Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1880: Seeking Clues - Conference -

Kite was visiting La Elia to attend a general meeting at Union headquarters in western La Elia. He was supposed to visit La Elia to coincide with the general meeting, and stood down to the capital La Elia with Shana. So, a day. Once again, Kate was coming to a meeting with senior military officials, headed by Sharik, when he crushed a little time at Shanna's.

"Oh, have you come? Many will not need to speak again... but he is Heavenly Sound Kite. He was one of those who survived the disturbances in Nakatsu, making him a useful actor in the Laerian civil conflict ahead."

In response to Sharik's words introducing himself when entering the conference room, Kite bows her head one thing. Here we see several people who do not know who Kate is, headed by Grim - this time a mask - and here he was only a participant as one who knew the case of Nakatsu country.

"Well... now what's not coming later"

"It's just them"

"Them, huh? I hope you come..."

To the words of a senior military official, Sharik leads Kite to his seat and nods one thing. but the face had a bitter taste somewhere, a subtle expression. Besides, Kite understands that it's the alumina and the assassins who stay. And so opens his mouth to Juliette, who was sitting beside a strange, magnificent man at this meeting.

"... it doesn't seem necessary."


"Black Wu Calling for Death"

To Juliette's words, everyone looks out the window. There was the assassin's chief demon. Seeing that, someone accidentally rings his throat.

"You've come good... so good?

"It's better to look behind you and know."



Zokri. Sharik senses signs of death and inadvertently freezes his spine. He is also a fierce man comparable to Rank S if applied to adventurers with him. Yet they easily took my back. Besides, nobody - except Kite - noticed behind his back.

"Code name < >. I was invited by the descendants of the ancient kingdom and ascended. Long time no see, Sire Sharik."

"... you. I took care of the day. In the end, I couldn't thank you enough."

'I don't mind. We don't ask for thanks or money. I'm just trying to make my own right. "

Apparently, Sharik recognized that this was a greeting replacement. Slightly seeps relief into the familiar alumina voice. It should be noted that although it is the alumina on the other side, the only time she exposes her face is in front of Kite or the extremely limited face. In that sense, I can say that what Sola saw was a really rare experience. So she was now covering her face in black, a situation where she didn't know her face or her voice.

"So, I see. If you can help me, thank you. Your arm."

"... me, you know"

To Sharik's words, Almina only laughs a little bitterly. Naturally. She says hello if you say so. So the production was, and will be. That's how everyone visions death momentarily ahead.


There's something here. While everyone recognizes it, instincts shy away from making sure. Perhaps, if you look at it, you die. Don't notice. Everyone understood that instinct was about to sue.

In this way, in the same consciousness, a shadow appears that wraps around a flame as pale as a fire. The entity could not be grasped by anyone, as if the very concept of death had materialized.

"Descendants of the old king... have you called us?"


I didn't know it existed. Sharik unexpectedly loses sight of the words he returns to the arrival of a person he only hears in the Great Mortal Legend. A little bit like that. Sharik reconsiders and asks.

"... excuse me. but let me ask you something. Are you the head of the legendary assassins?

"Some call it that."

"Right. Thanks for coming."

'... there is no problem. You decided to do the right thing. [M] That's all. "

In response to Sharik's gratitude, the chiefs of the assassins seem to care nothing in particular. However, it was flushing as if it embodied. Thus, Sharik recommends a seat to the chief of such assassins.

"Thank you. Let me once again undertake this operation for the Laerian people."

"I Know"

Gashan. Make that noise and sit in the empty seat where the assassins' chief was beside Kate. Apparently, there is armor in the armor. To the chief of the assassins who thus sat down, Kate stretched out the demon thread and secretly spoke.

"Long time no see?

"Dark payer. Breath disaster, haven't you changed?

"Oh. There you are... How are you?"


To Kate's words, the chief of the assassin smiled slightly. While the meeting is ready, Kate decides to get a little excited about the conversation.

'So, you don't have to come all the way out here with that fully armed. It's just a meeting today, isn't it?

'Don't worry... I'm just saying this was just the right thing to do'


Wow. I have no idea. Kate is unintentionally stunned by the facts she has been told. That's how I tried the inside of the wax. Try to stretch the Demon Thread inside the pitch-black full plate armor hidden in the shade. Note that it is Kite who can try to stretch it. That's all there is to trust, let's just say.

"... I'm not serious..."

This is the only way to laugh. There is an entity here, and there are signs of it. And yet there's no one in there.

'Well, okay. Anyway, when it comes to a good story without you, it's a good one. So, why did you come all the way here?

'... you can tell that by listening'


Apparently, there's something going on. Kate shows her first satisfaction with the words of the chief assassins. As such, it seems that time has passed and the meeting has begun.

"… then < >. Report."


At the request of a senior military official, a magnificent man sitting next to Juliette rises. Seeing that face, Kate understood who he was.

(That's the < > modern era. Julius Genius? I see, you do look alike)

Similar. It was the Alliance Master of < > at the time that Kate knew. Previously, Levy told me he was over a hundred years old. Nevertheless, because of the various "improvements", there was no indication that he was still old, and somewhere he could see an even beauty like a sculpture. At the same time he got up like that, the projector came down and a single picture came up.

"Well... I know all the great ones know, but once again. This is the legacy of an old civilization recovered from an incident in McDawell territory earlier."

Apparently, in this case, there will be a discussion about the necklace found in that harvest festival case. Kate listens to Julius, and I think so. After that, an overview of the incident at the harvest festival will be given for a while, and the results of the analysis of this necklace will be given further.

but Daemon Kate was a story that Tina had heard, and she didn't even have to worry about it. And so he was just thoroughly listening, but he accidentally opened his eyes slightly at the end of the first visit by Julius.

"That's an overview of this necklace. Is this good?

"Oh... Your Majesty"

"Oh. Go on."

After receiving confirmation from one of the senior military officials, Sharik nodded one. That's how senior military officials rise up on behalf of Julius.

"Now… in the light of the above conclusions, the army and the Union of Adventurers will be at the centre and an investigation will be launched by Laeria and the countries concerned. As a result, we have found several sealing devices that we believe to be similar."


I see. Interesting. Kite is slightly frowned upon and roars one. At the suggestion of Tina, a search party was to be formed in La Elia. Otherwise, once collected as mere artifacts, a re-examination was carried out, which means that several items have already been found. In that way, a picture of the projector switches to the map in front of his eyes and the spot is picked up.

"… this is where this sealing device was found. The big bosses weren't interested in this from an academic standpoint, so there's nothing hidden about it."

"What's the relevance of the spot you found?

"None, I suppose. Whatever was found was almost exclusively ruins... but its relevance has not been confirmed so far."

Senior military officials nodded clearly in response to Kite's confirmation. Julius pinches his mouth on this.

"Everywhere is ruined. In other words, it must have been destroyed in battle. The underlying part of the city, saying there was something to aid the seal. I haven't figured that out yet... but I'm not even alive. Severe degradation, not yet confirmed."

"I see...... thank you. Sorry, I broke my hip."

"No... well, let's get back to it. So this found sealing device. Some of them turned out to be authentic with the help of < >."

Senior military officer, who shook his head at Kate's words, proceeds again. Apparently, that's why Julius, the Alliance Master of < >, and his daughter, Juliette, were in it. Nevertheless, if it was explained so far, I could understand what it was all about, whether it was Kite or not. That's how senior military officials keep saying things about him sideways like that.

"… and as a result of this discovery, we decided that we should conduct an internal investigation in our country."

"We all agree that the sealer should not be touched... rather than let us < > reach out to our protectors, who are foolish enough."

Julius sighed at the words of a high-ranking military official, as if he had been distraught somewhere. They are easily misguided, but not without sight though Mad Scientist.

Rather, approaching what they know to be dangerous to explore the physics of things is seen as foolishness. Therefore, for those of the old civilization who tried to manipulate the Guardian, which can be described as an irresistible marvel, there was a face that the thought circuit could not understand why such a thing was happening. Through such Julius' stupidity, Sharik tells.

"… decided that our country should be at the centre and attack one site so that we could conduct an internal investigation without having to rely on the Empire in the future. but the opponent is" Guardian. "I hear the Empire is headed by the sword princess Quon, and the fierce ones are at the center and the crusade is finally possible. Heavenly Sound. As far as you're concerned, how did you feel?

"... I saw the battle from afar then too... but that wasn't a half-breed battle. If you're going to challenge, you should definitely have one of the leading adventurers. Like being here this time."

Upon enquiry by a senior military official, Kite sees Juliette or Grimm once. In addition to this, it is not impossible to crusade the Guardian again if you add Soleil and others who came to Laelia with Kite. That was Kate's idea.

Above all, the chief assassins. If you don't know if it's him or her, it was Kate's feeling that he could destroy it alone. And I guess the same goes for the other side. The chief of the assassins who had been spying on Sharik's request opened his mouth.

"If you're going, let's help."

"... you came because of that?

'We do our righteous and believing paths. ruled that cooperation in this setting was necessary to eliminate the possibility that there was that in the lives of innocent people'

In Juliette's inquiry, the chief of the assassins nodded one. Apparently, I was hearing about this, but among the assassins came the chief of the assassins, who were also purely combative. So far, Kite was convinced. And so he offered again, too.

"If necessary, I'll accompany you"

"Thank you. Anyway, that's what I mean. Come to a conclusion now, not that. If there's anything else you think you need, listen to me."

Sharik, who thanked Kate for her acceptance, once again invited her opinion to join him. After that, there was discussion of what needed to be done when challenging.

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