Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1640: Inherited and Intended - Immigration -

Sola and the others have been sent to forced labor facilities for approximately 40 months due to a plot by the Duchy of Miniera. Though in the care of a fallen bronzite, Sola and the others were desperate to prepare for their escape.

By that time, outside, Kite had already served in the Duchy of Miniera. That said, I don't want to be suspicious of the Duchy of Miniera yet. Therefore, he decided to follow in his footsteps in order to find his missing companion and stood down at Lotsu.


It was a kite who entered the Duchy of Miniera, but in its hands was a small box received from Bronzite. and the moment I accompany him to that immigration like that asks.

This time, only the two of us and Yuri came as an advance party. As for the other faces, Tina and Sakura led the main unit were to come later.

"Kite. I've seen that a lot here for a while, but what the hell is that?

"This...? This is... right. The life line of Sola."

In response to the instant inquiry, Kate tells him so while holding the little box dear.

"Something like that?

"Oh... well, you can hear more from Sora not far away. In the meantime, don't fail to be vigilant, seniors."

"Oh, I know"

To Kate's instructions, the moment holds his fist firmly. Already he too the Duchy of Miniera has been informed of the potential of the enemy. This place was also equal to the enemy land.

"So where are we going first?

"We'll start with a city called Bayer, which is south of here. This is the city where Sola disappeared."

"Ok...... how do we get there?

Look, the search for the missing is still a task I've never done in a moment. And they're all small countries. I can't behave in a way that's far-fetched. I had therefore decided to follow all of Kite's instructions. Thus, in such an inquiry, Kate pointed to the south.

"That mountain, you see it?

"Oh... that high mountain?

"Beyond that we head to Bayer all at once"

"All at once?"


In an instant inquiry, Kate nodded one thing. What he now pointed at was the mountain that Bronzite said was dangerous. Kate was going to go over it all at once.

"It's a pretty difficult mountain..."

"Are you all right?

"For what, you think it's just seniors?

"I mean, is that all"


Apparently, he understood the difficulty of crossing this mountain in an instant when he said that he was the only one who had a confession. And at those two places, Yuri returns.

"Kaito, I've heard from the inn. I got it."

"Well...... let's head there for now"

"Inn? Aren't you leaving today?

"I'm leaving... but I have to do something before I do."

Kite nodded at the surprised instant inquiry as she followed Yuri's guide. I walked out behind it again for a moment. And on that road. Kate whispered instantly.

"Seniors... Basically, the whole city, Yuri develops a line for disguise. Be careful if you get out of there."

"What do you mean?

"They're watching... you're so smart. It's an intelligence unit of the Duchy of Miniera."

Kate does not move her gaze and tells her instantly. And when I read the signs of switching to battle-oriented thinking for a few moments, I did feel a slight but gaze.

"... you're obviously looking at us"

"Oh... Apparently, he's pretty alert to us. Well, of course."

For the Principality of Miniera, the Hui Iron Mine is one of the major industries. The compulsory labor facility where Sola and the others are housed is arguably the most important of its major production areas.

From the other side, Kite and the others are trying to find it. Plus, he's one or rank A adventurers, and the Empire is promoting him with a ringtone. It was like I was on maximum alert from the start.

"Spread it? Or crush it?

"Spread... but for this reason it is necessary to follow the route through Sola and the others once."


One moment nods to Kite's instructions. This place is equal to the enemy land. I wasn't likely to be caught off guard. That's how the three headed first in the inn run by Calcos.

"Welcome. The three of you?

"Yep...... sorry. As a matter of fact, I am an adventurer known to Lord Bronzite, and this is who I am."

"Ha... are you the guild master"

The innkeeper's reception tilts his neck in the sign of the adventurer's registration card and guild master, which was abruptly served. Well, naturally. Even a day's worth of adventurers coming here is not enough with their fingers on both hands. I couldn't remember.

"Can I see the manager, Mr. Calcos? As you can see, Lord Bronzite and the Guildmaster of Sola Tenjo's guild have visited us for an emergency."

"Ha... I did. Let me take a moment to confirm."

In the meantime, Kate doesn't look like she's lying, and she doesn't seem like a crook. What's more, he knew the name of the bronzite on the boulder. Therefore, the receptionist seems to have decided to return to Calcos as well. So for a while. The receptionist spoke to Kite.

"Dear Kate Heavenly Sound, Here you go. The manager is going to see you. I'll show you."

"Thank you"

Apparently, following behind the concierge that will guide us, the three of them are put through to the manager's office. In the manager's office where we got there, Calcos was sitting in the chair.

"Here you go. I'm Calcos, general manager."

"It's Kite Heavenly Sound. These two, like Sola, are members of my guild."

"Nice to meet you...... oh, thank you for guiding me. You can go back."

Kalkos, who shook hands with Kite, bows his head to Kite's early introduction. That's how, after the concierge who guided me left. Kate bowed her head first.

"Thank you for your time while you are busy"

"No... so I know Mr. Bronzite."

"Yes... Before I do, I'd like to ask you something."

"What is it?"

Sitting down and cutting out early to Kite, Carcos grasps that this is a rather hasty project. But he was also told by the boulder that the words of this next kite would be heavenly.

"You two...... are trustworthy people?

"What is it, from a stick to a stick..."

"If you're offended, I'm sorry. But it's important."

"... of course. These two are the oldest ginseng since I ran this inn. For these two, I can give my life."

With Kate's serious eyes, Calcos also apparently grasped that he wasn't joking. After a while of thought, I clearly undertook to do so with any unmistakable eyes. Taking it, Kate bowed her head deeply.

"Really...... ok. Thank you."

"That's all they say. I see how much has happened."

"Yes... please don't ever say anything you're about to say."

Kate lost track of Sola and the others to Calcos, who corrected the collar. From the information of the informant, it will be communicated that the Principality of Miniera is probably involved in its disappearance, etc. After hearing that, Calcos was very eye-opening and revealing his surprise.

"No way... Lord Bronzite? Is that true?

"Yes... so you talked a little bit. Does that mean that Sora is temporarily an apprentice?

"Yep... for two months, I've been allowed to apprentice from him"

"Was it... then, the story is quick. He was originally scheduled to take a flight to the Empire in the capital, Miniera. It is hard to imagine that he will go south of the capital with Lord Bronzite, knowing nothing about it."

"I see... you told me that Lord Bronzite would also break up with Sola in Miniera..."

In retrospect, it is indeed suspicious. Calcos remembers the time, too, and roars one. That's what Kate told him.

"... This is an earlier story. As we stepped down to Lotsu, we were immediately tailed. Perhaps the Principality of Miniera is also aware of the capture of Lord Bronzite."


Calcos also moved his gaze slightly to the gaze that Kate moved slightly. Then there was something slightly glowing there. There were people peering into the room using mirrors.

From the power of Kate, you must have decided that witchcraft was dangerous. They were going to do physical surveillance. That's how he immediately regains his gaze when he understands that what Kate is saying is true.

"From there, they've probably washed out their tracks. For them, the mining site is the most important facility. I don't think we'll allow the information to be exposed."

"... I mean, when we're targeted, too"

"... Yes. Not far away, they kill bronzites and pass the unknown."

Kite also acknowledges the slightly blue-faced words of Calcos and tells him further ahead. I saw this as definitive. I would still be worried about it now, but that would also be in the next few days.

For them, the mining grounds of the Hui Iron Mine are such an important facility. Now I'm just washing away my footprints, and as soon as that's over, judgment will be made. That was Kite's reading.

"In doing so, perhaps you will also try to seal your mouth. I've come to inform you of the crisis."

"Was it...... thank you. So... is there any way?

"Just one. Over the next six months, guarding should be more stringent than usual. I will not ask you to do anything. However, I am here to inform you of the danger on behalf of Lord Bronzite."

"Okay. I need someone I can trust to protect me in secret."

Apparently, Calcos decided to follow Kate's advice honestly. Well, this doesn't make sense not to obey. If you don't obey, you'll just end up in a conspiracy and die.

"Please do so. Lord Bronzite has been captured, and a month is already about to pass. It's about him. I don't think he's been captured long enough. This case will probably be settled in the last six months. But if there's any kind of article in the newspaper, be on your guard for a week."


Calcos nodded again to Kate's further advice. That's how Calcos asks Kite, who bowed her head and tried to quit the spot in a hurry.

"With that said, Mr. Heavenly Sound"

"What is it?

"Do you know where that mining site is?

"... I'm going to follow Bronzite's footsteps now. Do you know anything about it?

Kate shakes her head at Calcos' inquiry. Regardless, this is a lie. but it's not a complete lie. It is a fact to follow in the footsteps. There's no way an informer guild hasn't grabbed that huge mining site. I just can't get my hands on the detour because of the dark side of the country.

but there's nothing we can do to rescue Sola and the others without a fight. Therefore, Kate had asked the main unit led by Tina to plan an assault operation, which was also well prepared.

"No… I have heard only rumors, too. but we only know that it's somewhere in this northern mountain range. Whatever you think about it, you can tell..."

"No, I can still squeeze it in half, thank you. Now if you'll excuse me."

"No... good luck"

Calcos also bows his head again against the bowed kite. In that way, the three will follow the inn of Calcos.

"Well... you're in trouble from here"

"You want to go?

"No, not yet all at once. Senior, what's the spell you got from Charming?

"Oh... well prepared"

To Kite's inquiry, the moment grips the curse he had without letting go of his skin. This is something with the power to create a transformation, made by Charming in preparation for this operation. Performance was several steps above that of mass produced products. Unless you get so close, I can handle it for a while.

"Good...... put that in the nearest dragon car now. By the time they find out, we'll be in the mountains."


"Yuri...... please fake it"


Yuri nodded instantly at Kate's instructions. From here on out, it's covert. We needed to hurry, but we didn't want to rush and hit badly. The three of them secretly followed the city of Lotto when they saw a tail ride into the dragon car.

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