Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1786: Fall Trip - Message -

The kites went to the depths of the mountain called Kucipos in search of the legacy of Justizia, who became Tina's mother and the first queen of the Empire. Such were they coming from Foothill Town to the hidden laboratory of the Entesia family after a few hours.

The laboratory thus reached was sealed by the power of Ixphos, but it will also be completely liberated by the power of Tina, who opened up the power of blood.

and emerged from that was a white cat-shaped user demon created by the legendary witch named Entesia, who became Tina's distant ancestor, and at the same time a user demon who continued to support the historical Entesian family. As such, they were to be guided into the laboratory by such a demon.

"For now... where are we headed?

"Yes, first of all, I would like to give your mother your inheritance to Master Justina."

"Well... where is that?

"At the deepest end of the laboratory, Master Justizia was left behind. First, come there. '

To Tina's inquiry, the leading white cat tells her. Inside the institute I saw that way, but the basic picture is that of the institute of the Mars Empire. but somehow I didn't get the impression that it was that old. I tried my hand on such an outer wall, and Yuri shrugged.

"... you're not very worn out. Hundreds of years ago, so I thought it was more worn out."

'Oh, is that it? Thanks to the help of Master Ikes, this laboratory was sealed away from the effects of space. To put it plainly, it was kept from weathering. "


To the words of the white cat, Yuri nodded. There was little weathering on this wall, and moss and spreading grass never grew on the outer wall. It's even as if someone was here a while ago. But I guess that means weathering was suppressed by the power to distort the dimensions of Ixphos.

"Speaking of which... Lord. You said the rest would be the Lord."

"Yes, at the behest of my predecessor, Lord Justizia, to serve you"

"I heard that. What time, how did you get a deal with the rest of us? I don't remember tying the rest."

Naturally, but it is Tina. I know all the demons of my own use, and I realize if an unknown layline exists. If it's deep inside itself, like the seal of Ixphos, it's still out there. but it is obvious that it was not there at the time of not realizing it. To this, the white cat laughed.

'I can't help not knowing. Until Master Justina arrived, I was in a sleep state... and most importantly, I signed a contract when you were still at the Imperial Castle. You won't even remember'

"Mm... not so long ago"

'Yes. In the meantime, Master Entesia's family is the first to sign with me at birth. But at that point, the majority of the previous generations of the current principals are still active. So my contract was an automatic inheritance mechanism when the replacement conditions were met, and the contract was inactivated'.

"I see. When that happens, did you get into the seal of the Great Mortal Father"


The white cat admitted Tina's guess and nodded clearly. He said he had a contract, and if it wasn't activated, he wouldn't even notice how much Tina was inside. Suppose it was in the seal. I guess that's the factor that I haven't noticed the White Cat contract before.

"Nevertheless, there is one thing I still cannot solve"

"What is it?"

"Why is there no connection between the rest of you and the Lord right now? If the contract had been activated, you would have noticed the rest at that point."

'Oh, was that it? I beg your pardon. As a matter of fact, the contract is still in an inert state.'


It is also understandable to Tina that the White Cat's words are indeed correct. Instead, I wouldn't be able to muscle through otherwise. That's why the laughing white cat revealed the details.

'Actually, I slept a little too much. This is an advantage and a drawback for me… magic accumulated even when I was dormant'

"I mean, now it's fully charged and?

"Yes, it's fully charged, so I had some extra power. This may be too strong for the opposite, so we are consuming you as a priority right now. '

"I see. Is it a good idea?"

Being able to move without the Lord is arguably the finest masterpiece when viewed as the performance of the demon. but on the contrary, in the case of this white cat, it's too masterpiece, and some magic has accumulated, I guess.

"How much does it take to get the rest of the contract back up and running?

'Oh, then nothing. I'll be fine now. It's just that if I'm too strong, it's okay.'

"Then I don't mind. Surely your lord is a masterpiece. If you still want to create a demon for the Lord's realm, you have to put your back on it."

Indeed, this white cat possesses a breaking performance as a user demon. Endurance that can move without problems even after thousands of years. Independence without the need for my husband's magic replenishment. Advanced intelligence. Powerful fighting power that comes from the combination of them.

Various other points point to the fact that this white cat is a broken demon. Compared to Tina's use demons, led by Ku et al., it's no worse than not winning. but still, this white cat is only a demon of use. It was never so strong as to be terribly strong. Weaker than Yuri, if we were to compare.

"But that is only the scope of the demon of use. It's not far from here."

'Hmm... I know that. You were much more combative than just a child. but that's just you. Those around us will be unbearable.'

"Well, that's not true. In that regard, these are reassuring... especially this one."

Tina laughed and undertook to the fear of a white cat of tremendous strength. That's how I see Kite in her gaze, the white cat too.

'Hmmm...... sure, how these people have the same strength as one another. But is that all?

"At a time when I don't know that, I'm representing the horror of this. The good handling of this magic pulls out the group. Lord, how much do you see the bottom of kite"


The white cat takes Tina's inquiry and looks closely at Kite. A demon as good as a white cat. Kate noticed at first glance that it was not normal. but still. The opponent is Kite. He is a man who is even said to be heavenly if it is the treatment of magic. It was not possible to identify the bottom firmly.

"Probably equal to Master Justina. Or a little more than that... is it '

"Damn... I guess so. Hmm. This is it. I'm far ahead of the rest. Perhaps if we really fight him now, we'll lose miserably."


I did spot this white cat, too, as much as Kate was hiding her strength. but still, he didn't assume or imagine that the bottom of kite was so much. For the first time this white cat, always graceful, floated a stunning colour. but kite flaunted her shoulders on this.

"I don't know about boulders right now. You're much stronger than you are now if you use the power of Ikes."

"Still, it doesn't extend to the Lord. When I woke up to the power of blood, I knew that the rest was deeper into the Lord's bottom."


Apparently, Tina woke up to blood so she could understand that she still couldn't see the bottom of Kate's strength. I was unequivocally so certain.

"I don't know. Don't let the mighty power swirl in your Lord. You can still twist it with that."

"I wish I could use it."

Yeah, if I could use it. I don't think Kate will ever be able to use this against Tina. What Tina spotted was the power of 'The Other Kite'. I guess Tina has come to realize his power, which is already awake. And, seeing the two of them like that, the white cat inquired with interest.

"Master Justina. How does it relate to this person?

"Mm-hmm? Oh, did I tell you that? This will be the rest of my fiancée."



Even the man I still liked, no, I guess that's why I was somewhat embarrassed to state it as my fiancée. Tina's cheeks were slightly red. but I could understand that the white cat was not joking about this, either, to look like that, and it was the truth. and walking a little while talking about various things. Together we reached the back room of the lab.

"Right here?

"Yes. Ahead, the legacy of Master Justitia"

To Tina's inquiry, the white cat nodded clearly. That's how the white cat opened the deepest door.

"This is..."

"It's a video recording device. Giustizia's legacy…"


A slight tension wraps Tina up. Until now, the legend has been heard, and my mother, who has never seen her, is there. It will too. Meanwhile, the white cat does not take into account Tina's mood as if it were such a thing, and walks to the object she said was a video recording device.

"Okay, I'll turn it on."

"Oh, hey!? Give me a little more thought."

Tina rushes to stop the white cat who started the video recording device instead of taking care of herself. but against her like that, the white cat laughed slightly and pressed any relentless start button.



What I saw was a woman who looked very much like Tina. The same blonde, blonde-eyed beauty she was until the other day. Speaking of just not, while Tina was blinded by the brightness of her father's concession, she had a color that could easily be seen as cold somewhere. Nevertheless, it was also now seeping into the softness that lurked the ringing and made me feel motherly somewhere.

"... watching this must mean that it happened the way I expected it to."

Slowly, Justitia opens her mouth. It would not have been my fault that there was a slight sadness on there. The words of my mother, who desires the peace of my son. There was definitely love there.

"I don't know what's happening to you right now. I haven't sunk in a long time. But your presence here means you need strength. The knowledge that our Entesian clan has accumulated over tens of millions of months."

It's sad. That's what Justitia's face says. but she was not lost in any way and told.

'If you need strength, take that cane. Those are the first sceptres that the Lord has had in the hands of our Entesian clan for generations. At the same time, it is also a master key that allows us to control all the facilities involved in Entesia. "

Speaking to Tina, Justizia points to a single wand behind the video recording device. It was a cane very similar to the one used by Tina, which showed as it were that this was the easiest form for the Entesian clan to use.

With that, everything in our facility is yours… use it and fight to protect your precious things again, as I did.

Justitia sends powerful words to her daughter, who can't see her face. That's how she told it all, and for the last time only, she changed her expression to something soft.

"My child. Sophie... I hope you're growing up to be a smart kid by that name. And if I may, meet a good man who looks like your father."

Bump. At the end of the day, Justizia, who sent her words as her mother, finishes the video with a little tea glare.

"Mother, why you?"

"Good. I know. Because I know, now let me immerse myself in sentiment for a while."

"Excuse me."

The White Cat apologizes to Tina for reading ahead of her own words. What the White Cat wanted to say was why Justitia didn't apologize.

And the answer is obvious. I'll tell you everything myself. So the only thing left here is the bare minimum. So the message was terribly simple and short. It was Tina's motherly extraction. That's how Tina stamped her mother's message firmly into her chest.

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