Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 2446: The Kingdom of Magic - Major -

Kaito was to take an experience class in the magic city of Sandra in order to prepare for the exchange study a few years later. He finished the first day without any special problems, but after school, he came to the student meeting room after receiving a call from Shirena.

So after the summoned errands. Kaito was helping Sirena and the others as well as yesterday, but in the middle of it, he asked Luke with a complete interest.

"Speaking of which...... Mr. Luke"

What is it?

"What's your major?" It was true that you finished your graduation thesis in the eighth grade, right? "

"Oh, by the way, I didn't tell you." I told you the moment I saw you. "

Haha. Luke laughs amusedly at Kite's question. As mentioned earlier, basically from the end of the seventh grade in the teaching school, students will be encouraged to acquire specialized fields under the professional teachers. That's why he was supposed to have a specialty.

"Well... there's nothing I wouldn't tell you if I were you"


"Yeah. Eterno and Sirena's gaze hurts, but I ignore them... I wonder?"

"It's not like I have to... I'm sorry." Please tell me. "

Keit reads the air and asks Luke, who shows how depressed he is. At that time, it was impressive that Eterno and Shirena had lowered their heads. So Luke laughs at Kite who reads the air.

"Good. Now, stop that awe-inspiring tone." I don't really like that kind of thing. "

”Hah... if that's the case, you don't have to pay the price.”

"Alright... then, let's answer." My major is sorcery from a different world... well, if you're Japanese, you can say it's sorcery from a different star. "

The magic of different stars?

There's something out there. Kite unexpectedly rolled her eyes at what Luke said. Rather, perhaps it was even Luke's first time saying this in Enefia, except around him. Then he speaks with a slightly serious face.

"Ahh... it's really rare, but... there is a magic that can't be found in the existing magic system in the magic found in the historical sites of ancient civilizations." Why was it written there, and for what purpose? I don't know... so I guess I'm a magician of different stars. "

"I see..."

Maybe Luke is a genius. Kate understood that what he said was very likely to be true. It was only because he himself was involved in the [outer gods]. Therefore, he also asks with a slightly serious face as a warrior involved in "outer gods" from here.

"Do you have any arguments?"

"Of course." Otherwise, I won't be able to tell you a story that doesn't make such a ridiculous joke... and the argument is, in a nutshell, that I can see something in common. "

What do we have in common?

"Ahh... I think I'd rather have you look at this sooner than discuss it... wait a minute"

Luke stops pressing the verdict once and retrieves some notebooks from across the universe. It was called a research notebook, which he used like a memo in his research path. Then he flipped through several pages and nodded one by one.

"... good. If it's low risk, this would be good." I want you to see this. "

What's that?

"The magic I just told you about in Enephia doesn't have anything in common... Keitaro." Do you have any idea what this magic is? "


After Luke asked, Kite analyzed the sorcery once and for all. Luke said that, but I don't know if this really belongs to Enephia's magic system. Maybe he just didn't know, and Kite might have figured something out. But even his voice is going to make an instant sound.

"... no. I don't know what kind of magic it is... of course, I don't know all the magic systems..."

"Probably. This is one of several sorcery that was described on a piece of grimoire excavated from a ruin belonging to the ancient La Elia civilization, and somehow it had a completely different structure than the sorcery of other ancient La Elia civilizations. This is by no means a common difference between producers.”

What do we have in common with the Lunar civilization?

"Of course, that's the first thing I looked into." But there was no such thing. However, except for the magic ceremony that does not belong to the existing magic system found in the ruins belonging to the Lunar civilization in the same way. In this way, magicians who are found everywhere but do not have that common ground have something in common. "

In response to Kite's question, Luke makes it clear. That's how Kite asked him.

By the way, what kind of magic is that?

"I don't know... Another thing that this magic has in common is that few people have successfully activated this kind of magic." I know I'm missing something, but I don't know what it is. ”

Luke said, pointing to the strange void engraved in the magic. Something is going to be engraved here, but I don't think I can activate it without knowing it. Besides, Kite looks around and convinces herself.

"This shape... key...?" It looks like some kind of sign..... "

“Yeah, it's a point where scholars argue. Either take this as the key, or take it as the sign, including all the blanks... I'm the faction that's taking the former."

"I'll do the same... but what's going to happen here..."

“If you know that, you won't have a hard time.”

Luke shook his head at Kite's question. That's why Luke said something serious, but Luke remembered that it would be good here.

"Well, is that okay?" That's why I'm going to go to the Higher Education Institute and investigate the old magic books found in the ruins of various places. Sandra's Higher Education Institute has a lot of academic institutions that can help her. ”

"I see... it's definitely more tightly controlled than the old grimoire." Even if it's just the identity of a student, it's hard to even browse. "

"That's right." If you rent it out, you won't be able to do it. "

Luke laughed happily at Kite's understanding. The "Sandra" Higher Education Institute is known as a well-known professional institution as well as the style of the school. As a student, it was easier to apply than a poor research institute. If it was the descendants of the Magnus Six Sages, it would be better. Luke told Luke that.

"Before you do so, please indicate where you are going to study abroad." Even though you're allowed to go to school, it doesn't make sense if you can't study abroad. "

"Sure enough, it's time to make a decision." Well, I'll decide by winter, so don't worry. "

Is there any ate?

Apparently, as the student council president, I was constrained, but it seemed that Shirena had unexpectedly returned to her post as a result of the response. Asked in a surprised manner. Luke answered this.

"Hmm... well, a little bit. Until recently, it was undecided... but there was one thing I had in mind. I'm just trying to figure out what I need to do to study abroad, so maybe you can help me with my application later.”

Got it.

Basically, the faculty was supposed to provide maximum support for the study abroad required to enter the faculty. That's why Shirina accepted it as part of the student association. After that, I was to help the student association again, and Keitaro's school day would be over.

Now, let's finish helping out with the after-school student meeting a little bit. Kate was talking to Tina again, and he was telling her his surprise.

"That's what happened."

{Yo... I thought you had an extraordinary magic arm. Did you have the gift of noticing "Outer Gods"? Interesting. "

Tina laughs interestingly after hearing from Kite. This "outer god" is a presence spoken of in Kuturuf myths such as Nyarrathotep and Yog Sotose, which are said to be on Earth. Although the magic was natural, it was used in unknown techniques and magic that did not match any technological system of the Earth, and it did not match any magic system of the Earth. It was Tina who remembered such a thing, but for that reason she proceeded with the conversation.

Nevertheless... was there a trace of [Outer Gods] in Enephia in the past?

"I think that's quite a story... but they are the oldest gods that have existed since the birth of the world." There's no way she's not here. "

”Can't you just say it all...?”

"They say they have the same existence in each world." Above all, it is natural that the world will give us more trials than we would like to see the development of mankind... although the gods used to play that role in the ancient times. It was also the end of the mythological era. "

Kite agrees with Tina's words as she looks at the distant past somewhere.

Well, that's good. The only thing that bothered me about the horns and the mackerel was that I would narrow them down to one when the shadows of his people came out. ”

"Where are they going now...?"

'Well, as long as your Lord remains your Lord, there is no reason why they shouldn't appear.'


In response to Tina's point, Kite stares firmly at her hand only once. The < > swords were summoned.

"As long as I have this, can I escape from the 'outer gods'?"

The sword of heaven and earth. It's an omnipotent divine tool that fulfills my wishes. A blade that cuts through the world. Invading the world and poisoning it...... there is one genuine [Seisho Magic Prop] that is said to be...... and the Sword of Selection that determines the True King "

"The true king..." A true king who does not even know what he is. Only that person is supposed to be able to hold it < >...... "

And it is the true role of "outer gods", which can be said to be a power of absurdity, to cultivate those who get this. Kite remembers one day hearing from the Nyarrat Hoteps [Outer Gods].

In other words, as long as he had the < >, there was no possibility that he would be unrelated to the [Outer Gods] in any world. Therefore, Tina advises.

Be careful. Oh, and after the appearance of someone who cares about the [Outer Gods], they will definitely interfere somewhere. I don't know when or what shape it will take...... but ”

"I know... I've travelled between two worlds... but I've decided I still want to get something." Being prepared is a long time ago. "

I swore to travel between the two worlds and make my loved ones happy. In that case, I didn't mean to be frightened by the degree of interference from the "outer gods". Therefore, Kite grasped the handle of < >.

"... if there's something entrusted to you, then..."

Kate mumbled to Sora a little bit of mockery at what she had told her one day. Then he relieves himself from the < > he gripped. He murmured with a sigh somewhere.

"... I didn't want you to entrust me with anything like this."

”... give up. It's more than I entrusted to you.”


Kite laughs in a mockery, slightly dazed at Tina, who tells her to scold her somewhere. This is another consignment. Then perhaps we should be prepared to include it. But it wasn't about the present, it was about the future. Therefore, after that, he decided to relieve the exhaustion of the day, and he put down the < >.

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