Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 2286 Unknown Materials - In the Snow

An adventure led by Kate, who came to a snowy mountain in northwestern McDawell territory with information from the Vibrating Stone vein he got from Valheights as a reward for discovering Angel Children's Angel Childrens.Those who spent half a day preparing for the expedition will begin their activities in two parts from the day after their arrival.

In the meantime, Kite was waiting at the bridge with Charlotte and Kanata to act as an independent unit that did not belong to either of them.So Sola and the others started exploring for about three hours.In the middle of the day, Kite had received a status report from Tina, looking at the same person who had begun a break in each form.

"I wonder. Currently, we don't get much results."

"Well, that's what I think."

That's right. No matter how adventurous it may be, travelling a few kilometres in a snowy mountain will take a lot of time.If I could use aerospace techniques, I'd say. "

Needless to say, no one has visited this remote or remote snowy mountain in the past year, and it is probably the first time I have visited the Adventure Department since snow began to accumulate.

Therefore, the snow that is accumulating is not evenly trampled, and it is in a new snow state.Scaffolding is very bad and hasn't progressed as quickly as you think.Well, I know that, so I put together this expedition to get used to it.Kate and Tina told me what to do now.So, recalling Al and the others who were flying over the sky, Kite sighed one by one.

"Aerospace magic... perhaps you should remind the upper echelons and those who might be able to do it."

"Well... that's difficult, but it's not convenient to use.Well, it would be a huge disadvantage for someone who can use it, even if they can't. "

That's it.

Kite laughs joyfully at Tina's suggestion.The reality is not that rules are set like a game.So the one who can is great, and the one who can't becomes bad.If you want to think about the future, it is better to learn about aerospace techniques and not lose it, or think that you can basically do it if you get above Rank A.

As Al and the others reached Rank A, they put their hips in and learned.It was time to remember the moments when I saw Rank A as well as the cherry blossoms that I used in combination with Sola and magic, so I didn't think it would be a loss.

"Well then... that's good.There's nothing to talk about right now. "

"I see... keep reporting on the status quo."

"Hmm... so I'm going to start exploring the cave with a nearby expedition, as originally planned.As I said before, I haven't been able to move in time for the snow. "

"Naturally... haven't you finished one yet?"

"No, some of them are over... but they weren't found by hibernating bears."

Tina laughs and shrugs her shoulders when she asks Kite.Fortunately, I wasn't a monster about this.So Kite also laughs.

"Well, I did something bad to the hibernating bear.You're not waking me up, are you? "

"I heard you slept well with magic.This will keep you refreshed until spring. "

They won't attack hibernating animals unless they're basically warlike monsters.I still don't know what kind of reasoning this is, but that's why I was supposed to get you to sleep.

"I see... well, that's good enough for that. Anything else?"

"The outside investigation team is still in trouble.Well, even so, Sola is lucky to have Toryn.I don't think that's going to bother you much, thanks to what you said. "

"Well, in his case, he actually worked as an adventurer for decades."

Needless to say, Toryn spent decades traveling with the Bronzees.I also had experience in these snowy mountains, and it was clear that heavily armed adventurers, such as Sora in particular, could not move satisfactorily.So I also told Sora, and Sora seemed to have interwoven it and acted on it.Well, there was still a time when the new snow was more than he thought, and there was a time when he complained that it was more than he thought.

"Well... what about me?"

"Hmm. It's work... Soleil's report.Ten kilometers northwest, it's not a bad monster. "

"Well, are you there? What the hell are these two?"

"It's not a remote place."

The basic question is whether the surrounding monsters are strong as a prerequisite for creating a city in Enephia.No matter how many airships there are, the transport of supplies is basically by land.

And if the monster is strong, you can't use land.The monster's average rank of rank C was a major premise for building Daiman City - it would be difficult to secure escorts unless it matched the average of adventurers.If so, there were no more monsters out here.

"Okay, I'm coming."

"Please, it probably won't end once or twice."

"I don't know... hah. Meal first.I can eat a warm meal, so let's eat quickly. "

"Yes, as long as you eat hot rice while you're warm."

Tina nodded at Kite's words and recommended chopsticks herself.They then had lunch and had a short break before moving on to their afternoon work.

Well, after lunch, afternoon.Kite travels by single aerial technique during the day.It was ten kilometers northwest of the area currently being investigated by the Adventure Department.


"Well, fortunately, I can't see anyone here.I'll let you know when I need you. "

Ryokai...... uu, no... Yuri. Let me through. "

Is Soleil and the others cold enough to stay still?Kite smiles slightly at Soleil's voice, which can be heard via the communicator.No matter how high an adventurer he was, it would have been cold if he hadn't moved.

Well, that's why I set up a tent on the deck, but in case something went wrong, I set up a special tent that seemed to be outside.

"Well... it's about time."

I'm moving north for another kilometer ~

"Come on... let's go a little faster."

According to information from Soleil, Kite travels a kilometer with a slight acceleration.The sight that spreads under my eyes has become a complete silver world for a while.He slowed down so as not to overlook the monster.

"I think it's about a kilometer now... but I can't find it."

"Nhhhh... just listen. I noticed the opponent"


I didn't mean to move in hiding, but I did move in hiding my intention to kill.I thought it was possible to take the lead if I was alarmed, but the other party still noticed.I was wondering if this was a coincidence or inevitable.


Yeah, I think I'm starting to notice it when I get around a kilometer.Snow in front of you on the right, you know what's a little weird?

"... is that it?"

Kite looks right in front of Soleil with her gaze alone so that she dares not show any movement.His sharp senses and enlarged vision captured something slightly sparkling green.

"As always, I can see that. Your feelings are as good as ever."

I was just looking at it from the beginning.Until then, he was out there. "

"Still, you can still see me now, right?And you can shoot if you want to. "

Well, hey

Somewhere good, Soleil cheered at Kite's praise.The size of the eyes is about ten centimeters.Soleil sees this from more than ten kilometers away.As always, he had great eyesight.

What are you going to do? You're going to lure me out?

"I'll give you a head start... and you'll get back at it."


In response to Kite, Soleil decides that there is no need to do anything.Then, when Kite goes down to the ground, she stays there and relaxes her shoulders.As for the appearance, it would be a place to take a break.

(If the monster is hiding, there are two reasons... to avoid engagement or to take the lead.He's... he's got a pretty militant atmosphere.I'm obviously going to take the lead.Thank goodness. If he had come south and entered the investigation area, he would have been damaged.)

I'm glad I brought Soleil and the others.Kite once again bites at the gratitude of two performers with far more advanced eyes than any high-performance radar on Earth.Soleil is in charge of the north, and Frodo is in charge of the south, so Frodo is not alone.

(Now... what do we do?)

Kite relaxes her shoulders and looks at the gap, waiting for the movement of the monster who hides under the new snow and asks about the machine.Then his ears caught something slightly stupid.



At the same time, a monster with about three meters of white feathers appeared blowing away new snow.Kite pulls out her sword and turns around to intercept you.The monster's claws clashed with Kite's sword.The roar rang and the snow that had fallen soared.


Kite, who stopped the monster's claws, turned the sword she had in both hands into one with her left hand and hit the monster's belly with her free left hand.But that blow, which was supposed to have hit him, was absorbed by the fluffy feathers and left him to blow up with little damage.

"'Tyrant Rabbit'? You've hit me hard."

When Kate sees a monster with a blast of fresh snow and a sudden brake, she fights out the monster's name.The monster ranks A higher.Al and the others would have been fierce fights.Using the leg force described as a rabbit, Tyrant Rabbit even uses a sudden braking recoil to tackle the kite fiercely.

Lightly break down the wall of momentum and sound velocity to become a kite.Of course, it's a Rank A monster.It wasn't just a tackle, it was a tackle full of magic.To do this, Kite wipes out her sword and drops her hips.

"Phew... hah..."

Close your eyes and breathe well, allowing your body to circulate.Then, the moment the tackle of "Tyrant Rabbit" narrowed slightly, he glanced.


The roar sounded and the iron nuggets of Tyrant Rabbit clashed with magic and Kite's fist.So, after a moment. Destroy the magic of "Tyrant Rabbit" with Kite's fist hardened to stop her from rushing.

But this is just the magic of "Tyrant Rabbit".No damage was done to the main unit.As a result, "Tyrant Rabbit", whose movement was stopped, immediately stood up and raided the kite with his hands raised.


Towards the "Tyrant Rabbit", which strikes like a cover, Kite lowers her hips again to regain her breath.And he pulled his body down, and threw out his right fist, which was wrapped in flames, and struck his torso.


The noise of "Dogon" struck the torso of "Tyrant Rabbit".But as Kite said earlier, "Tyrant Rabbit" has no effect on blows.As a result, little damage was done and this time it was just blown away again.But there, Kite starts chasing them all at once.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

With a fist wrapped in flames, Kate slammed in a series of shots with her hips firmly so as to confirm each punch.The blow burns the white hair of Tyrant Rabbit and finally exposes the skin.Then a "Rabbit of Ragnarok (Tyrant Rabbit)" was slightly exposed to Kate's serial shooting, and Kate took a deep breath.


Restart your breathing and concentrate.Be sharper and find the core by identifying the magical flow in Tyrant Rabbit.

"... < >"

Hmm. Hmm.Kite exhales deeply with two tiny sounds that sound like something can be beaten.As a result, "Tyrant Rabbit" fell to the ground with a whistle.

"Phew... I think my body's warmed up a little."

Did you strike to do that?

"Obviously, or you'll end up with a blow, won't you?"

When Soleil asked, Kite laughed joyfully.It is strange when he is fighting with his fist, which is the worst in the first place.It was simply because I didn't like it that I would move the most, so I just said that I was warming up my body.Destroying the Rabbit, he stripped the material, cleaned it up, and returned to his base.

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