Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Title 1691: Luxerion - The Sixth Golem

Kite was coming to the Luxerion Church to investigate the central laboratories of the Mars Empire era. He was supposed to enter the deepest part of the Central Laboratory using the firefly authentication code, which was in the form of a joint capture with the Patriarchate.

That's how he got into the deepest part of the building, where the security system was activated and he was to be flown to the laboratory, which was underground at the Central Laboratory with Rufaus and Firefly. Welcomed them like that were a group of golems encountered in the basement of a research facility that once captured fireflies and a sixth aircraft that became a sister aircraft for fireflies.


Shortly after the start of the fighting. Kate jumped off the scene in a great panic to a group of golems that unfolded left and right as they emerged from the tip of the open wall and fired a demon gun in a row.

The golems are with the machine. The aim is unparalleled. If I had stopped, it would have just been an immediate sniper. And, at the same time as he jumped away, he raved his voice toward Rufaus, who was stepping on the spot and showing his defensive stance.

"Rufaus! Don't stop! I told you before! Don't keep these guys with the coarse golem! Charge to get a Battleship Main Gun Class blow!


At the end of Kite's gaze was a prototype of the Great Sword Demon Gun used by Mizuki. The power at that 100% was tremendous, and even in modern times it had the power of the Battleship's main gun class. If you eat this many times, there is no roofaus or clump on the boulder.

"Speaking of which, were you talking about getting it at the ruins of the Mars Empire!

I forgot. Remembering what was once explained in the Adventure Department to Kate's arousal, Rufaus rushes to kick the ground and push to the enemy line. He has also seen the full range of Mizuki's artillery fire. If it was comparable to that one, I could understand that I couldn't take it so many times myself.

"Ha, ha, ha!

The Golems have a demon gun. Distance is enemy mound. And unlike Al, who has the flexibility of thinking, the serious Rufaus has no hand. If so, we just have to get close and make sure they don't fire a blow of heavy fire.

"Don't do it... dude! Run, run!"

Rufaus rushed through, while Kite ran the ceiling backwards from the ceiling to dodge the demon bullet, throwing a weapon knitted with his own magic to destroy the power furnace accurately. Anselm asks me not to destroy the golem as much as possible.

Then we just go in that direction. That's how Kate and Rufaus continue to fight the mass-produced golem, while Firefly was relative to his own sister aircraft, so to speak.



Flight Six is not particularly self-conscious of self-conscious fireflies. Aircraft Six tells nothing against fireflies who can therefore be said to have turned around. For once, they have a voice function because it's necessary for military action, but I guess it doesn't make sense to persuade them. Above all, I don't feel any need to convince the golem opponent.

(Spec display… machine number six)

If you know your enemies and you know yourself, you won't have a hundred fights. Fireflies deploy information on aircraft six behind their own brains before entering the battle. The basic performance is still better with fireflies. but so fireflies are by no means stronger, or so it is. There have been several changes between aircraft six and seven.

(Unit 6...... Magic mounted unit 1. body specs on the spec sheet are no big difference)

Firefly said that the refinement and aggregation of golem technology at the time for the most to third planes. Two planes, four and five, accumulate the skill of melee combat. They say that planes six and seven, or fireflies, accumulate combat technology with magic in addition to Golem combat technology refined by planes five.

Of these, Unit Six implements the magic that it deems necessary on a trial basis, and based on the results, Firefly implements the technology deemed necessary. Fireflies therefore bear this in mind as an element of uncertainty.

(Confirmation of uncertain elements… It is possible that Unit 6 is equipped with functions not installed on the machine, large. Dealing with… possible)

fireflies in view of the uncertain elements, but I presume it is possible to deal with them. Therefore, she decided that her chances of winning were high and decided to enter into combat action.

(Armed Choice... Select Double Sword)

If you are skilled in melee combat, there is no big difference between fireflies and aircraft number six. Regardless, fireflies have more combat experience than aircraft number six. Nevertheless, I am certain that I cannot be alarmed. Therefore she manifests her double-sword in order to go strong. That's how he stormed into aircraft six like he was slipping on the ground.


Flight six also silently sets up a double sword on a firefly that comes in a straight line to itself with two swords in one hand. Fireflies can fight number six. And against self-conscious fireflies, aircraft six is not self-conscious. So she just mechanically chooses a double sword.



Two golem girls clash their double swords silently. Despite the collision between the golem and the golem, its speed exceeds that of a skilled adventurer. Thus, the sound of the sword trident rang innumerably. In the middle of it. Fireflies cross their swords, exploring their next hand.

(Proximity technology of machine number six… not much different from the machine. judged inevitable)

Both Firefly and Six are mounted on the basis of the accumulated combat technology of Five. There is no difference there. Therefore, it is determined that there is no advantage or disadvantage in melee combat, and the firefly immediately takes a distance in the backstep. Then, as he threw his double-sword into a different space, he took out Tina's double-gun and pointed the gun at aircraft number six.


It was the sixth aircraft to see an unknown weapon, but that is why it produces a lag of thought only for a moment. Essentially, aircraft number six fights in the fight against fireflies, which become aircraft number seven, based on information from the past.

So if you see an unknown uniform, you have to figure out how best to do it. Nevertheless, in contrast, aircraft number six also immediately stores double guns in different spaces. I took out my double gun as well.



Almost at the same time, Firefly and Unit Six pull the trigger. This superiority and inferiority, but this will be the victory of Tina's demon gun with fireflies. That's how the Firefly Demon Bullet pierces the Demon Bullet of Unit Six, and takes it and dodges it on the left hand side so that Unit Six slips as well. In contrast, fireflies also carried out double-gun indiscriminate fire while moving in the same direction.



Now that we know that the random firing of double guns is unfavourable, aircraft number six holds double guns. Expand the sorcery described in your own memory area.

(Available Sorcery for Unit Six...... Listing complete. Start measuring power consumption, etc.)

You can't prevent the magic of aircraft number six with a double gun. So when the fireflies also store the double guns, this one starts analyzing the machine number six. Hit the witchcraft, and if there is a major destruction caused by interference, this underground laboratory could blow up if you do poorly.

Fireflies had chosen to be de-cursed (dispelled) or defensive in view of the output of their own small demon conductor and the small demon conductor of Unit Six. If it's current specs, Tina's hands are on top of her, and she's even self-conscious. I had decided it was possible enough.

(End of measurement. Sorcery used...... advanced median degree and guess)

Based on the amount of magic emitted from the small demon conductor built into Unit 6, the firefly determines whether it can be sufficiently de-cursed (dispelled) or defended. So, right after that. A giant pure white arrow appeared just before aircraft number six. Seeing that, Firefly began analyzing the magic all at once.

(Analysis… None in the information. Unknown magic and judgment mounted by the developers. Inadvertent curse (dispel) dismissed)

Fireflies that have begun to analyze magic, but immediately grasp that they are not in existing information. Here, we can say the difference between aircraft six and seven. Essentially, fireflies are more assembled in high performance, but in fact, aircraft number six was operated because it was aircraft number six.

It was a firefly combat test that assumed fighting an opponent with unknown combat power. At that time, aircraft number six was equipped with combat technology that was not in the possession of its fireflies.

Nevertheless, Firefly's battle test was already over. If so, this is probably the magic used in the development of Aqua and Scarlet, which will be the successors. I don't know a firefly that was already undergoing modification as a household golem at the time. But I can't help it.

"Shield Expansion"

Fireflies who realize that the curse (dispel) cannot be lifted, put their hands forward and unfold the barrier. Plus, a pure white arrow released by aircraft six collides. And right after that. Behind her, aircraft six turned around.


Metastasis. Grasping that, Firefly understood that the current attack was a They are golems. There is no slight lag of flesh and barrier metastases that occurs during metastases. Therefore, the disadvantage of metastasis cannot be a disadvantage for them.

(Are you going to use unknown witchcraft as a guide to defense and pierce the core with metastasis)

When Firefly reads the behavior of aircraft six immediately, he immediately discusses the next hand. So what she derived was that she also exercised metastases.

Nevertheless, it does not go around behind aircraft number six. It has been played many times in mock warfare against aircraft number six, and she herself knows that it will not work in this situation. Therefore, this is a transfer for repartitioning.


With the metastasis, we distance ourselves from aircraft six, and the fireflies develop magic of various attributes so as to be restrained. The behavior is something she has repeated many times before. Because I was doing that, I guess. There was a slight grin on the firefly's face.


I miss it. This underground laboratory was a place with no special memories, but there were still a number of things to remember. Fireflies thought so.

Regardless, she didn't have a bud of self-consciousness then, she was just spending time as a golem. The self that resides in her today was only born on a principle similar to that of the mourning god. but still the fact that I spent doesn't go away. So a little nostalgia came away.


A firefly with a slight nostalgia has come, but the hand of battle is not loose. On the contrary, if the restoration of past records is achieved, the movement will become even more sophisticated. Therefore, she hides the magic of all kinds of attributes and packs the distance at once with < >. There was a small machete and a demon gun in his hand.


Machine six begins to think slightly about its own fleshy fireflies. This firefly fighting style was not mounted by the developers of the Mars Empire. It's time to serve Kite, a combat technique she herself knitted. It is therefore an unknown attack on aircraft six. It was necessary to derive an optimal solution.

(In this case, the hand chosen by aircraft number six is…)

In response to the sixth aircraft, which repeated a moment of reflection and countermeasures, Firefly further considered her best hand in dealing with it herself. I will come up with ideas on what to do if it comes.

A battle that was repeated seven hundred years ago, the same as it once was. What has changed is our mutual position. Besides, the fireflies were finally grinning enough to tell clearly on aircraft number six.


Opposite the firefly attacked with a small right hand knife, aircraft six is equipped with a shield and sword. So, one or the Devil's Gun and the little Tail Knife. Melee battles began with a combination of one-handed swords and shields. And in it. Machine number six, which had never opened its mouth before, opened its mouth.

"Zero Nana"

"... what is it, zero lok"

Mechanical. The voice of Unit Six was so mechanical that Firefly, who was so obsessed with what was a golem, thought so. So much so that fireflies themselves would have had to recognize themselves at the time when they had not yet been recognized.

"... what's the reason for that laugh?


Fireflies finally realized they were laughing at the inquiry of aircraft number six. That's why there's a surprise in her face.


The fireflies get slightly confused by what they are laughing at as they cross the sword trident with the bullet and the magic.

"Didn't you notice?

"... I affirm"

"… you are still judged to be taken over"

In a few moments, aircraft number six concludes so. Besides, fireflies were hard to deny. She herself recognizes that her core now is the self that dwells in the Demon Stone. If I may say so, this demonic stone is manipulating the prototype seven of the greatest masterpiece of the Mars Empire. So she is silent.


What should we do? Once you recognise yourself again, that's where troubles and strays arise. Until now, for her, Aircraft Six recognized her as merely an enemy.

I therefore thought I wouldn't particularly care if I destroyed it, and I shouldn't have. but I realized that I had gained a slight sense of brotherhood. A colleague, I guess. She noticed a slight attachment to Unit Six.

(If I destroy aircraft number six here......)

What will happen? Fireflies think about it. Well, I don't even need to think about this. Machine number six is one of the greatest masterpieces of the Mars Empire. Specs drop more than fireflies, but still must be a masterpiece.

(to be dismantled...?

I thought about it, so what is it? Fireflies think so. Aircraft number six is just a golem, just an enemy. The command from the Lord is the destruction of the enemy. It's hard to get out of here unless you take down aircraft six. We have to do something. and kite smiles slightly at the fireflies showing such concern.

(Troubled. Much troubled)

Good sign. That's what Kate thought about fireflies. Once he told Firefly to be a thinker of his own will. This is one of them. Troubleshooting, suffering, and giving answers is good. That's what I thought. Thus, as he watched, the fireflies continued their battle troubled.

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