded at Yuri's inquiry, once again regaining her mind. That's how he decided to come together and tell the truth about this operation and this case.

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