Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1748: The Land of Luxerion - The Beginning of the Battle

The Luxerian nation had two, three and various places where there were leaps in line with each thought. In it, Kate and Laurent's two leaps will mark a paragraph. That, on the other hand. One party of clowns and kusoos, who were connected with Pope Yunal and were making a leap, said that this one was also ending the leap at the same time.

"Well... clown. What's your situation over there?

That was just when Sonya was talking to Shayla. Kusu had gathered them all together and had asked the clown what was going on.

"Yes. As it stands...... yes. Mr. Koshin is carrying out the operation smoothly. Chiyoko is also on a mission."

"Hey there Chiyo..."

What happened? And who is that thousand women? Kusu thought about it, the day before he came to Luxerion. Reminds me of just before we split up into two groups.

'... Ladies and gentlemen. I'm sorry I showed up the other day. "

'... uh... is it okay if I talk to you?

"Yes, Lord Kusu."

That's normal. Answered with a soft smile, Kusu claps slightly. At that time, it was poisoned and responded to, but the poison suddenly came out. In a way, it was like eating a shoulder watermark.

"... Yoshino. What the hell did you blow in?

"Nothing. I just told you there is, but I'm still telling you. '


Though I was surprised by the transition so far, if we were to account for it as a force or a force of war, there is only one word to be thanked for the stability of the thousand generations. If so, you should accept this.

Kusu, who decided that, should not put out a snake with a knife on it, cut off the story here. Above all, it was also before the operation. If it was stable, the uncertainty was where we wanted to eliminate even one element.

"Rest assured. I don't know what she blew in either... but at least the diagnosis of the scientists is steady. Nothing will happen now."

"... right. I hope so."

If there is no obstacle to the operation in the raven or in the corner, it is fine as Kusu. So he cuts up this conversation and concentrates on the operation in front of him. So one of him spoke to the bus that attends the meeting on a telecom plane this time because sniping at a distance is the main thing.

"Well... Ba. I need your help this time."

'Yes, this one is already ready'

"Good...... well. So, this time my son who became a guest participant"

"... is"

Soto bows his head to Kusu's inquiry. This time, he's not officially in. He is only participating in this operation because of his purpose. Nevertheless, because Kusu also planned the operation with that in mind, he made it clear that he would follow the instructions if his own objectives were to be achieved.

"You go inside the lab, as the operation suggests. And then I'll give you instructions over here."

"... never mind"

"Oh...... so, brother"


To Kusu's words, Yuen Next just prompts ahead of those words silently as ever. Kusu was aware that there was a slight excitement in him at all times.

"You, too. Keep up the good work. Even so, you're just going to get busted. Preaching to Buddha is a weirder word than being dead once... don't die, okay?

"I understand the commission. Besides, I don't think I can get there for this one time. I'm not even going to die here more than I need a second time."

"Ha ha. It's as serious as ever... and the monks... are as silent as ever."


Source: The monk and soldier who received the inquiry next, but the ai remains silent. No one knew what they were thinking, but at least they followed Kusu's instructions. So he won't even have to push anything, Kusu ends the instructions.

"If you'll follow my instructions, that's fine... and then I'm a clown..."

"I'll let you move as I please. Well, don't worry, I'll keep you out of Soku's way."

He is the last clown to be questioned, but this one is not Kusu's subordinate in the first place. So I'm going to move as I please - even though it's in line with his thoughts - but it was. After checking everyone's movements that way, Kusu told them.

"Well, at the same time that you're starting to act over there, we're starting to act over here. We need to pull back before the Ma'am 's proud crowd moves."

After stating the start of the operation at all times, Kusu decided to take a short break from the decision and wait for the time to come. In doing so, I decided to take my time with the others for a while now.

Well, when Kusu and the others were starting to count their fingers until the start of the operation. When it came to kite, he was now showing movement as a kite in the adventure department. To be precise, he went to Sonya first thing in the morning to talk about his departure, and then switched to the Adventure Department user demon a little later.


Now I wonder if we can move on without rotting. With that in mind, Kate exhales slightly.

"Nothing so far for now... what do we do now?

"I don't care. I'll just wait."

Tell Yuri's inquiry that Kate understands too much. I don't care what I say I do now. All that remains is to beat the coming enemy.

"So, kite. I want to ask you one thing..."


"In the end, what are we going to do with number six?

Yuri asks Kite, who tilted her little neck. Number six, needless to say, is a firefly sister plane. With regard to the core unit of machine number six, it can be recovered, and blueprints and the like can be managed without going far. But this is not the key part of the will. Where it was recovered, it only makes the fireflies self-satisfied.

"I don't know... what to do"

"In the end, you make them all decide?


What's the matter? Kate smiles a little, thinking about the treatment of aircraft six.

"In the end, the destination is called a firefly chest three inches... for one thing, you won't be able to decide now. I don't know if I can do anything right now... or if I have to decide right now."

Whatever you do, this is the Patriarchate. It's not a place you can do whatever you want, and Tina doesn't have enough material or equipment. I bring maintenance pods for adjusting fireflies, but only maintenance pods. Precision inspection can be done, but not for adjustment.

In addition, even if we repair Unit Six, we may reverse engineer with a variety of current technologies. Thinking about it, it was just a question of what would happen where I just decided.

"Well, and. I'll leave you to it."


"I don't know what to say... but you're more used to it there, aren't you?

"Well, yeah, I guess so."

Though often forgotten, Yuri is a teacher. Besides, he is a veteran who has been a teacher for decades. Fireflies, by contrast, are no different than children with slightly faster head rotation. For the two of us who were discerning there, nothing was surprising about this proposal.

"In the meantime, I already have a budget for plane six. And then there's the anticipation of a lot of opportunities. Tina would be developing a lot of things."

"Are we going to have another < > or something?

"I don't know that there. I don't care what you do with the Stone."

Look, it's up to her to figure out how Tina's going to fix number six. but I've been searching around a lot to get the gods to hit the handouts as well and get some old demon stones. It will only be certain to use it.

"Ma... you just have to decide slowly, including there. It's hard for a kid under one to come to such an easy conclusion. Trying to stand at the end of a time of perpetual robbery, like me, suffers, worries, mistakes, and strays. Get lost, get lost, and decide."

Kate remembered her other self and smiled just a little. This is what he always says. And that's what Yuri told him.

"Kite, I like that."

"Hahaha...... oh, I love it. Trouble, suffering, crying, and laughing...... its more like a person than anything else. I love people."

Live a time equal to eternal robbery, and continue to see from the bottom of mankind a time equal to eternal robbery. It was because of such a kite that I thought mankind was above all to love.

"Amongst other things, I especially like those who have love the most. I think from the bottom of my heart that those who love insanely are truly beautiful. Only love can drive the world crazy. I truly believe that love is the most powerful thing."

"Ha... that's because you really shouldn't show it anywhere else, right?

"I know."

I still wonder how crazy Kate is again no matter how much she says it. He had a slightly intoxicated seeping face that was floating in conversation with Kanata. And Yuri knew it was him.

"Yeah, I know... but I still love you guys"

"Ugh... don't hug me all of a sudden"


Kite laughs with pleasure as she secretly holds Yuri in her spare time for the good. They wanted to be with themselves because of love, and they lived an infinite time together.

And as a result, the distorted gathered together to reach the end of Harlem. They still don't know if this is the right end or the wrong end. Naturally. It's only been a little while since anything started. From their time, it's only to the extent that they've still opened their eyelids.

"Well... even so"


"I don't know how long I'm gonna keep you waiting..."

A struggle rises from Kate's body. Slightly, but he was in a hurry. I think I'm coming, and I'm in perfect physical condition and strength. Yet the invitation from the "Waiter" does not come. I'm also in a hurry.

"There are only a few days left... even if you don't know that"

"You want to set me up while Kate's here?

"Right. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother sending you this stuff."


Look at Kate's letter presented, and Yuri tilts her neck. Besides, kite had a fierce grin.

He arrived at my inn as an adventurer.

"On purpose in the mail?

"No? You were delivered yourself."

"? What do you mean?

Seeing the grin on Kate's face, Yuri realizes there is something too. but I don't know the details.

"The sender is Lord Sokku. Just now. They left this while I was gone for a little while. You know what I mean? They're already here."

Kate recalls again in a letter from Soto. To sum up, it was written there in a fearful manner that he did not want to see the phase far away.

"I didn't know anything. This is me... this legendary brave man. The opponent is the legendary Kensei. He is a great man with thoughtless thoughts... if he does poorly, the level of practice of the new Yin Liu far exceeds that of the ancient Stone Boat Sai Temple"

Just as Kite is the front seat for Soku, so for Kite he is nothing but a litmus stone. That was supposed to happen. But I touched the litmus stone and found out. The litmus stone was a diamond. There was no way I could have broken it by being alert or watching how things were going. and there were absurd signs to echo his eagerness to do so.

"Kaito, you're here because you're saying that."

"Oh yeah...... everyone, don't panic! Seniors, take command of the combatants!


"Cherry blossoms are an evacuation guide for non-combatants!


It's too unusual to feel indoors. Kite's instructions fly within the lab, which becomes increasingly noisy about such a situation. That's how he skipped directions to the Adventure Department, and he instantly activated the comms.

"Mr. Ludwig. I'm Kite."

'Oh, it's you. You know what's going on?

"No, not from here on the boulder...... oh, wait a minute. Tina's guy activated the lab's sensors."

Kate receives a story from Tina presented in her reading and walks to her.

"... ok. We're detecting mighty distortions in space."

"What!? What!?

Apparently something happened over there, too. I heard Ludwig's anger. Besides, Kate tries and asks calmly.

"What's up?

'... more urgent and in touch with the Empire. The Imperial capital is under attack,' he said.


Is it coming? Kate couldn't help but hide her surprise at Kusu's movements since she came here. That's what Ludwig told him.

'Please calm down. First things first, don't clean this up... To...'

"What's wrong!?

'What, is that... Huh! All hands, Class I combat deployments! All fleets in Luxerio, on my emergency authority! Let the nearby fleet turn to the entire fleet! Do whatever it takes to stop that thing from coming out!

Apparently, something really nasty happened outside. Forget the transmission of the information to Kite, too, and Ludwig gives the instructions as soon as he arrows.


Apparently, the enemy has hit quite a few hands. Kate understands that. That's how he dumps the face of the previous fighter and moves out as him as his mentor.

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