Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1938: Union General Assembly - Behind the Conference -

Four important agendas at this year's General Assembly of the Union. All of that will come to an end when we manage to see some unity of opinion in a general meeting that spans two days.

That is how at the end of those two days Kate was again getting talks with Balfrère, but the day after dawn. Kate said the start time of the general meeting was close this day, but somehow she stayed at the hotel without heading to the general meeting venue.

"Senior, are you okay? Sometimes it's time to leave..."

"Oh, I don't have to leave in the morning anymore. Of course, it's not always this way..."

Kate laughs and makes it clear that there is no problem with the restless calendar. That's how he explained his reasons to the anxious calendar.

"Yesterday and yesterday important stories involving the whole Union were being discussed. It's a general meeting."

"Is it different from today?

"It has to be. When it comes to not being involved in the whole thing, it's a lie. but at the same time, two days of meetings from here basically involve all adventurers, because they don't. Neither do I. I'm not on the agenda."


Is that what it is? The calendar honestly accepts Kite's words. To her like that, Kate even talked about one thing.

"Haha. Don't you see... right. For example, what? The Enesian continent where we are now based. You have a mission to investigate the monuments that are happening there, don't you?

"Yes... you're the guy who's taken it so many times"

"Oh. It has been received so many times for us... by contrast, the Continental Conference of the Empire and hence the Enesian Continent has asked the Union to cooperate. This must be natural."

Emperor Leonhardt also mentioned earlier that one of the reasons why Kate came this time was to request the Union to cooperate in the investigation of the ruins associated with the resurrection of the Evil God. Kite came and spoke to Balflair early on about this, and he made it clear that he would put it on the agenda without having to be told.

"But... does this involve all adventurers?

"... you're not"

"That's right. It is in all likelihood limited to the Enesian continent that relations will emerge with regard to this Evil God Resurrection. Because it was the Enesian continent that the evil gods ravaged in the first place. Of course, some of the damage has been done to La Elia, and I don't think the traces have disappeared perfectly, so the La Elia adventurers will be on this agenda."

As a story in the first place, it is said that there is a close connection between the old civilization of Laeria and the collapse of the Lunarian civilization. So the influence of both civilizations is left over on both continents, and as a result an investigation of these two continents has to be carried out. Therefore, only on this agenda, Laelia-based adventurers are also involved.

"But naturally this has nothing to do with the adventurers of the twin continents. Anyway, they're both about other continents. Just as adventurers across countries need some strength, if they leave the continent they need even more strength... does that kind of guy need to listen to the agenda of the Enesian continent?

"Hmmm... if they say there is..."

Well, I wouldn't deny it.

To the words of the calendar, Kate grinned and nodded bitterly. It's important to know. He admits it too. but if you look at that and any other experience or information you get here, it's not the same story if you ask me to match it. Talking and drinking with adventurers from a number of regions was also important.

"Nevertheless. What's the point of us listening to the twin continents now, for example? Is there a situation where you are going?

"... there isn't. I won't go. Not quite."

"Yes. In fact, I can't think of a situation where I'm going… I will buy from the information store again when I go, and also from the Union. As it stands, there's no problem as long as we have at least demonic information than we can't think of a situation to go to."


If you do know anything about demons, it is the adventurers who will manage everything later on the spot. Once again, I saw the reality of such an adventurer and was not surprised or convinced by the calendar.

"So. Anyway. Alice... can't you do it yet?

"Mmmm... mmmmm..."

To Kite's inquiry, Alice meets with desperation as she works out her magic. All the time, but when he's talking pointlessly, it's when he's waiting for something. This time it was Alice's practice. She is training a little more than usual this time, but that's why Alice wasn't doing well either. So when he sees her like that, Kate decides to give him a little help.

"Alice. Let go of the mixed forces once you've finished your temper. No matter how much you do, it won't be over."

"... Yes"

To Kite's instructions, he unleashes two things: the magic and chi that Alice was working together in a spherical fashion. Then, as if rebelling, the two forces flew.

"Alice, come here a little bit."


It's refreshing what it is, but Kite wants to come. Alice just obeys more than she receives that guidance. And, in response to her approaching like that, Kate gives instructions to get closer.


I figured out what I was gonna do, so I guess. The calendar becomes slightly half-eyed. Nevertheless, Kite chose that too because she thinks that's best. So Kate drew Alice somewhat closer.


"I'm going to show you the flow now. Alice feels her magic and her mind flow through her own hands."


There's no way I can do that. The calendar sighed and sighed when she saw Alice turn bright red. Briefly, what was going on was that Kate lay her hands on him dressed like she was holding Alice from behind. It's a similar condition to a pair of feathers. Well, it was kite-like behavior, and in fact, this was a good hand if you're going to pick someone. The problem was I didn't get to pick someone.


To calm down once and for all. Kate slowly releases her magic from her left hand, distracting herself from her right hand, ignoring Alice, who turned bright red. Slowly manipulate it and dare pass Alice's hand. It doesn't make sense if you let them learn this feeling. Pretty advanced move, but he couldn't have done it.

"You see? You're trying to hold in with force moves... slowly. Like a mixture. Two forces that rebel against each other. Mix thoroughly so as not to rebel it. If we can't do it here, we can't move on."


In front of Alice, magic and chi fully integrate near the center of a ring made of both hands of Kate. Even at the point of the previous Patriarchate, if we were to reconcile our magic with our minds, we could do it for her.

but that is still in the practice phase. It just creates highly visible signs, and it hasn't materialized. And now what she was trying to do is have this entity. And in order to move on, we needed to end this place.

"Here's the thing, Cheerful. And this next..."

Manipulating the two mixed forces, Kate puts more effort into it. In this way, a powerful force resided in the conciliated power.

"… < >. This is the end point"

Alice is unintentionally breathtaking in the crystals of two forces that also appear to be completely individualized. Even though the power in it was very small, the power I felt was incredible. It was thus a white sphere floating in front of itself for a while, but it was misty so that the slowly solidified yarn could be unraveled.

"... Phew. It's hard to solve this inside. If I could ever do this, it would be good to be done enough. You know what I mean?

"Ah...... yes. By and large, but…"

I guess it's because I saw superb martial arts. Alice also forgets her initial embarrassment and chews to make sure she feels it now.

"Sure... just like the Demon Yarn..."

"That's right. Lay it as fine as possible."


Again, that would be a place called the Lady of the Knight's Famous House. Alice was quite skillful in the yarn of demons, and she was able to knit her magic with enough thinness and finesse to carry out her temper, even if she was not as fit as cherry blossoms or could not be that thin. And that's how I consciously tried to micronize the magic and put it out, and there it stopped.


"Oh, don't look like that."

With a little fun, Kate laughs at Alice looking up at herself with a little tear. It doesn't matter because it's the same principle as the Demon Thread that subtles and puts out magic. but it was refreshing to see how I could get it out like a demon thread.

"Chi is vitality. It's the power of the mind to accumulate it and release it... and I think it's against reason to just give it a little bit."

"That's right. Correct… calendar. Say hello."

"Oh, yes."

I remember what the calendar had learned from Kite before, following Kite's instructions to laugh with pleasure. There's no way Kite, who can use this, hasn't taught this to her calendar. If so, I knew how I could do it if I was listening properly.

"Eh... I'm going to concentrate my consciousness and get my mind really small. Make it hard."

"You mean the same as the Demon Thread?


One calendar nodded to Alice's inquiry. Basically, magic and mood can be used in a similar way. So they can knit and manipulate life just like the yarn.

but the power of chi is the power of life. It seems that if it were not so extreme, it would not materialize in the same way as the magic yarn, and it was not generally known that it could be finely refined in the same way. And that is why the use of empathy was rare.

"Ma, later, as we teach each other as usual, learn. I'll tell you what I want to see in time."

Both Alice and Calendar are their own disciples in the bend. Then I was obliged to take good care of him. Therefore, Kite also made that clear and intended to use his free time for that purpose. And so, when I went back into practice, a visitor appeared.

"Oh, kite. Have you been here?"

"Hmm? Oh, Doctor. Have you come?"

"Mm-hmm. Just now."

To Kate's words, Musashi nodded one. Needless to say again, Musashi is not a separate adventurer. This year, however, the agenda was sometimes on the boulder, and the third day of the agenda was supposed to be attended as an observer.

It should be noted that he was the only one who was coming to the boulder and was waiting in McDawell territory for all the other faces of Raingard. So Kate decided to leave Calendar and Alice's workouts to the two of them to practice voluntarily and hold discussions with Musashi.

"So, what's the status?"

"Well... did you manage to get past the decay agenda? I'm in the middle of a discussion on the other detailed agenda right now."

"Hmmm...... Shh. So, does that seem any different?

"Change, is it... oh, yeah. Just one."

To Musashi's inquiry, Kate nodded one thing now remembering the morning.

"The schedule is going to stretch from one day to two, that's for sure."

"What's so rare?"

"The boulder will only last this year."

Essentially, general meetings are usually held on two or three days of the year. but there was still a lot of agenda this year because there was one < > or each continent wanted to discuss it more than expected. Moreover, in addition to that, he came close to the resurrection of the Evil God.

It was Levi's words that came in the morning, although I tried to adjust if I could not finish in three days - an extra day - it was going to stretch for at least two days.

"Ma, I can't help but boulder. It's been a lot of things this year."

"Yeah...... oh yeah. How was Nakatsu?

"Mmm? Oh, over there. Is that where the boulders are on the way to rebuilding? Well, still not as much because of the Empire or because of the support from your Lord. Yeah, after that, and Raingard's moving in on the supply transfer. Commissioning."

"I see. Sure it's time to do a test run,"

Kate nodded one to a report from Musashi. After all, one city was devastated. He said Raingard moved along with commissioning such as transporting supplies. Musashi dropped off his first return and said he had come here. Then, visitors appear to the two people discussing the current situation.

"... Mm"

"Hmm? Oh, Eisen."

"Lord Musashi. Long time no see."

Apparently it was Eisen who came. I had found Musashi and bowed my head. Elusha was with him beside him like that. Nevertheless, that is why Kate says nothing on this occasion and dares to leave the response to Musashi.

"So, what's up? It would be unusual for the Lord to come here."

"Oh... my apprentice is living in this hotel. So I saw my arm once, or I came here."

It's still a hotel on Adventurer's Grand Main Mountain. So a hotel of some size has its own training grounds. So I guess he was bringing Elusha here. And that's when he noticed Alice and the calendar.


"Oh, my apprentice."

"Right...... oh yeah"


Don't look at me. Kate tells Eisen, who laughs joyfully about coming up with something, with her eyes.

"Kite. Sure, you fought Elusha a while back. Chi."

"... did you?

"Take a look at this guy's arm for a second. It would be just fine...... Elusha. Any objections?"


If you try to be Elusha, there are times when Kate didn't really fight for you before. He seemed to see this as an opportunity.


"Oh, seriously. I'm sure that's enough."

Enough if you care. Eisen moves to the edge with his mouth saying that if he fights with nothing but his mind, Kate and Elusha will have a good fight. As such, Kate sometimes took on a mock fight with Elusha because his opponent was Eisen.

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