Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Lesson 2342: The Convention - The Saltaire Family

The adventure department led by Kite came to visit a convention on the outskirts of Riddell territory to purchase equipment to be installed in a research facility under construction at Tenzakure Gakuin.In this case, Kite, as the person leading the work force, will consider the purchase of a flying boat in light of the current situation from a little trigger.

Therefore, on the second day of the convention, he was conducting an inspection of the flying boat from the morning, but it was only after noon that the flying boat of the Saltaire family was left.Then, after gathering at the Adventure Department at noon to reconfirm his plans for the rest of the day, Kite rendezvoused with Sora and Momo along with Ingway.


"Ahh... it looks like you'll only be able to stay with the Saltells."

"Well, from noon, I'll go out with the Saltells and check the equipment."Well, you can be there by 14: 00. "

For now, the Miboshi flying boat has been confirmed by noon.The flight craft of the Saltaire family is only confirmed, and in view of their applications, it does not appear as a first candidate.There was no need to be so serious.That's why Kite repeatedly asked Ingvay, who was slightly infiltrated with ease.

Speaking of which, I'd like to ask you before I introduce you, have you decided on your first choice?

"Hmm? Well, the first is either Viktor or the sky at the same rate."If an adventurer were to use these two cards, I would have known they were cheap. "

"I guess that's true.The technology of these two companies' flying boats is reliable.After that, I wonder what kind of applications I would like to focus on. "

Isn't that right?

Ingway laughed and nodded at Kite's reply.In fact, it seems that he said that these two companies would be the best candidates at the stage of their preliminary investigation.Therefore, my brother Riddick also checked the equipment that could be adapted to these two companies, and seems to have taken that direction again at noon.

"And in that respect, the sky is easy to ensure safety on the road.Viktor is a great candidate for expanding options.I found a lot of things that bothered me... but they were all long and short.After that, the arcology type is an option. "

"I see... well, think about it that way."It's not like I can get out of here. "

That's right.

Ingvay laughs and agrees to Kite's throwing and other personnel responses.I don't think it would be a problem to get out here, and as a kite, I didn't intend to take care of it that much.Therefore, after a light chat, the group moved to the Saltaire family's booth again.


It looks like you're the owner of the Saltaire family... apparently, the flying boat there is putting in a lot of effort.

I see.

Ingway's twinkle slightly infiltrated Kite's face with seriousness.He then sees a container ship developed by a trading company led by the Saltaire family, while infiltrating a little seriousness.Sora inquired of his convincing grumbling.

"Do you know what it is?"

"Ah... I can see the various distinctive features of that flying boat."Now then... in what format are you going to do it?I want to show you something.

After all, I was the head of the McDowell family.Lord McDowell's face floats on Kite's face.Sora asks him that again.


"Oh... that flying plane, for example." It is large relative to the body.At first glance, it seems that it is a product compatible with large-scale transportation.The range of motion is also set to be wide.Probably allows for vertical takeoff and landing. "

Kites see flying boats with a wide range of double wings, such as hangers.Apparently, two containers could be bridged underneath these wings.In addition, a large flying plane was installed on the outside, and it seemed that the flying plane could move like a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft and change the propulsion direction.Kaito made a few guesses, but he shrugged his shoulders.

"... well, it's not like I'm going to spoil anything."After that, you can watch the demonstration. "

Sure. We agree with what Kite said.That's why I was waiting for the demonstration to start while I watched the Salt Tail Marquis, but suddenly I heard a voice.

"Hey, Kite and Sora. It's been a long time.

"Hmm? Oh, Theo. Ever since Lord Astrea's party."

It was Theo, the first son of Lord Saltaire, who called out.I didn't notice that I was paying attention to Lord Saltaire, but apparently he was there too.I only greeted Kite and Sora because I don't know anyone but them.So Kate answered, but Theo asks him.

"Did you come all the way to the demonstration?"

"It was a little interesting." I decided I deserved to see it, even if I didn't buy it... without flattery. "

In response to a question from Theo, Kite once again sees a flying boat led by the Saltells.Theo thanked him for that.

"Thank you."

"No, I'm just here to see because I'm interested... oh, I'd better introduce myself first"

For once, I knew Sora at a party hosted by the Astreas, but she didn't attend in the first place, and I wasn't sure if she knew about Ingway.Therefore, Keitu asked as he introduced Ingway for a moment.

"So, what happened to Theo?"Are you helping your father with his work? "

"In such a place." It's only a few years away, but eventually I'll be helping the company with their work, so this is actually my first time participating in a convention.That's why I decided not to go forward, but to let you watch my father's story from behind. "

In response to Keitaro's question, Theo tells the status quo with a soft smile.Therefore, it was a complete coincidence that I called out to Kite and the others, and it seemed to me that it was a big coincidence that they were nearby but didn't call out.

Is this a company...... Saltaire Corporation?

"Yeah... it's a company where I'm the mother."From research and development to manufacturing and sales of flying boats... there's no point in telling this story if you're here. "

"Ahahah... well." Okay, I'll let you come on top of me. "

Kate laughed and agreed to Theo's slightly embarrassed words.Since the Saltel family was the main company, it was called Saltel Corporation, but this was the place where the McDowell family used to provide technology.Therefore, the McDowell family also bit a little bit in their history, so Kite did not want to fight with the Saltaire family.

So we were supposed to have a little chat, but apparently there was a little time after the demonstration.For a short while before Theo started, there seemed to be some tension about his first participation, so he asked Sora.

"Speaking of which, Sora." Have you been in touch with Mr. Fabrice? "

"Oh, it's Fab. No, I just talk to you sometimes... maybe that's the way you talk to me."

Fabris was the eldest son of the Astor family, a subdivision of the Astrea family that the Kites had previously been involved in.Ingway was involved, but Theo knows about Sora, not you.That is why I was asking him.And Sora asked, and Theo nodded and shook his head.

"Oh, no... I don't mean to talk too much because of the different grades."I heard about Noe. "

"Oh, that kind of thing... I'm kind of like that too."If you think about it, it shouldn't be that far from Magic School, so if you think about talking about it a little more often, you can talk about it. "

Whether it's the children of the Astor family or Theo and his sister Petra who are here now, their current home is the Magic School in Maxwell.Therefore, if I tried to meet you, I would be able to, but I didn't have to meet you because I didn't have to.

"I see... oh, no. I didn't mean anything by it.You were with me when we talked about the tournament. [M]I just wondered if you heard anything after that. "

"What was that about... the tournament?"

"It's a tournament, we were talking at the party, right?There are competitions to compete for the training skills of pets. "

Keitu sandwiches his mouth to teach Sora, who asked with a gentle look.Sora remembered this as well.

"Oh, by the way, I was talking about that... what time is it after all?"

"This year it was confirmed that it would take place in the first week of January in winter.We're still a little farther. As for the venue... I wonder where it was.I accidentally missed it, too. "

It seems that Theo also accidentally forgot about it in Theo.I could see where it was, and I could see it was just doing a little memory by hand.In addition, Kite knew about this in relation to the stony rocks -- there is an invitation to the McDowell family due to the relationship between Hikata and Ise -- but she passed it by a body she did not know.

It was troublesome to explain why I knew.Therefore, Theo thought for a while, but the demonstration began in the middle of that time.

"Grr... I'm sorry. Let me talk to you again."Looks like I don't have time for that. "

"Looks like... well, if you feel like it, please visit my guild home"

I'll let you do that.

Theo also responds to Kite's social etiquette with a social etiquette.Therefore, when he finished speaking quickly, the salesperson opened his mouth while Saltaire and Theo were watching.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the demonstration at the Saltaire Corporation.

Starting with the occasional greeting, a salesperson explains about Saltaire Corporation's new product for a while.While listening to that, Kite whispered a supplementary explanation.

After all, it looks like you've installed a flying plane with very high hovering performance.

"Hovering performance?"

"Ah... this large and wide flying plane is meant to ensure the stability of the airframe."but it also makes it possible to stay on the spot..... "

In the blink of an eye, Kite looks at the flying plane of the flying boat and says so.Sora leaned her head at his words.

"If you're just stuck there, you can do it with your current flying boat, right?"Even my flying boat is doing it normally. "

"Yeah. I can afford to chew on the relative position... but that flyer has a range of motion, so we can make it more stable by turning it downwards."Fixing the relative position is not a panacea.There will be a certain amount of unevenness due to the movement of objects and the flow of wind, etc. "

"I see..."

In Kite's commentary, there was a verse that reminded me of Sora and instantaneously -- it seemed to me that Ingway was like that.This new product of Soltail Corporation further reduced it and increased its stability.

"But, this isn't the essence of it... look at this."

"Is that... a small flying plane on the wing?"

"Yeah. Apparently, we can switch between up and down."And if it's an up-type... it's an interesting idea. "

Can you deploy the large magic armor... as it is?

Beside Kite, who laughed amusedly, she opened her eyes in surprise.As he said, the container opened on the wing, and the large magic armor - a simple type for work - appeared from it.

In this way, the new model can also deploy containers while stagnating in the same way as the up-type.This has made it easier to carry out direct transport when transport to the site is usually necessary after transport on a flying boat. "

"Do you want to carry more after carrying it in a flying boat?"What kind of assumptions do you have? "

"In the cliffs and on the mountains."Remember what you did in the snowy mountains the other day?Yeah, you can't get off a flying boat on these slopes.Inevitably, I can't unload my luggage. I don't want to talk about military jets. "

In response to a singular moment, Kite spoke of an expedition she had made some time ago.At that time, the slope was too steep to land the flying boat, and the scaffolding was constructed with ice to land it.But only adventurers and armies can do this kind of thing, and it would be impossible for civilians to do this.I nodded for a moment to his point.

”I see... you did build an ice scaffold at that time, so you landed it?”

"That's right." This made it possible to get on and off directly by moving to the ground.We have a small flying plane on our wings to get us closer to the ground. "

"I see..."

Kite's commentary nodded in admiration for a moment.After that, for a while, while Kite supplemented it, we all watched the demonstration of the Saltaire Corporation's flying boat.

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