Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 2639 Joint Exercise - Initiating Action -

A joint military exercise led by Emperor Leonhardt. Also, as Lord McDowell, I decided to join Kite as an Alliance Master in the Adventure Department. Although he was to have quite a busy day preparing for two positions, he managed to reach the end of the real exercise.

Therefore, he waited for Sora and Momo to arrive at the battlefield on the expedition's skyboat, and he was supposed to watch the start of the artillery battle between the attacking and defending sides on the deck. But Sora seemed to have missed the artillery battle somewhere.

"Um...? I thought it was more intense."

"It's not too hard yet." The attacking vessel was in the up position in the first place, but the assumptions made by the defending vessel were completely surprising. I'm in a situation where the flying boat hasn't been raised to my satisfaction. "

I see... it seems like the main unit of the flying boat will come out by the time the mines are reduced.

So it wasn't a more flashy battle than I thought. Sora's assault remains the same as she saw in the civil strife in La Area, but she understands and understands why the defense's assault is looser than she thought. But instead, there were many mines that weren't able to trap the distance. Therefore, he thought that maybe this could be done with a little ease, but of course the wholesaler won't unload it.


"Don't be alarmed... it's true that the number of artillery shells is low, but each shot is a precision sniper." If you protrude or have a hole in your defense, you will be targeted immediately. "

Sounds like it!

I was alarmed because the number was small. Sora squeezed her face against the flash of light in front of her. The artillery shelling that sews between the mines, the attacking mines, and the artillery shelling that targets the defending airships in time are enough. The number of defensive flying boats is increasing in inverse proportion to the number of visible and reduced mines.

"Besides... then it's time to fill the hole."

It's us!

So even with this loose artillery barrage, we won't be able to make it out late. Sora focuses her strength on the countless flashes of light emitted a few seconds after the start. Only adventurers or this time's guests could do this kind of thing. Then, as if to shake off this flash of rain, a huge flame fist overcame the attacking front from behind.

"Is this... a blow from Puri-san?"

"Looks like it... here it comes. Get ready."


Neither of them was ready to go. But adventurers are always on the battlefield. As long as you have a weapon, the lightness of your footwork will be an advantage. Therefore, when the lightly armed adventurers finished their dress instantly, they jumped into the air and stood in the way of the offensive side. As a result, they passed through a gap that was too large for any one person to pass from the flying boat to leak water, and attacked the front line on the offensive side.

"" Ohhhh! ""


"Okay. Try it."

There, the adventurers on the defense side attack the flying boats on the front line. However, it is not the attacking side that cannot understand the flow that is visible on the stone.

All the people on board the flying boat had someone on deck, and they would not be destroyed by the first shot unless they were hit by a mighty man who could not withstand the attack. Of course, the Adventure Department had also avoided being shot down by Sora.

"Oops! The cherry blossoms hanging in the sky!"

It's the Japanese kids!

It appears that the guild insignia painted on the side of the flying boat confirmed our identity. Kite hears and understands the adventurers who destroy small boats around her and catch the next prey.

It seemed that the adventurers who attacked the Adventure Department's flying boats also noticed that the Kites were the ones who attacked them. While tonguing, I kept my distance in a convincing manner.

"Shit! Shit! That's more than a rumor!"

"Well... please feel it with your own skin"


The adventurer's eyes widened as he laughed at the kite holding the bow and the arrow. Shortly thereafter, Kite relentlessly fired an arrow at the adventurer who had invaded.



I could use flying magic, so at least I would have crossed the wall. It was Kaito who thought so, but it was still more than he thought. Slightly skewed its trajectory against Kite's hairless counterattack to evade. Furthermore, the aftermath wave was truncated and corresponded intact. But Kite's side changed their weapons to scythe. I slashed to keep my distance.

"Noo! After all, will you let me attack down with peace?"

Although it is limited to the imperial country, which is deliberately hustling, Keitaro's strength is quite high. Furthermore, the previous < > was a well-known case due to the specificity of the case, and Keitaro's skills and individual combat power were highly valued. Therefore, this adventurer did not force himself to attack, and retreated for a while. It looked like the adventurers around them had seen their disadvantages and decided to help out.

"Shit! No way!"

Let's go!



I can't believe we're going to be targeted. Sora looked at the adventurers coming from around her and spoke up unexpectedly. But as always, Keitaro didn't lose his spare.

"Shit, that's how famous I am... Sora, back off a little bit."

"Oh, oh, oh"

It was Sora who tried to keep her temper at bay, but apparently she didn't need it. Take a step back as instructed by Kite. As he stepped back, Kite took out his sword and told the firefly.

"Fireflies. Turn off the air brakes. The recoil is backing down. It seems to have passed a little while ago.”

{Roger that... release the airbrake. Notify all personnel. Take a shock-resistant posture. "


The kite stepping on the deck of the flying boat quickly understood that the function of the air brake provided by the flying boat to fix the position - a system that prevents it from descending due to the recoil of the artillery bombardment - had stopped. At the same time, the kite raised its temper and swung out the great sword.


Don. The sound of a roaring skyboat bounces directly behind you, while a giant flash of light sweeps from Kite's great sword sweeps all around you. The defensive adventurers, who were trying to form a line up and coordinate their actions, opened their eyes and spread out in a hurry to evade. It was the flow I wanted from Kaito and Sora, but somehow Sora raised her voice as if she was in the heavens.

"Eh, hey!?"

"Over there, take care of the stray ammo!" I'll take care of it! "


Sora was on the recoil-blown flying boat, but what he saw was that only Kite was left there. However, this did not occur unexpectedly, and Kite intentionally released the ship saying that she could not satisfactorily fight against the drifting rocks on the deck of the flying boat.

"Shit! I'll remember the flying boat too!"

What happened!?

"Keitaro was left alone to hold off the enemy!" Senpai! If you're on the boulder, you're going to be damned, so please hurry up and prepare to descend! Until then, I'll buy you some time! "


I mean, that's what it is. Understanding Kite's intentions, Sora prepares him for landing while he keeps the enemy at bay. Meanwhile, Kite was facing the adventurers on the defense side in unicycled air.

"Did you manage to fly?"

"You don't think it's a year, do you?"

"There's nothing I can do to make you hustle and bustle."

Apparently, they are the ones who suffer from pain when they look sweet. Looking at the kite, which used flying magic to a great extent -- rather than to their own -- it seemed that he could not be alarmed. I don't think we can go after the flying boat, and everyone switches to kite aiming. On the other hand, Kaito said that for the time being, he was able to do what he was aiming for, and he switched his weapon to Okamata.


We need to analyze the enemy's intel, no matter what we do. They both understood that Keitaro was in a situation where they were not alarmed by each other - even though Keitaro was just showing up like that - but they weren't going to bypass each other.

The Adventure Department's flying boats are also moving about two steps back from the front line, so there are no strange adventurers coming in. Therefore, Kite decides to use that time effectively to analyze the enemy's situation.

(The number of enemies is five... all of them are in their early twenties. All the weapons are swords... they're not funny. Well, even the line that I used as the swordmaster's weapon

You're an adventurer who can fight freely, so bring one or two interesting things. Kite confuses herself with her heart. Of course, not everyone knew that he had an interesting weapon, and above all, he knew the truth. There is a reason why it is easy to use. However, it was easy to formulate countermeasures for this reason.


For a few moments, both of them remain silent with their gaze on each other. The adventurers on the defense side were the ones who moved first.



In response to the sword rake from the front, Kaito intertwined the sword rake by waving the sickle and swinging it horizontally. The adventurer who was challenging this with a sense of dealing with one-handed swords and swords seemed to be pulled unintentionally, and he tried to brake by forcing his body to harden. But this was Kite's idea.




I can't have two shots in the boulder!

After setting up a bodyblow at the place where the brakes were applied, he lost consciousness, and then another adventurer broke into a kite that tried to hit the ground with a kick to the jaw and a continuous blow from dropping the heel, stopping the final blow.

However, when Kite flips in a flowing motion, she takes a step back and releases a slashing blow to stop her pursuit.

"" "" "" ""

I'm used to it. With a semi-circular slash that spreads out, the adventurers understand that Kite's pair of combat experiences are unusual. Then we stopped at them, and the next thing we knew, we were chasing after Kite.

It's dangerous to stop your legs.

The adventurers were all stunned by the countless storms of weapons that were unleashed. But against the number released, I was only aiming for one thing.

"Oops! That's not good!"

One person Kite decides to crush has a big, bitter face. A demon thread stretched from the tip of his hand, and beyond that was a figure of one who had not regained consciousness.

But I don't have time to worry. While saving his people, he didn't have the confidence to survive the storm of this attack. Therefore, I chose to cut off my companions with a bitter face.


The adventurer who separated the magic thread and became self-conscious flew at that speed. Evacuate before being struck by a storm. One of them falls free and disappears into a storm of weapons.


Seeing that one of my friends escaped in a sudden evasion and was swallowed by a storm of weapons, one of the remaining three screamed and made a sharp turn. I bypassed the weapon storm and made my way to Kite. To this, another speaks up.

"Ah, idiot! I'm not the one who can handle it alone!"


Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Against the adventurer, Kite manipulated the sickle to cut it up and obstructed his path. But here it is. The adventurer pushed head-on without any preoccupation.



This was a little unexpected. Kite frowned slightly at the adventurer who was still poking in after taking his slash straight in front of him. But this isn't a kite. Therefore, he immediately switches the big sickle to the small tantrum.


Catching hold of the sword rake unleashed from the upper stage, Kite projected the knife onto her free left hand. I threw a snap of my arm at the adventurer's face. However, the adventurer bounced off with one temper.


"Shit! It's not good for the rocks!"

Kite switched from a small sword to a knife and threw it at a series of blows unleashed with a rifting temper. It was a kite that threw knives continuously, but it was very impressive from the inside.

(I'll do it. Under normal circumstances, it would be a stone's throw to get back into position as my people say. but it was transparent)

Then there's only one thing we can do. Destroy each of them by daring to attack us. But this man read it and dared to attack Kite so that he would not be attacked on the contrary.

(Well... it's a little different from the timing of the work. This one has to be crushed.)

This man is likely to be a difficult opponent in future operations. Kite decides to crush this man here. Therefore, even though the knife was dexterously avoided with minimal movement, it ignored some damage and pushed in. We know we can get at Kite's pace if we don't get in.

(I think so....)

I left the trump card. Kite slightly moved her fingers as she watched the adventurer poking in. Then, when the adventurer reached the place where the slash could no longer be stopped, one of them disappeared into the storm of weapons.

"Ohhhh! What!?"

"Whether or not a companion is dead. I'll make sure that's all right."


Stay. I know I can't do anything physically. In such a state, the adventurer stops his own sword being wielded against his companions. And somehow, instead of trying to stop Kite from coming into contact with her, Kite was able to stop her secretly. But it's too impossible. Although the swords were held back, the rush couldn't be stopped.



At the same time, Kite unleashed her magic power with a relentless fist. The next moment they thought they would be drunk by the flash. In addition to the two of them, the remaining three disappeared.

”I just... wanted to crush it”

It would be enough to give you trauma.

That's not what I'm talking about, is it?

Kite sighed deeply as Levi's voice echoed. Apparently, she intervened when she saw that Kite could defeat her skill from the start.

If we wipe out five of our best, we're going to be tough. Since they are enemies, there will be no problem. "

”Oh no... it would be troublesome if I could put my eyes on it.”

”Don't worry. That guy won't stick into your opponent anymore. That's going to be a trauma."

"... well..."

Actually, there was a reason why Kite deliberately stopped the adventurer's sword. It is so as not to give him the trauma of having slaughtered his comrades, albeit in an exercise. This is an exercise only. It didn't make sense to lose power because of it.

Well... let's go back.

The shields and the horns drew enemies. This will buy us time to prepare and assess the situation. Kite decided so and returned to the flying boat, which had been moving back a little.

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