Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 2642: Joint Exercise - Power Reconnaissance -

A joint military exercise led by Emperor Leonhardt and Union adventurers. Also, as Lord McDowell, Kite, who joined the Adventure Department as an Alliance Master, defeated the attacks by the adventurers who had invaded as an Alliance Master in the Adventure Department for the time being, and this time, as Lord McDowell, we decided to put pressure on the capture maneuvers of the Lords and forcefully advance the maneuvers.

Therefore, due to pressure from the McDowell family, the fleet of the Lords will launch a heavy strike, and the McDowell family will be supported by the Alda Magic Squad as support. Keitu decided to secretly accompany the < > to such a magic unit.

Master. You have completed the powerful scouting unit formation by each of the lords. and invade in line with us. "

"Alright... Al, you're in the front row." Can you go? "

Of course

"Good...... Reil supported me." Don't let the plane intercept Al and get close to him... Aigis, tell the others to leave the two of them at the front line and save their strength. Anyway, if I went in to the inside of the crane wings, I would have no power left. This time, it was an assault, but I had a strong interest in confirming how the opponent came out. I think retreat is a must. "

Roger that.


Reil and Aigis agreed to Kite's instructions. That's why the Magic Squadron joins the fleet of Flying Fleets of Lords in formation near the front line.


Of course, we can see this movement from the other side. Kite watches the fleet of flying boats formed by the Magic Squadron and the lords form a formation, and asks how they are going to get out. In addition, he will not fight against small flying boats or large magic armor that will come out to intercept from the opponent. The flying boat was supposed to be fought by magic machines, and that's why we had a magic squad.

(Currently, about 80% of the mines are removed... 70% of the launch of the flying boat on the other side... If you're the two oldest dukes, is your chain of command solid?

This may be the difference between new and old entrants. Kite may seem to be moving faster than our faction, but I think so as we look at the defending fleet.

Some aristocrats value history. Historically, the Blanchettes and the McDowells were newcomers to the war 300 years ago. There was no such thing as being slightly licked. Of course, no one would put anything like that on the table, but it was.

(Well, if it's good... it's better for Heisenberg's grandfather to tickle me, and the worst thing for Aura to do is to put pressure on my hands.)

Aura is the grandson of Hermes, the first Chancellor and praised as a wise man. Well, Kite says so, but he's adopted. After all, Aura is superior, and although it has been said before, the chief of the Freudian family is Aura.

No nobility, but letting her down was ultimately an act of mud on the face of the first king, Ixfoss. It was also a good idea to apply pressure from that point. Nevertheless, such things are later. For now, Keitaro was reconsidering that it was an assault operation. And so, Al gets a report from him.

Kite, the fleets of the lords are ready. We can go, too. "

"Alright... I'm hiding in a group of adventurers." Please treat it as if it wasn't there. "

Roger that... okay, let's go.

Al, nodding to Kite's instructions, nodded one by one, as he told himself. As he moves, so will the fleets of his lords. Dressed as an adventurer accompanying him, Kite began to move again.

"Now, how do I get out..."

Kite will keep an eye on the defending flying fleet as they focus their artillery fire in response to our invasion. This magic cannon storm could be a fake. It was necessary to keep an eye on the whole.

Al, how about a drain on magic power?

I can still go enough. It's pretty stiff, this equipment. "

"In addition to not having to focus on maintaining the procedure, the sensor automatically determines the optimal defense." Easy, yet capable of high performance defense. I have to install sensors for that, so the attack surface will be drastically reduced. "

It was Al's current magic machine, but a huge external part was attached to the shoulder. This serves as a deployment device for the Sensor Barrier, and Al's defense was automatic to a certain extent by simply applying magic power to it.

Kite did this test, too?

"Either way, they got hit by the attackers." Seriously, there's been a lot of sorcery. If it helps, I'm glad. "

”Ah, ahh... yes. It's useful...”

As usual, it seems that Kite was allowed to take part in an attacking test this time. Well, there are very few people with as many talents as he does. Perhaps it will be of some use in trying out defensive weaponry and gathering data.

That said, the defensive armor we borrowed up to Kite was effective enough. Al has almost no burden and prevents almost all attacks. With that in mind, Kite enters the enemy space as one of the adventurers in the guards.

(It's about time you understood that Al's magic weaponry can't be broken... but then an adventurer will come out again...)

A large magic armor came out to launch a melee attack. Kite anticipates the next two developments. We will not be able to break through Al's defenses, and we will be dealing with an unharmed fleet.

And at zero distance, the defense was afraid of accidental fire and could not support it. The difficulty with the Crane Wings formation was that if they were not well arranged, they would accidentally fire at their allies. It was also the liver of conquest to make good use of it and conquer it. And Kite's eyes, which were slightly behind him to grasp the whole thing, gauged the movement of the next defense.

"Al, the large enemy is on the move. You don't have to deal with it."

Roger that. We'll continue to defend the fleet.

"Do it... Reel. The enemy is taking melee. Intercept them."

Copy that. All units, take the signal from the observation machine. Melee Preparation


On Kite's command, Reel contacts the Magic Squad to prepare for battle. At the same time, a large army of magic armor was launched from the defending city.

Each ship keep moving forward! Leave the large magic armor to the McDowells!

The commander of the flying boat fleet flies with the magic machine and large magic armor as the battle begins. The fleet of flying boats is still intact. I wanted to break through as far as I could and extract as much information as I could.


Now you can push it further. Kaito nodded with satisfaction at the fact that the Magic Battlegroup had been able to achieve enough results by taking advantage of the fact that the performance of the few was different. This was a fleet of skyscrapers that were advancing sideways through the battle between the magic machine and the large magic armor, but when they reached this point, they must have assumed the next stage as well. The next arrow was going to be released immediately.

"The adventurers and the magic armor regiment with the flying planes... Al, you keep going." Whoever attaches to you will be intercepted. "


I had to stay active to the point where I wasn't told anything later. Kite pretends to be the body that Al is supporting as a secondment destination, and strikes a storm of weapons of restraint at the warriors wearing magic armor with flying planes. Then, the adventurers on the attacking side intercepted the adventurers who had also spawned, and the composition was quickly completed.

(Now, we've built the foundation... how do we get out?)

Kite sees the next move as she watches the powerful scouting squadron of the attacking faction approaching and the fleet of flying ships of the < > Taiyuan Daifeng [Bird in the Sky] >.

As a matter of fact, I wasn't sure what kind of weaponry the < > had. Because Enesia is not the axis of the activities of the < >.

(What kind of weapons are there and what tactics to take...... I can't go ahead without knowing it)

Perhaps Levi and the others have grasped that they are here. Knowing that Kite would say, "Don't cut the last trump card", she made an effort to gather information. It was a powerful scout force, but the defense was still strong enough. It will stop at a boulder when it enters the range of the city's defensive weapons.

Kite. I don't think we can do this anymore. The firepower is too high to prevent it. ”

"I guess... good. Report to the Commander-in-Chief of the Power Reconnaissance Unit. Stay here and report as if you were collecting information."

Roger that...

At Kite's behest, Al reports to the Chief of the Power Reconnaissance Unit. In the first place, the purpose of this time is to show each country its intention to gather information and attack. Therefore, the fleet side of the flying boat agrees to Al's report and decides to collect the information here. It was a fleet of flying boats that stayed behind and began engaging, but Levi nodded.

"Hmm... Lord Heisenberg"

What is it?

It looks like a troublesome guy is getting in here after all.

”Don't you see... I'm not going to snatch information even if I'm not?”

Lord Heisenberg laughs as Levi captures Kite in a similarly enlarged video. Together with him, we know that Kite's purpose is to gather information. But even if I knew, I didn't want to be able to do anything.

"I guess... he'll be a pain in the ass when he comes to us."

I've grown too much

"... I think you should give me one piece of information and quickly ask for it."

”That's right... if you don't, you won't be able to pull it off, and if you don't get it, let's keep the damage to a minimum.”

"Above all, the magic army is troublesome." If we continue, our large fleet will be eaten up, and our fleets will be scattered around. You'd better retreat quickly. "

[Farewell...] < < Contact Daifeng [Bird in the Sky] > >. Tell them to intercept me. "

Apparently, it wasn't a good idea to let any more powerful scouts from the offensive side stay inside and increase the damage. Duke Heisenberg requests an intercept to < >, which sees the powerful scout force in front of him. In response, Awis, who led the < >, immediately agreed.

"Commander! Lord Heisenberg has requested it!" Exactly as expected! ”

"Oh, you're here!" Let's get you ready! "

Hey! The output is stable! It's a giant Kamase!

Apparently, Awis and the others had read that this would happen. After all, they weren't the tip of the Eight Guilds either. Therefore, it seems that they were almost ready. Soon, we'll be able to see the preparations for an intercept from around us.

"Oh? This is... again..."

Looks like you've got something terrible with you. Kite opens the deck of a flying boat that would be the flagship of the < >, and half a smile pulls her cheeks in spite of the massive magic cannon that emerges from the back. And Kite made an instant decision on the concentration of magic power that converged.

"Ah, this is no good... Al!" I'll support the barrier! Tell the flying boat to evacuate immediately! "

Yo, got it!

Apparently, Al also understood that this was a bad idea. He firmly anchors the Magic Machine to the void, increasing the strength of the front barrier to its maximum. And over his shoulder, a kite landed. The strength of the barrier was raised from the outside with his hand against the attached defensive weaponry. Shortly thereafter, a dozen seconds after Lord Heisenberg's request. < > 's flagship super-massive magic cannon hit.


Quickly unfolding, Kite looks at the main cannon in the < >. At least a dozen seconds later, I hope there will be room, but I will immediately switch to the corner and praise of the Eight. But it was only after this that he was really surprised.

Preventing a single hit, Kite and Al saw the main gun of the < >.

"Shots fired!? This is no good!" Al! You stay here and the fleets and magic units behind you retreat immediately! If you were to be fired at with this power, you wouldn't be able to hit me now! "

Kite was able to find out, but the main gun of the < > was too powerful for a D-Class Battleship to withstand. If I were an adventurer, it would be a blow worth rank A.

This is amazing enough with the main gun of a flying boat, but above all, if you can fire with it, you can't imagine how much you can do with all of it in a single shot. So Kite stayed there with Al, and for the time being, she bought time to retreat.

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