Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 2085 In the Grasslands - Training

At the request of the Astor family, Kate and Sola were contracted to train Diamond Rock Bird, Fabrice's eldest son. Although there was a slightly different development than the plan that Uncle Astor would come, they were to start training with Hans, a trainer dedicated to the Astor family.

"... uhh. For now, kid, do you remember the training today?

"Oh, I'm sure it was... hunting training today."

"Hey, I'm going to train for a while to hunt. That said, the content will change each time....."

This is where Kate and the others are, right? Hans nodded in response to Fabrice. He then takes out a sphere from the materials he had prepared. There were cracks everywhere, and it gave the impression that something would open up.

"Today we will train you to target small prey. You've never seen this before, have you?

"Yeah... it looks like a ball..."

"Standby. That's right... kite. You saw this earlier. Can you use it?

"Yes, I bought it as a play tool"

Well, I developed it in the first place. Kite looks at Hans's slightly old sphere and nods one. I wonder if it is used quite a bit. It is full of scratches. Hans laughs at him like that.

"You're the tool to play with this guy. High level, huh?... well, that won't be a problem. This is an ancient hunting training magic tool. He moves around according to the will of the user."

"I mean, they're freely running."

"That's right. In actual combat and hunting, the opponent does not run in a straight line. Just running in a straight line is not training."

"I see...."

Certainly, what you're saying makes sense. Fabrice nodded convinced of Hans's words. From what I heard later, it appears that he always used a doll that mimics a four-legged walking animal that is about a turn or two larger than this. Now that I'm getting used to it, I think I'll be able to raise one level from today.

"Well, first of all, you should let the little one see what's going on. Kite, move this thing a little further away. If you know how to move, show me how much you can move."

"Yes, I'll do it from that hill."

"Oh... really?"


Hans unexpectedly surprised Fabrice at the kite, who moved on a hill with a good view in an instant. It was exactly the speed and distance traveled by the high-ranking adventurer.

Well, let alone that. A kite traveling on a single hill orbits the magic equipment used for hunting practice with a familiar hand. Then, a crack opened up, creating a strange form of object that resembles both the aphid and the bird.

"Okay, well...."

Kite nods one nod when she sees the feathers unfolding without any problems with the old ones. So he threw a light throw at the trial run. Then, the bird-shaped magic equipment bursts with organs similar to the left and right feathers and starts a simulated flying - actually floating with the release of magic -. Move around freely.


With Kite's command, bird-shaped magic equipment flew in a straight line. Moving a little farther in front of Hans and the others, he jumps vertically and horizontally to sew between them and flips back to Kite. When the magical connection with the returned bird-shaped magic equipment is cut off, the bird-shaped magic equipment transforms into a sphere again in an instant.

"Is this what this is about? It used to be just a play tool for Hitachi and Ise... well, is it okay to use it for training?"

I can't believe that what I developed as a play tool has become a hunting training tool. Kite gets in a weird mood, but decides to get the sphere back.

"How about this place?"

"Excellent. Looks like he wasn't playing with the date."

This will be enough for training. Hans nodded one answer to Kite. Even with him, it would be nice if he acted as a substitute for me for a week on vacation. So I don't want any real training, and I don't even think about it. I wish you had played with me moderately.

"So, kid. Did you see the movement?


"Give instructions to Neue to catch it. Well, I don't think it's going to work at first... but it doesn't start without a rabbit or a horn."

"I know... Neue"

With Hans' advice, Fabrice nodded to Neue on his arm. Hans nodded again when he saw it.

"Hey... well then, Kate and Sora. I'll do it, so watch it. Well, it's not a big deal, so don't worry."


If you don't know what to do with rabbits and horns, you've never had a job or anything. So, wait a little longer. Hans also moved over the hill where Kite moved first. That's how he activated the comms there.

Boy, can you hear me?

"Yeah, I can hear you."

"Hey... things are the same as usual, but from this time on, the speed and the difficulty of targeting are increasing. With that in mind, scold when scolding. Praise when you praise. Well, it's something I always do... but this time it's getting harder, so please be careful when scolding me."


That's what I've been told many times. Fabrice accepts Hans' attention so honestly that he can hear the octopus in his ear. This honesty could have been a good point for him. And Hans nodded at his promise, and now he told Kite and Sola.

"Kite, Sora. You guys start by looking at the difficulty mon on how to move. I'm going to have to practice this for the week after tomorrow."


"Whoa... ah, that's right. So which one do you want?

"I'm basically in the air. Sola is in charge of the ground."

I wonder what that is. After a slight peek at such a puzzle, Sora replies that if Kate uses this tool, she will. And Hans agreed.

I see. Well, that would be better. What do you want me to do first?

"Should I ask Fabrice, not us?"

'Hahahaha. I see. Which one do you prefer, sweetheart?

"Eh? Um... which one is it?

Oh, I'm sorry. No, it's your first time, too. Kite, we're getting a little noisy on the comms, so I'll adjust. Can I explain it to you?


Apparently, only Kite knew about the three of them. Hans's transmitter seemed to be out of order, so during the adjustment, he gave an explanation.

"This is a magic tool for the training earlier, but I was able to switch between the two modes. One is the flight mode I used. The other is ground mode, which moves like a four-legged beast. Among other things, when training in ground mode, Sola did. I'm in charge when in flight mode."

Oh, seriously. Sora hears Kite's words sideways and thinks so in her heart. Rather than asking him what to do, there was a tendency to check the actual work and decide what to do. So Sora was surprised at Kite's judgment, but she didn't say anything because she thought it would be better because he did.

"Ah, that kind of thing... which is harder?

"Neither. Both are difficult. Whether ground mode is better, hidden in the grass, hard to see, or hard to capture flight mode with easy to find maneuverability... that's nothing to me."

In response to Fabrice's question, Kite shook her head one by one. Besides, Fabrice is a little worried.

"Hmm... okay. Okay, let's start with airborne mode."

Hey, let's do it in aerial mode.

Receiving Fabrice's response, Hans changes the magic equipment to a shape similar to that of a bird, just like the previous kite. So I flew for a while.

"Neuille, follow that. Is that good?"


In Fabrice's words, Neue stares at the magic equipment that has changed into the shape of a bird. Apparently, the training was quite advanced. He seemed to understand who the Lord was and who should follow his instructions. That's how such a Neue winged his wings.

"Come on, Neye! Go!"


Apparently, Kate had never seen the "Diamond Rock Bird" flying scene. Speak as if you were impressed. And so Sola asked him with a reminder.

Kite, what kind of land mode is that?

As I said, it's a four-legged beast mode of action. Well, it's easier than flying mode. "

No, can I?

Easy is easy. I used to make it for kids. The flight mode is not good for boulders, but if it's land mode, we can still do it. Well, let's try it later, and see what Hans-san's doing and learn. "

Is that what it is? Sola decides to think about her participation in a training that approximates a sudden decision. And that's what Kite asked him.

What is it? Would you prefer flight mode?

Don't hesitate. You don't like it, do you?

Thought so. At that time, it was as bad as Kuzuha was stubborn. "

Isn't that impossible? I can't do that, right?

That scumbag failed so many times that he persisted. I wonder if the difficulty is considerable. Sola understood it and just had to laugh.

Ahahaha. Yeah, that's right. I don't think so. Of course, you should practice... but you shouldn't do that right now. Land mode does not need to be balanced and requires a moment's speed. For that reason, we can make it a spindle to escape as soon as possible. "

"I see... you're pulling me away?"

I see. Of course, I'll be able to deal with it someday..... "

Is that what this is about?

That's what it is.

This is just training. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to handle these traps and catch the prey. It makes no sense not to get caught till the end.

Ah, I think you understand, but don't overdo it. If you get bored or give up, it's troublesome. "

They're just like regular pets.

"I see... well, it's about time Fabrice set his sights."

Then we have to go back. In Kite's words, Sola once again pays attention to Fabrice's movements.

Neuille! Over there!

At Fabrice's behest, Neue descended suddenly. Thins straight into Hans' bird-shaped magic equipment. But her nails stayed on the ground because Neue's orbit was unpredictable.

"Ah... Neye! Go back once!"

It was a fabric with a sad face, but in an instant, I got back to my mind and ordered Neue to return. Looks like the boulder didn't succeed from the first challenge.

"Neye... I'm sorry."


The sad expression of Fabrice also shows a slight but unfortunate color. Nevertheless, I can see whether you are still motivated or not, and let me do the next one as soon as possible. Fabrice also read it.



"All right... Hans. Next, please be a four-legged beast."

"Hey, next time it's slow, but I'll hide in the grass and make it hard to find. It's going to be important for you to find out, so please do your best."


In Hans' words, Fabrice nodded with a little temper. Hans tells him so far.

Both of you, can you move Fabrice to a higher place? Basically, it's not good to find it from there. I was hoping to use a magician... but I don't want it to be a boulder or a kid. "



"Oh, spread the < >. I'll deploy a lifeline just in case."

"Bye... then!

Convinced of Kite's instructions, Sola puts a little temper into revealing a huge semi-transparent shield in the air. When she saw it, Kite told Fabrice.

"Fabrice boy. Give me your hand."

"Eh? Maybe... there...?

You must be lying. Fabrice shows such an expression. But Kite laughed at this.

"That's right... here we go!

"Ah, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Sora glanced slightly at Kite as she took the hand of the screaming Fabrice and moved, shocking her arm. Nevertheless, Kate and Fabrice were on board. Sometimes he could withstand the impact of a few tons of heavy objects, to such an extent that it was of no consequence to him. The succession of Kite and Sora would then continue.

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