Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1811: The Fall Journey - The End of Virtue

"Leading Heavenly Horse (Angel Feather)" The Arvent kingdom moved to stab the nail at the Earl of Frussia, Kite, using the remnants of Operation Binding. Corona brought me here because it means I know their faces. He came to the kingdom of Arvent with Yuri, who was always with him, across the back of his former beloved horse, but what he saw when he arrived at the residence of the Earl of Frussia was the residence of the Earl of Frussia, vandalized by the adventurers of < >. Thus, Kite, who was reunited with Balflair, who was overseeing that group of adventurers, had been exchanging information for a little while.

"I see... so you'd be in trouble if you died too"


One balfleur nodded to confirm the kite. What was being told now is about Corona's mother. It was originally said that they were both < > associates of the heavenly adventurer Ventures High Row. So Balflair also knew about Corona's mother, and she had reason to participate in this intervention there.

"Descendants of a member of the < >" Ventures High Loo "... that's what happens when you live longer."

"What the... I think you probably know that too"

"Heh... who?

"Manya. Look, I hit you when you came..."

"Uh... that colorful guy. I didn't even notice because I didn't look alike."

Kite, who streams the corona, could not hide her surprise knowing that she was descended from a receptionist she knew herself. Nevertheless, such a turnaround makes him look serious.

"So... seriously, you didn't kill him, did you?

"He said I didn't kill him. I just bought a sold fight this time."

"Okay, then. Get out of the way, I'm coming to get you, and you're hurting me to the point where you're not gonna kill my scary sister, but I'm asking you to."

Anyway, as a kite, there's only one difference between me getting raped and worn out, or them getting raped and worn out. So he stood up without worrying.

"Well... it's in our name to be served any more by those two than we were threatened by our name before, even as we are. It's a hassle, but that's why."

"Well, I won't. Well... it's about time."

Listening to Bulflair's stupidity, Kate sees the Count Furus mansion regained some quiet. The gesture of the Count of Boulder was no match for the < >. I guess that's where most of the dead people are going to be, after all, the extraction of balflares. It seemed like it was moving after thinking about it.

"Oh, yeah. With that said, I let you two belong this way once and for all... are you okay there?

"Oh, you'll be fine at your place."

I usually wonder if Balflair cares about Kite's inquiry. Kite's command skills are all he knows. So I guess I don't have to worry about it.

"Oh well... here I come"

After exchanging information, I went into a conversation that almost didn't matter for a while. Where Kate tried to cut out another topic, one well-dressed middle-bodied man from the mansion was taken by a female adventurer.

"Is that it? I thought you were a little younger."

"But you're young. Three hundred years ago was just unusually young, around a little over forty."

"When that happens, is it about the first half of thirty?"

Well, is that supposed to be a reasonable scope? Again, if there's nothing left to do, I won't be young enough to carry on the trail. The same is true of the nobles, few of whom have remained in their lifelong status. I was young enough to see that I inherited the mark in the middle of the thirties.

"Master Balflair... are you a customer?

"Oh. Dachi is a coincidence...... there too"

"Corona? Why are you here?

He was a female adventurer who brought a man of good stature, but when he saw Corona, he opened his eyes.

"Dachi brought... So, Count Furth"

"Eh... Union master? You guys know what you did!? My name is Arvent, and the kingdom is Count Furth!

"Oh, that, of course. But, Count Furus..."

Balflair creates a slightly intimidating atmosphere against the angry Earl of Frussia. That's how he told me.

"This way, too. I'm doing a show-by by name. Don't give me that name. If you don't give me that name, I'm gonna get in trouble."

"What value would it be to be the name of a canine flair? That's not what I found out."

"Ha ha. You're the one who's doing it in a way that's good for the dog."

I'm going to teach you to mock Balfrère somewhere towards Count Furth, who threw up words that would fool us. And so he went on.

"If you think the army is coming, you hate it. That's not a problem either."

"Huh... what's the purpose"

They would flatly chase back the regular armies of the Arvent kingdom even when they came. Count Furth knew that Balfleur had come, and that < > had also brought in quite a few skilled men. Then I read it as unfavourable to show mischievous willingness to fight here.

"What... smash? You can't keep your mouth shut if our guild member kid gets his hands on you."


The Earl of Frussia is slightly drunk by Balflair, which seeps through a clear willingness to engage. To him like that, now Kite opened her mouth.

"Besides, you, aren't you talking about even reaching out to the young girls in your own territory? You've got to get to the outer roads."


Apparently, the Earl of Frussia also had the consciousness of being an outward worker. Against Kate's words, he rang his nose to the point of diverting his attention. It should be noted that he apparently thought of Kite as an executive of < >.

"Well, that doesn't mean I can be involved."

"Nothing you can say in the first place."



"Shit... did you avoid it? Well, that's a raven and a horn...... coincidentally the purpose is the same, finally. Why don't you ask her not to give a hand in the future?"

It was a kite who stuck his back fist in Balflair with his mouth pinched like a tear, but he turns his mind around and tells the truth. Besides, the Earl of Frussia finally noticed Corona.

"You are... Bubba!

"Dude... he's the orphan of a hero who died bending over and protecting his own people in his own territory, huh? Why are you so angry when you deserve it and get cut off... I don't know what's wrong with Themé."

Kicked Count Furus upside down with a willow brow when he saw Corona and stepped on his head, Kate tells him intimidating.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. For once, I had nothing to do with < >. Adventurer based in McDawell territory...... do you have a report in there? Kite Heavenly Sound. Japanese."

Hearing Kate's name, Count Furth opened his eyes wide. Apparently, he was getting a report.

"Hey, why are you here! How far do you think there is from here to Kucipos!

"Why... I thought I'd stop hitting you after I destroyed you over there."

"Or, Kamezu...?

Well, maybe it was natural. There were at least five adventurers of rank S in Edna's raid. That is the destruction of the house. There was no wonder Count Furth looked at Kite with his unexpectedly incredible eyes.

"Oh, by chance, there's a reaper coming from Laelia. Apparently, he heard about the Syndicate's Angel Feather capture."

"And Reaper...? Well, what if... that's all you said about crossing the continent...?

"Sounds like it, huh? There was something special about it, so I was a little happy to receive his feathers. So, finally, you put me on the" Angel Feather of Guidance "you tried to catch."


It doesn't mean Count Furth is bad for the boulder about this, and it's something even Kite couldn't have assumed. Even he was so wary that Syndicate no longer hired him.

So much bad luck - lucky for Kate - Count Furth had lost his word, too. Manipulate the syndicate behind him. He would be famous in the back society. He seemed to know about Grimm. That's why I spoke to Count Furth, where Kite lost her words and fell prey to the items.

"Ma, I feel sorry for you for the boulder. I didn't assume this pattern."


Count Furth, stunned by a situation that can only be said to have been abandoned by precisely heaven, did not seem to comfort Kate in any way.

"Give it up. Or... right. Dare I say heavenly punishment. Treat heroes and wise men generously. After all, you were doomed to be abandoned by heaven's luck. karma. It's one of those truths that the world never changes."

Once upon a time, Kite speaks to herself as a nobleman. Corona and Alven's parents, who say they died protecting one of the villages, are definitely good to say heroes. By the time I forgot to thank him and tried to get my hands on Corona, it was like his fate was running out. And that's what Corona asks him.

"Oh, uh... what do you do with that person?

"Uh... I don't know. In the meantime, I ended up bumping... and now I'm physically bumping..."


Under Kate's gaze, Balfleur tilts his neck. It's him, so you'll be able to make political decisions. So if I leave everything to him, he will extract Corona's body in a good way while also guaranteeing his safety.

"Well, you punished the boulder this time"


I laugh with a little fun at Count Furus, who is stunned by it all. It is also unusual that things have been so brilliantly abandoned to heaven. Anyway, I aimed at one girl, so Kite intervenes. Grimm shows up, and at the end of the day, it's Balflair.

This can't happen if you're not so unlucky. Perhaps it is good to say that today is the worst day of the last decade for the Earl of Frussia. So Balfrère told me that he no longer intended to pursue the boulder any further.

"Hey Countess... next time, don't think you have that neck"

"Is there a next before that?

"That could be too...... blah blah, I didn't think you guys were coming"

To Yuri's inquiry, Balflair laughs too. This time things will be covered up for once, but that's all that's happened so far. Perfect cover-up would be impossible. And Salia says it fits exactly into the mold. The fact that the Viktor Chamber of Commerce is behind them is self-evident from Balflair.

In view of them, the departure of the present Earl of Frussia was visible. If he loses his status as a nobleman, so does he as a nobleman. Then there was no point in taking it to life. It would be enough to just threaten him for once. Therefore, Balfrère, who later decided to leave the correspondence to the Viktor Chamber of Commerce and the Duke of Plata, turned to Corona.

"Yes... Corona"


"For once, me and this guy are a douchebag. I guarantee your safety... let me learn a lot."

"I know you... were you?

I had a thin idea at first, but Corona asks clearly. Besides, Kate clasped her shoulders and Balfleur nodded clearly.

"Well. If you root and do things, you drink too. We've been talking about this since the last intercontinental conference."

"There are other places I've met that crossed the ocean."

"That's not my fault."

Points his mouth as Balflair stumbled on the words of a retrospective kite. And that's how Salia probably arranged it during this whole thing when she waited a little while before an official from the Viktor Chamber of Commerce showed up and turned Count Furth over to them.

"Okay, sure"


"Yes... Dear Heavenly Sound. I have some news for you."

"... aye"

Kate looks at the headset type comms in her ear pointed at by the official and synchronizes her own comms to the Viktor Chamber of Commerce comms.

'Yes, darling. Maido.'

"Yes yes...... so?

'Yes, as you can imagine... we are here to discriminate against Lord Plata so that he will not be bothered. We'll take care of it later.'

Salia said it earlier, but neither does she want Lord Plata to be annoyed. but you really will have to listen to his differences and intentions more than Count Furth has to do with Lady Plata. Therefore, temporarily, the Viktor Chamber of Commerce deposited Count Furth's identity.

"Please, I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting for you."

"Ayyyy...... I feel like I'm just here to see someone else's fight appropriately"

Kate sighed as she watched the < > adventurers preparing to withdraw. I had no choice but to return what I had come to do, because I had nothing to do when they told me. and Balflair raises his hand to him like that.

"Kite, don't forget to root for me."

"Aye. I'll do some rooting over here, too."


After all, there is a Union plenary meeting in the immediate future. Kite is sure to participate in this, and if you think about the Union as a Balflair, then the Dark Continent investigation is a must. So I guess that's why we keep pushing. So after undertaking the rooting. Kate crossed Edna.

"Well... let's go home"

"After all, I don't know what you're doing here."

"Don't say it. Bone Loss Tired Money Making Money... Shit."

"Thank you for the inconvenience…"

Corona apologizes to both of us for what is already refreshing. So those three rode Edna again and returned to McDawell territory.

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